Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dreams and Dreamers

One of the most effective ways we can honor the ancestors, besides the obvious marking of anniversaries of their births, deaths, and other important dates, is through our dreams. The ancestors often speak to us in our dreams and, more often than not, we dismiss these events as "just" dreams. Click Here!

However , if we are willing to listen, the messages that they bring can heal us and change our lives. Dreams can also play a powerful role in illness and disease.  Click Here!

They can foretell the onset of an illness, provide the key to recovery, and mark the return to health. A dream can be the source of the greater awareness that accompanies genuine healing.  Click Here!

Most dreams can offer a new perspective that, prior to dreaming, was only an unconscious potentiality. Once assimilated into consciousness, dreams carry greater power and can act as catalysts to create movement and flow once again after periods of inertia and stagnancy.  Click Here!

In order to harness the true power of dreams we must first overcome the biases that we have assimilated through living in our modern times. The universal historical and cross-cultural belief in dreams as messages from the Other Side, from the spirit world, or from God, is striking and undeniable. Click Here!

It is not surprising  that contemporary culture's prevailing mode renders us unable to receive most dream material, which, from our rational perspective, becomes virtually impossible to comprehend. The development of this deficiency, origins of our dream illiteracy . Click Here!

For the church, as it became increasingly institutionalized, devalued and denied the reality of the individual soul and its dreams in favor of collectivized creeds , rituals and traditions. In putting the life of the institution above that of the soul, the church sought to mold the individual to the life of the institution. This left the church devoid of its spiritual basis, and open to the same materialism and rationalism that gripped the rest of the world. Click Here!

Ironically, Christian history and biblical stories abound with accounts of dreams and dreamers that have had significant impact upon their circumstances and cultures.  Click Here!

Once we suspend our disbelief, we can take the next step, to welcome dreams with earnest intent. WE can prepare ourselves, keeping pen and paper at the bedside, by asking to receive a dream.  Click Here!  Click Here!

Dream imagery is a product of the unconscious and its comprehension is not necessarily dependent upon left-brain thinking. Dreams are to be understood in symbolic terms and speak in images that precede language and conceptualization.  Click Here!

Dream to give gifts to loved ones .  Click Here!

 Develop your child's genius. Turn your child into a gifted child.  Click Here!
  Would you like your child to achieve his maximum potential? Click Here!
  Would you like your child to develop a razor sharp analytical mind?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to develop the creativity of a genius?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to read at a lightening speed, comprehend and remember all of it easily and effortlessly?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to be a brilliant problem solver?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to be brilliant in everything he does?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to be ways ahead of the pack?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to be part of all the exciting gifted and talented programs?Click Here!
  Would you like your child to get accepted to the leading universities on a scholarship?Click Here!
  Would you like to create a great bond between you and your child?Click Here!
       Remember - the best time to start is now! The younger your child, the    faster his brain grows!Click Here!

Health & Fitness : Sleep and Dreams

Thousand of hungry search for this product ... Click Here!

How to Cure Sleep Apnea Click Here!


To Help Remove The Obstacles To Relaxation So You Can Sleep Deeply And Awaken Refreshed Click Here!


Easy Painless Cure for Sleep Disorder Exercise  Click Here!


The strategy I teach is based on 14 years of my own experience and decades of hard science. (When you're learning a new skill - why not learn from the best?) And I'm positive that the results will blow your mind...Click Here!

 Letting You Fall Asleep Faster, Insomnia Cure ...Click Here!

