Saturday, July 3, 2021

Part 4 : Human Body's Cries For Water

 A Letter 

From: Dean for Academic Affairs, The Learning Center.

Lourenes A. Meoos MD P.hD). 

(216) 5431

Date: 12-18-97.


To: Global Health Solution, Inc., 

P.O. Box 3189 

Falls Church, Va.22043.

 Attnt: The Honorable F. Batmanghelid, M.D.

 Gentlemen:  At 82 years of age I am still in fair shape and only regret I did not have the superb advice of Dr. Batmanghelid and that of his books, "Your Body's Many Cried for Water" and "How To Deal With Back Pain". 

Dr. Batman's reasoning is incisive, his medical knowledge ... and brilliant logic. His books are now... . Dr. Batman's books are full of common sense and truthful medical advice. His suggested treatment of disease goes to the roots, the cause of it and anyone who is fortunate enough to read them won't be disappointed with their purchase. 



Lourenes A. Meoos MD P.hD). 

"A Tutorial Learning Center For College Sciences" (Licensed By The State of Ohio)

8225 Washington Street,

Chagrin Falls, Ohio. 44023.


It should be appreciated that the spinal joints-intervertebral joints and their disc structures-are dependent on different hydraulic properties of water stored in the disc core, as well as in the end plate cartilage covering the flat surfaces of the spinal vertebrae. In spinal vertebral joints, water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, it is held in the disc core within the intervertebral space and supports the compression weight of the upper part of the body. Fully 75 percent of the weight of the upper part of the body is supported by the water volume that is stored in the disc core; 25 percent is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc (see Figure 8). The principle in the design of all joints is for water to act as a lubricating agent, as well as bearing the force produced by weight, or tension produced by muscle action on the joint. It is the same type of force. 

In most of these joints, the establishment of an intermittent vacuum promotes a silent water circulation into the joint, only to be squeezed out by the pressure borne as a result of joint activity. To prevent back pain, one needs to drink sufficient water and do a series of special exercises to create an intermittent vacuum to draw water into the disc space. These exercises will also reduce the spasm in the back muscles that in a vast majority of people-80 percent of all back pains-is the main cause of lower back pain. One also needs to adopt correct postures. The subject of back pain and its relationship to water is so important to understand that I have dealt with it in a special book, How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain, and a complementary video, How To Deal With Back Pain

If you get back pain and, in particular, sciatic pain, you will benefit by reading the book and/or seeing the video. In majority of cases, sciatic pain can be totally relieved within half an hour, when the special movements that produce an intermittent vacuum in the disc spaces-shown in the book and the video-are performed. 

The importance of the 5th lunmbar disc

  Upper part of the body.

75 percent of the weight of the upper pat of the body is supported by the water volume that is stored in the disc core. 

5 th lumber disc.

 25 percent is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc. 

Figure 8: A schematic model showing the importance of water to the disc core. It provides the essential hydraulic support for weight-bearing qualities of an intervertebra disc. Once dehydration sets in, all parts of the body begin to suffer. The intervertebra discs and inner joints are the first in line. The 5th lumbar disc is affected in 95 percent of cases. 

Bad posture-keeping the head bent for long periods of time when writing, working at a low bench, "freeze position" working at the computer for many hours, bad pillow, or too many pillows-can be contributory factors in the production of neck pain or even the displacement of the intervertebral discs in the neck. Neck movement is essential for the establishment of adequate fluid circulation within the disc spaces in the neck. The weight of the head forces water out of the discs over a period of time. To bring back the same water, the force of vacuum has to be created within the same disc space. This can only be done if the head and neck are moved adequately backward.

 A simple process in less severe cases of neck pain from disc displacement would be slowly and repeatedly bending the head and neck backward, as much as they will bend. Keeping prolonged extension will enhance the force of vacuum and bring water into the disc spaces. At the same time, neck extended for 30 seconds at a time. This prolonged  extension  will enhance  the  force  of  vacuum  and  bring  water  into  the  disc  spaces.  At the  same  time, because of their front attachment to the spinal ligament, all of the discs will be retracted back into their normal spaces between the vertebrae and away from the nerve roots in the neck.

 Another simple procedure to correct this problem is lying on one's back on the very edge of the bed with the head hanging back and down. This posture permits the weight of the head to stretch the non-weight-bearing neck and bend it backward. A few moments in this position being totally relaxed will ease the tension in the neck This is a good posture to generate a type of vacuum in the disc spaces in the neck After gently bending the head backward so that you can see the floor, raise the head until you see the wall nearer your feet. This procedure may be effective in creating an intermittent vacuum in the vertebral spaces between any two vertebrae. The vacuum draws water into the disc spaces and spreads it to all parts in the neck joints and lubricates their movements. This water is needed to be absorbed by the disc core until it re-expands to its natural size, jacking up and separating one vertebra from the other. You could now bend the head from one side to the other. Try to look at the wall and floor of the room, first one side and then the other side. People who begin to suffer from neck "arthritis," or disc displacement in the neck, may wish to test this simple procedure to improve the mobility of their neck joints.


