Sunday, May 5, 2024

purpose-driven or life-driven

 What is life purpose and how do you find your life purpose (or purposes)? Learn more about the science of purpose so you can create a more purpose-driven life.

Many of us think of life purpose and meaning in life as the same thing, but they are slightly different. More specifically, it's thought that life purpose, or engaging in purpose-driven behaviors, is just one thing that contributes to a meaningful life.

When you have purpose in your life, you likely feel good about the way you are living your life. You might feel that there is some ultimate reason for your actions and that you are contributing to the world in some important way. This gives you a sense of satisfaction and connectedness which can help you reach higher levels of well-being.

What is life purpose and how do you find your life purpose (or purposes)? Learn more about the science of purpose so you can create a more purpose-driven life.

What Is Life Purpose?

Life purpose is defined as having set goals and a direction for one's life . Many of us think of life purpose and meaning in life as the same thing, but they are slightly different. More specifically, it's thought that life purpose, or engaging in purpose-driven behaviors, is just one thing that contributes to a meaningful life.

When you have purpose in your life, you likely feel good about the way you are living your life. You might feel that there is some ultimate reason for your actions and that you are contributing to the world in some important way. This gives you a sense of satisfaction and connectedness which can help you reach higher levels of well-being.

How Do You Define Life Purpose?

Life purpose means different things to different people. One study suggests that there are four different types of purpose . These types are:

Prosocial. Defined as a propensity to help others and influence the societal structure

Creative. Defined as artistic goals and a propensity for originality

Financial. Defined as goals of financial well-being and administrative success

Personal recognition. Defined as one's desire for recognition and respect from colleagues

People vary on how much they pursue each of these types of purpose. But if our goal is to increase happiness and well-being, then focusing our efforts on the prosocial type of purpose is the best strategy. Specifically, get involved in projects that help others in some way and try to “give back” in ways that matter to you.

Finding Meaning in Life

Although life purpose and life meaning are not quite the same things, it seems helpful to talk about meaning in life here as well. ​The factors that are thought to make up a meaningful life include values, principles, purpose, accomplishment, and excitement.

Valuing life: Seeing life’s inherent value

Living by principles: Having a personal philosophy that guides your life

Purpose: Having clear goals and intentions

Accomplishment: Setting and reaching personal goals

Excitement in life: A sense that life is exciting, interesting, or engaging


Each of these things individually contributes to a greater sense of meaning in life. So ask yourself, how strong do you feel in each of these areas and what could you do to focus more on each of these things?

Life is breathing the spirit ...

So how do you find your life purpose (or purposes)? First, it's important to keep in mind that you can have more than one purpose. You can have lots, and the more the better. To start finding your purposes, ask yourself these questions:

1. What pain, injustice, or problem do you really want to be solved?

This question can help you discover what really matters to you. Once you know this, start setting goals and intentions for how you'll help solve this problem. This doesn't have to be anything big. For example, if you really want the world to be a nicer place, you can start making it that way by practicing random acts of kindness in your daily life.

2. What activities energize you?

Your answer to this question can further point to your life purpose because when you are in alignment with your life purpose, you feel energized and may even experience the state of flow—an experience where you're so immersed in what you're doing that you become fully present and may even lose track of time.

3. What are you willing to sacrifice for?

The things that give us life purpose are usually the things that matter so much to us that we're willing to sacrifice other important things like leisure time or money. So what are the things, people, or projects that you're are willing to sacrifice for?

4. Who do you want to help?

The thing about happiness is that if we become overly focused on ourselves and our own happiness, we're actually less happy (Ford et al., 2014). That's why it's so important to disconnect for a moment from your desire to find your purpose. Instead, shift your focus onto how you can help others. Ask yourself who can you help, how can you help, and who do you want to help? Start small if you need to—offer to help a friend, give a compliment, bake cookies for your coworkers, or say thanks to the store clerk. Figuring out how you can help others in ways that are meaningful to you is the key to finding life purpose.

What Else Gives People Life Purpose?

​These seven things can further contribute to life purpose:

1. Social Connection. Creating meaningful connections with others is a great way to increase life purpose while also boosting health and happiness.

2. Achievement. ​Achieving important goals, especially purpose-driven goals, is helpful for enhancing purpose.

3. Self-expression. Expressing ourselves, our emotions, our opinions, and ideas is helpful for purpose.

4. Excitement. Fun, joy, and excitement help life feel more enjoyable and purposeful.

5. Impact. When we positively impact the lives of others, we boost our sense of purpose.

6. Personal growth. When we work on improving ourselves in ways that matter to us, we can increase our sense of purpose.

7. Recognition. Admiration can give us a feeling that we are valued and are living a life of purpose.



1. 你真正想要解决的痛苦、不公正或问题是什么?


2. 什么活动能让你充满活力?


 3. 你愿意为了什么而牺牲?


4. 你想帮助谁?

关于幸福,如果我们过于关注自己和自己的幸福,我们实际上会不那么幸福 (Ford 等人,2014)。这就是为什么暂时放下寻找人生目标的欲望如此重要。相反,将注意力转移到如何帮助他人上。问问自己,你可以帮助谁,如何帮助,你想帮助谁?如果需要,可以从小事做起——主动帮助朋友,赞美,为同事烤饼干,或者向店员道谢。弄清楚如何以对你有意义的方式帮助他人是找到人生目标的关键。



1. 社会联系。与他人建立有意义的联系是增加人生目标的好方法,同时也能增进健康和幸福。

2. 成就。​实现重要目标,尤其是有目的的目标,有助于增强目标。

3. 自我表达。表达我们自己、我们的情绪、我们的观点和想法有助于实现目标。

4. 兴奋。乐趣、喜悦和兴奋使生活更加愉快和有意义。

5. 影响。当我们对他人的生活产生积极影响时,我们会增强我们的目标感。

6. 个人成长。当我们努力以对我们重要的方式改善自己时,我们可以增强我们的目标感。

7. 认可。钦佩可以让我们感觉到我们受到重视并且过着有目的的生活。








亲社会。 定义为帮助他人和影响社会结构的倾向













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