From the desk of: Kacper Postawski
Date: May 4, 2012

Dear  Healthy Wealth reader
Do you feel like you're not getting enough sleep and wake up even more tired than before you went bed?
Do you lie in bed for a few more hours on weekends hoping to catch up on your lost sleep?
Do you feel that no matter how hard you work - you're losing your mental dexterity, your performance and feel depressed and irritable because you didn't get a good, refreshing night of restful sleep?
These Are All The Signs You're Suffering From Insomnia!
But I have good news for you:
You can get your good nights sleep back...
Boost Your Stamina... Feel three times better...
Wake up fully recharged ready To Win The Day...
Without Any Pills!
Imagine this:
You fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow... No more tossing and turning... No more listening to the voices inside your head...
You sleep a peaceful and restful eight hours... You wake up with a smile on your face... You know that you have enough energy to last through your day....
You say "goodbye" to headaches, that drowsy feeling, your irritation and even stress...
You say "welcome" to living in peace, enjoying tripled productivity, staying motivated like never before, and even benefiting from your increased sexual energy...
Yes, that can be your new reality in as little as 3 days.
Let me tell you about a...
New Scientific Breakthrough That Has
Already Helped Thousands Of People
Start Sleeping Better Than Ever And
Restore Their Energy Levels.
First, I'd like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Kacper Postawski. I'm an ordinary man and I'm certainly not a celebrity. I'd been suffering from insomnia for more than three years. I'd tried virtually everything that even remotely promised me a peaceful and relaxing sleep.
While a lot of the remedies I tried did, in fact, do what they promised - they put me to sleep - well, you know what, they also caused a lot of unpleasant side effects.
In the morning I still felt tired, groggy, lethargic and disoriented. Plus, I became dependent on sleeping pills. Ironically, the cure for insomnia caused me more harm and cost me more money than the insomnia itself.
So, I decided to search for
The Root Cause of Insomnia...
and then get rid of it once and forever.
Let me share with you the results of my research. Even though I'm a little afraid that billion dollar drug companies will try to shut me up -
I Want You To Know The Truth!
The real "root" cause of insomnia is in your own brain.
And I can show you how to "fix" it.
Here's why:
You see, our brain is made up of billions and billions of inter-connected nerve cells.
Every second those nerve cells produce electrical impulses that vibrate at regular intervals called Brain Wave Patterns. These brain wave patterns are closely related to how you feel, your thoughts, and your state of being.
Altogether there are four groups of brain wave patterns. (Think of these just like the gears in a car.)
The first one associated with normal waking consciousness is called Beta brainwave pattern. In this state of your brain you're fully awake (just like you are right now). Beta is linked to the concentration, alertness and awareness.
As you relax, the nerve cells in your brain slow down you brain wave activity just like a driver shifts to lower gear. The second, brain wave pattern one is called Alpha. Alpha brain wave patterns vary from the state of a very deep relaxation - sometimes called daydreaming when you're half awake and half asleep - to a state of being relaxed but still focused.
For example when you're reading an interesting book you simply can't put down or watching an interesting movie - you're probably in the higher end of Alpha brain wave pattern.
Then, there's even slow brainwave pattern Theta. Your brain switches into Theta gear when you're fully asleep. Your body begins to heal itself, your immune system is releasing hormones your body needs and... your body re-energizes itself. You usually see dreams when you're in the Theta state.
The last brainwave pattern is called Delta. It's associated with deep and dreamless sleep. Your body releases even more highly beneficial chemicals your body needs including the Human Growth hormone.
Now, it's time for you to know that...
Insomnia Is Caused By...

