Sunday, February 2, 2025

Thanks to God for my Redeemer

 ( Lyrics ) ( listen here )

1. Thanks to God for my Redeemer,

Thanks for all Thou dost provide!

Thanks for times now but a mem’ry,

Thanks for Jesus by my side!

Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime,

Thanks for dark and stormy fall!

Thanks for tears by now forgotten,

Thanks for peace within my soul!

2. Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered,

Thanks for what Thou dost deny!

Thanks for storms that I have weathered,

Thanks for all Thou dost supply!

Thanks for pain, and thanks for pleasure,

Thanks for comfort in despair!

Thanks for grace that none can measure,

Thanks for love beyond compare!

3. Thanks for roses 🌹 🌹 by the wayside,

Thanks for thorns their stems contain!

Thanks for home and thanks for fireside,

Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain!

Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow,

Thanks for heav’nly peace with Thee!

Thanks for hope in my tomorrow,

Thanks through all eternity!


(歌词) Gē cí ( 听  这里 ) Tīng Zhèlǐ

1. 感谢上帝赐予我救赎主,Gǎnxiè shàngdì cìyǔ wǒ jiùshú zhǔ,

感谢祢为我提供的一切!gǎnxiè mí wèi wǒ tígōng de yīqiè!

感谢现在只是回忆的时光,Gǎnxiè xiànzài zhǐshì huíyì de shíguāng,

感谢耶稣在我身边!gǎnxiè yēsū zài wǒ shēnbiān!

感谢宜人、温暖的春天,Gǎnxiè yírén, wēnnuǎn de chūntiān,

感谢黑暗和暴风雨的秋天!gǎnxiè hēi'àn hé bàofēngyǔ de qiūtiān!

感谢现在已经忘记的眼泪,Gǎnxiè xiànzài yǐjīng wàngjì de yǎnlèi,

感谢我灵魂中的平静!gǎnxiè wǒ línghún zhōng de píngjìng!

2. 感谢祢回应了我的祈祷,Gǎnxiè mí huíyīngle wǒ de qídǎo,

感谢祢拒绝了我的祈祷!gǎnxiè mí jùjuéle wǒ de qídǎo!

感谢我经受的风暴,Gǎnxiè wǒ jīngshòu de fēngbào,

感谢祢为我提供的一切!gǎnxiè mí wèi wǒ tígōng de yīqiè!

感谢痛苦,感谢快乐,Gǎnxiè tòngkǔ, gǎnxiè kuàilè,

感谢绝望中的安慰!gǎnxiè juéwàng zhōng de ānwèi!

感谢无人能及的恩典,Gǎnxiè wú rén néng jí de ēndiǎn,

感谢无与伦比的爱!gǎnxiè wúyǔlúnbǐ de ài!

3. 感谢路边的玫瑰🌹🌹,

Gǎnxiè lù biān de méiguī 🌹🌹,

感谢它们的茎上长满荆棘!gǎnxiè tāmen de jīng shàng zhǎng mǎn jīngjí!

 感谢有家,感谢有炉边,Gǎnxiè yǒu jiā, gǎnxiè yǒu lú biān,

感谢有希望,那甜蜜的副歌!gǎnxiè yǒu xīwàng, nà tiánmì de fù gē!

感谢有欢乐,感谢有悲伤,Gǎnxiè yǒu huānlè, gǎnxiè yǒu bēishāng,

感谢有天堂般的和平!gǎnxiè yǒu tiāntáng bān de hépíng!

感谢给我明天的希望,Gǎnxiè gěi wǒ míngtiān de xīwàng,

永远感谢!yǒngyuǎn gǎnxiè!

It’s a great hymn which reminds us to be grateful to our omnipotent God and provider.

4. Thanks, O God, for boundless mercy

From Thy gracious throne above

Thanks for ev’ry need provided

From the fullness of Thy love

Thanks for daily toil and labour

And for rest when shadows fall

Thanks for love of friend and neighbour

And Thy goodness unto all

5. Thanks for thorns as well as roses

Thanks for weakness and for health

Thanks for clouds as well as sunshine

Thanks for poverty and wealth!

