Sunday, March 21, 2021

Diabetes Natural Remedy

 How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

Is it Possible to Naturally End Diabetes?

Julie from upstate New York discovered that the water cures is a Diabetes Natural Remedy. She started the water cures protocol a few weeks before contacting us and sharing her story. She tells how the water cures protocol turned out to be a diabetes natural remedy for her. Here is her story.

It should be noted that there are a few ways to end type II diabetes including changing the diet. This is just one of many stories.

Julie's Diabetes Natural Remedy Story

A diabetic, in spite all she did, Julie's blood sugars were not under control. She knew that her next visit to the doctor would result in prescription medication to manage her blood sugar. She was aware that a life of medications begets even more medications.

Prior to this, her blood sugar was in the 170's to 180's and twice it went over 200.

She had tried everything to get the blood sugars down. Strict dieting and carefully watching what she ate, nothing would bring her numbers down. Even when she cut all carbohydrates from her diet, there was still no change. She did not know what to do or where to turn to avoid the inevitable.

Then she remembered a book she had obtained four years earlier. The book sat on her shelf but was not used. It was Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, Your Bodies Many Cries for Water. The thought occurred to her to check it out once again.

Now, using the salt and water as prescribed, she also takes orange juice as well as an occasional bagel with butter and jelly. If there is a need for energy, she has some Haagen Dazs Ice Cream.

The variety of foods she can eat include baked beans, potatoes, fruit, and things that she previously would have avoided. After two weeks on the water cures protocols, her blood sugar readings are 125,120, 116, 112.

She says, "I am not all done yet. I have a way to go to get my body healthy. But I can see I am getting there one day at a time."

For those who are resistant to change, let alone the desire to try something new, you should know that Julie is 69 years old. It was not easy but she did it. Can you try it too?

All too often, people will say, they have tried everything. Yet the truth is, they have not tried everything. Every month there is a new diabetes natural remedy or a different alternative medicine for diabetes that pops up.

The Water Cures has been around for decades. If the foundations that look for cures truly wanted to find a cure, why have they not done clinical trials of the Water Cures. The answer is simple, follow the money.

The few who do not give up searching, eventually find what Julie did, answers. We do not profit , monetary,  from sharing this information. There is nothing in it for us, well, except helping our fellow man and woman. Although it may not work for everyone, it has helped so many, we would like to know if it will work for you. Please share your experience.

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