The Breuss Cancer Cure Protocol
The Breuss Cancer Cure Protocol can cure Breast cancer within 6 weeks (ie:42 days) fast.
Testimonials : Breast Cancer
January 20,1973
Twenty-three years ago (ie: year 1950) I was supposed to have a breast cancer operation. Despite the fact that year by year my condition was deteriorating, I just couldn't go through with it as my mother had died shortly after undergoing the same kind of operation.
Luckily, five years later (ie: year 1955), Mr. Breuss was working in our area. I had heard that he was known to heal. I also knew he could diagnose illnesses. I showed him my left hand and asked him, " Am I healthy or ill? "
He replied, " Something is not right with your right breast."
I was shocked. Obviously Mr. Breuss hadn't wanted to say it so bluntly because his face reddened. I think maybe he thought that he had said too much.
I then told him not to worry as I already knew that I had breast cancer, but couldn't he possibly do anything for me? He replied, that as I didn't want to undergo an operation and had full knowledge of my illness he had a mixture of juices which he had come up with ten years before (ie: year 1945), to be used against cancer. Until that day he had never dared mention it to patients who had cancer. As I knew what was wrong with me, he suggested that I follow the juice treatment, even though this particular juice was intended for use against cancer of the stomach. He also warned that I was the first patient he would be testing it on, and that he didn't know if a person could take the treatment for 42 days without having anything else but the juice.
Fully determined, I began the treatment, drinking only the juice. It wasn't easy, because in those days (year 1955) juice extractors had not yet been invented, so I had to grate the vegetables and squeeze out the juices with a towel and potato press.
I was pleasantly surprised. During the treatment I felt very healthy even though I lost some weight. After 42 days the cancer growth had gone and has never reappeared to this day. I feel very well.
Thank you Mr. Breuss, from my heart for your advice. I am proud to have been given the chance to be your first patient and to be healed by your juice treatment. I can personally recommend your Total Cancer Treatment to all cancer sufferers, especially if they have been told no operations can help them.
Maria Nesonsohn, Reformhaus (Health Food Store)
Gartenstrasse 15, 6700 Bludenz
Note: Still healthy, January 1986.
More cancer cure remedies details at
Thanks for your post. It's so inspirational and hopefully lots of people will see it. I've come across a website which actually gives you step-by-step instructions on how to do the treatment with lots of tips. I reckon it works a treat alongside Breuss' book. There's also heaps more testimonials of people who have found their way back to good health. Here's the link: