Thursday, September 25, 2008

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Who cares about my BMI anyway?
The Insurance Company, my employer and I do.

On 24 SEPT'08, I went for my annual health screening test. Weight = 60 kg, Height =1.66m ,so BMI Reading (WT/(HT x HT) = 21.7

Result ranges for BMI Reading:(in Singapore context)
Below 18.5 (Low)
18.5 - 22.9 (Normal)
23 - 27.4 (Borderline High)
>= 27.5 (High)

The BMI of a person regardless of whether they are male or female, is defined as their weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in metres, so that the average person with a weight of 70 kg and height of 1.80 m will have a BMI Reading of 70/(1.8 x 1.8) which comes to 22 to the nearest whole number. This is for the metric measurements only.

Imperial system: In the units of pounds (weight), feet and inches (height) , a slightly different formula is required. Divide the weight in pounds by the square of the height in inches, and then multiply this by 700.
Say, if a person's weight is 155 pounds and stands at 5 feet 9 inches (i.e. 69 inches in total) then this person's BMI is ( 155/(69 x 69)) x 700 which gives a reading of 23.

In the US the "BMI reading context" is different from those in Singapore. If your BMI is within the range 20 - 25 you have nothing to worry about as far as your weight is concerned.

If your BI is between 25 - 30 you are too fat and should consider losing some extra weight.

And if it is over 30, you are officially classed as obese. OBESE. You OUGHT to go on a systematic weight-reducing diet and lifestyle change.

If your BMI is above 40 you are very obese.

Diet is what we put into our mouth hoping to get the nutrition required by the body to live healthily and happily. Nutrients are the natural elements which the body need to work under normal conditions and grow naturally healthy and sound. Just remember that all nutrients are diet for your body, but not all diet are nutrients for you.

The difficulty with diets is sticking to them : a crash diet lasting two weeks/months tests the limits of most ordinary people's endurance. The chemistry of dieting is straightforward, and understanding it may help to do it successfully.
When there is intention there is energy.

Once you understand the chemistry of food in terms of the energy it provides, you have no-one to blame/accuse but yourself if you stay fat. By fat We mean obese, a condition which afflicts growing numbers of people in the West, East, North and South, with over 40% of the world population now coming into this category.

Choose the BMI of lower than 30 and see your healthy(horse) happily enjoying 'pulling' your (cart of)wealth.

Get your water intake right in the first place and quit robbing you body of its daily fresh water supply by drinking beverages that rob/tax/flush the fresh 'cash flow' of water from your body systems daily. Use water-cure protocol formula today.
Drink at least 10% of your own daily water-quota (31.42 ml multiply by your present body weight(kg), every 90 minutes. Use 1/4 teaspoon of sea-salt in your daily diet, for every 1250 ml water drank.

There is no need for anyone to badmouth these drinks such as coffee, colas, sweetened drinks, beer, alcohol, tea, cow-milk anymore these days, because the evidences are abound everywhere for everyone to see. Go for more fresh fruit juices instead. They are the purest energy which your body will enjoy and cherish most.

To make the sums easy I will assume the average amount for a man and a woman is 2.200 Calories.
If you reduce your intake of energy to 1,000 Calories a day you draw the other 1,200 Calories that you need from your own body's reserves. Since your body is not aware you are dieting it supplies the missing calories from its glycogen carbohydrate store in your liver, which it can draw upon straight away.

Many people fondly imagine that dieting is a direct attack on their flabby bits and are puzzled when these do not immediately start to shrink. Body wisdom. Many people also expect their 'oversize' body to shed the fatty tissue which they think appears least attractive, which is around the stomach, hips and thighs. Would that it would.

What does a cut of 1,200 Calories mean?
You would have to burn up 300 grams (11 ounces) of carbohydrate to provide 1,200 Calories. Alternatively your body could consume 140 grams (5 ounces) of its fat.
Two weeks on 1,000 Calories a day must mean a loss of at least 2 kilograms (4 pounds) if you lost only fat.

In fact our human body lose carbohydrate, fat and protein, at the rate of about 250 grams (8 ounces) a day. Loss of water from the disappearing tissue will make our weight loss much more than this. That's the reason that we must keep track of our own personal water intake, timing(90 minutes interval) and drinking(10%) it correctly.

A rough guide is that a pound of water is lost for each pound of fat, so that a strict 1,000 Calorie diet for two weeks could see your weight drop by an average of a pound a day IF you are a man, and slightly less IF you are a woman.

There i nothing magical about dieting. We diet since our birth into this world, it is only the wrong kind of assumed 'nutrients' that caused accumulation of fat and excess weight in the body. You must release energy within your body to keep you warm and active, and that energy must come from fuel provided either by your food or by your own reserves. Obey the rule of a 1,000 Calorie diet and you must lose weight - you cannot defeat the laws of chemistry. We have to be HONEST to our own selves in living a Healthy Wealth lifestyle the rest of our life.

Once you have shed or better still lost the excess weight then the difficult part begins IF you are not to put the extra weight back. Return to your old ways of eating and you could be back to your 'old weight' /obesity within another two weeks. Again, chemistry can come to your aid and rescue to prevent this happening. Just ensure your fresh-water intake is well maintained and avoid all those 'creditor/pirate/robber' beverages, you know very well.

Now that you understand the chemistry and bio-energy count, all you need is the water-power.

One tip though - don't weigh yourself every day or you will become disheartened when some days you see your weight has gone up despite the diet. The water inside our human bodies is not something we can control, yet it weighs a lot because we are 60% water, for adult, 75% for children, and nearly 90% for babies. The human body goes through a daily cycle of water retention and loss which reaches its minimum at about mid-day. The only way to cope with this fluctuation is to weigh yourself once a week on the same day, and at the same time of day.

Those who have deal with people who are addicted to something realize that they can do nothing until the person really wants to be cured.

Eat not only for pleasure but also for treasure nutrients in the food. Either stick to it and chemistry will guarantee you lose obese/fat weight - or forget it.

Revise older post again click


  1. hai. thanks for your comment the other day. quite surprised to know some else is reading the blog. like your blog as its so informative.
    hey u know how to gain weight a bit? im 50kg and 160+cm kinda underweigh here. for now, i lift weights and jogging (right now jogging for me as i am fasting)

  2. Besides water, what is good to drink? I LIKE LEMONADE OR ORANGE JUICE. is that ok?

  3. Is OJ and lemonade ok to drink with water also?
