Friday, December 3, 2021

Rome Declaration


November 13, 2021

A global summit of medical scientists and physicians met in Rome in September to discuss the COVID ‘vaccine’ crisis.

10,000 subsequently signed the Rome Declaration, in which they reaffirmed the Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm’, and to demand immediate cessation of the mRNA experimental ‘vaccine’ technology. 

The purposes of the Declaration are to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behaviour; behaviour such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power. 

The text of the Declaration reads as follows:

(Dr. Robert Malone reading)

WE, THE PHYSICIANS OF THE WORLD, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the imminent threat to humanity brought forth by current Covid-19 policies, are compelled to declare the following:

WE, THE PHYSICIANS OF THE WORLD, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the imminent threat to humanity brought forth by current Covid-19 policies, are compelled to declare the following:

WHEREAS, after 20 months of research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success and understanding in combating COVID-19;

WHEREAS, in considering the risks vs. benefits of major policy decisions, thousands of physicians and medical scientists worldwide have reached consensus on three foundational principles;



Negligible clinical risks from SARS-CoV-2 infection exist for healthy children under eighteen.

Long term safety of the current COVID vaccines in children cannot be determined prior to instituting such policies. Without high-powered, reproducible, long term safety data, risks to the long-term health status of children remain too high to support use in healthy children.

Children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine. Permanent physical damage to the brain, heart, immune and reproductive system associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic vaccines has been demonstrated in children.

Healthy, unvaccinated children are critical to achieving herd immunity. Natural immunity is proven to tolerate infection, benefiting community protection while there is insufficient data to assess whether Covid vaccines assist herd immunity.


Natural immunity is the most protective, and longest-lasting solution against the development of COVID-19 disease and its more serious outcomes.

Naturally immune persons are at the lowest risk of transmission, thus should not be subject to travel, professional, medical or social restrictions.

Natural immunity provides the best source of herd immunity, a condition necessary for eradicating the Covid virus. 


Early intervention with numerous, available agents has proven to be safe and effective, and has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

No medicine already given regulatory approval shall be restricted from “off-label” use, particularly during this global humanitarian crisis caused by a rapidly mutating virus, which requires quick to adopt treatment strategies.

Health agencies shall be prohibited from interfering with physicians prescribing evidence-based treatments they deem necessary, and insurance companies must cease blocking payments for life-saving medicine prescribed by doctors.


We believe that violating any of these three principles unnecessarily and directly risks death to our citizens. We hereby recommend the leaders of states, provinces and nations legislate or take executive action to prohibit the three practices described above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed this Declaration. 


Averil Gardiner November 13, 2021 At 4:17 pm

Thank you to the physicans and scientists of this world who have stood for us and our wellbeing.

Thank you for standing by your oath ‘first do no harm’.

Thank you for your persistance in standing up for the uncensored right to have those conversations with colleagues and scientific bodies that lead to new life saving discoveries for all humanity.

Thank you for your perseverance under such difficult times when people of medicine and science are being persicuted and hogtied to prevent quick response to this global bio terrorism act. To prevent you saving lives so that the resulting many unnecessary deaths added fuel to this fake pandemic label.

Thank you – you have my support.

James lye December 3, 2021 At 1:19 am

Thank you all for your great work and honesty to the human race.

Edwin Punselie December 3, 2021 At 5:58 pm

Yes, about time to stop this hysterical madness.

Vacinate the old and vulnerable like the flu vaccination and for the rest let nature run its course.

Maureen Brodie November 14, 2021 At 10:47 pm

Wonderful article giving much needed encouragement that there is still those willing to stand up for the population who are victims of mass tyranny. The world is crying out for you voice of reason and compassion.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 5:58 am


Ina Viljoen December 1, 2021 At 7:55 pm

Finally, there appears a light at the end of this dark tunnel! Praise God Almighty! 

Serena December 2, 2021 At 10:20 pm

Ci sono novità per quanto riguarda questo articolo? Se sai potresti rispondermi con a mail Grazie di 

maureen O'Loghlen November 16, 2021 At 2:48 am

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.

