This is dedicated to all human survival modes. Robust health is essential if we want to meet our goals in this life. It is never too late to be wise. It is never too early to revise.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
WATER or Fluids?
WATER or Fluids?Scientific Protocol to regain pink health
The human body needs water -- nothing substitutes for water. Coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, and even milk and juices are not the same as water.
Scientific Protocol* to regain healthy life again.
1.*Water should be drunk 1/2 hour before meals. The optimum time is thirty (30)minutes before eating. One glass size of 200ml or 7oz. This prepares the digestive tract, particularly in people with gastritis, duodenitis, heartburn, peptic ulcer, colitis, or gas-producing indigestion.
2.* Water should be taken anytime you are thirsty ---even during meals. Common sense? But many are making the common mistakes of drinking beverages instead during meals.
3.*Water should be taken two and a half hours (2 1/2 hours) after a meal to complete the process of digestion and correct the dehydration caused by food breakdown.
4.*Water should be taken first thing in the morning to correct dehydration produced during long sleep.
5.*Water should be taken before exercising to have it available for creating sweat.
6.*Water should be taken by people who are constipated (bowel movement problems) and don't eat sufficient fresh fruits and fresh vegetables(raw).
Two to three glasses (8 oz each glass) of water first thing in the morning act as a most effective laxative.
7.*Water should be taken before you go to sleep. For your brain need water to work with.
Lack of salt. Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength. Lack of bladder control and involuntary leakage of urine could be a consequence of low salt intake. For every 1250 ml of water drunk , use quarter (1/4) teaspoon of salt in food.
This letter from a lady, sixties, speaks volumes. It reveals how salt intake helped her get over a knee problem as well as constant involuntary leakage of urine. Share this good news with millions of senior citizens who might be on diuretics drugs, that adequate salt intake can possibly save them from the embarrassment of having to constantly wear adults pads.
Dear Doctor Batmanghelidj:
June 25,1999, I had to go home from work, because the pain in my knee became unbearable. (This was an old wound, years ago caused by a chiropractor, that had been bruised again.) I was staying in bed a lot as it was too painful to try to walk.
I got your book and tapes ( Your Body's Many Cries for Water). By July 3, 1999, I decided to try to walk around the block. I made it and July 4, 1999, I walked six blocks to church. On July 5, 1999, I rode in the car for seven hours, only stopping twice to use the rest room. I have a very weak bladder and had even taken spare clothing as I was sure they would be needed. I arrived with not a drop of anything on my clothing, and for the first time in my life was not tired and I even took a walk before I went to bed.
I was very thin and was limited on what I could eat. Suddenly I find I am eating things I have not been able to eat in years -- peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, pineapple, and even sweets -- and I was enjoying them with no side effects.
I had not been drinking anything but water for years, but I had talked myself off salt. A bad mistake! My muscles were really screaming as well as many parts of my body. I still have problems to be worked out, but I'm learning how to listen to my own body and I hope to see the day I won't have any more problems with gas, digestion, circulation, and allergies. I can truthfully say most days I do feel better than i have in many years, and I can never thank you enough for your help.
Thanks from,
Dottlee Reid
SALT: THE ETERNAL MEDICATION . Salt is a vital substance for the survival of all living creatures, particularly humans, and especially people with asthma, allergies, and autoimmune disease. After many years of salt being badmouthed by ignorant health professionals and their media 'parrots', the importance of salt as a dietary supplement is once again being acknowledged and recognized. Though many older folks still doubtful of the medicinal value of salt.
Water, salt, and potassium together regulate the water content of the human body.
1.Water regulates the water content of the interior of the cell (there are 9 trillions in average adult) by working its way into all the cells it reaches. Water has to get there to cleanse and extract the toxin waste of cell metabolism.
2.Once water gets into the cells, the potassium content of the cells holds on to it and keeps it there -- to the extent that potassium is available inside the cells. Even in the plant kingdom, it is potassium in the fresh fruit that gives it firmness by holding water (at least 75%) in the interior of the fruit. Our daily food contains ample potassium from its natural sources of fruits and vegetables, but not salt from its natural source. That is why we need to add salt to our daily diet.
3.Note. DO NOT TAKE too much potassium as a dietary supplement. It could cause trouble.
4.Salt forces some water to keep it company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). I balances the amount of water that is held outside the cells. Unrefined sea salt, which contain some of the other minerals that the human body needs, is preferable. "Hypertension," or high blood pressure is not due to salt but due to your insufficient intake of water , daily, with respect to your present body weight.
Every 1 kilogram of body weight need 31.42 ml of water. No substitute for water.
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