Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What I eat in a day as a VEGAN!


What I eat as a vegan everyday: Let me share with you what's helped me become my greatest version what I'm eating as a vegan, every single day. I am going to show you why a lot of beginner-vegans get it totally wrong on a plant-based diet. 

I wake up about 6:00 A.M. Now at 7 o'clock, I am not eating anything. But I am drinking a lot of water.  So many of us are dehydrated. How do you know when you are dehydrated? Yeah, when you are thirsty, your body has already entered into 2 percent dehydration. So do not wait until you feel thirsty to drink your needed water to prevent dehydration onset. What really helped me along my journey was hydrating the body. Before you put anything solid into your mouth in the morning, flood the body with water but the right water. What i am drinking right now is water of pH 9 - ph10, get the body into alkaline state. Because a lot of us, we have a very high acidity content within the body. 

So, when it comes to 9:00 A.M. , when it is actually breakfast time, what am I going to eat? I say, "Hey! Pass me that green stuff!" Green powder, I am eating spirulina, full of protein. One teaspoon of spirulina is equals to 4 grams of protein. You see, a lot of vegans if you're on plant-based diet, a lot of us don't realise you need to be getting the right amount of protein, the right vitamins but more so the right minerals for your body. Spirulina has got more protein than beef. Look, spirulina will save your life ! What I actually do is take 1 teaspoon whole. See, a lot of us when we are eating, we're combining different foods together. But you see, you get the most out of foods when you eat them by themselves separately. So, that's what I'm doing at 9 o'clock I'm going for the superfoods. Spirulina is high in magnesium, it calms your nerves. It is high in zinc and iron. Lots of vegans starting out there saying ,"Oh I'm always feeling tired!" Because you got to get the right iron. Corella is a fantastic green stuff. Hemp powder that's what I'm eating as well. One teaspoon packed full of protein, complete source of protein but also it does wonders for you. Why? You don't have to be on the toilet seat the whole time. It's going to help your digestive process.

So for breakfast is the green powder, hemp, spirulina, corella. And then it is the chia seeds porridge. Chia seeds porridge does wonders . Chia seeds themselves packed full of Omega-3. That's the healthy fat you need for the body. It's full of protein, that's what you need for the body. I am eating a lot of chia seed porridge for breakfast that will keep me going up until lunch time. That's not all for breakfast. 

Pineapples. I love pineapples, mangoes, coconuts full of lauric acid gonna boost my immune system up. So I am eating a lot of fruits  and a lot of really high concentrated superfoods packed full of the right vitamins and minerals that will help the body become its greatest version. The type of foods you eat will determine the direction you are going in life. 

1 o'clock, it's lunch time. What am I eating? By this time, I'm pretty hungry, so I'm going for brown rice. Get your carb up. Brown rice, watercress, the most nutrient dense vegetable in the world. Watercress ain't no joke. Avocado salad : consist of brown rice, avocado, watercress salad, then I put some Brazil nuts, some almond nuts, some chia seeds and some seaweeds. So that is a packed meal right there that is going to keep you going for a long time. You're going to feel so energised by "power meal". So by 1 o'clock you're laughing, you're smiling , you're giggling, and you feel fantastic.  

I'm not eating and drinking at the same time. You see, a lot of us we're the only species that eats and drinks at the same time. When you're eating and drinking at the same time, you are actually now diluting the hydrochloric acid within the stomach, therefore making it hard for the food to digest. So if I'm eating that brow rice, watercress, avocado salad, I'm eating it by itself. Then I'm going to drink coconut water afterwards. Do you know that coconut water was used as a substitute blood plasma. So that's going to keep me charged up.

Now, it's snack time. Three o'clock is what I called the vegan snack time. Now in the snack time I 'm eating sometimes a bowl of grapes. Grapes' resveratrol is going to help your heart health. That's for the snack at 3 o'clock because you want to be eating fruits with a high amount of water within them. Like watermelon, pineapple, mango, blueberries, are fantastic source of antioxidants, that's what I'm eating for the snack time. Sometimes I'm also eating a lot of almonds and nuts. And also you got to have the chia seeds close at hand. I actually don't eat that much. So, when it comes to the evening time, I've already had my main meal at 1:00P.M.

When you're eating the right amount of nutrients, you going feel so good. I might even make myself a smoothie in the evening. That's what I'm eating a lot of smoothies and getting okay. A power smoothie I like at the moment is a maca smoothie, which is the Peruvian ginseng, people say it is nature viagra. It's a fantastic source of iron, zinc, the right vitamins and minerals. So the maca smoothie is maca, cacao, acai, coconut water, let's chuck in some avocado in there. And you are just laughing. Once again really helps me to become my greatest version.

Sometimes, once again, I might take some brown rice with some kale and some avocado. Then in the evening, I'm just drinking a lot of juice, a lot of pomegranate juice, a lot of grape juice, a lot of pineapple juice, Do you know that pineapple juice is actually more powerful than cough syrup; it's mean in a good way.

And hydration, once again. I'm always drinking a lot of water in the evenings. So, that's what I eat on an average day. But once again I have like 500 different combinations of what I eat. 

Stay well, stay healthy, Peace.  

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