The inability of your own brain to switch from the higher gear - Beta brainwave pattern to a lower one - the Alpha pattern. Then your body does what it has to so you can get relaxing full night of sleep.
The moment you go to bed, instead of relaxing and allowing your brain slowly shift into the Alpha brainwave pattern, your brain stays in the Beta frequency and that causes anxiety, frustration, tossing and turning all night...
But It's Not Your Fault...
You see, at some point in your life you might have had a stressful week... or you stayed up late for a few nights... or you couldn't stop thinking about ways to overcome temporary financial difficulties...
Knowing all that, I can say with confidence:
You Could Get Your Deep, Relaxing, Peaceful Sleep
Every Night In As Little As 3 Days
For The Rest Of Your Life!
Let me tell you how:
All you have to do is re-train your mind to produce the sleepy Alpha brain patterns which will peacefully escort you into the realm of sleep.
It's both easy and natural 
How do you re-train your mind?
Until now, the only way to naturally shift your brain from Beta into Alpha brain wave patterns was to practice transcendental meditation or... try relaxation exercises which are designed to eventually turn your mind off and shift you into the desired brain state.
Practicing meditation and relaxation exercises requires a lot of will power and - most importantly - time. That's why the majority of people give up on meditation and relaxation exercises after first two sessions or sooner.
What do they do and where do they go next? Well, many insomniacs pay for prescription drugs or herbal supplements. Only to discover that they can't sleep anymore without taking a pill...
The last option for insomniacs is to try hypnosis or so-called "relaxation" CDs. And for many this may not work.
First, hypnosis is quite expensive if you hire a good therapist. And hypnosis may not work if the therapist is inexperienced and lacks proper and sufficient training.
Second, musical composers who really don't know much about the science behind creating a good, deep sleep make most of these audio meditation programs.
Think about it - if most doctors don't know how to treat insomnia properly - how do musical composers know about the proper technology to induce your natural brain states?
The Ultimate Cure For Insomnia Is Here.
You see, I have personally invested tens of thousands of dollars and several months of working 18-hour days dedicated to creating a simple yet effective sleep induction program anyone can use.
The result of all my hard work was the creation of a powerful audio program that automatically re-trains your brain to get to the Alpha state. And that means your body responds naturally the way it is supposed to in order to help you sleep a longer and more restful sleep.
"I've Never Felt Like This Since I Was In My Early Twenties Everyone Is Saying How Well I Look."
Hi Kacper.
My body clock is set now 11 till 6 every night. I have lots more energy, memory much better. I feel so alive and happy. I've never felt like this since I was in my early twenties everyone is saying how well I look. I potter around in my home all day it took me till 12 to get myself pulled together to get showered and dressed then I felt I was in a time warp all day I did nothing from morning to night. I tried so very hard but I was worn out and weary till I got your system. My doctors are very very pleased. They are keeping an eye on me.... I go to sleep within 5 mins of going to bed. It's amazing. I'd never thought to see this day¡K.I wish I was better on computer so I could tell you more. I know I still have my illnesses but I can live with them. I could not have gone on feeling the way I was before I went on your system. I've learned so very much from it. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart. The old Theresa is back. Will let you know how I go on. God bless you both and your families. I know he will do this.
- Theresa Robertson
England, UK

"The Sleep Info Was Fantastic And Very Helpful."
"I just wanted to thank you for all the amazing help you have given me. The sleep info was fantastic and very helpful, but I also read the entire "miracle doctors" health book and found the information extremely beneficial, and for a nice change, truthful.
When i got another email from you stating you had more information, I thought "uh oh, he wants me to buy something else!" but instead you simply gave me MORE helpful information.
Thanks again,
Bruce Slachter
New Breakthrough Sleep Induction Wizard
Lowers Your Brain Wave Frequency
From Beta to Alpha Within 10 Quick Minutes
Is Guaranteed To Cure Your Insomnia FOREVER!
A good friend of mine Tony Strecker engineered this cutting-edge audio program. And Tony has been studying brainwave entrainment for over five years.
The science behind this new discovery is truly incredible.
As you may already know - our brain is made up of billions and billions of brain cells called neurons, which communicate with each other using electrical signals.
All of those neurons sending signals to one another at once produce a large amount of electrical activity called a Brainwave Pattern.
Researchers and scientists have found that different patterns of brainwaves are associated with different mental states.
Years of research conducted and documented by leading researchers of the human brain have shown that a person's current state can be totally changed using a specific stimulus.
When our brain is given a stimulus through the ears, eyes or other senses - it emits an electrical charge in response. This response is called a Cortical Evoked Response.
Now, here's where we get to the very interesting discovery:
By causing the brain to produce a decrease of specific types of brainwave frequencies, it's possible to bring about a large variety of mental states and emotional reactions.

The picture above shows you how the brain reacts to the pulses of sound. When the brain is presented with a rhythmic stimulus, the rhythm is reproduced in the brain in the form of electrical impulses. If the rhythm becomes fast and consistent enough, the brain responds by synchronizing its own electric cycles to the same rhythm. This is called Frequency Following Response (FFR).

