Friday, June 25, 2021

Chinese medicine terms


Chángjiàn zhōng yīxué shùyǔ jíjǐn 

A collection of common Chinese medicine terms

中医学, Zhōng yīxué,TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine),

中医学理论体系的形成, Zhōng yīxué lǐlùn tǐxì de xíngchéng (The formation of the theoretical system of Chinese medicine); Origination of TCM, 形成Xíngchéng, (form), formation, 发展development


The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory

整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment

阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性 the property of yin-yang

阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang

阴阳对立制约 Opposition of yin and yang

阴阳互根互用 Interdependence between yin and yang

阴阳消长平衡 Wane and Wax between yin and yang

阴阳相互转化 Mutual transformation between yin and yang

阴阳学说在中医学中的应用The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM

说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body

解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body

阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis

阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang

阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang

阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin

阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang

阳偏衰Relative decline of yang

阴偏衰Relative decline of yin

五行the five elements,

五行特性the five elements property

藏象“Zangxiang” ,

五脏five Zang-organs, 六腑six fu-organs,生理功能the physiological functions ,

气qi, 血blood , 津液body fluid,

气的生成、运动和分类the production ,moving and classification of qi,

血的生成和运行the production and circulation of blood

津液的生成、输布和排泄the production and transportation and metabolism of body fluid.

气、血、津液的功能The physiological functions of qi, blood and body fluid

心The heart,

主血脉Governing blood

主神志controlling the mind

在体合脉governs the vessels

开窍于舌opens into the tongue

其华在面External manifestation on the face

肝 The liver,

主疏泄 To dredge and regulate, 主藏血Storing blood

在体合筋The liver governing the tendons

其华在爪The external manifestation of the liver on the nails

开窍于目The liver opening into the eyes

脾 the spleen,

主运化 To govern the transportation and transformation

主统血 To command blood, 主升elevating

在体合肌肉,主四肢the spleen governing the muscles and the four limbs

开窍于口The spleen opening into the mouth

其华在唇The external manifestation on the lip

肺 The lung,

主气,司呼吸Dominating qi,controlling the respiratory movement

主宣发、肃降dispersing and descending

通调水道The regulation of water passage

朝百脉、主治节‘the lung is connected with all the vessels, regulation the qi activity in the whole body

在体合皮the lung governing the skin

其华在毛Eexternal manifestation on the body hair

开窍于鼻The lung opening into the nose

肾The kidney,

藏精 store essence, 主水 To govern water, 主纳气 To govern reception of qi

在体合骨The kidney governing the bones

开窍于耳及二阴The kidney opening into the ears, the external genitals and the anus

其华在发External manifestation on the hair

胆The gallbladder, 贮藏和排泄胆汁 store and excrete the bile

胃The stomach, 受纳、腐熟水谷 receive and digest food

主通降 ‘the stomach functions to descend’,‘unobstructed condition

小肠The small intestine, 受盛化物To receive the chime and transform

泌别清浊 To separate the lucid from the turbid

大肠The large intestine, 主传化糟粕transmitting and excreting the waste of food

膀胱The bladder , storing and discharging urine

气的生成The production of qi

气的运动 The moving of qi

气的功能The physiological functions of qi

推动作用Propelling function

温煦作用Warming function

防御作用 Protecting and defencive function

固摄作用 Fixating function

气化作用 Qi-transforming function

元气 primordial qi, 宗气 pectoral qi, 营气 nutrient-qi, 卫气 defensive qi

病因 Causes of disease

病因的概念及分类concept, classification of causes of disease.

六淫的概念concept of six pathogenic factors;,,

六淫致病的共同特点the general pathogenic characters of six pathogenic factors;

六淫各自的性质与致病特点nature, pathogenic characters and main clinic manifestations of every six pathogenic factors(including wind, cold,Summer-heat,Dampness,Dryness,Heat (fire))


其性开泄,易袭阳位Wind tend to float, disperse, go upward attack the upper and outside parts

风性善行而数变wind tends to move and change

风为百病之长,易夹杂其他外感之邪Wind tends to be complicated by other pathogenic factors


易伤阳气Cold tends to impair yang

寒性凝滞Cold tends to coagulate

寒性收引Cold tends to contract


其性炎热Summer-heat is hot

暑性升散,耗气伤津Summer-heat tends to disperse and elevate,consume the qi and body fluid

暑多夹湿Summer-heat often complicated by dampness

湿 Dampness

湿性重浊dampness is heavy and turbid

湿易阻遏气机dampness tends to block qi

湿性黏滞dampness is sticky and stagnant

湿性趋下, 易袭阴位dampness tends to move downward,attack the lower and inside parts

燥 Dryness

燥易伤津Dryness consume the body fluid

燥性干涩Dryness is xerotic and unsmooth

燥易伤肺Dryness tends to impair the lung

火 Heat (fire)