Anonymous November 17, 2021 At 1:01 pm

i thank all of these people from the bottom of my heart, with much love and respect to all of you.

graham francis girolami November 17, 2021 At 1:02 pm

i thank all of these people from the bottom of my heart, with much love and respect to all of you.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 3:51 pm

Wc x2

Anonymous November 17, 2021 At 5:06 pm

God bless each and every one of you! Thank You

Hnk November 17, 2021 At 5:50 pm

Glory to Jesus . You have stood for the truth!

RosannaNovember 17, 2021 At 8:01 pm

Wonderful , something has been said from the credible and inarguable sources. So now what I wonder. Who has the power to enforce this editt. Doesnt look like our lot of morons have even debated it let alone let alone thought about it,

Arlene Kamieniecki November 17, 2021 At 8:25 pm

Thank-You for researching for truth and Thank-You for your bravery to do the right thing for humanity, God bless you.

ColleenNovember 18, 2021 At 11:27 am

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you for fighting for us and being a voice for all the people.

Sandra Specht November 18, 2021 At 2:18 pm

Thank You for helping in this Fight

Anonymous November 18, 2021 At 5:04 pm

Thank you for speaking the truth! God bless you all

VSW November 25, 2021 At 4:14 pm

Thank you for this Truth and this right to Freedom… Thank you thank you and thank you.. we join you and we support you. xxx

dellabeach November 26, 2021 At 9:56 am

Bunch of treasonous quacks.

No virus has been isolated and therefore demonstrated to cause any symptoms of disease.

Stop believing what these people tell you, read the papers that they are quoting.

They do not support their opinions.

Anonymous November 30, 2021 At 6:53 am

Exactly, this ignores those of us who will not submit to tests that are bunk that trigger for a fake virus that does not exist.

I do not need to prove i have ‘immunity’ from anything, but their wording of their declaration is medical apartgeid by definition. Only those under 18 and those tested to have had some notional ‘virus’ are protected from not having vaccine mandates and restrictions WTAF!!

Terry Castleman November 27, 2021 At 11:32 pm

A very sincere blessings to all you wonderful people for standing up for the ordinary man and women and child in the street. With your help and great knowledge we shall prevail.

Jonathan Bayliff November 28, 2021 At 1:18 am

Can anyone explain why Robert Malone’s read declarations, differ from the declaration as reported in the DT article? This is brilliant but it needs more information to help it make sense to me.

Melissa November 29, 2021 At 2:35 pm

yeah im wondering the same thing. Was is written is not the same as the video. In fact the video itself speaks nothing at all about vaccines.

carl Sanders November 28, 2021 At 1:48 am

Tell this to all governments around the world!

Cornelia November 28, 2021 At 5:22 am

At the end he invites physicians, scientists and patients to join the resolution.

Is it possible for us to also sign this resolution in support of their efforts?

Where can we do this?

Shaunagh November 28, 2021 At 8:02 am

So this took place in September 21. When is the outcome expected? Easier to share if we know how it was received?

Marie Dale November 28, 2021 At 10:33 am

So why has nothing happened to stop the vax push. That was 2 months ago. Was it for real because the jabbing has only got worse & the 5-11 yr olds are getting it!

Ivy November 29, 2021 At 12:08 am

I appreciate the sacrifices made to honour the spirit of the Golden Rule and love your neighbour as yourself.

Partha Chakraborti November 29, 2021 At 12:54 am

you are the real doctors, physicians . you are the real people of science, humanity ..and finally hope.

I will do my part of spreading this great news of hope..

EthnaNovember 29, 2021 At 1:04 pm

I am so happy to hear that so many good people are trying so hard to bring this nonsense to an end. Thank you.

Dylan Gwenti November 29, 2021 At 8:09 pm

It’s important truth has a place in this colossal plandemic mess.

Thank you on behalf of the great Australians who march as one.

Worried citizen November 29, 2021 At 10:32 pm

I am so happy that the scientists have now come forward to end this madness and for trying to give the people back their freedom to choose what to do with their body. Most people are like sheep, do what their told and believe everything that politicians tell them. What do politicians know about health? Nothing. Keep up the good work.

Valerie DruceNovember 30, 2021 At 1:44 am

Thank God for these wonderful people.