The graph below shows you how brain synchronizes to the rhythm:
Since brainwave patterns are closely related to the mental state - you can cure insomnia by slowing the frequency of the brain activity. The same concept can be used to stimulate concentration, creativity, a state of super-learning, a self-healing process, and many, many other mental states that can improve your mind and body...
The operating frequency of your brain can sometimes act as a gateway to exotic or extraordinary experiences such as lucid dreaming or even out-of-body experience.

The results of testing and tweaking the Sleep Induction Wizard in Tony's world-class lab, clearly show that this new audio program...

Cures Insomnia Like Magic
Without Any Pills, Herbal Remedies or
"Relaxation" CDs!
Here's the proof:

"My Life Is No Longer Dictated By My Sleep Problems...BECAUSE THEY NO LONGER EXIST!!"
"Kacper and Tony, the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing program totally helped me with my insomnia, and what's more, my days are so much more energized!! It's like all of a sudden I felt
this crazy freedom, and am now my life is no longer dictated by my sleep problems...BECAUSE THEY NO LONGER EXIST!! I thank God, that I was able to come across this lifechanging program, and can't wait to see the results in
my mum, once she starts applying the program too!
And for anyone who is unsure about this program, be unsure no more! This stuff is revolutionary!
Thank you Kacper and Tony for the Sleep Wiz!
Jordan Ivatts
"The Sleep Info Was Fantastic And Very Helpful."
"I just wanted to thank you for all the amazing help you have given me. The sleep info was fantastic and very helpful, but I also read the entire "miracle doctors" health book and found the information extremely beneficial, and for a nice change, truthful.
When i got another email from you stating you had more information, I thought "uh oh, he wants me to buy something else!" but instead you simply gave me MORE helpful information.
Thanks again,
Bruce Slachter

"I Am Delighted And Must Say That It Has Been The Best Info I Have Bought Thru The Net."
"I am writing from Santiago, Chile.
I wish all this info was in Spanish also, I'm in the healing arts, Tachyon Therapy and others and I'm reading right now all the books in the package. I am delighted and must say that it has been the best info I have bought thru the net.

I have a lot of patients and I translate/read for them some of the pages in the books and it's been great. I have read a lot of books and the info is very precise.

Thanks again for coming accross my path."
Warmest regards,
in Love and Light,
Sabina Rechter

"With One Medication Done Away With, I Am Already Sleeping Better Than Before."
"I am reading all of the information for the second time, and am making the necessary changes. My situation is not so simple, as I have muscular dystrophy, restless leg syndrome, SAD, and sleep apnea. My doctor is changing all 3 of my meds (narcotic) to one non-narcotic drug for the RLS, but this will take time to avoid withdrawal symptoms...

To date, I have had one incidence of withdrawal symptoms, so am being cautious about making too many changes at once, but I have hope for the first time in 5 years of regaining proper sleep. With one medication done away with, I am already sleeping better than before. I will update you with my progress as I reach my goals."

Bill Seaman

"This Has Been A Fantastic Investment Of My Money."
"I wish to thank you for your emails and powerful information. I have indeed read and absorbed your information and can confirm that as sure as we live on this planet, your advice is pure gold.
I used to have problems feeling energetic in the morning. I certainly needed an alarm clock that had to ring at least 3 times, set with 10 minute intervals.
Now, I do not need an alarm clock. My eyes open automatically at day break....even if I go to bed at midnight!!!!
This has been a fantastic investment of my money and I welcome your updates.

Much obliged,

You see your body and your mind will always react differently to different sounds.
For example, the sound of water drops hitting your window during a light spring rain makes you feel relaxed... Or, just listening to a popular dance song makes you want to get up and dance or at least nod your head in tune to the music...

On the other hand is the reaction of your body when you hear the sound of long nails running slowly down a blackboard? I bet you can actually feel the hair on the back of your neck standing up just thinking about it.

Different sounds cause different reactions in your mind and your body! And, by using the right sounds you can actually create the desired reaction in your brain and body...

And the desired response you want is a deep and relaxing sleep that you can achieve night after night with ease.

