Wednesday, June 23, 2021

What do you say?

I want to run away and I'm traveling to London. What shall I bring? You cannot change my mind. I'm 14, what should I do? 


John Williamsonlived in London:

Make sure you buy a return ticket.

London is not a good place to spend even a few hours on your own with no booked accommodation, especially if you are not a fit, fully aware adult. There are many people there you do not want to meet. Go to sleep when not in a hotel, and your rucksack and all your possessions will go missing within minutes, as well as most of the contents of your pockets. Even hostels are not safe places to sleep. If you are lucky, you will wake up without any injuries. If you are really unlucky, you may not wake up.

Travel there, have a look round, then go back to your home town and speak to social services about your domestic situation if that is the reason you want to leave. Childline are anonymous and helpful according to reports I’ve seen. They are free to call from any phone, including call boxes, if you are worried about your family seeing a record of the call on any cellphone you may have or use. 0800 1111.

Mark Tebbit: November 5, 2020:

Whatever your situation, stay put. Don’t come to London. It is as dangerous a place for youngsters as it has ever been. If you really have to leave, try somewhere else, a smaller town. 

M Smith, January 28

Agreed. If you're born and grow up in London, the rougher parts at least, you walk with your head on a swivel, just as part of your nature. If you're not used to being among predators with a smile on their face, then you're best to go somewhere else. Sheffield is a far more pleasant city and you'll get better facilities, as well as being housed a lot quicker, and in a much safer area.

If you do find permanent housing in London, it'll be once you're 16. At 14 you'll be picked up by the police and returned to your parents. Unless there's a case for abuse, in which case you'd go to foster care until you're 16. There's no running away and living happily ever after anymore. If you're alone on the streets you'll be picked up by worse than the police, no matter how careful you think you're being. You can't stay awake 24 hours a day and there's nowhere safe to sleep that isn't already in use.

If you're a victim of abuse at home, or by a relative, then get the police involved. Any other reason for running away is less bad than what you'll be walking into. You cannot trust anyone on the streets. If someone offers you a bed, or a shower, they want something for it. If someone offers you food, drink, drugs, protection, they want something for it. You'll have nothing to trade, but yourself and your soul. So whatever is going on at home, that makes life tough to get through, you have to face it or avoid it. Running away is going to land you up ten times worse off, and that's if you're lucky, and you go somewhere a lot more friendly than London.

 Stewart, December 6, 2020:…… Well, safe to say this is a bit of a fucked up one, right, I'm going to speak to you on the level, I won't mince my words either yeah?

So listen, real talk, you don't want no parts of this city.

If you dead set on doing something that drastic, I suggest you find a shelter for kids, speak to thM before hand, make sure that when you land you have somewhere to go, kids go missing on this city every single day, so make sure you got your shit in check before you even think about leaving. You don't want to be sold into slavery, or have your organs harvested to be sold either, you get me.

Again, you don't want no parts of this city, this ain't no place for a child to be alone, I've lived in this city a looooong time. We paint it to be great, but that's mainly because we survived it, if I told you some of the wild shit we went through, how many friends me and the boys have lost. Just sort your shit out man, serious.

Also, I hope you don't think by you coming here you're going to somehow become famous, CA that shit ain't gonna happen.

Joseph Lees, April 5: One place you dont want to run away to is london, it is just fucking awful.

Aside from being impossible to live in unless you earn a ridiculous salary and its insanely high crime rate, it is simply a huge city full of arrogant tossers who have no manners or time for anyone other than themselves and t … themselves and the daily rat race they live in, truly a dirty scummy cesspool of a city that they pretend is great.

If you have no other option but to run away (there must be at least some) come up north, the further the better. Cumbria is a virtually unknown and very unspoilt beautifull county with practically no crime (becuase theres nothing here but mountains and fields) and one beautifull town and village after another. Perfect place to go under the radar.

Fuck london. I'd rather live in somalia (no offence to somalia) your more likely to find manners at least there.

Linda Carr: I agree with you - and I live in London unfortunately!

Joseph Lees, May 27: Move up north linda 😅 its not as grim as the legend goes! 

Marco Giardino, November 13, 2020: Bring your parents. You won’t get past customs alone at age 14. 

Trenton Knight, May 12: The world is going to eat you alive if you try to run away from home when you’re just 14. Hell the world will eat 20-year-olds alive, and often does. You have utterly *ZERO* chance here. The original answer is 100% on the mark and you should listen to that advice. 

Darren Ingall, November 23, 2020: First make a quick phone call to an organisation who have nothing to gain but to help youngsters. A lot of us have been 14 and thought life greener on the other side. Childline 08001111 advice inspired by my own experiences. 

