Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Story Behind "Beating HFMD:Drink water"

Here you can learn the story behind the "Beating HFMD: Drink water" on The Straits Times (Singapore) Online Story, ST Forum , May 9, 2008 Friday.

Beating HFMD : Drink water

THE rising number of reported hand, foot and mouth disease cases shows that stepped-up hygiene standards and checks on the young charges are not enough to arrest the crisis.

One way that can help tackle the problem is to be mindful of children's water intake. I am not advocating just drinking lots of water. Water intake should be more specific, in proportion to the child's body weight. The key is to drink it in sufficient quantity and regularity.

The rule of thumb is : Drink at least one ounce of water for every two pounds of the child's body weight. The metric equivalent is : 31.42ml of water for every 1 kg of the child's weight. In addition, mix 6/100 (0.06) teaspoon of sea salt (do not use table salt ) into every 314.2 ml of water.

For thousands of years, doctors have successfully treated their patients with nothing more than plain water and natural salt. Water and natural salt, when combined together, give you everything your body and mind need.

Soong See Choo

(Milestone # 1,1st e-mail to ST Health Correspondent)
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008
From : "soong seechoo"
Subject: Water Cures : Drugs Kill
To: "salma khalik"

Dear Salma, I was sad to read about the girl suffering in newspaper this morning. I hope and appeal to the doctors and media to educate the general public to correct body re hydration to prevent further complications of human body degeneration caused by primary (first) etiology of cellular dehydration.
The present "solid paradigm" and status quo protocol can never solve the present HFMD syndrome. Merely quoting 'virus name' supposedly is not scientific mean to educate the people. We must use "solvent paradigm" instead.
Use and promote "water cure" protocol , ie: increase water and sea-salt intake will reverse many signs and symptoms of body.
Formula : Every kilogram of body weight needs at least 31.42 ml of plain water,daily.
1. Present body weight = 50 kilogram.
2. Water quota daily : 50 x 31.42 = 1671 ml.
3. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea-salt for every 1250 ml of water drank.
4. Timing of water intake is 90 minutes interval. Portion size, use 1671 divide by 10 equals 167 ml per glass. This size is relative to every individual body weight.
5.Drink 1 glass of water upon arising every morning and follow by another glass every 90 minutes thereafter.

Research and development materials from www.watercure.com
For layperson education and testimonies go to www.watercure2.com
My blog update for public awareness of health, go to http://theinnozablog.blogspot.com

Salma, kindly, share this formula with the child's grand aunt. She herself is undergoing stressful and may be experiencing dehydration unknowingly. Dehydration at cellular cannot be tested by blood test.
Mr.soong see choo
(IC number given)
(hp number given)
(Milestone #2, 2nd e-mail to the news reporter )

Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008
From: "soong seechoo"
Subject: Re: Water Cures : Drugs Kill
To: ndianah@sph.com.sg, suntimes@sph.com.sg
CC: sachs_susan@yahoo.com, leeteejong@yahoo.com

Hello Nur Dianah Suhaimi, again with much concern and pity I read your report on the HFMD in Singapore. Earlier on I have written to Salma, and you can read my letter to her, see below.
Prevent the onset of HFMD, use water-cure protocol. Unintentional-prolonged-dehydration (free water deficits in body) can cause human body immunity lower and enter into a vicious cycle of distress manifesting signs and symptoms. Why children under five years old in particular are most susceptible to HFMD? Check and monitor their daily water intake. Use the measurement offered below. I am sharing this scientific breakthrough as alternative idea to the present status quo.
I felt for the parents and the children affected. Will you forward this simple formula to them on my behalf, because I do not have their e-mail or contact numbers. To Mr.Frankie Loh, Housewife Norjannah Mohammed Kamal and husband, Madam Jessica Tan and her husband, Mr.Zain Ismail, Ms Cathy Chem, Principal Daphe Lee. I encourage you to go to the websites below and my blog for details.

Yours sincerely,
Mr.soong see choo
(address given)
(hp number given)

(attached "1st e-mail to Salma ")

(Mile stone #3, 3rd e-mail to the journalists)

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008
From: "soong seechoo"

Respected reporters, Salma Khalik and Nur Dianah Suhaimi. I hope to know whether you have receive my earlier e-mail and seriously consider the content?
Thanks from mr. soong see choo. Sincerely.