There are two ways to alter brainwaves. Let me call the first one "Stone-Age Way" and the second "21st Century Way".
The "Stone-Age Way" is the most recognized and accepted form of creating the desired response to a rhythmic sensory stimulation such as sound and light. It's achieved by stimulating your brain with Binaural Beats.
With Binaural beats, a slightly different tone is presented in each ear. The tones then combine in the brain to form a pulse or beat.
The pulse heard by the listener is actually the difference between the two tones.
Let me give you an example: if the left ear is given a tone at 30 Hertz and... the right ear is given a tone of 20 Hertz, and then the listener's brain will synchronize at 10 Hertz.
However, the best of the best in Brainwave Entertainment Technology are Isochronic Tones.
I call those "21st Century Way" of altering brainwaves.
Here are three reasons why Isochronic Tones can help you restore your good sleep faster and easier than Binaural beats:
1. Isochronic tones, unlike Binaural beats don't require the use of high-end headphones or any special equipment. In other words - Isochronic tones can work perfectly with you even if you have regular computer speakers or standard pair of headphones supplied with your CD or MP3 player.
2. With Isochronic tones you can synchronize both hemispheres of your brain three times faster. Binaural beats require the use of separate stimulation to each ear. That means Isochronic tones will work quicker while stimulating both hemispheres of your brain at the same time.
3. Isochronic tones are more effective compare to binaural beats. Numerous studies have clearly shown that binaural beats are not as effective as Isochronic tones due to the way your brain processes the beats. The depth (or intensity) of resulting "beat" is only around 3 decimals or 1/10th the volume of a whisper. That means in order to get a strong response you must listen much longer to binaural beats to achieve the same effects of Isochronic tones.
Take a look at this graph representing the effect of stimulating brain with both Binaural beats and Isochronic tones:
Binaural Beats
Isochronic Tones

The difference between the peaks and troughs in the wave pattern determines the strength of your brain's electrical response to the stimulus. The Binaural beat pattern is clearly shallow. It's hard to detect and causes only a minor response within you.

On the other hand, the Isochronic tone wave pattern is far more distinct, therefore more effective!
It's Like Comparing A Bicycle To An Eight-Cylinder
Ford Mustang With A Turbo Charger!

"I'm Only Up To Page 32 But Have Already Had Countless "Aha" Moments, And I Know That When I Apply This Information It Is Going To Help To Make Me Feel Sane Again."
"I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely grateful for the information you have put down in your book. After seeing your site for a while when I did a lot of searches, I decided to purchase the information today, and I'm pleased to say it was a great decision!

I'm only up to page 32 but have already had countless "aha" moments, and I know that when I apply this information it is going to help to make me feel sane again. I have been living by all the myths to try and fix this tired wonder it wasn't working!!

It's actually quite logical when you read it, but so few people have this information. You are definitely doing a great service to people by having it so readily available,

Thank you Kacper. I will go back to reading on now."

Kind Regards
Danielle McMahon

"It's Made A Big Difference In The Last Two Months. Even Tnough I'm Not Always Well Enough Self Disciplined..."
"It's made a big difference in the last two months. Even though I'm not always well enough self disciplined and self organised to follow all the main recommendations it's got to be the best value for money I've spent this year.
I also thought today's free reports that I received were good, particularly the one on self organisation and getting down to things. Assuming I follow it through I'll send you an endorsement confirming the effects - a lot of endorsements just seem to say, "It sounds good."

"I Will Be Recommending It To Everyone I Know..."
"Your Sleep Wiz Program is amazing. It is full of fascinating information and practical advice. Anyone who tries these techniques should find it easy to improve the quality of their sleep and energy levels.
I will be recommending it to everyone I know, (especially people who work night shifts).
Cal Gibbins

