Saturday, May 15, 2021

Water And Body's Pain Relationship


 Water Cures Many Body Cries For Water:

The Disadvantages of Antihistamine Medication.

It has been learned that histamine production is involved in allergies and pain. The opportunity to immediately commercialize this significant finding has resulted in the production of a number of different antihistamine medications. Histamine, however, is an agent that has many useful functions. It operates the main brain 

sensory system for water intake, distribution, and rationing. It is also a strong regulator of energy expenditure in the body. When the body is well supplied with water, the activity of histamine is confined to its local actions of shunting the circulation to bring water to the more active parts of the body, especially the central nervous system. 

If the brain has to be very active and needs more circulation, histamine kicks into action. This can have the effect of producing acid in

 the stomach, causing heartburn, a primary thirst signal. Antihistamines, which temporarily suppress the pain-producing action of histamine in the intestinal tract, will over time cause damage because they do not correct for the basic problem of dehydration. At the same time, antihistamines can suppress brain activity. They also reduce libido and can cause some male hormonal imbalance and enlargement of the breasts in men. 

In the elderly, they may cause confusion and disorientation. 

Pain, at first, is a peripheral marker of thirst. Ultimately, and if allowed to continue, pain becomes the main brain marker for the same thirst. At the early phase of pain, some substances may blunt the peripheral marker and silence the thirst signal, such as antacids, food, 

or even 

histamine-blocking agents. But at a certain threshold of dehydration, the brain-initiated pain is not fooled by the action of locally acting medication, food, or indeed anything other than water that must be delivered into the stomach.Let me tell you the story of a young man. This case stands out as an example of the brain marker for dehydration of the body. I reported this case in my editorial article in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 

June 1983. I have seen a number of similar cases. 

I had the occasion to visit late one evening a young man in his twenties. He had a long history of peptic ulcer disease. Ten hours earlier, he had developed classic upper abdominal pain. His symptoms became more severe as time passed. He had taken almost a full bottle of antacid and three Tagamet tablets with no effect. The pain persisted. When I saw him, he was in such severe pain that he lay on the floor of the room curled up, groaning, eyes shut, and not alert to his environment. He seemed to be semiconscious. When I spoke to him, he did not seem to hear. I 

had to shake him to get a response. When I asked him what was the matter, he told me: “My ulcer is killing me.” I examined him for a perforated ulcer, which fortunately he did not have. I made him drink two large glasses of water. It took him about ten minutes to feel some relief. A third glass of water was given to him fifteen minutes after the first two drinks. By now he was obviously in much less pain. Twenty minutes after the initial intake of water he had recovered completely, to the point that he sat up and began talking to the people around him. 

This patient and his friends had observed the pain-relieving miracles hidden in a glassful of water. The clinical evaluation of this case indicates that the human body has a central nervous system pain signal for water deficiency. In the past, many such cases must have ended up on the operating tables of overzealous surgeons (I am sure some still do). It was also my experience and observation that some of these centrally produced pains for thirst occur in the area of the appendix, on the lower right side of the abdomen. I have had occasion to demonstrate the diagnostic value of a glass of water in doubtful and atypical cases of pain in the lower parts of the abdomen, such as in the case of Joy . 

Eventually a dehydration-induced dyspeptic pain signal may graduate to a more advanced stage of complication, involving tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid of the body (discussed under essential amino acids in chapter 14). In prolonged dehydration, it seems to become depleted from the body reserves. This amino acid is a prominent player in the repair systems of the body, as well as being the primary material for formation of a number of neurotransmitters that also suppress pain. If water by itself does not alleviate dyspeptic pain, an alteration in diet to increase the intake of natural foods that contain sufficient tryptophan for the needs of the body becomes essential. For more detail, read the section on tryptophan. 


 Water Cure Pains Of The Body.


The origin of this pain was discussed in the section on constipation. There is no harm in saying a few words here, now that we are discussing the major pains of the body. Pain in the left lower region of the abdomen, often identified as colitis pain, seems to respond to an increase in daily water intake. Water plays an integral role in the digestion process. For the final products of food digestion to pass through the intestine, the lubricating property of water is essential. At the same time, the lower region of the large intestine in particular is responsible for final absorption of water from the excrement. This process becomes more operative at the time of dehydration. There is a central control for the peristaltic contractions of the intestine at the time of food digestion and its passage through the intestine. When there is dehydration, the normal peristalsis is reduced and a tighter 

contraction to squeeze the water from the solid matter seems to become necessary. This process causes pain. If two or three glasses of water are taken, particularly first thing in the morning, the pain should disappear, if the original cause of pain is dehydration and not other, more serious, conditions. At the same time, the  associated constipation should subside and movement of the bowels will become regular and normal. 


As mentioned, the brain is very sensitive to the dehydration and heat regulation of the body. The brain cannot endure overheating. Its enzyme systems are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. When there is water shortage in the body and there is potential for getting dehydrated or getting overheated because of too many 

bedcovers at night, the brain establishes a priority for itself, at the expense of the other tissues of the body. It allows more blood to flow through its vascular system. The blood vessels to the brain—the carotid arteries—take root from the main artery of the heart, the aorta. The carotid arteries supply blood to the scalp, face, and tongue before they pass into the skull to supply the brain. When the command for increased supply of blood to the brain forces these arteries to dilate, the circulation to the face and the scalp also increases. This is the reason why some headaches begin with strongly pulsating arteries around the temples. 

The brain capillary system is under the direct influence of histamine on its receptors. Histamine, apart from its direct water-regulatory responsibilities to the brain, is also involved in temperature regulation of the body. It has two cooling functions. It lowers the core temperature of the body and is also involved in facilitating perspiration and sweating to help cool the body. 

Histamine that is released because of the brain's concern for its dehydration or overheating activates certain systems to promote more circulation to correct the problem. When there is dehydration in the brain area—whether it is caused by insufficient intake of water, stress, alcohol, or overheating of the body—the action of histamine causes the pain we know as a headache or migraine. To alleviate this type of pain, two, three, even four glasses of water may have to be taken. The water should be cool in order to allow a better circulation of the diluted blood to the brain area. It is interesting to note that all normal painkillers cut the connection between histamine and one of its major subordinate systems. It is my understanding that migraine is a centrally produced signal for dehydration and overheating of the brain. This is the reason most painkillers do not work for migraine headaches. 


The separation of lower back pain from rheumatoid joint pains elsewhere in the body is inaccurate. The mechanism of pain production in these joint conditions seems to be the same. They denote the same physiological phenomenon in the body. The separation of these two problems in the medical industry seems to be a matter of convenience for the involvement of different subspecialties. For the one, you go to a rheumatologist; for the other, to an orthopedic surgeon or chiropractor. The outcome is the same—pain management rather than a cure. Basically, both conditions have the same pathology, except they are in different locations. 

About fifty million Americans—two hundred thousand of them children—are said to suffer some sort of arthritis pain, and some thirty million suffer back pain. Each year a few million are said to be functionally disabled from back pain. In the United States, it is estimated that sixteen billion dollars is spent annually on back pain treatment, and a further eighty billion dollars is lost in productivity and wages as a result of back pain. These commonly quoted statistics, even if partially accurate, indicate a devastating problem for the American people. 

New Insight into the Phenomenon of Joint Pains .

Water Cure Protocol Formula Daily Now.

 New Insight into the Phenomenon of Joint Pains .

In chronically painful joint conditions of the lower spine or joints of the hands and legs, the actual recurring pain is a signal of water deficiency in the area where pain is felt. The pain occurs because there is not enough water circulation to wash out local acidity and toxic substances. These regional joint pains are part of a series of newly understood crisis thirst signals of the body. Where the pain is felt depends on where the localized drought has settled in. 

Lower back pain has two components: one, muscle spasm (this is the cause of 80 percent of back pains); two, disc degeneration that puts added strain on the tendons and ligaments in the spinal column. Both of these back-pain-causing 

conditions are initiated by the same chronic dehydration. With the new information about the emergency calls of the body for water, there is no reason why back and joint pains should continue to devastate our bodies. We now have the insight and knowledge about why these pains occur, and how to prevent them. More detailed information on these two topics is available in my book How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain and my videotape How to Deal with Back Pain. 