For more information read the section on cholesterol. In brief and to address the dehydration-produced pains of the body together, anginal pain means water shortage in the body: The common factor to all of the various conditions labeled as different diseases of the heart and the lungs is an established dehydration. Take a look at Mr. Sam Liguori's and Loretta Johnson's letters, published by their kind permission (among the testimonials in the section on cholesterol, pages 92-93). Mr. Liguori's anginal pain disappeared when he started to increase his water intake. He also has suffered from hiatus hernia. That too has started to clear up. Given time, it will clear up completely. Also take a look at Loretta Johnson's letter. You will see that even at the young-at-heart age of 90, her anginal pain can be treated with water to the extent that she does not need any medication for her heart pains.


In my personal experience, migraine headaches seem to be brought about by dehydration; excess bed covers that will not permit the body to regulate its temperature during sleep; alcoholic beverages (hangover) initiating a process of cellular dehydration, particularly in the brain; dietary or allergic triggers for histamine release; excess environmental heat without water intake. Basically, migraine seems to be an indicator of critical body temperature regulation at times of "heat stress." Dehydration plays a major role in the precipitation of migraine headaches. The most prudent way of dealing with migraine is its prevention by the regular intake of water. Once migraine breaks the pain barriers, a cascade of chemical reactions will stop the body from further activity. At this time, one may be forced to take pain-relieving medications with copious water. Sufficient cold or iced water may by itself be able to cool the body (also the brain) from inside and promote closing of the vascular system everywhere. Excess dilation of the peripheral vessels might well be the basic cause of migraine headache. Mrs. Mavis Butler, a touring Australian Adventist missionary in Silang in the Philippines, has an interesting history. She has for years suffered from migraine headaches. She would at times be so incapacitated as to become bedridden. She came across this book when she was in Silang and started to increase her water intake. She wrote to me that she has so improved that she now wants to shout it from the house tops. Read her letter. Hers is another of those human stories that make one wonder How is it possible that we were so ignorant of the importance of water to health that people could suffer from its lack in the body, to the point of wishing to die? 

P.O. Box 1619, Innisfail 4860 North Queensland, Australia 

January 23,1995 

Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj: For many years I suffered with headaches. I consulted  doctors, neurologists, chiropractors and spent hundreds of dollars for head-scans and X-rays, all to no avail. At times only my faith in God kept me from wanting to die, as I lie prone on my bed for days on end in pain. No medication would ever stop the pain, it would just seem to run its course and then stop. I could never make any connection between my diet and the headaches, and the only pattern they seemed to follow was to always start a couple of hours after a meal. Then one day a friend told me that he thought my headaches were caused because I never drank enough water. While I knew I didn't actually drink much water, I thought my herbal tea with fruit juices together with lots of fruits amply supplied my liquid requirements. Just three weeks later I was leafing through a health magazine when an advertisement for your book, "Your Body's Many Cries for Water," just seemed to leap out at my eyes. I bought the magazine and sent for the book. When it came, I eagerly read and re-read it to learn this new concept about water, and as I saw the errors in my drinking habits I quickly set about to righting them. Can anyone, without experiencing it for themselves, really understand what it is like to have usually pain-filled days changed to wonderful painless days when you can do the things you want to do, instead of being "down with a headache? " Oh, such a blessing for which I thank God continually. 

It  has taken  months to  properly hydrate  my body,  but now a  headache  is  a  now-and-again  event instead  of  the norm. I  thank a  loving  and  caring  God  for leading  me  step  by  step  to  this wonderful  truth.  He  no  doubt tried  to  lead me  a  lot  earlier,  but  I  was  too  blind  to  see. I  thank you  doctor  for  your  great work  and  perseverance  in  bringing  this truth  to  the  people. 

I  lecture  to  adults  at  night  classes  on  "better  Food  and  Eating  Habits"  and  I  quickly  gave  one  of my  sessions entirely to  the  body's need  for  water.  I  have  been  able  to  help  many  people  to  better  health  and  much  less  pain  in  their  lives, with  this knowledge.  A friend  told  me  he  was going  into  hospital,  in  a  few days time  for stomach  and  ulcer  treatment. I  begged  him  to  cancel  this  and  try the  water  treatment  you’ve  recommended. He  somewhat reluctantly did  and  was amazed  and  thankful  to  find  his  pains  stop  and  in  time,  to  know  that  the  ulcer had  healed, all without medication.

 Please  let  me  offer  my grateful  thanks  again  and  pray that  the  Lord  will bless and  guide  you  and  your  staff  as you work  for  the  better  health  of  humanity. 


(Mrs.) Mavis  Butler

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