Sunday, February 25, 2024

Is retirement fun? 退休生活有趣吗?

 Is retirement fun? 退休生活有趣吗?

What do you do all day? 你整天都做什么?

I tell one and all that "there’s no life like it." 我告诉所有人“没有比这更好的生活了”。

And it is true!! 这是真的!

I am one of the fortunate ones. 我是幸运者之一。

Freedom 55. 自由五十五。

A steady pension, providing more than I need. 稳定的养老金,提供的比我需要的多。

Is it all fun (and games)?? 这一切都很有趣(和游戏)吗?

No. 不。

But - compared with having to work for a living… 但是——与必须工作谋生相比……

Well - if I had to ‘work’ today, I do not think I could do it. 好吧 - 如果我今天必须“工作”,我认为我做不到。

It is not about becoming lazy. 这并不是要变得懒惰。

It is just the freedom - to do what one wants to do, if and when one wants - the whole thing about not having to do something one does not want to do (example:  keeping a boss happy). 这只是一种自由——只要愿意,就可以做自己想做的事——不必做自己不想做的事情(例如:让老板高兴)。

Being single helps to - none of the ‘honey do’ lists which some of my neighbors complain about. 单身有帮助——没有一个是我的一些邻居抱怨的“亲爱的”所列出的。

I get to sleep in as late as I desire - none of this getting up with the early birds. 我想睡多久就睡多久——这一切都不是早起的鸟儿起床的事。

 And, complementing this, I stay up as late as I want. 而且,作为补充,我想熬夜就熬夜。

Probably the enjoyment comes from being my own self. 也许这种享受来自于做我自己。

No one telling me what I have to do. 没有人告诉我我必须做什么。

No deadlines. 没有最后期限。

No nagging. 没有唠叨。

I get to look after my health - which is good and what I concentrate on maintaining. 我开始照顾自己的健康——这很好,也是我集中精力维持的。

I have enough money to live decently and to do a few special things once in a while - example :  visiting family and friends wherever they live. 我有足够的钱过上体面的生活,并偶尔做一些特别的事情 - 例如:拜访家人和朋友,无论他们住在哪里。

Television these days is very disappointing. 如今的电视非常令人失望。

However, the public library has more books on a variety of topics than I will ever be able to read. 然而,公共图书馆拥有的各种主题的书籍超出了我的阅读能力。

Travel documentaries on TV or dvd satisfy my armchair traveling bug - and - I get to see so much more than any tourist/traveler visiting exotic places ever will. 电视或 DVD 上的旅行纪录片满足了我坐在扶手椅上旅行的癖好 - 而且 - 我比任何参观异国他乡的游客/旅行者都能看到更多的东西。

I would like to add that an afternoon nap is almost essential. 我想补充一点,午睡几乎是必不可少的。

I started with a power nap, that went to a half-hour nap, which has morphed into something more akin to a siesta. 我从一次强力小睡开始,后来小睡了半个小时,现在已经演变成更类似于午睡的东西。

I take a nap every day and recommend everyone do so as well! 我每天都会小睡一下,建议大家也这样做!

On top of everything, I am blessed with great family and friends. 最重要的是,我很幸运拥有伟大的家人和朋友。

I get to enjoy their company. 我很享受他们的陪伴。

I help my neighbors as much as possible - in turn, I know I can count on them. 我尽可能地帮助我的邻居 - 反过来,我知道我可以依靠他们。

All this provides peace of mind. 所有这些都让人安心。

I sleep well at night. 我晚上睡得很好。

I am thankful to be able to enjoy this stage of life!! 我很庆幸能够享受人生的这个阶段!