All joint surfaces possess cartilage padding, which covers and separates the bone structures in the joint. This firm layer of cartilage contains a vast quantity of water, which provides it with the ability to glide over the opposing cartilage surface and aids the necessary lubrication for the joint movements. Thus, prolonged dehydration that leaves the cartilage short of water will produce a greater friction and shearing stress at the cartilage contact points in the joint. 

Intelligence Behind the Design of the Body .

When cartilage is dehydrated, its gliding ability is decreased. The cartilage cells sense their dehydration and give out alarm signals of pain, because they would soon die and peel off from their contact surfaces of the bones if used in their dehydrated state. The normal environment of cartilage is alkaline. In dehydration, it becomes acidic. This acidity sensitizes the nerve endings that register pain. This type of pain has to be treated with a regular increase in water intake until the cartilage is fully hydrated and washed of its acidity and toxins. Often the pain travels from joint to joint; sometimes it appears in the corresponding joints in the other limb at the same time. Chronic pains have two components: peripheral and brain-generated pains. Locally initiated pain is relieved by analgesics, such as aspirin or Tylenol, but brain-level pain is not. Both pains are relieved by the intake of adequate water. 

Cartilage is a gelatinous living tissue; its cells like to live in an alkaline environment. The alkalinity of the medium depends on the amount of water that flows through the cartilage to wash the acid away. Salt helps extract the acidity from inside the cartilage cells and pass it into the water, which carries the acid away. This is a constant process. For this process to be effective, two elements are vital: water and salt. Adequate salt supply is essential for the prevention of arthritis pain, be it in the joints of the limbs or the spine. It is the salt level in the serum that increases the fluid volume for its more abundant flow through the cartilage. Never make this mistake of going on a saltless diet, whatever your doctor might say about 'salt causes high blood pressure' . It's a myth. 

What Happens to a Dehydrated Joint?

Cartilage cells die at a fast pace because of the constant abrasive friction in the dehydrated joint.

What Happens to a Dehydrated Joint? 

Cartilage cells die at a fast pace because of the constant abrasive friction in the dehydrated joint. These cells need to be replaced. When there is damage to the cartilage because of its overuse and under-repair, the sensors in the area begin to indicate a desperate need for urgent repair. An attempt is made to supply water to the cartilage cells from the blood supply. This action supplies some lubrication inside the joint, but is not effective in maintaining the rate of cartilage growth to replace the dead tissue. In the lining of the joint capsule are cells that can secrete local hormones to stimulate repair activity at the same time that they begin to produce pain. Several things happen when these hormones are secreted: 

1. The dying tissue is broken up from inside the cells and the broken fragments are extruded. They are ingested by white cells—the “garbage collectors”— and are recycled. 

2. More blood circulation is brought to the affected area, and this results in swelling and stretching in the joint capsule, which causes stiffness and, eventually, added pain.

3. There is an associated protein breakdown, and more amino acids are mobilized for the pool that may be needed for the repair of the damage.

4. In the inflammatory environment inside the joint, some white cells begin to manufacture hydrogen per-oxide and ozone for two purposes: one, to keep the joint space sterilized and to prevent bacteria from infecting the joint cavity; two, to supply with adequate oxygen the cells that are engaged in the repair process and have less access to the blood oxygen. 

5. There is a local remodeling growth factor that promotes the growth of tissue, causing the typical gnarled joints of arthritis. 

6. Knowledge gained by the brain from its ongoing experience is put to use for the rest of the body. The remodeling and fortification—gnarling, deformity—of other similarly structured joints will also be carried out. This seems to be the reason rheumatoid joints of the hands show a mirror-image inflammation and eventual gnarling of the joints on both sides. 


As mentioned earlier, lower back pain has two components—muscle spasm that causes pain, and disc degeneration that puts strain on the tendons and ligaments in the spinal column. Lower back pain indicates exactly the same problem that was explained regarding rheumatoid joint pains of the hands, except the circulation system to the spinal disc space is difficult, and the disc core depends on the creation of an intermittent vacuum in the disc space. This natural process is a component of the walking movement. Of course, the body must be well-hydrated for water to leave the circulation and enter the disc spaces. 