Thanks for pain as well as pleasure

All Thou sendest day by day

And Thy Word our dearest treasure

Shedding light upon our way

6. Thanks, O God, for home and fireside

Where we share our daily bread

Thanks for hours of sweet communion

When by Thee our souls are fed!

Thanks for grace in time of sorrow

And for joy and peace in Thee

Thanks for hope today, tomorrow

And for all eternity!

这是一首伟大的赞美诗,它提醒我们要感谢全能的上帝和供应者。Zhè shì yī shǒu wěidà de zànměishī, tā tíxǐng wǒmen yào gǎnxiè quánnéng de shàngdì hé gōngyìng zhě.

4. 感谢上帝,赐予我们无限的怜悯 Gǎnxiè shàngdì, cìyǔ wǒmen wúxiàn de liánmǐn

感谢你高高在上的仁慈宝座 gǎnxiè nǐ gāogāozàishàng de réncí bǎozuò

感谢你满足了我们一切所需 gǎnxiè nǐ mǎnzúle wǒmen yīqiè suǒ xū

感谢你丰沛的爱 gǎnxiè nǐ fēngpèi de ài

感谢你每天的辛劳和劳作 gǎnxiè nǐ měitiān de xīnláo hé láozuò

感谢你让阴影降临时的安息 gǎnxiè nǐ ràng yīnyǐng jiànglín shí de ānxí

感谢你对朋友和邻居的爱 gǎnxiè nǐ duì péngyǒu hé línjū de ài

感谢你对所有人施予的善意 gǎnxiè nǐ duì suǒyǒu rén shī yǔ de shànyì

5. 感谢荆棘和玫瑰 🌹 Gǎnxiè jīngjí hé méiguī

感谢你让软弱和健康 gǎnxiè nǐ ràng ruǎnruò hé jiànkāng

感谢你让云彩和阳光 gǎnxiè nǐ ràng yúncai hé yángguāng

感谢你让贫穷和富有!gǎnxiè nǐ ràng pínqióng hé fùyǒu!

感谢你让痛苦和快乐 Gǎnxiè nǐ ràng tòngkǔ hé kuàilè

感谢你每天赐予的一切 gǎnxiè nǐ měitiān cìyǔ de yīqiè

感谢你的话让我们最珍贵的财富 gǎnxiè nǐ dehuà ràng wǒ-men zuì zhēnguì de cáifù

照亮我们前行的道路 zhào liàng wǒ-men qián xíng de dào-lù

6. 感谢上帝,赐予我们家和炉边 Gǎnxiè shàngdì, cìyǔ wǒmen jiā hé lú biān

我们在那里分享日常的面包 wǒmen zài nàlǐ fēnxiǎng rìcháng de miànbāo

感谢你让我们度过了甜蜜的时光 gǎnxiè nǐ ràng wǒmen dùguòle tiánmì de shíguāng

我们的灵魂因你而得到滋养!wǒmen de línghún yīn nǐ ér dédào zīyǎng!

 感谢祢在悲伤时刻的恩典 Gǎnxiè mí zài bēishāng shíkè de ēndiǎn

感谢祢赐予我欢乐与平安 gǎnxiè mí cìyǔ wǒ huānlè yǔ píng'ān

感谢祢赐予我今天、明天的希望 gǎnxiè mí cìyǔ wǒ jīntiān, míngtiān de xīwàng

感谢祢赐予我永恒的希望!gǎnxiè mí cìyǔ wǒ yǒnghéng de xīwàng!


The texts were simple and uncomplicated; and the tunes were lovely. 