I wish you the same for your retirement.我希望您的退休生活也能如此。

●At 60, if I knew retirement was so great I would have retired when I was 20. 60 岁时,如果我知道退休是如此美好,我就会在 20 岁时退休。

● Retired at 51, No deadlines, no setting alarms, no crybabies to deal with, no bosses or corporate aggravation. 51 岁退休,没有最后期限,没有闹钟,没有爱哭鬼要对付,没有老板或公司的烦恼。

Only been 10 months but I think I’m getting the hang of it. 虽然才 10 个月,但我想我已经掌握了窍门。

I enjoy fishing and when it’s not too hot out I will go several days a week. 我喜欢钓鱼,当天气不太热时,我每周会去钓鱼几天。

I spend more time in the swimming pool than I thought I ever would in the summer. 我在游泳池度过的时间比我想象的夏天要多。

Love the afternoon nap with my baby doggie. 喜欢和我的小狗宝宝一起午睡。

Learning to figure out what makes me happy, it’s not buying new cars or other toys like it was when I was younger. 学会弄清楚什么让我快乐,它不是像我年轻时那样购买新车或其他玩具。

It’s more about relearning yourself and enjoy the little things like in the morning watching the wildlife while drinking a cup of coffee or watching the sunrise overlooking the river on days I fish. 更多的是重新学习自己,享受一些小事情,比如早上一边喝咖啡一边观看野生动物,或者在钓鱼的日子里俯瞰河流看日出。

We have an amazing world, I just never looked at or thought about it before. 我们有一个奇妙的世界,我只是以前从未看过或思考过它。

I cook a lot more now and enjoy trying new recipes. 我现在做饭的次数更多了,并且喜欢尝试新食谱。

I love being home with my little Shihtzu, she’s 13 and I want to be with her as much as I can before she leaves me like her brother Alex did 2 years ago. 我喜欢和我的小西施犬一起呆在家里,她已经 13 岁了,我想在她像她哥哥亚历克斯两年前那样离开我之前尽可能多地和她在一起。

I truly appreciate this. 我真的很感激这一点。

Good luck to anyone wanting to retire early. 祝所有想提前退休的人好运。

● Very accurate, Steven. 非常准确,史蒂文。

I had a late life divorce and had to work until 65 to get a bigger percentage of my pension back, and so I really appreciate retirement. 我晚年离婚,必须工作到 65 岁才能拿回更大比例的养老金,所以我真的很感激退休。

I worked almost 40 years, the last 25 years in a very high pressure job. 我工作了近 40 年,最后 25 年的工作压力非常大。

While at times money is tighter than I would like (our house has been on a streak of larger repairs), overall, the relaxation is great. 虽然有时钱比我想象的要紧(我们的房子一直在进行大规模的维修),但总的来说,放松是很棒的。

The pandemic has limited what we can do (I have chronic health issues, so I have to be pretty careful), but I'm enjoying each day…appreciating the small things. 大流行限制了我们能做的事情(我有慢性健康问题,所以我必须非常小心),但我很享受每一天……欣赏小事。

Not sitting thru meetings, and especially never having to hear my bosses voice again, is awesome. 不用坐着参加会议,尤其是再也不用听到老板的声音,真是太棒了。

It sounds like you have mastered the art of retirement, and please continue to enjoy it! 听起来您已经掌握了退休的艺术,请继续享受它!

● Whatever you want. 任何你想要的。

It's incredible to me that people can't think of anything else they'd rather spend their lives doing besides sitting in an office! 让我难以置信的是,除了坐在办公室里,人们想不出他们宁愿花一生去做的任何事情!

● Is retirement fun? 退休生活有趣吗?

You better believe it is. 你最好相信它是。

That is if you plan right. 那就是如果你计划正确的话。

I have been retired for 9 years and I have had a wonderful time at it. 我已经退休9年了,我度过了一段美好的时光。

I am doing exactly what I had seen me doing when I was thinking about my career and future in general. 当我思考我的职业和未来时,我所做的正是我所看到的。

I have a full schedule to the point I have to post it on the refrigerator so the household can keep track where I am or I will be on any given day. 我的日程安排很满,我必须把它贴在冰箱上,这样家人就可以知道我在哪里,或者我在哪一天会在哪里。

I am involved in charity groups and senior groups. 我参与慈善团体和老年人团体。

I live my life as I want, 我按照自己想要的方式生活,

don’t have to answer to any boss anymore, 不必再对任何老板负责,

go to bed when I am tired, 当我累了的时候就去睡觉 ,

wake up when I am no longer tired, 当我不再疲倦时醒来,

eat when I am hungry, 

eat what I like, 

wear what I want , 

where I want. 

Yes retirement is fun for me. 

I am one very lucky retiree. 

I hope you can plan your own retirement to be just as happy.

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