In the spinal column, the weight of the body is supported by twenty-three discs and twenty-four vertebrae. The discs are housed between plates of cartilage that cover opposing flat surfaces of the vertebrae. The end-plate cartilage attached to its flat weight-bearing surfaces is part of the structure of each vertebra. During the  movement of each vertebra, the disc is meant to glide minimally between the end-plate cartilage located on its upper and lower surfaces. Seventy-five percent of the weight of the upper body mass is supported by the hydraulic properties of the discs that absorb and hold water in their central cores. In a dehydrated state, when the body mass constantly squeezes out the water content of the discs during movement and bending, not enough of the lost water can be replaced. The dehydrated discs with their shrunken cores gradually become less supportive of the weight of the body. The discs lose their wedge quality, and the spinal joints become less firm. In a well-hydrated and taut state, on the other hand, the discs  themselves do not physically move, but get continuously squeezed of water and then, through force of vacuum, absorb water again and expand to function as the natural shock absorbers they are designed to be. 

In a dehydrated state, the discs can shift backward to press on the local nerves. When this happens in the lower spinal region, the pain becomes projected into one or the other leg. This is called sciatic pain and is far more serious than local pain in the back. It means the spinal joint structure has become so disorganized that one 

of the discs that has to shock-absorb for the spine is out of its normal position and is pressing on the nerve. Dehydration and bad posture are involved in this condition. For more information, and to learn a new technique for the reduction of the disc displacement and relief from sciatic pain, I encourage you to refer to this book 

"How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain", which shows the reader how water drinking and stretching positions can cure back pain. 


When the cartilage in the joint dies, bone-to-bone contact begins. Whereas cartilage cells have a water-given resilience and can survive the trauma of movement against one another, the hardened bone surfaces produce a friction force against one another. This friction force produces an inflammatory process that destroys 

the bone surfaces. Thus osteoarthritis of the joint occurs—a second-stage process to dehydration that first destroys the cartilage surfaces. 

Given that osteoarthritis sufferers are so often prescribed painkillers— acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin—I found this recent article particularly 

interesting. “Link Suggested in Hypertension and Painkillers” is the title given by the New York Times of October 28, 2002, to a report on an article published in the Archive of Internal Medicine by a group from Harvard Medical School. The study involved more than eighty thousand women between the ages of thirty-one and fifty, who participated in a nurses' health study and were not known to have high 

blood pressure at the outset. These people were using painkillers since 1995 and their blood pressures were obtained from a survey two years later. In the two years, 1,650 women had developed hypertension. Women who used acetaminophen (present in Tylenol) and ibuprofen (sold under many different names, including Motrin and Brufen) as their painkiller were 86 percent more susceptible to develop hypertension than the non-users of these brands of pain medication. The article seems to whitewash aspirin and did not involve it in causing hypertension. 

I have no idea who funded the research and which company stands to gain from the results of this study. I am perturbed by the shameful limitation of knowledge that exists at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world—Harvard University—about the variety of ways the human body manifests dehydration

. The researchers who conducted the study are oblivious to the fact that pain is one of the crisis calls of the body for water, and that hypertension is the body's adaptive process to the same dehydration—one of its drought-management programs. They do not realize that hypertension and pain are different proclamations of the same problem: water shortage in the body. All that painkillers do is mask one of the localized signals of dehydration until hypertension, the next indicator of generalized drought, reveals itself. 

I believe that this is scientifically a more accurate conclusion to the above study: Go and take water, and do not go and take aspirin in preference to acetaminophen. Reading this book, you will be able to see this logic. Who knows, in the future you might even be in a position to save many people from their very drastic health problems with this simple information. 


Water Cure : DRUGS KILL.

You are Not Sick, Your Body's Many Cries for Water.

 View web version

 It took him about a year to understand what I was saying, I had to stay with him and guide him through the channels of understanding. Anyway, they put up a conference and they asked me to go and explain to the other cancer researchers who were invited, eminent cancer

researchers from Europe, America and elsewhere, to come and listen to this. I explained that pain is a sign of dehydration, and my guest lecture was “Pain: The Need for Paradigm Change” explaining that dehydration is the origin of pain and disease in the human body, including cancer.

