Thursday, March 23, 2017

TAPPING 7 (Losing weight and .... )

Stress about Food

It may sound funny, but there are few things more stressful than dieting and eating healthy. Just going to the supermarket can be a gigantic hassle that leaves you questioning everything you put in your cart: carbs or no carbs? Sugar free or low fat? Vegetarian or vegan? The options are endless and often confusing.

More than anything else, it can make establishing healthy new eating habits a lot more difficult than it needs to be.

In my book “The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living,” I examine how this stress about food can ultimately derail your efforts to get back in shape. I also provide a Tapping routine to help you address this stress so you can make informed choices more easily. Here’s an extended version of that routine.

Tapping varies for everyone: some people just need to do a few rounds to clear the negative emotions that have them all wound up; others need a few more rounds. Whichever the case is for you, it’s always great to go deeper and longer. As you do, take note of any unexpected thoughts or feelings that arise. These can often be used to help you clear your negative attachment to incidents or emotions buried in your unconscious mind that may have been tripping you up without you even knowing it! You’ll also find many more extended tapping sessions here on Healthy Wealth blog, Please explore, and keep tapping!

As always, you’re going to begin by assessing your current feelings. In this case, you’re going to analyze how you feel about food by repeating this check-in phrase: “I am stressed out, overwhelmed and anxious about food, what to eat and what not to eat.”

Is this true? If so, how true is it? Rate how strong this feeling is on a scale from 1 to 10. If it’s above a 5, then this is definitely an issue you want to address. Get started by tapping on your karate chop point:

Karate Chop: Even though I’m really stressed out about what I should and shouldn’t be eating, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I can’t stop worrying about what’s good for me and what’s bad for me, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I’ve heard so many different things about food and I’m overwhelmed and don’t know what to do, I choose to relax now.

Next, move on to the tapping points.

Eyebrow: All this stress around food . . .
Side of Eye: Should I eat this?
Under Eye: I can’t eat that!
Under Nose: This is good for me . . .
Chin: That’s bad for me . . .
Collarbone: Or is it?
Under Arm: I just don’t know what to eat . . .
Top of Head: So stressed out about eating . . .

Eyebrow: I’ve read so many different things . . .
Side of Eye: Everyone seems to disagree about what to eat!
Under Eye: I’m confused, scared, and stressed about food . . .
Under Nose: All this stress around food . . .
Chin: Releasing all this stress around food . . .
Collarbone: All this anxiety around food . . .
Under Arm: I shouldn’t eat this . . .
Top of Head: I shouldn’t eat that . . .

Take a deep breath. How are you feeling? Let’s go deeper. Return to the eyebrow:

Eyebrow: Should, shouldn’t, should, shouldn’t . . .
Side of Eye: So much confusion . . .
Under Eye: Such a burden . . .
Under Nose: So much anxiety . . .
Chin: So much stress . . .
Collarbone: All around food . . .
Under Arm: This stress around food . . .
Top of Head: Releasing all this stress around food.

Eyebrow: It feels like such a bother. . .
Side of Eye: It’s so much work. . .
Under Eye: This makes me angry. . .
Under Nose: I have so much to worry about already. . .
Chin: I just want to eat. . .
Collarbone: I don’t want eating to feel like a hassle. . .
Under Arm: It’s so frustrating. . . I love to eat!
Top of Head: I wish this were easier. . .

Eyebrow: I wish I just knew what to eat all of the time. . .
Side of Eye: I wish I didn’t have to spend so much time deciding what to eat
Under Eye: I’m so confused. . .
Under Nose: It makes me anxious. . .
Chin: And when I’m anxious I just want to eat more!
Collarbone: All these decisions. . .
Under Arm: It’s so stressful and tiring. . .
Top of Head: I’m so stressed out about this. . .

Do you feel any lighter? By acknowledging these feelings and tapping on them, you’ve likely released a great deal of the tension that has been bogging you down. If you haven’t, repeat the last few rounds until you feel the stress start to dissipate. Once it has, move on to the positive rounds below. Let’s get you feeling confident and excited about making some healthy eating choices!

Eyebrow: I choose to relax around food now . . .
Side of Eye: I choose to feel safe around food now . . .
Under Eye: Food is safe . . .
Under Nose: I am safe . . .
Chin: I am at peace and easily choose the foods that best nourish me . . .
Collarbone: I relax around food, enjoying every bite I eat, regardless of what it is . . .
Under Arm: Once I choose to eat something, I relax and release any guilt, fear or anxiety around it.
Top of Head: I choose to relax around food.

Eyebrow: Making healthy choices is easy once I’m relaxed. . .
Side of Eye: It’s so easy!
Under Eye: I choose to release this stress about food. . .
Under Nose: I allow myself the space to eat with peace. . .
Chin: I am so much more relaxed now. . .
Collarbone: I’m letting my tension go. . .
Under Arm: I can feel my frustration melting away. . .
Top of Head: Eating is going to be easy now. . .

Eyebrow: My body knows exactly what it wants and needs . . .
Side of Eye: I attract all the right information to help me choose the best food for me . . .
Under Eye: Food is safe . . .
Under Nose: I am safe . . .
Chin: I choose to relax now . . .
Collarbone: I let go of any fear, guilt, or anxiety around food . . .
Under Arm: Letting it go . . .
Top of Head: Letting it all go.

Take a deep breath . . . and let it go.

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