"Simply The Best Ever On Such An Important Topic Like Sleep."
"Superb chapters indeed!
I think your book is going to become a smashing hit you might have already sold a million copies already.
Simply the best ever on such an important topic like sleep.
"Lots Of Good Thought."
"I read it, and found it very interesting.
Lots of food for thought.
BTW, also enjoyed your sleep book very much.
By using the Sleep Induction Wizard you will be able to re-train your brain to switch into the sleepy Alpha brain wave frequency using just Isochronic tones.
Having said all that I believe that the Sleep Induction Wizard is the ultimate cure for the 21st century when it comes to sleep disorders.
Not only does it use the most advanced technology available today, but it's also incredible easy to use.
There are just 3 easy steps to restoring your sleep:
1. Load your Sleep Induction Wizard audio CD into your CD or MP3 player while you lay down.
2. Push the "Play" button to activate your CD or MP3 player.
3. Close your eyes relax and let the audio program lead you into Alpha, Theta and then Delta brainwave state. Within minutes you will be sound asleep like you haven't been since you were a baby.
That's all there's to it.
After just three days of using the Sleep Induction Wizard you will notice how fast you fall asleep... without any medicine... or relaxation music with annoying birds chirping or rivers flowing natural sounds in the background.
But wait, there's more!
The breakthrough Sleep Induction Wizard is only the first part of the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program. The second part is the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing eBook.
In addition to restoring your sleep and ending your insomnia forever with the help of the Sleep Induction Wizard...
You'll drastically improve the quality of your sleep, boost your energy levels, put the sizzle back to your love life, and send your productivity, motivation and success through the roof with the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program!
You'll be...
Taken By The Hand And Told Every Secret
About How To Make Your Sleep Refreshing,
Powerful And Energizing
Here's just a taste of what you will discover inside the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing eBook (included with the program):
A little known but very simple action you must do as soon as you open your eyes in the morning to drastically boost your energy! People who do this feel 100% charged every single morning.
Three easy techniques that will put your brain into the "right" state to fall into a restful and energizing sleep within minutes. Do them while you're listening to the Sleep Induction Wizard - and enjoy even faster progress! Or, use them even when you don't have your CD or MP3 player with Sleep Induction Wizard with you.
10 extremely basic habits that are easy to maintain will pump-up your sleep system, let you sleep through the night restfully and infuse your days with constant, lasting energy!
The 4 complete parts of your inner sleep system which control how energizing your sleep is and how long you sleep. Understanding these parts will virtually guarantee you'll sleep like a baby for years to come.
The sleep lie you were told ever since your were a child. This misinformation actually robs your sleep of its ability to restore your energy. Chances are - you're still doing it today! Stop doing this one thing and watch your daily energy soar!
The most powerful way to balance your body's inner sleep cycle so that you get the most out of the energizing stages of your sleep and wake up feeling alive and fully refreshed!
Why shifting your wake up time by as little as... 15 minutes ... can eliminate "morning tiredness", and transform every single one of your mornings into periods of intense motivation and momentum that will help you create more success in your life!
Why you need to understand a simple concept that there is a rhythm your body follows every day... And, how it will instantly give you extra few hours per day of productive time! (Hint: This secret will give you more energy while sleeping less!)
How to wake up every morning without an alarm clock! When you master this technique you'll be amazed with the levels of confidence you'll gain!
Why so-called "power naps" can actually make your energy drop if you do them improperly. And, how you can use them to infuse your days with lasting energy!
How to supercharge your inner sleep system by getting rid of just 2 small things from your daily meals.
3 Bullet-proof techniques to re-trigger your natural sleep response which will stop your mind from "racing", pause the self-talk inside your head and send you into a restful slumber within minutes of you laying your head on the pillow.
The shocking truth about sleeping pills pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know. Learning just this could add years to your life.
How to manipulate the mechanism in your own mind that prevents you from falling asleep!
And much, much more...
You'll unlock the power hidden in your sleep by learning and applying these cutting edge principles written for you in my book Sleep Wiz Revitalizing eBook.
These Principles, Tips and Techniques
Will Transform Your Life
In Just 15 Minutes Per Day!
One of the greatest benefits of Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program is that these principles combined with a Sleep Induction Wizard take less than 15 minutes to implement per day!
You'll discover a simple set of actionable principles that you can start implementing right now! When you try the Sleep Wiz the first night - you will naturally "reset" your body into a balanced state it is meant to be in!