(Milestone #4, received 1st reply from Salma Khalik)

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008
From: "salma khalik"

Dear Mr Soong,
Thank you for your e-mail.
While many people believe in the benefits of water, there is no scientific evidence to show that it does the things you claim.
In fact, there is proof that too much water can actually kill.
As a newspaper, no matter what our personal beliefs, we have to go with what the experts say.
As such, I'm afraid we can't publish the information you have sent.
Yours sincerely,
Salma Khalik
Health Correspondent
The Straits Times


(Milestone #5, 4th e-mail, reply to Salma Khalik)

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008
From: "soong seechoo"
Subject: Re: Water Cures : Drugs Kill
To: "Salma Khalik"

Dear Salma Khalik,
Firstly, I thank you for your reply here.

Secondly, I apologise if I have seem to give the impression to anyone that this water cure protocol is without scientific evidence. But the evidences are plentiful from the many positive results from responders who were on drugs therapies then and later adopt this proven water cure protocol. I am not selling any products to the public, but just to highlight to them the underlying cause of their body suffering and signs/ symptoms manifestations. That scientific cause is persistence-unintentional-dehydration.

Thirdly, the formula of water drank per day, which I have shared with you and public is logical and scientific calculation for every individual in respect to individual present body weight. I did not use a general statement like "drink a lot of water", but rather, I am specific to the point of sharing the timing and amount to drink, just like any doctor prescribe the drugs dosage and timing, case to case basis.

Fourthly, how wrong could we go with the experts say? You know how your body feel and respond better than all the experts in the world. Each must seriously consider what is being said by the experts and weight seriously the actuality of what have been proposed or defended.

Fifth, I just hope and appeal again that you or any serious reporter would just filter through seriously the matter at hand. i remain confident that this simple water cure protocol can and will help many of our fellow citizens in our country. I respect the final decision you and the editor take in regard to publish or not to, after all we could not help but to share the truth with anyone who want to know the truth. Kindly review those well documented evidences found at www.watercure.com or www.watercure2.com or http://theinnozablog.blogspot.com

Thanks again for your time and reply.

Sincerely yours,
Mr. Soong See Choo

(Milestone #6, e-mail to Salma Khalik)

Date:Fri, 25 Apr 2008
From:"soong seechoo"
Subject: Have a nice day ahead. Thanks from soong see choo.
To:"Salma Khalik"

Thanks dear Salma Khalik for your explanation. I understand your position. Have a nice day ahead with friends and family.
Would you mind if I sent you some scientific materials in regards to water metabolism in human body and how the public recovered from their respective diseases symptoms after they learn and applied the "water cure protocol"? Please confirm your request. In public service interest.

Sincerely yours,
Mr.Soong See Choo.

(Note: still waiting for her reply )

(Milestone # 7, e-mail to stforum@sph.com.sg and three others news reporters)

Date:Thu, 8 May 2008
From:"soong see choo"
Subject: Science (Stamp HFMD Outbreak)
To:"salma khalik, leepq@sph.com.sg, tracyq@sph.com.sg
CC: stforum@sph.com.sg

To Salma Khalik, Tracy Quek, Lee Pei Qi and others to whom it may concern.

This is my third e-mail to The Straits times in respond to the HFMD outbreak in Singapore since 17 April, 2008. I still remember Sharmaine Lee, 7 years old girl, hardest-hit victim, suffered brain damage.

The rising reported cases emphatically shows stepped up hygiene standards and checks on the young charges are not enough steps to arrest the crisis, hence will not solve this present outbreak problems.
Not giving up easily, I appeal again to the press, to make known or forward the "water cure protocol" to all doctors, public health administrators, public and childcare centers for serious consideration and scrutiny and immediate application to stamp the HFMD outbreak. Only the positive result after the application will prove the validity of this "solvent paradigm"/water-cure protocol to combat dehydration related symptoms such as HFMD. I am not advocating 'drink lots of water' general statement here. But I am specific, to remind and monitor the children's daily hydration or water intake, in respect to each child's body weight. Sufficient quantity and regularity is the key here.
To all parents, pre-scholars, care-givers and young students, I say do not fear, just remember to drink sufficient water everyday. I repeat below the measurement to use for each case, for your perusal.

