Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hearing Loss 听力损失

 听力损失 T īnglì sǔnshī


听好了! 保护您的听力。

T īng hǎole! Bǎohù nín de tīnglì.

To protect your hearing, use earplugs — and try to avoid loud noises. 

为保护您的听力,请使用耳塞——并尽量避免大声喧哗。Wèi bǎohù nín de tīnglì, qǐng shǐyòng ěrsāi——bìng jǐnliàng bìmiǎn dàshēng xuānhuá.

Noise (sound) is all around us — at school, at home, and all the places in between. 噪音(声音)无处不在——在学校、家里,以及介于两者之间的所有地方。

Zàoyīn (shēngyīn) wú chù bùzài——zài xuéxiào, jiālǐ, yǐjí jiè yú liǎng zhě zhī jiān de suǒyǒu dìfāng.

 Noise is everywhere we go. 噪音无处不在。Zàoyīn wú chù bùzài.

But being around too much loud noise places, at prolonged period ,  can make you lose your hearing ( noise induced deafness ) — and once your natural hearing ability is gone, you can’t get it back. 但是,长时间处于噪音太大的地方会使您失去听力(噪声性耳聋)——一旦您的自然听力丧失,就无法恢复。Dànshì, cháng shíjiān chǔyú zàoyīn tài dà dì dìfāng huì shǐ nín shīqù tīnglì (zàoshēng xìng ěrlóng)——yīdàn nín de zìrán tīnglì sàngshī, jiù wúfǎ huīfù. 

Did you know? 你可知道?Nǐ kě zhīdào?

5 in 10 young people  listen to their music or other audio too loudly. 十分之五的年轻人听音乐或其他音频时声音太大。Shí fēn zhī wǔ de niánqīng rén tīng yīnyuè huò qítā yīnpín shí shēngyīn tài dà.

4 in 10 young people  are around dangerously loud noises during events like loud concerts and sports games. 在嘈杂的音乐会和体育比赛等活动中,每 10 个年轻人中就有 4 个会听到危险的巨响。Zài cáozá de yīnyuè huì hé tǐyù bǐsài děng huódòng zhōng, měi 10 gè niánqīng rén zhōng jiù yǒu 4 gè huì tīng dào wéixiǎn de jù xiǎng.

Millions of people in the world have trouble hearing with one (or both) of their ears. 世界上有数百万人的一只(或两只)耳朵听力有问题。Shìjiè shàng yǒu shù bǎi wàn rén de yī zhǐ (huò liǎng zhī) ěrduǒ tīnglì yǒu wèntí.

The good news: You can protect your hearing — and still do all the stuff you love! 好消息:您可以保护您的听力——并且仍然可以做所有您喜欢的事情!

Hǎo xiāoxī: Nín kěyǐ bǎohù nín de tīnglì——bìngqiě réngrán kěyǐ zuò suǒyǒu nín xǐhuān de shìqíng!

Loudness is measured in what’s called decibels (dB). Over time, any sound that’s 85 decibels or higher can cause hearing loss — or other hearing problems, like tinnitus (a ringing sound in your ears that won’t go away). The louder a sound is, and the longer you listen to it, the more it can damage your hearing.

响度以所谓的分贝 (dB) 来衡量。Xiǎngdù yǐ suǒwèi de fēnbèi (dB) lái héngliáng.

 随着时间的推移,任何 85 分贝或更高的声音都可能导致听力损失或其他听力问题,例如耳鸣(耳内持续不断的铃声)。Suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, rènhé 85 fēnbèi huò gèng gāo de shēngyīn dōu kěnéng dǎozhì tīnglì sǔnshī huò qítā tīnglì wèntí, lìrú ěrmíng (ěr nèi chíxù bùduàn de língshēng). 

 声音越大,听的时间越长,对听力的损害就越大。Shēngyīn yuè dà, tīng de shíjiān yuè zhǎng, duì tīnglì de sǔnhài jiù yuè dà.

Pick a type of sound to see about how loud it is, and get tips to keep your ears safe around noises at that level. 选择一种声音来了解它的响度,并获得在该级别的噪音周围保护您的耳朵安全的提示。Xuǎnzé yī zhǒng shēngyīn lái liǎojiě tā de xiǎngdù, bìng huòdé zài gāi jíbié de zàoyīn zhōuwéi bǎohù nín de ěrduǒ ānquán de tíshì.

You can stop hearing loss! 您可以停止听力损失!Nín kěyǐ tíngzhǐ tīnglì sǔnshī! 

Pick a type of sound from the list to see about how loud it is. 从列表中选择一种声音以查看它的响度。Cóng lièbiǎo zhòng xuǎnzé yī zhǒng shēngyīn yǐ chákàn tā de xiǎngdù.


耳语 = 30 分贝 Ěryǔ = 30 fēnbèi .

Your secret is safe! 

This is totally fine for your ears. 

你的秘密是安全的! Nǐ de mìmì shì ānquán de! 

这对您的耳朵来说完全没问题。Zhè duì nín de ěrduǒ lái shuō wánquán méi wèntí .


Snack on! This is totally fine for your ears.

冰箱的嗡嗡声 = 40 dB Bīngxiāng de wēng wēng shēng = 40 dB

 点心 ! diǎnxīn! 这对您的耳朵来说完全没问题。Zhè duì nín de ěrduǒ lái shuō wánquán méi wèntí.


This level of noise is safe for your ears. Go ahead and scrub the pots and pans while the dishwasher does its job! 

洗碗机运转的声音 =

Xǐ wǎn jī yùnzhuǎn de shēngyīn =

 45 至 65 分贝。45 zhì 65 fēnbèi.

 这种噪音水平对您的耳朵来说是安全的Zhè zhǒng zàoyīn shuǐpíng duì nín de ěrduǒ lái shuō shì ānquán de. 

在洗碗机工作的同时继续擦洗锅碗瓢盆!Zài xǐ wǎn jī gōngzuò de tóngshí jìxù cāxǐ guō wǎn piáo pén! 


Chat away! But if you have to yell so people who are nearby can hear you, watch out — the noise around you is probably too loud. 

您在伸手可及的范围内正常说话的声音 = 65 至 80 分贝。Nín zài shēnshǒu kě jí de fànwéi nèi zhèngcháng shuōhuà de shēngyīn = 65 zhì 80 fēnbèi.

 闲聊!Xiánliáo! 但是,如果您必须大喊大叫以便附近的人能听到您的声音,请当心——您周围的噪音可能太大了。Dànshì, rúguǒ nín bìxū dà hǎn dà jiào yǐbiàn fùjìn de rén néng tīng dào nín de shēngyīn, qǐng dāngxīn——nín zhōuwéi de zàoyīn kěnéng tài dàle.

LAWN MOWER = 80 to 100 dB.

This level of noise can make you lose some of your hearing, so be sure to wear hearing protection. Store a pair of earmuffs near the mower, so it’s easy to remember to put them on!

割草机 = 80 至 100 分贝。

Gē cǎo jī = 80 zhì 100 fēnbèi.


Zhè zhǒng zàoyīn shuǐpíng huì shǐ nín shīqù bùfèn tīnglì,


yīncǐ qǐng wùbì pèidài tīnglì bǎohù zhuāngzhì.

在割草机附近放一副耳罩,Zài gē cǎo jī fùjìn fàng yī fù ěr zhào,


zhèyàng hěn róngyì jì zhù dài shàng tāmen!

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