Thursday, October 31, 2013

Now Incorporating the WaterCure protocol into his practice.


An indispensable component of the WaterCure is a simultaneous adjustment of daily salt intake --- unrefined salt that also contains the other 80 or more additional minerals found in the ocean. It is now clear that this kind of salt is also good for animals -- in fact, very good for them. Good enough to cure some of their health problems. Below is the story of how it was discovered that salt should be added to the food of your animal pets.

Dr. Gary Weisberger is a practicing chiropractor in the area of Wilkes-barre, Pennsylvania. He himself had a very bad pain in his foot that was not responding to treatment. He happened to run into Bob Butts --- the person who has spent more than US$500,000 educating the people of northeastern Pennsylvania about the WaterCure and the importance of salt for the relief of joint pains. Bob advised him to take some sea-salt before going to bed. The result was the unexpected miracle of pain relief. Dr. Weisberger is now incorporating the WaterCure protocol into his practice. here below is his letter. I thought you might enjoy reading the views of a person who is engaged in the treatment of others, before we get into the discussion about cats and dogs. 

Dr. B., 
I would be most honored to have you include my story in your upcoming book.

The results that my patients are experiencing are wonderful now that they are following the WaterCure, but even more important to me personally is the lifelong friendships that are being forged, just because I am doing what is right.

Recently a patient started care with me because she saw an ad that Bob had placed in the newspaper. She is a very obese patient who could not her apartment because of her deteriorated medical condition and the fact that she recently fell and fractured her radius. She was quite amazed when she called to discuss the WaterCure and I told her I make house call for people in need. Three weeks after I placed her on the WaterCure, I was shocked and amazed to learn that Mary not only lost thirty(30) pounds inthat short period of time, but she also managed to leave her apartment on her own and drove herself to a dr.'s appointment.

When I thought it couldn't get much better that this, on my last visit to Mary's apartment she surprised me with the fact that she placed my entire family on her daily prayer list! Money can't buy what that has done for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If I can be of any further assistance  , please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Dr. Gary Weissberger

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