Watch: 10,000 scientists and physicians sign Rome Declaration calling to end mass COVID ‘vaccination’ – Rights and FreedomsNovember 30, 2021 At 5:19 am

[…] Watch: 10,000 scientists and physicians sign Rome Declaration calling to end mass COVID ‘vacci… […]

Watch: 10,000 scientists and physicians sign Rome Declaration calling to end mass COVID ‘vaccination’ - Free Independent NewsNovember 30, 2021 At 5:29 am

[…] Watch: 10,000 scientists and physicians sign Rome Declaration calling to end mass COVID ‘vaccinati… […]

Anonymous November 30, 2021 At 7:07 am

Medical apartheid against those of us over 18 who refuse medical tests for a non existent ‘virus’! This ignores that pcr antigen and lateral flow don’t infer infection and are primed to detect whatever they like and is science fraud from the outset. They ignore that even if you take pcr on face value its less a mortality rate than influenza and when you remove the circa 97% false positives (at only 35CT) as per the lab in France who tested 250,000 samples which means no innoculation was required or any actions/interventions, nada. People dying of their true ailments fraudulently accredited to covid! Glasgow university for virus studies claimed 7-15% of respiratory deaths in any given year for 15 years (data from circa 2004) were coronaviruses so removing false pisitives means massively lower actual deaths WITH some viral matter (if you believe virus theory) remaining 3% is no indication of anything in isolation because the supposed rna sequence is fictitious as per CDCs own documents were they admit it is a algorithm produced string, that coincidentally has rna in it that pretty much every living animal has.

This is just as harmful and achieves nothing as it ignores the massive fraud creating a so called ‘pandemic and as other comment no isolation and no evidence that this ‘virus’ causes illness.

All a sham for pharma and ‘elites’ benefit!

Vinny delauxa. November 30, 2021 At 8:43 am

We need to stop this awful nonsense ASAP. I lost a family member to this trial mRNA.

Anonymous November 30, 2021 At 11:34 am

well done to all the physicians doctors and lawyers to putting end to these fake so called covid pandemic everyones had enough.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 10:30 am

Yup, the fake pandemic has killed millions of people in the world. Dam good thing this pandemic isn’t real.

Duct tape doesn’t stop stupidity, but it does help muffle the sound.

Anonymous November 30, 2021 At 3:05 pm

Thank you. No more crimes against humanity. Please stop this madness.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 12:40 am

corona is a hoax

Bianchi December 1, 2021 At 2:24 am

Tout médecin qui se respecte devrait signer cela.

Cecil Alan V. December 1, 2021 At 5:56 am

Thank you physican warriors for your show of integrity!

The Truthlady December 1, 2021 At 6:44 am

This is epic! Finally! Stand for something or fall for anything. In this case, stand for truth and justice. Do not support this medical tyranny!

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 7:46 am

So glad that the oath first do no harm still means something to physicians. Thank you for looking out for us and standing up for what’s right and ethical.

Diana December 1, 2021 At 8:01 am

Don’t be bullied into accepting an unsubstantiated position. This is extremely important for the future of humankind!!! thank you for taking your stance!!!

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 10:24 am

Out of hundreds of millions of Doctors and scientists we have only 10,000 that have no idea what they are talking about. That’s not too bad of record

Gloria December 1, 2021 At 11:03 am

10000 honest ones, hundreds of frightened whistleblowers too scared to say their name, and nurses telling the truth about who is in hospital and it’s not the unvaxxed ! The government hired mind control people and it has definitely worked on the many !!

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 11:20 am

That’s is just too funny!

Angela Kadeer December 1, 2021 At 10:58 am

To all you fantastic Doctors, can you take this to court as the countries are still trying to force people to take an unnecessary experimental jab, and are curtailing all our rights to make us comply. This all needs to stop but who will stop them, please help us, this tyranny is nothing to do with health and all to do with control. There are too many brainwashed people out there that trust the bribed or coerced governments that they are the problem now.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 11:22 am

Brainwashed? Look in the mirror.

Biswajit Biswas December 1, 2021 At 7:28 pm

Brain washed are those who blindly support the international political and business looters.They are just curse of the world. Go ahead the protesting scientists doctors, God Bless you.


December 2, 2021 At 5:53 pm

You are right and we know who the wicked are. We have names, salaries and titles. All of who do not look further into this science will eventually face the public and it will not end well for the wicked.