Using water to prevent and cure cancers.


 It is free-fresh water which make you look younger than your age. Not those expensive 'supplements'. Rediscover water cure:

Meet the Taiwanese family that may be the youngest looking family ever.

At first, interior designer and fashion blogger Lure Hsu (41) stunned millions of people because of her youthful looks but it wasn’t long until people realized she’s not the only one in the family looking half her age. Lure’s two sisters, Sharon (36) and Fayfay (40), both also look like they’re students. Not to mention their mother… Their mother, who is a retired dancer, could easily be mistaken as their sister, but turns out she’s 63. All these four women look so young, they’re being called ‘the family of frozen ages’ by Taiwanese media.

Their secret? In an interview with Taiwan’s Friday magazine, Lure revealed that the key to youthful looks is to drink water and eat vegetables. She also pointed out the importance of moisturizing your skin, as “once your skin has enough water, you don’t even need to worry about aging and wrinkles.” Similarly to Lure, sister Fayfay also recommended drinking lots of water, including a big glass of lukewarm water every morning. “I have been doing that for more than a decade,” Fayfay said. “I drink 350ml to 500ml.” So there you have it! According to these Taiwanese women, the secret to youthful looks is simpler than you could ever imagine – water!

Click here to view their photos

 Diabetes, Insulin, and Water-Regulation:

Your brain is thirsty .

Diabetes, Insulin, and Water-Regulation:

You have two kinds of diabetes; Type-1 diabetes is the autoimmune, kind in which interleukin-6 destroys the beta-cells, particularly in children because children do not have a great amount of water reserve in their body.

The body immediately goes into the next phase of reaction which is an autoimmune disease. Now, in the elderly, insulin-independent diabetes, type-2 diabetes, (that now we are seeing among children as well, teenagers), is caused by dehydration. We should consider the pancreas to be a regulator of water balance in the different, environments of the cell.

It produces insulin, and once the insulin gates are opened by insulin, sugar goes in and takes water with it; amino acids go in and take water with them. Other minerals go in because of that gate and take water with them. Now, in a dehydrated state, that is an embarrassment to the circulation, because don’t forget, the circulation cannot afford to lose water to the cell—it has to draw water out of the cells. So the mechanism that brings water to the pancreas, prostaglandin-E, which is a water regulator of the body, it’s one of the subs- hormones of the body has a direct impact on beta cells and inhibits their insulin production and release.

If you give water and you give salt (which are anti-histamines), you nullify the effect of histamine, you don’t produce prostaglandin-E and the hold on the insulin-producing mechanism will go away and you produce insulin. So, all people with type-2 diabetes can get relief very quickly if they begin to drink water, take salt and other minerals the body needs. Does that make sense? I’ve seen quite a lot of dramatic results in people with severe diabetes, 600-700 milligrams per 100 cc, they’re completely recovered, their sugar has come down to 80-90 milligrams. This is a mechanism involved in this system. In type-1 diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes, it is this interleukin-6 that destroys or ‘guts’ the beta cells of the pancreas, and insulin production is diminished.

Now, even in this type of diabetes, if you give the person water, you won’t get the complications that are associated or acknowledged to be because of diabetes, that is plaque formation, retinopathy, and all of those will not occur because they are actually dehydration-produced, not diabetes-produced.

And insulin production, insulin need will diminish. I have had a person who was using 90 units of insulin, now he’s using 36 units of insulin in 24 hours. He had retinopathy, and that’s gone. They wanted to amputate his legs, and that’s no longer needed. He’s totally recovered from the complications of diabetes, which are actually complications of dehydration itself.

Other “Dis-Eases” Caused by Dehydration

The Cholesterol “Problem” and Water.

Complications of dehydration raise cholesterol. Obesity is the first complication of dehydration. Raised cholesterol, heart failure, chronic fatigue, cancers, neurological disorders that I explained to you, strokes, and so on, they’re all produced by dehydration. In the fourth dimension of time, when you’re talking about dehydration, you must include time elements, because the body is a chemical plant.