Some have thought this text especially is a bit weak and too repetitive with thanks as the first word in every line. It is repetitive, but as the poetry teacher says, repetition is a musical impulse. In the same way that one would not eat only fudge candies for an entire day—although it has been done, I am sure!--this hymn might not be sufficient if it were the only hymn you sang. But this is not only sweet—it includes the thorns and difficulties of life, even thanksgiving for them. That might take a bit of unpacking, but it could be a fruitful devotional exercise. After the singing of the song one might ask oneself or another to be precise and name what roses and what thorns they had experienced in their Christian journey. How are they thankful for them? The question might engender a rich conversation on a life fully lived in Christ. 

Give thanks in all circumstances, Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. This simple song helps us sing thanksgiving for all circumstances to a lovely tune. These days as we eat the tasty leftovers of the big Thanksgiving meal, we might name some of those pains and pleasures, thorns and roses and give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 states, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." This verse emphasizes the importance of maintaining a thankful attitude regardless of the situation.




 保罗在帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:18 中说,凡事都要感恩。这首简单的歌曲帮助我们用优美的曲调为所有情况歌唱感恩。这些天,当我们吃着感恩节大餐剩下的美味食物时,我们可能会说出一些痛苦和快乐、荆棘和玫瑰,并表达感恩。帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:18 说:“凡事谢恩,因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。”这节经文强调了无论情况如何都要保持感恩态度的重要性。


gēcí jiǎndān míngliǎo, qǔdiào yōuměi.

Yǒuxiē rén rènwéi zhè duàn gēcí yǒuxiē dānbó, érqiě měi xíng de dì yīgè cí dōu shì gǎnxiè, chóngfù xìng tài qiáng. Gēcí quèshí chóngfù, dàn zhèngrú shīgē lǎoshī suǒ shuō, chóngfù shì yī zhǒng yīnyuè chōngdòng. Jiù xiàng yī gè rén bù huì yī zhěng tiān zhǐ chī ruǎn táng yīyàng——jǐnguǎn wǒ gǎn kěndìng yǒurén zhèyàng zuòguò!——Rúguǒ zhè shì nǐ wéiyī chàng de zànměishī, nàme zhè shǒu zànměishī kěnéng bùgòu. Dàn zhè shǒu zànměishī bùjǐn tiánmì——tā hái bāokuò shēnghuó zhōng de jīngjí hé kùnnán, shènzhì duì tāmen biǎoshì gǎnxiè. Zhè kěnéng xūyào yīdiǎn jiě kāi, dàn tā kěnéng shì yī zhǒng fùyǒu chéngxiào de qiánchéng liànxí. Chàng wán zhè shǒu gē hòu, rénmen kěnéng huì wèn zìjǐ huò tārén, zhǔnquè de shuō chū tāmen zài jīdūjiào lǚchéng zhōng jīnglìguò nǎxiē méiguī hé nǎxiē jīngjí. Tāmen rúhé gǎnxiè tāmen? Zhège wèntí kěnéng huì yǐnfā yī chǎng guānyú zài jīdū lǐguòzhe chōngshí shēnghuó de fēngfù duìhuà.

Bǎoluó zài tiē sā luó ní jiā qián shū 5:18 Zhōng shuō, fánshì dōu yào gǎn'ēn. Zhè shǒu jiǎndān de gēqǔ bāngzhù wǒmen yòng yōuměi de qǔdiào wéi suǒyǒu qíngkuàng gēchàng gǎn'ēn. Zhèxiē tiān, dāng wǒmen chīzhe gǎn'ēn jié dà cān shèng xià dì měiwèi shíwù shí, wǒmen kěnéng huì shuō chū yīxiē tòngkǔ hé kuàilè, jīngjí hé méiguī, bìng biǎodá gǎn'ēn. Tiē sā luó ní jiā qián shū 5:18 Shuō:“Fánshì xiè'ēn, yīnwèi zhè shì shén zài jīdū yēsū lǐ xiàng nǐmen suǒdìng de zhǐyì.” Zhè jié jīng wén qiáng diào liǎo wúlùn qíngkuàng rúhé dōu yào bǎochí gǎn'ēn tàidù de zhòngyào xìng.

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