Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Creating an Effective Affirmation

 Guidelines for Creating an Effective Affirmation 

Keep these in mind to make your affirmations effective in maintaining positivity and consistency with what you want to do and the person you want to be. 

1. Start with “I am” 

“I am” is the most powerful statement you can make because your mind interprets it as a command to make it a reality. You can use another word after “I” as long as it is still a command. 

2. Use the present tense. 

Talk about what you want or who you’d like to be as if you’ve already accomplished it. This will trigger the emotions of happiness and you will feel more motivated to work towards  achieving  it. 

Wrong:  I am going to deeply love and accept myself. 

Right:  I deeply love and accept myself. 

3. Keep it positive and neutralize all negative thoughts. 

The Law of Expression says that, “Whatever is expressed, is impressed.” Whatever you say to yourself is impressed more deeply into your subconscious mind. Resolve to be cheerful and pleasant, and use every temptation to respond negatively as an opportunity to grow stronger by using your daily affirmations in a positive way.

 Wrong:  I will stop making excuses. Right:  I can do anything I put my mind to. 

4.  Keep it short. 

Your affirmation needs to be memorable enough to be  easily remembered and repeated like a mantra.

5. Make your affirmation emotional.

 Your affirmations determine the tone of your emotional life. It’s important to include what you want to feel either about yourself, your situation, or those around you. Your mind will easily trigger on those emotions.

 Wrong: I am a goal-achiever. 

Right: I am inspired to reach my goals.

 6. Make affirmations for yourself, not others. 

Remember, the only person you can control is yourself. So describe your actions and feelings, not how you want others to feel or act. 

Wrong: My family is happy. 

Right: I am happy with my family.


7. Keep your thoughts on your goals and dreams. 

Keep your affirmations on the person you’re working toward becoming and the things that you are striving for. When things go wrong temporarily, respond by saying to yourself, “I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.” 

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