Thursday, March 23, 2017

TAPPING 9 (Procrastination)


Here’s the thing about procrastination: it just creeps up on you. One minute you’re at the computer working on your latest project; the next moment you’re doing a bit of online shopping and chatting with your friends. It can seriously delay or even derail the plans you’ve mapped out for yourself.

Here’s the thing: procrastination can have deeper roots than you initially realize. You may be tempted to just think of yourself as lazy and undisciplined, but if you regularly procrastinate, it’s worth doing some inner investigation into just why that is. You’ll likely be surprised at what you find, and unlock a new wellspring of productivity and “stick-to-itiveness” in the process!

A short tapping routine to deal with this can be found in my book, “The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living.” Here, I’m going to present an extended version of that routine so you can gain some insight into just why you procrastinate so much.

Tapping varies for everyone: some people just need to do a few rounds to clear the negative emotions that have them all wound up; others need a few more rounds. Whichever the case is for you, it’s always great to go deeper and longer. As you do, take note of any unexpected thoughts or feelings that arise. These can often be used to help you clear your negative attachment to incidents or emotions buried in your unconscious mind that may have been tripping you up without you even knowing it! You’ll also find many more extended tapping sessions here on our blog, our articles site, or in the Tapping Insider’s Club. Please explore, and keep tapping!

A good time to try this routine is when you find yourself delaying any work you have to do by watching TV, doing less important tasks, or generally idling around. Think about what it is you want to accomplish, then start by tapping on the karate chop point, saying:

Karate Chop: Even though I don’t want to ________, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Karate Chop: Even though I’m feeling really stuck and just don’t want to ________, I choose to relax now.
Karate Chop: Even though I don’t want to _______, and I want to do something else instead, I deeply love and accept myself.

Next, move on to the tapping points.

Eyebrow: I just don’t want to do this. . .
Side of Eye: I want to do something else. . .
Under Eye: I feel so stuck. . .
Under Nose: I’m procrastinating as usual. . .
Chin: I wonder why I don’t want to do this. . .
Collarbone: I wonder what might be going on. . .
Under Arm: I just don’t want to do this. . .
Top of Head: I’d really rather be doing something else. . .

Eyebrow: This feeling of being stuck. . .
Side of Eye: This feeling of being really stuck. . .
Under Eye: I want to procrastinate. . .
Under Nose: I’d rather do anything except this. . .
Chin: I wonder why I don’t want to do this?
Collarbone: Should I even do this. . .
Under Arm: Why am I even doing this?
Top of Head: Why am I doing what I’m doing?

How are you feeling? Has your resistance to tackling that chore eased up any? Return to your eyebrow:

Eyebrow: It feels like so much. . .
Side of Eye: I really don’t want to _____________.
Under Eye: I can just do it later. . .
Under Nose: Why can’t I just do it now?
Chin: Why don’t I just do it now?
Collarbone: I just can’t be bothered. . .
Under Arm: Why not?
Top of Head: It’s such a bother. . .

Eyebrow: I feel stuck in the mud. . .
Side of Eye: It’s such a drag. . .
Under Eye: I won’t want to do it later either. . .
Under Nose: I’m going to end up waiting until the very last minute. . .
Chin: And then I’ll be even more frustrated. . .
Collarbone: Why can’t I just do it now?
Under Arm: I don’t want to do it now. . .
Top of Head: I wonder why not?

Pay close attention to any insights that arise during these tapping rounds. If any thoughts come up, continue tapping on those. Once you’re feeling lighter about getting to work, tap in the positive reinforcement.

Eyebrow: This doesn’t have to be so hard. . .
Side of Eye: In fact, it can be quite easy. . .
Under Eye: Even fun. . .
Under Nose: I choose to be clear about this issue. . .
Chin: I know deep inside why I’ve been delaying. . .
Collarbone: And I choose not to let it get in my way anymore. . .
Under Arm: I’m breathing easier about this. . .
Top of Head: I’m letting go of my tension about this. . .

Eyebrow: This might not be the right time to work. . .
Side of Eye: This might not be something I’m meant to do. . .
Under Eye: Or maybe there’s an emotional reason why I’ve been procrastinating. . .
Under Nose: Whatever it is, I choose to be clear about this. . .
Chin: I’m going to breathe my way into knowing. . .
Collarbone: I’m dissolving the blockage between this work and me. . .
Under Arm: It’s not bigger than me anymore. . .
Top of Head: I’m letting go of my worry. . .

Eyebrow: I choose to be clear on what I want to do . . .
Side of Eye: I choose to relax my body . . .
Under Eye: I choose to relax my mind . . .
Under Nose: And get clarity on this issue . . .
Chin: It’s safe to move forward . . .
Collarbone: I’m ready to move forward . . .
Under Arm: And to let go of whatever might be in my way . . .
Top of Head: Letting go of whatever is in my way and getting clarity now.

Take a deep breath . . . and let it go.

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