You pour ingredients into it, it produces an outcome whether it’s thought, perception, knowledge, or physical activity. Now, gradually change the ingredients that you put in the body, and in the fourth dimension of time your plant will not be the same original plant as day one, it will be a new chemical plant, and that new chemical plant may have disease processes already established in it, or beginning to be established. So, reversing a situation needs a lot of understanding because you can’t capture all that’s lost in time.

Cholesterol: When you eat food and you do not drink water before your food, the gastrointestinal tract scrambles, and draws water out of the circulation, water it has to spare, and the circulation goes around and

borrows water from the rest of the tissue and puts enough water into the gastrointestinal tract just barely to break down the food and dissolve it, liquify it and circulate it in the portal system to take it to the liver.

In the liver, you need a lot of water to operate the hydrolytic properties of physiological metabolic processes, and so more water is used there. And this concentrated blood goes to the right side of the heart, and it’s pushed into the circulation to the lungs. In the lungs, you lose further water through breathing. Now, highly acidic, concentrated blood reaches the left side of the heart and is pumped into the circulation.

The first area that this concentrated, acidic blood attacks within the arterial system are the heart itself. It will compromise the membrane, it’s acidic so it burns it; capillaries are already constricted because of dehydration, and this blood pressure rushing through this compromised membrane produces abrasions and tears. And unless something covers these abrasions and tears, the blood will go under the membrane through the tear, and peel it off and throw it as an embolus down the circulation to the brain or to the heart itself.

Nature has designed low-density cholesterol to come and cover the area of damage here, smooth over the tear, make it impermeable so that it will heal underneath. And we see this cholesterol and we do an ‘LAPD’ phenomenon, as soon as something is reported, you have to prove that you haven’t done it yourself. So, the medical community automatically assumes that cholesterol is the cause of the problem, so they take medication to lower the cholesterol, which is sheer nonsense.

And the reason is that we measured the level of cholesterol in the body in the blood that we take out of the veins of the body, we never measure the blood cholesterol in the blood from the arterial system. Nowhere in the history of medicine is one record of cholesterol having ever blocked the venous system.

And yet because of its slower circulation, if the imagery of the pharmaceutical industry is sticky and will stick to the walls of the veins, then all the veins of the body should be blocked, and they’re not. This is another fraudulent statement of the pharmaceutical industry, and it’s a four billion dollar fraud in America, getting people to take so-called ‘statins.’

With flowery words and language, they explain that this is the cause of the problem. It’s not, and human beings are being used as Guinea pigs, or ‘cash cows’ for the pharmaceutical industry. We need to wake up to this phenomenon.

The heart itself, although it circulates all the blood, none the less, the arterial system of the heart is compromised because of dehydration. The brain is 85 percent water. If you look at a single nerve cross-section, in the axons, or nerves of the body, you will see waterways, there is a structure called microtubules. These microtubules are perforated and they drain water from the cytoplasm and they have an environment around them of solutions of lower viscosity, and this is where the material is floated down the stream and the microtube itself acts as a rail system and the transporter protein carries these vesicles down the stream into the nerve endings.

In order that this transport system becomes efficient, we need water in the nervous system. That’s why the brain is 85 percent water, it has the reverse-osmosis program completely, constantly supplying this water. And if we have enough water, the diffusion process will help. This means of transport is called “fast-axon transport” through waterways in the nerves. And this fast-axon transport still takes weeks and months from the source of supply to the terminal where it’s being used. So dehydration is a problem in the elderly that get slowed down because of this process.

 This ignorance is so prevalent that doctors are not even taught that the first thing they should check in any patient is their hydration and salt levels since nothing, other than lack of oxygen, can kill us quicker. How can we expect drug companies to do research on the value of increasing our water intake when they can't make money on it? After all, who does research to put themselves out of business? The value of water and salt is not totally discounted by the medical profession.


This is the Water Cure Protocol Formula.

Step 1. Your latest body weight in kg, eg. 70 kg.

70 x 32.53* = 2,277 ml water intake, per day, daily. 

*32.53 ml water needed for servicing every 1 kg of your body--cells-- weight, daily.