Leong Mung Lan 

December 2, 2021 At 11:26 pm

Yes the brainwashing of people makes them go crazy So annoying “Keep safe” “Stay healthy” stay home etc… these people are unredeemable… Quite a lot of them out there…

Anonymous December 3, 2021 At 9:51 am

Yes. there are a lot of crazy people out there that believe covid is a conspiracy to control the masses. Those crazy people are going to keep this pandemic going.

And unfortunately the people that are following the sound advice to help stop this pandemic are the ones that will suffer the consequence from the stupidity.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 11:33 am

Thank you for bravely standing up for truth and justice! God Bless you all.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 3:56 pm

Glory to God in the most high. Your earth angels are amazing. Thank you to each one of you we are grateful immensely for your hard work in bringing accuracy and the truth

Diane December 1, 2021 At 12:01 pm

Wonderful what you say and are doing .THANK YOU.GOD BLESS YOU..

Diane UK.

Andrea December 1, 2021 At 5:34 pm

Thank you physicians for standing up for what is right. 

Biswajit Biswas December 1, 2021 At 7:24 pm

Stay brave and front. Unveil the real notion of the pretending business and political looters in the name of medicine and vaccine, which dangerously against the interest of public health of world people.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 8:35 pm

Fireman who hasn’t seen a single positive covid case.

This tyranny and bullshit has to end.

Anonymous December 1, 2021 At 10:03 pm

I am also a firefighter in England and work as a trauma tech alongside ambulance crews. I have not witnessed /been called to a single positive covid case. It has been suicides and bariatric rescues sadly. What a depressing indightment of the times… Why do more front line workers in England not speak out!? Why are so many afraid of telling our true experience, to reassure the public the low risk of catching a serous bout and the hight chance of fully recovering for the vast majority of the population!?

Paul December 2, 2021 At 3:56 am

Thank you for a dose of sanity. The vaccine is like Joe ,it doesn’t work. We the people a great full to the true Dr,s and scientists out there.

chris dyas December 2, 2021 At 5:20 am

Thank you this will work i know it.

Martin Andreev December 2, 2021 At 5:53 am

God bless you December 2, 2021 At 6:07 am

Where is this Declaration. Can it be made it into a Petition!? Where do we

sign it?

uxrv7kDecember 2, 2021 At 9:09 am

Doctors and scientists can sign here:

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 6:09 am

Thank you!

Ciaran December 2, 2021 At 6:39 am

Absolutely Brilliant. They’ll have to fill the jails soon if they plan to keep enforcing this nonsense.

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 7:19 am

Amen Bless the scientiest who stand out boldly for ethics and truth and ethical medical practise. Thank you Mr Malone and all the colleges. The truth shall win and humanity shall win. We humans individuals support you

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 8:36 am

Wonderful… TRUTH will prevail regardless of whom or what!! A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 8:37 am

Wonderful… TRUTH will prevail regardless of whom or what!! A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!

Keep up the good work…

Laura D'AmicoDecember 2, 2021 At 8:38 am

Thank you ALL very much for standing up for humanity…you are appreciated more than you know!! Hopefully, you can recruit more doctors, scientists, researchers, etc. to come out of retirement and share their knowledge and wisdom since they won’t have to worry about losing their jobs!!

Rebecca Velazquez December 2, 2021 At 12:42 pm

I agree 100% with this declaration.

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 1:12 pm


Michelle Eitelbach December 2, 2021 At 2:57 pm

Thank God for you all! Godspeed!

Anonymous December 2, 2021 At 4:50 pm

Where can I actually watch 10k physicians and scientists sign this like your headline says?

uxrv7kDecember 2, 2021 At 5:53 pm

Anonymous December 3, 2021 At 7:26 am

Anyone can sign this piece of crap without any credentials. So sad to see people believe in this crap.

Terry December 2, 2021 At 5:41 pm

I am a former CCRN and I completely agree with these Drs and patients. The patients struggle thru horrible death while family members are forced to watch often thru the glass door of the ICU. The Drs know about other therapies that work such as Ivermectin from the FLCCC protocol. Buerocrats and those whom want to get rich off a vaccine that does not appear to be working, stop real Drs that know the science as these Drs do. The Drs hands are tied and they too have to watch their patients die NEEDLESSLY. I fully support these hard working physicians in their efforts to do as they are honorably trying to do, SAVE LIVES WITH REAL SCIENCE.

