Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pancreatic cancer .... story Singapore and China

Han subsequently underwent a total of 10 cycles of chemotherapy, 6 of which were with Gemzar + Taxol + Avastin. Each treatment cost S$7,000. Han was told that chemotherapy would not cure her – only prolongation of her life by 6 months to a year. Without chemo she would only have 4 months.
Since the treatment in Singapore could not cure her, Han went to China for more treatments in October 2011. She underwent the following treatments in China.
There is an important lesson we can learn from this case. For those with serious cancer, such as pancreas, the options are extremely limited. I can only say this. If you do something – go for whatever medical treatments you can find –chances is that you will die. If you opt to do nothing – or go for alternative medicine – you also die. I am sorry I cannot offer you comforting words. If I try to paint a more optimistic scenerio than this, I am cheating you and I am also cheating myself.
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  Anyway, We prescribed herbs for her to try.
On 29 April 2012, we received this e-mail.

Dear Dr. Chris,
My mum has finally ended her sufferings in fighting pancreatic cancer. On Thursday morning 4.10 am, Apr 26, 2012 she passed away in a very peaceful way. All our family member were around her, praying with her, singing a hymn and read Bible together. She has been laid in bed for around ten days – almost no energy to do any activity. During those ten days, I was beside her and we talked much about the Bible. She’s ready to go to her Creator …. Thank you for all your kind support during my mum’s heavy days.
We appreciate your kindness during those days.  

There is an important lesson we can learn from this case. For those with serious cancer, such as pancreas, the options are extremely limited. I can only say this. If you do something – go for whatever medical treatments you can find –chances is that you will die. If you opt to do nothing – or go for alternative medicine – you also die. I am sorry I cannot offer you comforting words. If I try to paint a more optimistic scenerio than this, I am cheating you and I am also cheating myself.
Han was told by the oncologist in Singapore, before the treatment, that chemotherapy would not cure her – only prolongation of her life by 6 months to a year. Without chemo she would only have 4 months.  The reality was Han survived 10 months even with the best of treatments. The family has spent probably no less than US$ 100,000 for all the treatments in Singapore and China. In addition, she had to endure the side effects of the treatments. When Han was here, I asked her and her family members – Would you rather die in 4 months peacefully or try medical treatments to prolong your life for 6 to 12 months? And with that suffer all the side effects besides spending all the money?  The answer was they wanted to try medical treatments in spite of all the odds.

Everyone should respect that decision. By doing that everyone involved would be satisfied, “I have done my best to fight the disease.”
Some of you reading this article would not like what I wrote. You want to win – or at least have a chance to try. I understand that. I cannot tell those who go to the casinos that it is futile trying to earn easy money that way!

Over the years, I have come across cases of pancreatic cancer and all of them don’t survive long no matter whatever medical treatment they undergo. For some examples:

Sometimes I would like to pose this question: What happens if the patient opted to do nothing invasive? Meaning just take herbs, change lifestyle and diet? Can she/he live longer and without suffering? Nobody can answer that. It is  entirely for the patient and her/his family to decide.

1 comment:

  1. My father was officially diagonalized with pancreatic cancer in late 1993. But he may have been suffering from it since 1991 as he bleeding in his bowels at that early stage. The doctors at the Austin Hospital recommended radiotherapy but said it would have a limited effect - and it was guaranteed to damage the (liver). He refused and trusted in prayer and God to pull him through. He slowly degenerated until he could no longer consume soup. But he did have some good days when things improved dramatically. However, he died in hospital in October 1995 with my mom, sister and other friends around his bedside. Thanks to the Australian Medicare system, the medical support was practically free of charge so we were not burdened financially.
