Sunday, February 2, 2025

初五农历新年 ● Chū wǔ nónglì xīnnián ● Fifth Day Lunar New Year

五 Wǔ

临 lín


家 jiā


贵 guì


万  wàn

事  shì

如  rú

意  yì

人  rén

吉  jí

祥  xiáng 

万  五  wàn  wǔ

事  福  shì  fú

如  临  rú  lín

意  门  yì  mén

人  家  rén  jiā

吉  富  jí  fù

祥  贵  xiáng  guì

五  万  wǔ  wàn  

福  事  fú  shì 

临  如  lín  rú

门  意  mén  yì

家  人  jiā  rén

富  吉  fù  jí

贵  祥  guì  xiáng

◆ ◆









Ten thousand  





good luck  


Ten thousand  Five

things  Blessings

as  come

wish  door

people  home

good luck  rich

auspicious  noble

Five  Ten thousand  

blessings  things 

come  as  

door  wish  

home  people

wealth   good luck  

noble  auspicious

◆ ◆

对联 上联是迎新接福,五福临门家富贵万事如意人吉祥。这个对联哪个在左边和右边?Duìlián shàng lián shì yíngxīn jiē fú, wǔfú línmén jiā fùguì, wànshì rúyì rén jíxiáng. Zhège duìlián nǎge zài zuǒbiān hé yòubiān? 

The first line of the couplet is "Welcome the new year and receive blessings, the five blessings will come to the family and bring wealth and prosperity, everything will go well and everyone will be auspicious." Which of this couplet is on the left and the right?


Shàng lián “wǔfú línmén jiā fùguì” zài yòubiān,


xiàlián “wànshì rúyì rén jíxiáng” zài zuǒbiān.

The upper couplet "May the five blessings come to the door and the family be prosperous" is on the right, and 

the lower couplet "May everything go well and may the person be blessed with good fortune" is on the left.

顾名思义,对联是要成“对”的,即由上联和下联所组成。上下联字数必须相等,内容上也要求一致,亦即是要上下联能“联”起来(平仄相对),两句不相关联的句子随便组合在一起不能成为对联。Gùmíngsīyì, duìlián shì yào chéng “duì” de, jí yóu shàng lián hé xiàlián suǒ zǔchéng. Shàngxiàlián zìshù bìxū xiāngděng, nèiróng shàng yě yāoqiú yīzhì, yì jí shì yào shàngxiàlián néng “lián” qǐlái (píngzè xiāngduì), liǎng jù bù xiāngguān lián de jùzǐ suíbiàn zǔhé zài yīqǐ bùnéng chéngwéi duìlián.

对联一般都是竖写,上联末字(仄声)贴在右边(上手),下联末字(平声)贴在左边(下手)。Duìlián yībān dōu shì shù xiě, shàng lián mò zì (zèshēng) tiē zài yòubiān (shàngshǒu), xià lián mò zì (píngshēng) tiē zài zuǒbiān (xiàshǒu).

Couplets are generally written vertically, with the last character of the upper couplet (oblique tone) attached to the right (upper hand), and the last character of the lower couplet (level tone) attached to the left (lower hand).

如何断定对联的上下联呢?除从联文的内容中去辨别,更为重要的是从联文字尾的平仄声去判定。对联严格规定上联末字用仄声,下联末字用平声。后人称这种规则为仄起平落。Rúhé duàndìng duìlián de shàngxià lián ne? Chú cóng lián wén de nèiróng zhōng qù biànbié, gèng wéi zhòngyào de shì cóng lián wénzì wěi de píngzèshēng qù pàndìng. Duìlián yángé guīdìng shàng lián mò zì yòng zè shēng, xià lián mò zì yòng píngshēng. Hòu rén chēng zhè zhǒng guīzé wèi zè qǐ píng luò.

How to determine the upper and lower couplets of a couplet? In addition to distinguishing from the content of the couplet, it is more important to determine from the level and oblique tones at the end of the couplet. Couplets strictly stipulate that the last character of the upper couplet should use an oblique tone, and the last character of the lower couplet should use a level tone. Later generations called this rule "oblique rise and level fall".




Wǔ wàn fú shì lín rú mén yì jiārén fùjí guì xiáng

Five thousand blessings come to your door, and your family will be rich, auspicious and auspicious.

(尚书 洪范篇) 中对"五福" 的记载:

(Shàngshū hóng fàn piān) zhōng duì"wǔfú" de jìzǎi:


Yī yuē shòu, 


èr yuē fù, 


sān yuē kāngníng, 


sì yuē yōu hǎo dé,


wǔ yuē kǎo zhōng mìng.

The record of "Five Blessings" in (Shangshu Hongfan) are:

1. One is longevity, 

2. two is wealth, 

3. three is health and peace, 

4. four is good virtue, 

5. five is a good end to life.

自天佑之 吉无不利

Zì tiānyòu zhī  jí wú bùlì

(Since God's blessing, everything is good and bad)

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