The rule of thumb is : Drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of the child's body weight. Metric equivalent is use 31.42 ml of water for every 1 kilogram of the child's body weight. And for every 314.2 ml of water drank, mix 6/100 (0.06)teaspoon of sea salt into it.

1.The child's body weight, say, 10 kg.
2.Water intake per day, 10 x 31.42 = 314.2 ml. Round up to 315 ml.
3.Mix 6/100 (or 0.06) teaspoon of sea salt (do not use table salt) into every 315 ml water drank. Note: Table salt has nothing in common with natural salt, biophysics proven.
4.Each portion to drink is 315 ml divided into 10 equal parts, that is 31.5 ml.
5.Drink one portion 31.5 ml upon arising every morning and follow up with one portion every 90 minutes interval. Regularity is the key.

For thousands of years, doctors have successfully treated their patients with nothing more than plain water and natural salt. Bio physically, water and natural salt, when combined together, give you everything your body and mind need.
Recall the incident when Sharmaine Lee was prone to screaming fits and angry fits. My question, did anyone check her water and salinity deficiency?
Industrialization may have supplanted this ancient important knowledge, but it's time again to revive this know- how and rediscover natural salt and water as vital healing source.

Let "drink your regular sufficient water" be the buzz-word now, beside the catch phase "wash your hands" only. Note: Not over drink or under drink, but drink sufficient, daily.

At the end of the day, prevention is better than all treatments or attempts to cure. If nothing else, prevention is cheaper,natural and less painful. We must fight to maintain and continue building on previous achievements, and avoid backsliding. The war on diseases are not the sole domain of scientists and clinicians, but laymen themselves have significant roles to play. It is an uphill task to change mindset and habits, and to encourage paradigm shift based on solid scientific evidence from research.

For me as a researcher, I do research about water metabolism and public health issues because I want to understand fundamental mechanisms, not to gather fortune. But good work can never be done in isolation. There is a need for cross fertilization of ideas and exchange views. Hence, I sincerely encourage all , to whom it may concern , to review my modest appeal.
Well, human beings can't agree on all findings. In any social cause community, especially in public health issues, there are people who strive for purity. Some strive for pragmatic and compromise on purity. Common sense cannot be gotten from text books. We were born with the capacity of cultivating common sense and using common sense, to learn and sense the common. Children need to learn new things everyday and drinking sufficient plain water daily is one of the important things they must be taught and be constantly reminded. The crystalline sole (so-lay), salt-water brine, is unquestionably the energy matrix in which life begins, develops and subsists.

Yours Sincerely,
Soong See Choo.

(address given )
(phone numbers given)

P.S. Tracy Quek, can you please forward this "watercure protocol" to the people in China, especially to Madam Bao Xianfang, on my behalf. Thanks.

"We know about the (HFMD) virus, but we don't know clearly how to protect ourselves. The information hasn't been thorough enough". --- (one lady interviewed by Tracy Quek, ST Correspondent in China about HFMD)

Scientific background and research informations available from www.watercure.com
Lay persons' website for public education and testimonies, log on www.watercure2.com
My blogsite updates for public sharing or awareness on health issues, log on http://theinnozablog.blogspot.com


(Milestone #8, see later post)(reply from Singapore Ministry of Health)Beating HFMD : Drink water

THE rising number of reported hand, foot and mouth disease cases shows that stepped-up hygiene standards and checks on the young charges are not enough to arrest the crisis.

One way that can help tackle the problem is to be mindful of children's water intake. I am not advocating just drinking lots of water. Water intake should be more specific, in proportion to the child's body weight. The key is to drink it in sufficient quantity and regularity.

The rule of thumb is : Drink at least one ounce of water for every two pounds of the child's body weight. The metric equivalent is : 31.42ml of water for every 1 kg of the child's weight. In addition, mix 6/100 (0.06) teaspoon of sea salt (do not use table salt ) into every 314.2 ml of water.

For thousands of years, doctors have successfully treated their patients with nothing more than plain water and natural salt. Water and natural salt, when combined together, give you everything your body and mind need.

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