Sunday, July 9, 2023

Australian woman's toes amputated after fish spa pedicure on holiday

 Australian woman's toes amputated after fish spa pedicure on holiday.

Yahoo News Australia (and agencies).

14 September 2018.



 2018 年 9 月 14 日。

WARNING, GRAPHIC CONTENT: An Australian woman was left devastated after an indulgent Thai holiday fish spa turned into a living nightmare when an infected fish tank led to all five toes on her right foot being amputated.


Property manager Victoria Curthoys, 29 from Perth contracted an infection in her big toe after stepping on glass, resulting in doctors amputating half of her toe.

来自珀斯的 29 岁物业经理维多利亚·柯托伊斯 (Victoria Curthoys) 在踩到玻璃后大脚趾感染,导致医生截掉了她的半个脚趾。

Four years later, while on holiday in Thailand in 2010, Victoria used one of the ever-popular fish spas whereby small freshwater fish feed off and remove the foot’s dead skin.

四年后,2010 年,维多利亚在泰国度假时,使用了一种非常受欢迎的鱼疗中心,小淡水鱼以小淡水鱼为食,并去除脚上的死皮。

The fish spa treatment, which has soared in popularity over the past decade, involves placing one's feet in a tank containing hundreds of Garra rufa, a small species of cyprinid fish native to rivers, ponds, streams and lakes in West Asia and Anatolia.

鱼疗在过去十年中迅速流行,其中包括将脚放入装有数百条 Garra rufa 的水箱中,Garra rufa 是一种小型鲤鱼,原产于西亚和安纳托利亚的河流、池塘、溪流和湖泊。

Once human's feet enter the water, the fish immediately congregate around patches of dead skin to feed, eventually leaving them silky smooth. Fish pedicures are also believed to alleviate the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.

一旦人类的脚进入水中,鱼立即聚集在死皮周围进食,最终使它们变得丝滑光滑。 鱼足疗也被认为可以缓解湿疹和牛皮癣的症状。

The fish spa treatment gave Victoria another infection, this time to the bone of her big toe, from a waterborne bug only found in Thailand, which had seeped through the wounds from her earlier surgery.


Upon returning to Perth, Victoria was forced to see doctors after the infection left her with fevers and sickness.


After a year of tests, a doctor eventually diagnosed her with osteomyelitis, a rare and serious condition involving infection of the bone.


Despite her declining state of health, it took doctors over a year to diagnose the disease as Schwelmenella, an infection which eats away at the bone, eventually forcing doctors to amputate the entire big toe in December 2012.

尽管她的健康状况每况愈下,医生还是花了一年多的时间才诊断出她的疾病为舒韦尔门氏菌(Schwelmenella),这是一种侵蚀骨头的感染,最终迫使医生在 2012 年 12 月截掉了整个大脚趾。

Two years later, Curthoy's big toe on her right foot had to be amputated to contain the disease. However, it didn't get rid of the infection fully. The doctors then told Curthoys she had no choice but to remove all the remaining toes on her right foot—a procedure that took five years to complete.

两年后,柯索伊的右脚大脚趾不得不被截肢以控制病情。 然而,它并没有完全消除感染。 医生随后告诉柯索伊斯,她别无选择,只能切除右脚所有剩余的脚趾——这个手术花了五年时间才完成。

After the initial infection was removed through amputation, the pressure of walking on her smaller toes left Victoria with rough calluses and further infections, eventually leading to Victoria’s other four toes being removed over the course of the next five years.


“When I was 17 years old I received a cut on the bottom of my big toe after cutting it on some glass,” said Victoria.

“当我 17 岁的时候,我的大脚趾底部被玻璃割伤了,”维多利亚说。

“I didn’t notice it was cut as it was on the bottom of the toe and not causing me any pain.


“It took me a while to realise it was there so by that time I already had an infection in the bone, so the doctors amputated half of the big toe.


“Then when I was in Thailand I decided to use a fish spa. I thought nothing of it as I’d watched the owner set up the system and it looked very clean, but how wrong I was.

“然后,当我在泰国时,我决定使用鱼疗。 我没有多想,因为我看到业主设置了系统,看起来很干净,但我错了。

“I ended up getting another bone infection in my big toe and it took doctors over a year to figure out what type of bug I had. By the time they’d realised what it was, my entire toe bone had been eaten away and I’d been suffering from sickness the whole time.

“我的大脚趾最终再次出现骨感染,医生花了一年多的时间才弄清楚我感染的是哪种细菌。 当他们意识到那是什么时,我的整个脚趾骨都被吃掉了,而且我一直在生病。

“They eventually decided to take the big toe off completely. I felt relieved that I could go back to my life without being sick all the time and I was determined to get better, so I could show the doctors I had been right the whole time.

“他们最终决定完全去掉大脚趾。 我感到很欣慰,因为我可以回到原来的生活,不再一直生病,而且我决心变得更好,这样我就可以向医生证明我一直都是对的。

“A year of walking without a big toe caused ulcers on the second toe from the pressure placed on it. It had a rough callus over the top, but I was unaware that underneath that there was another raging infection.

“一年没有大脚趾行走导致第二个脚趾因压力而溃疡。 它的顶部有一个粗糙的愈伤组织,但我没有意识到下面还有另一种严重的感染。

“This time, the doctors took the second toe and left me with three toes.


“I was healthy for another two years, I thought I was very lucky to still have my foot and carried on with my life. But then I started to get sick again.

“我又健康了两年,我认为我很幸运,我的脚还活着,并继续我的生活。 但后来我又开始生病了。

“Every morning I would be vomiting and constantly had a fever, but X-rays weren’t showing any signs of infections, so the doctors fobbed it off for a long time and they told me it was all in my head.


“It wasn’t until my podiatrist ordered blood samples that they realised that I did in fact have another bone infection and I had a very high white blood cell count. This was why I was feeling so terrible.

“直到我的足病医生订购了血液样本,他们才意识到我实际上确实患有另一种骨骼感染,而且我的白细胞计数非常高。 这就是为什么我感觉如此糟糕。

“In November 2016 my doctors took the third and fourth toes, but for some reason they left the small toe.

“2016 年 11 月,我的医生取走了第三和第四个脚趾,但由于某种原因,他们留下了小脚趾。

“Because the little toe was the only one left, I kept knocking it and when I walked, and all the pressure would go onto the little toe.


“Last year I noticed my small toe wasn’t looking very happy and there was some liquid on my sock, but I couldn’t see any cuts.


“After a few blood samples and more X-rays, they discovered another bone infection, so they finally took the last toe in November 2017.”

“在采集了一些血样和更多的 X 光检查后,他们发现了另一种骨头感染,所以他们终于在 2017 年 11 月取走了最后一个脚趾。”

Despite losing all of her toes, Victoria is glad to no longer suffer from infectious diseases and she wants to warn others against using the fish spas which caused her so much devastation.


“I can honestly say that my foot has never been as healthy as it is now. Now I can put pressure on my foot,” said Victoria.

“我可以诚实地说,我的脚从来没有像现在这样健康。 现在我可以对脚施加压力了,”维多利亚说。

“Now and again I tend to trip because of the lack of feeling and having to get used to not having any toes, but I’ve been very lucky to be able to just get back up and walk.


“My parents are proud of me and my friends think I’m awesome because I’ve been through a lot, but at the end of the day I’ve seen people with far worse injuries and life-altering illnesses, so I consider myself lucky.

“我的父母为我感到骄傲,我的朋友们认为我很棒,因为我经历了很多事情,但归根结底,我看到人们受到更严重的伤害和改变生活的疾病,所以我认为自己 幸运的。

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