Saturday, September 17, 2022

wealthy people simple

 Why are most genuinely wealthy people simple in outlook and conduct? 为什么大多数真正富有的人在观点和行为上都很简单?

I'm 74 years old. The newness of being wealthy has worn off. My career spanned 40 years. I achieved Financial Freedom before age 30. We have been very fortunate. The things that were major purchases are behind us. When I left college I vowed that I would donate 60% of my net income to a human service agency that provides housing and job training including placement to the homeless. Each time my salary increased so did my contribution. Since I was a CEO my contribution was not insignificant. I kept this pledge up to today.


 我今年 74 岁。 富有的新鲜感已经消退。 我的职业生涯跨越了 40 年。 我在 30 岁之前实现了财务自由。我们非常幸运。 主要购买的东西已经过去了。 当我离开大学时,我发誓要把我净收入的 60% 捐给一个人类服务机构,该机构提供住房和工作培训,包括安置无家可归者。 每次我的薪水增加,我的贡献也随之增加。 由于我是首席执行官,我的贡献并非微不足道。 我一直保持着这个誓言直到今天。

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