"My Energy Level Increased And
I Am More Aware Than Ever Of My
Body's Sleep Cycle"
"I was already fairly knowledgeable about health and physiology. I'm a dual certified teacher, one of my certificates is physical education. I have my minor in health education and I'm a black belt self-defense instructor. I've written several ebooks on martial arts and exercise. "
"BUT, this man's printable ebook gave me information which I was able to begin using the very next day. My energy level increased and I am more aware than ever of my body's sleep cycle and the techniques in this ebook to control and adjust it.
Thank you for this ebook and giving me even more energy!"
- Author, Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

"My Energy Levels Are Higher And My Mind Much Clearer Than It Has Been Since I Was A Kid"...
"I read your 'powerful sleep' e-book a few days ago and have been putting the techniques to work since. I have wondered why when I exercise regularly, and eat well that my energy levels are not what I wanted. After reading your book I see that I have been sleeping too much (8hrs +) and have been dealing with this by trying to sleep more thinking I wasn't getting enough."
"Since I have put your techniques to work I have cut my sleep down by an hour a night and this will come down further. This gives me more time during the day, but better than this, is that my energy levels are higher and my mind much clearer than it has been since I was a kid."
"Thanks very much for writing this e-book and making this information available. It is a must read for anyone wanting to get the most out of life and themselves, it has changed my sleeping habits and my life."
- Andrew Baccus,

"I've Told A Lot Of My Friends About Your Book Since They Were Quite Amazed At The Changes In My Energy Levels."
"Hi Kacper :)
I thought I'd write and give you an update of how I'm going with the sleep program since I've been following it for six weeks now. My results so far have been very good! I do find myself with a lot more energy in the day, and although I'm still sleeping 6 hours a night I'm actually awake and feel energetic during the day, whereas before I was constantly tired."
"I'm really enjoying the daily exercise and have found it's greatly benefiting my health in general."
"I've told a lot of my friends about your book since they were quite amazed at the changes in my energy levels."
"I'm currently reading Anthony Robbin's too and finally feeling like I'm getting my life in shape :) Thank you again for the sleep book. It's seriously one of the few things I've ever read that I can truly say has changed my life."
- Harmony

"I Wake Up Refreshed After
Only 6 Hours Of Sleep"
I used to wake up sore, tired and barely able to creak my way out of bed. If I slept longer than 8 hours it was even worse. Since I purchased and read your Sleep System, I'm no longer the grouch who stole morning."
"I wake up refreshed with only 6 hours of sleep. I'm so awake and happy in the morning that my family is happy to see me awake. The dog no longer cowers in the corner wishing I would take her for a walk instead of just sitting at the table bleary eyed. Thanks for researching and writing Powerful Sleep" ( My family and my dog thanks you too.)
- Hazen Hoffpauir

"No More Fatigue! And Only Five
Hours Of Sleep Each Night..."
"Dear Kacper,
I want to thank you for your Powerful Sleep package, and all the extra hours it has given me each day. I can now perform well, with no fatigue, with about five hours of sleep each day. Thank you also for the letter I received from you this morning--I agree that "this letter is not the 'end' of our relationship, but rather the beginning of a great journey together."
Thanks for all you are offering.
- Sander Eller

I'll let you know in a moment how you can get the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program.
But first let me tell you about Six Special Bonuses also included in the program.

Click Here!

Stop Snoring Now  Click Here!


Great for curing snoring, sleep Apnea , highly recommended , Click Here!  


Ebook Explains How To Sleep Soundly Without Drugs. Click Here!


 Unbiased Reviews And Experiences Of 9 Sleep Apnea Patients And Other Bonuses.Click Here!


You Can Sleep Well and Sleep Tight, too ,Click Here!  


sleep music based technology, over 1 milion sold , Click Here!

Dear Sleep-deprived Friend, If you’re one among those 25% people worldwide who wake up to a miserable day, each day, after looking at the ceiling for hours, tossing and turning around in bed the previous night, then here’s a natural , safe, convenient, inexpensive, and solidly-effective solution to end all your sleep problems instantly.

Millions of people who used to suffer from sleep disorders in some or other form have already benefited using this fascinating product.

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