Pauline Lee December 2, 2021 At 8:06 pm

Thank God For these brave scientists n Drs dare to speak the truth to wake people up to save lives. Hopefully many people will wake up to know the truth n the truth will set them free.

Leong Mung LanDecember 2, 2021 At 11:29 pm

Good ! No more “stay safe stay healthy take care….”This type brain washed people are irredeemable…

Anonymous December 3, 2021 At 2:34 am

Really grateful to this group of physicians meeting and saying what many have been saying for months. Thanks a million for that. May God save us all from this chaos.

Anonymous December 3, 2021 At 3:37 am

A tad tooo late, don’t you think? But thankful!

Claudel GFXDecember 3, 2021 At 5:37 am

Living in Italy but i never heard anything about this, fake news?

Muhammed December 3, 2021 At 10:01 am

This is welcoming news that 10000 scientists are challenging the worlds globalists which wrecked the entire worlds population.

In our living history creating havoc in peoples lives by losing their employment & businesses closing down.

Millions have suffered and millions have died.

Millions have succumbed to hardships.

People have made money from this SATANIC VAXXINES.

The the nonsense still Carrie’s on.

It’s time to end this nonsensical issue of a well planned VIRUS.

When there’s no VIRUS as such.

I heard from a friend in 2008 about this pre planned MANDATORY VAXXINES.

I did not believe the person relating what is currently unfolding in front of my eyes.

I then explored and found detention camps plus other facilities to enforce the deadly VAXXINES that we are conned to take.

Vaxxines causing injuries to innocent people who are like Sheep minded.

It’s time to get these Corrupted people like Fauci & Bill Gates to be accountable for their actions.

I wish the team of scientists to stand united in their endeavors to end this insanity.

Freedom is priceless & it’s our given rights to live our lives as humans.

Life was given to us humans by our CREATOR and not by these money hungry Corrupted people who are creating false and deceptions to enrich their pharmaceutical companies yielding billions of dollars as philanthropic agents.

They are free to keep cash.

Having billions does not make them responsible for the worlds POPULATION.

It’s our God given rights to live with freedom.

We should not be bullied to be held as hostages in this issue of VAXXINES & Lockdowns.

Anonymous December 3, 2021 At 10:10 am

You are just kidding. Right?

Victor Meyer, PhD December 3, 2021 At 11:20 am

I support freedom of medical choice NOT privileges conferred by vax passports through coercion. I call on authorities around the world to follow the balanced science supported by peer-reviewed literature NOT one-sided government narratives sucking up to Big Pharma. Where is your integrity?

Edwin Jay December 3, 2021 At 12:51 pm

The Vatican must also play their part in this humanitarian crisis. The papacy cannot remain silence while their sheeps are being isolated and butchered. This is not a political issue, it’s cause on humanitarian grounds. Please wake up the pope’s office. There are billion over Christians world-wide who will stand with them. They know how to appeal for funds for a cause, so what about this problem now. We have donated and gave alms and now our livelihood and freedom even to worship is effected and the papacy continues to be silence. Please wake them up to exercise God’s call for justice to humanity.

Beverley O'Brien December 3, 2021 At 2:48 pm

I applaud those Professionals

D Kemp December 3, 2021 At 3:50 pm

How do we persuade the governments?

Lynne Sadusky December 3, 2021 At 5:28 pm

Thank you doctors for standing for truth and your Hippocratic oath. You are heroes bringing hope to our world. I can never thank you adequately. Please let me know where to sign as a patient and how to help this mission . Your work at this crucial time will go down in history and in Heaven as life giving care and sacrificial love. May God bless each of you with all you need.

Candice Pape December 3, 2021 At 6:47 pm

Can we please some clarity if this information will be heading to mainstream media or will those of us who are awake just be labeled conspiracy theorists again?

Emmy December 3, 2021

 At 7:47 pm

Thank you  We are scared

Beau Webster December 3, 2021 At 9:08 pm

Thank you, hopefully Goverments around the world will start listening to the experts and medical professionals and not Goverment paid drones.

