Monday, July 18, 2022

Infection protects unvaccinated individuals

 Science ( 點擊這裡閱讀中文翻譯 ) 

Study: Infection protects unvaccinated individuals against severe reinfection by 97% for at least at least 3 years.

Immune Cells Collection; 免疫細胞集合;

Basophile, 嗜鹼性粒細胞

t cell, t 細胞

Eosinophile, 嗜酸性粒細胞

Natural killer cell, 自然殺傷細胞

neutrophile, 中性粒細胞

Endothelial cells, 內皮細胞

B cell, B 細胞

Dendritic cell, 樹突狀細胞

Macrophage, 巨噬細胞

Plasma Cell, 漿細胞

Mast cell, 肥大細胞

Fibroblast Cell. 成纖維細胞

July 17, 2022 from Dr. Peter F Mayer

Remarkably, some scientists in Qatar, in collaboration with colleagues in New York, conducted a study that asks important questions. They decided to study only the unvaccinated. Objectively, what they found should change the pro-mRNA-only vaccine policies currently in place around the world.

90% of Qataris are vaccinated, but the authors found and followed several hundred thousand unvaccinated individuals and examined how well they were protected from infection, reinfection and severe Covid disease.


The preprint ( click here)  study by Hiam Chemaitelly et al entitled Duration of immune protection of SARS-CoV-2 natural infection against reinfection in Qatar begins with the statement:

"The future of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic depends on the development of the virus and the duration of immune protection in natural infection against reinfection."

How well does natural immunity work? They found:

“Efficacy of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3% (95% CI: 94.9-98.6%) regardless of variant of primary infection or reinfection, and it showed no signs of slowing down. Similar results were found in subgroup analyzes for people ≥50 years of age.”

The authors concluded that protection at this 97.3% level lasts for three years, possibly longer depending on the course of Covid viral evolution. 

The enormous importance of this result

Once you have been infected with Covid, if you are not vaccinated, you are very well protected against serious illnesses, even if you become infected again.

These are results that any vaccine can only dream of. No matter how many doses, such a high level of protection is not achievable. And the duration of protection from natural infection beats everything anyway.

After the initial infection, Covid is no more dangerous for unvaccinated people than other corona viruses such as. B. the common cold.

The study appears to have been carried out very carefully. Here is how the "matching" of infected people with non-infected people is done:

Individuals in the primary infection cohort were matched in a one-to-one ratio for sex, 10-year age group, nationality, and number of comorbidities (none, 1-2 comorbidities, 3 or more comorbidities) with individuals in the infection-free cohort to determine differences in Controlling risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Qatar. Matching based on these factors has been shown to provide adequate control for differences in infection risk. The matching was also based on the calendar week in which the SARS-CoV-2 test was carried out. That is, a person who was diagnosed with a primary infection in a specific calendar week was compared with an infection-neutral person who had a SARS-CoV-2 negative test in the same week.

Governments are promoting more mRNA vaccines without proof of efficacy

Outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new measures to encourage booster vaccinations, saying the introduction will " keep our defenses strong " and ensure that " Covid can never come back to haunt us in the same way ".

Last week, Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos told reporters:

"Canadians will be required to have a booster shot every nine months for the foreseeable future...If you've already had a first booster shot that's great, but check if you're eligible for a second or third booster."

Three days ago, the New Zealand government announced that it would make arrangements to allow New Zealanders to receive booster vaccinations at even shorter intervals.

On April 27, the EU declared in a broadcast: " We need to vaccinate, boost and test more specifically ." The SMS messages with which the President of the Commission ordered 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer last year will continue to be kept secret . ( click here for details)

German politicians,  Lauterbach above all, are demanding constant vaccinations and masks anyway and are conducting house searches on critics or have them arrested . (click here)

These statements make clear how far politicians and their health advisors have deviated from the realities of scientific research.

The unvaccinated continue to be blamed for the ills of the pandemic - they remain convenient scapegoats - while booster shots have been accepted as the gold standard.

However, the latest study from Qatar shows that the unvaccinated made a wise decision that, provided they survive the initial infection, which almost all do, will protect them for years to come.

The vaccinated, on the other hand, are apparently confronted with health problems that may only get worse. Especially if they continue to allow boosters or "refreshers".

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