Sunday, July 17, 2022

Toxicity Against COVID 19 or Humans?

 Talking last night about COVID 19 and the vaccines they are rushing to make available to humans.

 Everything that they recommend for us to fight this virus, in and around us is dangerous for human consumption eg., Lysol, Clorox, various hand Sanitizers, Bleach, etc. Is dangerous if consumed by humans.

What about breathing in these chemicals we are using to clean our homes daily? Plus what schools, businesses, etc are doing to make their areas clean and safe. Adults and children are breathing in these chemicals everywhere they go.

Many of us have children with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory health issues. How safe is it for them? Or us? Many of us are overdoing it with the cleaning. Our homes smell like bleach, Lysol, Clorox, etc, Is that healthy or safe for us? They say that the cleaner the environment is, the healthier we are. How true is that?

What about an environment cleaned with chemicals? One so clean that flies, ants, and roaches can’t survive in it. A clean environment is great for us, but not one cleaned with chemicals. While we are suffering, these companies are making millions off of our fears, uncertainty, and hopelessness.

What will be put into those vaccines to prevent us from catching COVID 19? Will it be safe for us?


昨晚談論了 COVID 19 和他們急於向人類提供的疫苗。

  他們建議我們在我們體內和周圍與這種病毒作鬥爭的所有東西對人類食用都是危險的,例如 Lysol、Clorox、各種洗手液、漂白劑等。如果被人類食用是危險的。

 吸入我們每天用來清潔房屋的這些化學物質怎麼樣? 再加上學校、企業等為使他們的區域清潔和安全所做的工作。 無論走到哪裡,成人和兒童都會吸入這些化學物質。

 我們中的許多人都有過敏、哮喘和其他呼吸道健康問題的孩子。 對他們來說有多安全? 還是我們? 我們中的許多人在清潔方面做得過火了。 我們的家聞起來像漂白劑、Lysol、Clorox 等,這對我們健康或安全嗎? 他們說環境越乾淨,我們就越健康。 這有多真實?

 用化學品清潔的環境怎麼樣? 一個乾淨到蒼蠅、螞蟻和蟑螂無法在其中生存的地方。 一個乾淨的環境對我們來說很好,但不是用化學品清潔的。 當我們受苦時,這些公司正在從我們的恐懼、不確定性和絕望中賺取數百萬美元。

 這些疫苗中會加入什麼來防止我們感染 COVID 19? 對我們來說安全嗎?

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