其性炎上Heat(fire) tends to flame up

易伤津耗气Heat(fire) tends to consume qi and impair body fluid

易生风动血Heat(fire) tends to produce wind and disturb blood

易致肿疡Heat(fire) tends to cause swelling and ulceration

七情内伤的概念、The concept of internal impairment due to the seven emotions,

七情致病的特点the pathogenic characters of the seven emotions

痰饮、瘀血的概念、形成及致病特点The basic concept, the formation and the pathogenic characteristics of phlegm ,rheum and blood stasis

痰饮phlegm ,rheum 瘀血blood stasis

发病的基本原理The pathogenesis of occurrence of disease in TCM

病机的概念,The concept of mechanism of pathological changes;

病机the mechanism of pathological changes;

邪正盛衰predomination and decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi;

阴阳失调imbalance between yin and yang;

气血津液失常disorder of qi, blood and body fluid.

中医诊法The concept of the TCM diagnostic methods

中医诊断的理论依据the theory foundation of the TCM diagnostic methods.

望神Inspection of spirit, 望色Inspection of complexion, 望排出物Inspection of excreta ,望舌Inspection of tongue,

Existence of spirit (得神),Lack of spirit(少神),Loss of spirit (失神)

False spirit(假神)

Normal complexion 常色

Morbid complexion 病色

Red colour ,White colour ,Yellow colour, Bluish colour,Blackish colour

临床意义clinical significance ;

望舌的方法Methods for inspection of tongue

问诊inquiry, 主诉chief complaint, 病史history of present illness

问现在症inquiry of the present symptoms

Aversion to cold and fever(恶寒发热)

Cold sensation without fever(但寒不热)

Fever without cold sensation(但热不寒)

Alternate cold and fever(寒热往来)

诊脉的部位与方法The Regions and methods for taking pulse

脉诊taking pulse, 正常脉象normal pulse


cun(寸), guan(关),chi(尺).

辨证的概念The concept of differentiation of syndrome

表里辨证External and internal differentiation of syndromes,

表证External syndromes,

里证internal syndromes,

寒热辨证cold and heat differentiation of syndromes,

寒证cold f syndromes,

热证heat syndromes,

虚实辨证asthenia and sthenia differentiation of Syndromes,

虚证asthenia Syndromes,

实证sthenia Syndromes,

临床特点clinical character and difference.

八纲辨证Syndromes differentiation with eight principles

气血津液辨证syndrome differentiation with qi, blood and body fluid,

治则therapeutic principles , 治法therapeutic methods

正治Routine treatment , 反治Contrary treatment,

治本treat “ben”(deal with the root cause)

治标Treating biao(acute symptoms bring on great suffering to the patients, or threaten life or tend to transmit and change) in emergency ,

扶正与祛邪Strengthening healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors,

调整阴阳Regulation of yin and yang,

三因制宜Abidance by individuality, locality and seasons.

中药Chinese Medicinal Herbs

四气four properties、五味five flavors、升降浮沉the action of lifting, lowering, floating and sinking,、归经channel tropism、毒性toxicity

中药的配伍、用药禁忌Contraindication and Compatibility of Chinese Medicinal Herbs

中药的剂量Dosage of Chinese Medicinal Herbs

方剂的组成原则The principle of the composition of prescriptions,

组成变化the modification of the composition of a prescription.

方剂的组成、用法、功效、临床应用、方解: Ingredients, administration, function,clinical application and elucidation of the prescriptions

经络the meridians;十二经脉twelve regular meridians

十二经脉走向与交接规律direction, joint law of the twelve channels、

十二经脉循行分布规律distributing law of the twelve channels ,

十二经脉表里络属关系exterior-interior relationship of the twelve channels ,

十二经脉流注方向和次序等flowing direction and order of the twelve channels;

刺法(针法)Acupuncture techniques; 进针Needling methods (insertion methods, Needling manipulation methods)

得气arrival of Qi

针刺意外和防治处理Management of possible accidents (emphasize 晕针fainting)



the points (definition, classification, location method, function)

腧穴的定位 、Shùxué de dìngwèi, (Positioning of acupoints)

归经、Guī jīng, (Return to sutra)

基本主治功能 , 

Jīběn zhǔzhì gōngnéng, 

(Basic attending functions)

location, channel tropism and the basic special treatment function​​​​


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