Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ageing rapidly now?

 I am only 63 but feel that I am ageing rapidly now. What can I do about that?

I feel you. I’m 65. I can share what I do that is working for me.

1. Water. I drink half my body weight in IN OUNCES of filtered water daily. No plastic bottled water. In the morning, my first glass is 16 oz with beet powder mixed in.)

2. Walk about 10–15k steps a day. Do this throughout the day. I start with getting around 3–4000 steps in the morning after I rise.

3. Exercise regularly (3 days a week for 40 minutes). I start each morning before my walk doing the following to warm up

3 rounds of 20 squats.

100 pushup (40, 30, 30)

100 sit ups 40, 30, 30 in between the pushups above.

4. Paleo diet. All organic. Some folks don’t get the whole organic thing but I believe that the pesticides in non organic food are probably not a good thing for our health. Eating Paleo eliminates foods that cause inflammation which leads to excess weight and a weakened immune system. I lost 40 pounds doing this after a bypass surgery 8 years ago and never went back to a regular diet.

5. Meditate daily

6. Don’t watch the news. It’s all bad and adds to stress.

7. Take vitamin D every day.

8. Protect your eyes at night by dimming or shutting off as much blue light emitting bulbs and screens as you can. Nighttime light sends a signal to your body telling it it’s still daytime which prevents it from producing melatonin. This interferes with our circadian rhythm, thus our sleep cycle. A good 6–8 hours of sleep is great for long term health.

9. Stay active. Cycle, hike, hit the gym if that’s your thing. I don’t have a gym membership. I have keep a few key workout items at home (bands, a bench, some dumb bells, pull up bar). Get your cardio up double your resting rate for 20 minutes.

10. Don’t be hard on yourself. Think good, positive thoughts.

Bonus: Get periodic massages.

I’m not a doctor. This is what I do as part of a daily regimen since I underwent  a 13-hour long quad bypass in 2016. I didn’t make any of these things up. I got them from my doctor, nutritionist, trainer. Prior to my surgery, I was in terrible shape. Felt 80 even though I was in my late 50’s. Today, I am in the best shape of my life - mentally and physically. I work 9 hours a day with full energy, have time to do everything I listed above and still have time left over to rest. Good luck.

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