Kathy Taylor, May 12: Reading all the comments, I had no idea London was so bad. I’m from New York and I wouldn’t dare sleep out on the streets Period but from what you all are saying about London, I think I’d rather live on the streets of New York City!!

I’ve been to London and it truly look beautiful, busy like New York City but only cleaner. I’m shocked that it’s so unsafe. I’m not saying for a 14-year-old. The world is unsafe for a 14-year-old alone at night. I was just commenting in general. 

John Williamson, May 12: While London is not the safest place in the UK, and is not a place anyone wants to sleep on the streets, I would far rather try it there than in New York.

For a start, there are very few nutters with guns wandering round London. 

Georgia Cohen,Tuesday: that you can see! Many Londoners carry illegal concealed weapons. 

Colleen Em, April 2 : IF YOU FEEL YOUR SITUATION NOW IS SO BAD THAT YOU CAN’T STAY, CONTACT CHILDLINE - 0800 1111. There are many places you can stay as an older teenager, but at your age most places would have to contact the police. So then you would have to live rough, with bad weather on the way it’s not a good time to leave now. London is not a safe place to be on your own in, there are far too many people on the look out for youngsters like you, it’s also very expensive so you will need money before you go. Even £1000 won’t last any time at all. Before you leave get yourself organised, you need a proper plan. 

Mitja Mackenzie, December 4, 2020: I can relate to wanting to run away from problems, but you’ll have to face your problems one day or another. Flying to London won’t make your problems any easier, unfortunately, it’ll just postpone them. On top of that flying to London will only make your problems bigger. I’m only 12 years old so I don’t know much, but depending on your reason you should probably talk to someone (it can be anyone as long as you can trust them) about your problems. 

Elcuh Chuba, December 28: I'm 16 and you got better grammar than me. 

Corina S, May 9: Hey at least you spelled grammar right 🤣.

John Ray Doe, May 4: I'm turning 18 in a few months and I just wanna say same. LMAO. ( Lmao stands for laughing my ass off.)

Hazel McKernan, May 2:

Better still, don’t run off while still so young.

A. you can’t get employment until 16–18 so you'll have no way of supporting yourself.

B. You’re a young, vulnerable person and will be easily exploited for sex, drugs and crime.

London is a really hard place as I lived there for some years and experienced it myself even as a working adult so don’t even go down the running away road.

Contact social services or Childline as previously mentioned and go with that. 

Jean Simmons, December 30: My advice to you weather or not you want to take is Stay where you are. London is not the place for any 14 year old to want to run away to. Even before Covid it was not safe. Older than you have regretted it. Whatever your problems are at home try & sort them out. As the saying goes “ The grass is not always greener on the other side “. Think about it.🤔 

Hollie Kendall, May 5: Or, if you're absolutely dead-set on living in London, make sure you have someone you know well who you can stay with, such as a friend you've known for years or a family member. London is not only a dangerous place to live but it is also extremely expensive, so you would struggle to live somewhere if you had to pay rent without getting a job, and at the age of 14, it's highly unlikely that you would be able to get a job at all, let alone a well paying one. 

Tina George, May 12: Look, I can see that you've said you've lived in London previously so assume you know your way around where you used to live and probably have some friends there but have a really hard think about this. Call a childline to have a chat as you're obviously unhappy where you have moved to but don't do anything rash as 14 is a really young age and I'm certain that you won't be aware of the level of low-lives that will prey on younger, less experienced people. They will pretend to be your friends but have an ulterior motive and get you involved in stuff you shouldn't be doing at the start of your life. I work in london and have seen the state of the people sleeping rough. Also I have encountered some people who are homeless and been lucky to find a secret living space. I say secret because other homeless people will beat them up to take that safe space from them to make it theirs. They beg for change to buy food and toiletries. But once you start begging, that is when the evil people will see you and fool you into slavery, drug dealing and crime - for their benefit, not yours. At that point you are trapped. Your life is no longer yours and if you try to leave them they will probably harm or kill you.

If, after having a chat with childline, you are still determined to go, ensure you go straight to Centrepoint. Do not pass go. Do not collect £500, as they say in Monopoly. They will help you and keep you safe. If they tell you to go home, listen to them as they would prefer to keep you safe than shack you up with older people who are alcoholics or druggies - who will try to encourage you to do these things too. Fun at the time but will get you into an instant downward spiral. Honestly, do not take drugs from ANYONE. You cannot be sure what anyone is saying is correct and what they might be used to putting in their bodies can kill someone who is not used to it. Please, please be safe. 

Sakshi Badekar, November 11, 2020: I dont know how much helpfull my advice would be not sure if you reading it right now or not but wherever you go first enroll your self into a school most probably earn and learn be as bright of a student as you could be make your parents proud dont act in a way that you regret your decision the world is very harsh but yes sooner or later you will have to face it but choose a safe country if you already have travelled enough you have experiance of the adventure and circumstances but why are you running is also a big question if you have any issues first sort them and then you can work hard to become independent all the best take care learn danceing or painting or any art. 

