Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Shake Your Groove Thing

 Remember when you were a kid and your biggest worry was, like, if you'd get a bike for your birthday, or if you get to eat cookies for breakfast. Being an adult? Totally overrated.

I mean, seriously, don't be fooled by all the hot shoes and the great s*x and the no parents anywhere telling you to do. Adulthood is responsibility.

The lawyer has been managing the estate with a limited power of attorney, but your mother's Alzheimer's is advancing. So, while she's still lucid enough to consent, she needs to sign everything over to you. 


Responsibility, it really does suck.

Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or the attorney...? I mean, do I really have to be the one to handle this?

We're talking about her estate, her finances, her medical care. You really want to leave her life in someone else's hands? She's your mother. 

Really, really sucks.

Adults have to be places and do things and earn a living and pay the rent. And if you're training to be a surgeon, holding a human heart in your hands... Hello! Talk about responsibility.

Kinda makes bikes and cookies look really really good, doesn't it?

The scariest part about responsibility: when you screw up and let it slip right through your fingers.

Responsibility. It really does suck.

Unfortunately, once you get past the age of braces and training bras, responsibility doesn't go away.

It can't be avoided.

Either someone makes us face it, or we suffer the consequences.

And still, adulthood has its perks.

I mean the shoes, the sex, the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. That's pretty damn good.

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