Physicians Declaration II – Updated

Global Covid Summit

International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists

October 29, 2021


WE, THE PHYSICIANS OF THE WORLD, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the imminent threat to humanity brought forth by current Covid-19 policies, are compelled to declare the following:

WHEREAS, after 20 months of 

research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success and understanding in combating COVID-19;

WHEREAS, in considering the risks vs. benefits of major policy decisions, thousands of physicians and medical scientists worldwide have reached consensus on three foundational principles;



Negligible clinical risks from SARS-CoV-2 infection exist for healthy children under eighteen.Long term safety of the current COVID vaccines in children cannot be determined prior to instituting such policies. Without high-powered, reproducible, long term safety data, risks to the long-term health status of children remain too high to support use in healthy children.Children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine. Permanent physical damage to the brain, heart, immune and reproductive system associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic vaccines has been demonstrated in children.Healthy, unvaccinated children are critical to achieving herd immunity. Natural immunity is proven to tolerate infection, benefiting community protection while there is insufficient data to assess whether Covid vaccines assist herd immunity.


Natural immunity is the most protective, and longest-lasting solution against the development of COVID-19 disease and its more serious outcomes.Naturally immune persons are at the lowest risk of transmission, thus should not be subject to travel, professional, medical or social restrictions.Natural immunity provides the best source of herd immunity, a condition necessary for eradicating the Covid virus.


Early intervention with numerous, available agents has proven to be safe and effective, and has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.No medicine already given regulatory approval shall be restricted from “off-label” use, particularly during this global humanitarian crisis caused by a rapidly mutating virus, which requires quick to adopt treatment strategies.Health agencies shall be prohibited from interfering with physicians prescribing evidence-based treatments they deem necessary, and insurance companies must cease blocking payments for life-saving medicine prescribed by doctors.


We believe that violating any of these three principles unnecessarily and directly risks death to our citizens. We hereby recommend the leaders of states, provinces and nations legislate or take executive action to prohibit the three practices described above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed this Declaration.


Physicians and Medical Scientists

Dr. Ira Bernstein, co-founder, Canadian Covid Care Alliance; lecturer, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Dr. Paul E. Alexander, clinical epidemiologist, former WHO-PAHO and US HHS consultant/senior Covid Pandemic advisor

Dr. Pierre Kory, critical care and pulmonary medicine specialist, former Chief of Critical Care Service and Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support Center at University of Wisconsin

Dr. Héctor Carvallo, former professor of Internal Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, former Director Ezeiza Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Mobeen Syed, physician, computer scientist, CEO of DrBeen Corp (US), clinical consultant (Pakistan)

Dr. Paul E. Marik, professor of medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, endocrinologist & visiting professor, faculty of Floriano (FAESF); ad hoc consultant, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa); consultant for National Commission for Incorporation of New Technologies, Devices and Drugs, Brazil

Dr. Marc G. Wathelet, molecular biologist, innate immunology and coronavirus expert, consultant, Belgium

Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd; founder, British Ivermectin Recommendation Development; CEO of non-profit Ebmcsquared CiC

Dr. Eivind H. Vinjevoll, senior consultant of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, chief medical advisor of emergency medicine, Volda, Norway

Dr. Heather Gessling, family medicine doctor in Columbia, Missouri

Dr. Mark McDonald, double board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, Los Angeles, California

Dr. Olufemi Emmanuel Babalola, professor of ophthalmology, IP HOD Surgery, Bingham University, Jos/Karu, Nigeria

Dr. Richard Urso, scientist, sole inventor of an FDA-approved wound healing drug, former Chief of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. John Littell, family physician, with practices in Kissimmee and Ocala, Florida

Dr. Ryan Cole, board-certified pathologist, CEO of Cole Diagnostics, Boise, Idaho

Dr. Brian Tyson, family medicine doctor, Urgent Care Covid Clinic, Imperial Valley, California 

Prof. Andrea G. Stramezzi, Italy

Dr. Zsuszanna Ragó, specialist in coronavirus, primary care; IVERCOV project leader, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Dr. Robert W. Malone, gene therapy, bio-defense, vaccines and immunology; discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and architect of mRNA vaccine platform

Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter, critical care, pulmonary medicine, sleep medicine

Dr. Wong Ang Peng, Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC)

Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, preventive cardiology and advanced lipidology, former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center

Dr. Jose Iglesias, associate professor, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, virology, vaccine R&D, former Sr Ebola Program Manager, Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI), former Head of Vaccine Development Office, German Center for Infection Research

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, independent virologist, former researcher, Hong Kong University

Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli, lecturer, Tel Aviv University; former director of research and primary care medicine, Meuhedet Health Services; co-founder of Israeli epidemic management team

Dr. Catherine L. Lawson, research professor, Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey

Dr. Barton Lane, emeritus professor of diagnostic radiology, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, California

Dr. Domingo Luis Cáceres Ortiz, family medicine specialist, president of the Medical Foundation of the College of Surgeons of Puerto Rico

Dr. Grace Lu-Yao, professor and vice-chair, Department of Medical Oncology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dr. Claudio Saliba de Avelar, medical coordinator, Espaço Mulher, Pardini Institute, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Dr. Claudia Chaufan, professor, Health Policy and Global Health, York University, Toronto

Dr. Gregory Dembo, director of Transplant Anesthesia, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Paul Carter, orthopedic surgeon, Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, California

Dr. Panayiotis A. Ellinas, family medicine, former US Army Lt Colonel and Army Surgeon General Subject Matter Expert in preventive medicine

Dr. Mark Dunphy, nuclear medicine physician, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York

Dr. Brian J. Koos, maternal and fetal medicine, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Dr. Vladimir Algarin, general practitioner, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Dr. Sandra Bezares, internal medicine specialist, Caguas, Puerto Rico

Dr. Alberto Pupi, professor of clinical pathophysiology, University of Florence Medical College, Italy

Dr. Thomas A. Johnson, internal medicine, Ascension Medical Group, Brookfield, Wisconsin

Dr. Orest Stecyk, family medicine, UH Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Dr. Peter Parry, associate professor, child & adolescent psychiatry, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Dr. Giovanni Frajese, endocrinology and cancer research; associate professor, Applied Medical Technical Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy

Dr. Eric Wargotz, Clinical Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, the George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC

Dr. Phillip Sirota, Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Phoenix, Arizona

Dr. Donald W. Miller, retired Professor Emeritus of Surgery, former Chief of Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Xiaoxu Lin, former microbiologist, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Viral Diseases Branch, former in-theater infectious diseases surveillance lab head, US Army

Dr. R. Duane Cook, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, University of Florida Health

Dr. Sylvia Monserrate Nunez Fidalgo, general practitioner, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Dr. Ming Chu Wang, Department of Anesthesia, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Dr. Ondrej Halgas, biomedical researcher, University of Toronto, Canada

Dr. Mark Kreimer, board certified emergency medicine physician, Brooklyn, New York

Dr. Ram Duriseti, clinical associate professor, Stanford University Division of Emergency Medicine, Palo Alto, California

Dr. Kraig Lage, diagnostic radiology, University Of Missouri HealthCare, Columbia, Missouri

Dr. Annie L. Emmick, board certified pediatric specialist, Northwestern Medicine, Illinois

Dr. Mario Beauregard, neuroscientist, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona

Dr. Brent Stewart, Emeritus Professor, Diagnostic Physics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Andrei N. Tchernitchin, director of Laboratory of Experimental Endocrinology and Environmental Pathology ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile

Dr Simon J Thornley, public health physician, lecturer and researcher in epidemiology and biostatistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Spiro P. Pantazatos, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (Psychiatry) at Columbia University, research scientist at New York State Psychiatric Institute

Dr. Marialuisa Partisani, deputy head, general medicine, HIV infection care center, Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France

Professor Fernando Nobre, Médical School University of Lisbon; founder and President of AMI (International Medical Assistance Foundation); recipient of the Légion d‘Honneur

Dr. Allesandro Santin, professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences, Yale School of Medicine; Disease Aligned Research team leader, Yale Cancer Center

Dr. Marie Kuffner, former professor of clinical anesthesiology and former chief of staff, UCLA Medical Center; past president of the California Medical Association

And thousands more physicians, medical scientists and researchers from around the globe.

Global Covid Summit

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