OS Brian, June 11: Well seeing as I can not change your mind I am not giving you advice on how to live in a dangerous situation. IF you live in an actual abusive situation, speak with a social worker or a police officer, etc. There is something I tell my boys all the time, the moment you stop listening is the moment you stop learning and what is worse that is the moment you stop growing, and when you reach that point no one can teach you because you refuse to listen and that is just as dangerous as anything. 

Jonny Sculls, May 13: Unfortunately, now is not the time to travel BUT, when the world starts to open up, youth hostels are the best. They're cheap and fun. You meet great people and find pretty good work opportunities through the as well. Most (if not all) of the are closed due to the pandemic but like I said, when the world opens up again, that's the way to travel when you're young. 

Shru - Berry, April 28: I have personally never been to London, but there are a lot of people you do not want to meet. Especially since your 14, the police are most likely going to bring you back to your original home because you are young. If you're going to run away, go to a pleasant city or place so that you're safe. Take your clothes, food, phone, whatever is important. Make sure to bring a bag! 

Riley Piers, November 28, 2020: Ok, so truth be told, there is a 5% chance that you will actually run away . And another 3% of making it to London . But good luck and bring money. 

Khubaib Ali Gardazi, December 23: Xd… u have said soo right. 

Joan Dougan, May 14: Child trafficking is a real thing. My friend's daughter tried a variation of this. Luckily, border patrol caught her and sent her back. Look for a better option. 

Tony Emery, May 16: Kings Cross Station was a favourite place for runaways to arrive at, n a friendly man or woman would approach you with an offer of a safe place to sleep at…

Debbie Samuel, November 7, 2020: Please don't do it. Running away isn't the answer. There are lots of organisations that can help especially as you are so young. Call childline, the YMCA, the nspcc or the citizens advice bureau. Lots of people are out there to help you. Your GP can also provide advice. They are not just there for colds, etc. Reach out please. 

Jerry Adams, June 17: Stay the hell home. You're 14 years old. If you're being abused or neglected, call for help. If you're just being a stupid rebellious teen, take it from someone who was in your shoes 15 years ago. Don't freaking do it. You'll ruin your life. 

Joseph Mostert, May 13: Just go home and rethink. 

Fred Taylor, 15h ago: Well, well, it’s great when you have that opportunity if you’re able to have it that way but keep in mind running away isn’t a solution. It’s adding to a problem that’s not solved, anyway do you think I could possibly go with you, I’d like to see if that’s the solution for myself.

Abella Scoch, November 8, 2020: you can come down here in Brighton Colorado. 

Dark Reaper, May 19: Dumb ass wanna leave his home, wow. 

Erica Connors, March 15: I slept hella rough in London in my youth, it hella suckkked. Boxing or Muay Thai club, train competitively. You will feel amazing and it could take you far. Gets a lot of anger and stress out too. 

Davina Horton, April 12: Why are you running? Find family members to help you. Talk to an adult you know and trust. 

Mizmo Mizz, May 10: Can you even run a mile and you want to run to London? Sit back down with your first World problems. 

Make sure to take $100 with you. But think again co'z you'll realize that $100 won’t fit for a year long. So you'll change your mind and just do it next time👌🏻👍🏻

Wtf the ‘upvoted' answer on this is ridiculous 😂 have you ever been to London? Hahahaha

Profile photo for Parmalee Paula Cover

Bring your grandmother

Please don’t run a way plz if you ever feel alone Jesus and god are always with you so don’t run a way plz something bad can heppan if u do

Profile photo for Julianna Schrader

lol I love the scare tactics you used. I wasn’t even planning on running away and this convinced me not to

Profile photo for Marcus Reissue

Go to military to see th world in a secure environment

Profile photo for Abdul Bah

All I gotta say is good luck trying to get there

Profile photo for Cierra Bandy

want to run away with me i live in the us?

Profile photo for Banana Split

Pepper spray or something, you won't be safe at night!

Profile photo for Elisabeth Stapleton

Bring your passport!

Profile photo for Marcus Reissue

Rain coat and boats

A phone and charger likeee to call friends

Is this real or just a conversation provoker ? If it is real, it is heartbreaking. Post again if you need a contact.

Profile photo for Nora Vasquez

So, did u run away?

Ok first duffel bag lots of room you can get a job there I think.. you can rent out a apartment if you have money so you should run away if you have at least 500$ if not you'll be living on the streets for a bit

Ahaha…yeah…sure !

Profile photo for Dhairya Kuchhal

dont run away from family….. best advice

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