Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Final Warning 1

 I’ve  attached the  slides  of the  keynote  that  I  held  yesterday  at  the  Vaccine  Summit in Ohio  (“Why  should current Covid-19  vaccines  not  be  used for  mass  vaccination  during  a  pandemic?”).  Please  do  have  a look at  them. The  bottom-line  is  that  I don’t  see  how  mass  vaccination  campaigns  would  not  lead  to  a disastrous  aggravation  of the  Covid-19  pandemic. However,  no  one  else  seems  to  realize;  instead, vaccinologists, clinicians  and  scientists are  merely  focusing  on  the  (positive)  short-term  results  and impact  at  an  individual  level.  Nobody  seems to  be  looking  at  the  consequences  and  risk  at  a  human population  level  (which, according  to  my  understanding, will  become  manifest  quite  soon).   Why  is nobody  worried about  ‘immune  escape’  whereas  Covid-19  has  already  escaped  people’s innate immunity  as  reflected  by  multiple emerging,  much  more  infectious,  viral  variants  (most  likely  due  to  the global implementation  of infection  prevention  measures)?  Vaccine  deployment  in  the  ongoing  mass immunization  campaigns  are  highly  likely  to  further  enhance  (adaptive)  immune  escape  as none  of the current  vaccines  will  prevent  replication/  transmission  of  viral  variants.  The  more  we  use  these  vaccines for immunizing  people in  the  midst  of  a  pandemic,  the  more  infectious  the  virus  will become. With increasing  infectiousness  comes  an  increased likelihood  of  viral  resistance  to  the  vaccines.  It's not  exactly rocket  science, it’s  a  basic  principle  taught  in  a  student’s  first  vaccinology  class:  One  shouldn’t  use  a prophylactic  vaccine  in  populations  exposed to  high  infectious pressure  (which  is  now  certainly  the  case as  multiple  highly  infectious variants  are  currently  circulating  in  many  parts  of  the world).  To  fully  escape selective  immune  pressure  exerted by  vaccinal antibodies, Covid-19,  a  highly  mutable  virus,  only  needs to  add  another  few  mutations in its  receptor-binding  domain  … I am  beyond  worried about  the  disastrous impact  this  would  have  on  our human  ‘race’. Not  only  would people lose  vaccine-mediated protection  but  also  their  precious,  variant-nonspecific  (!),  innate  immunity will  be  gone  (this is  because  vaccinal antibodies  outcompete  natural antibodies  for binding  to  Covid-19, even  when  their  affinity  for  the  viral  variant  is  relatively  low). I’ve  alerted  all responsible  health  and  regulatory  authorities, including  WHO,  CDC, FDA  etc.  and  have asked  to  consider  my  concern and  to  immediately  open the  discussion  about  the disastrous consequences  any  further  immune  escape  of Covid-19  would  have.   I  know,  of course,  that  current  mass  vaccination  campaigns enjoy  vigorous and  world-wide support  from a multitude  of  different  parties/  stakeholders. However, unless  I am  proven wrong, this cannot  be  an excuse  for  ignoring  that  mankind  may  currently  be  transforming  a  quite  harmless  virus into  an uncontrollable  monster.  I’ve  never  been that  serious about  a  statement I  made. 

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