Step 2. Every 90 minutes, just drink 10% of your personal daily quota, which will be 227 ml per dose. Round it up to 230ml per dose. Your body can handle slight flood management better than drought (dehydration) management, when you drink slightly more. Each day you will drink at least 10 doses of water. 

Step 3. Guideline ; For every 1250 ml water intake, use 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, per day. You can put pinch of sea /rock salt on your tongue, let it melt before you drink your water per dose, and also use the sea/rock salt in your meal preparation .

Summary : Melt a pinch of sea/rock salt on the tongue, and then drink 10% ml water per dose for every 90-minutes interval.

 In the pancreas, it releases actually four digestive enzymes in the gut. So we'll put gastrointestinal tract in the pancreas: 

1. pancreatic lipase is released and it does the final breakdown of fat; 

2. pancreatic amylase does the final breakdown on starch and 

3. trypsin does the breakdown of protein and

4. Chymotrypsin also does the breakdown of protein. 

So these are four enzymes released from the pancreas that finalize digestion. Most people don't realize that the pancreas is probably the main organ of digestion. When people died of pancreatic cancer, they usually die of malnutrition because they haven't got the final breakdown of their food. So their food can't get out of their gastrointestinal tract and into their blood. So, they basically die of malnutrition.  

The pancreas also releases two hormones from the blood. And this is glycogen and insulin. Now those hormones are released into the blood and they're the ones that control our blood glucose levels. If they go too high, insulin gets it down. If they go too low, glycogen gets it up. These hormones are constantly balancing the glucose levels in our blood. Very important organ is the pancreas. All of these 2 hormones and these 4 enzymes are made from water. 

So, a person can develop diabetes, digestive problems, all because they're dehydrated. 

Let's move on down to the colon. 

One of the main functions of colon is to take water out so stools are formed. If the human body is dehydrated, more water gets taken out than should be taken out from the colon, then we get rabbit pellets, cement, basically, there's constipation. Very difficult to have 3 evacuations/excretions a day, which Dr. Kellogg said is a necessary if you're having three meal in-takes a day in a dehydrated person. 

Dr. Batmanghelidj also showed that dehydration is felt in the brain. Our brain is a hydroelectric system. No hydro, no electricity. A person can suffer from depression, negative thought patterns because they're dehydrated. Something else happens in dehydration with the brain and that is the brain cells shrink. And when the brain cells shrink, that hurts. It hurts very much. When I say to people, do  you get headache, a common answer is our only answer , "I'm dehydrated." 

Dehydration  is also felt in the lungs. Here are the little bronchioles .

At the end of each bronchial there are alveoli and they look like a little bunch of grapes. And that alveoli is where the gaseous exchange take place. 

So, when we breathe in they fill up with oxygen. And over those little alveoli are a little capillary network. And what the blood does is it picks up the oxygen and drops the carbon dioxide . Then we breathe it out. It is a fascinating system and Grey's Anatomy says we have 300 million of alveoli. Each alveolus is wrapped in a fine mesh of capillaries covering about 70% of its area. An adult alveolus has an average diameter of 200 micrometres, with an increase in diameter during inhalation. But in each little alveoli there's a droplet of water. And because of the surface tension of water, do you understand the surface tension of water? When I trained as a hairdresser, I had to learn about surface tension of water. When you put water on your scalp, it doesn't really get through because of the oil. You put shampoo, it breaks the surface tension of water and of course, it can get through. Because of the surface tension of water and this little miniscule droplet of water in the alveoli when you breath out , the majority of your carbon dioxide is breathed out. And so you can get a full quota of oxygen back in . In dehydration, we don't have that little bit of water. So, when the person breathes out , they can't breathe out all their carbon dioxide, so that when they breathe in, they're not getting as much oxygen  as they could be getting. So, here's another point, with the most vital element needed for life, we need to be well hydrated to be able to get that oxygen. And we need to be having the proper salt and all of its minerals for the cell to utilize that water. So, you can see that they're all interact with each other. We need all of them. I had a man do our program, it's a few years ago now. He's 44 and he had three main problems. He had a very congested chest. You see, in dehydration, to try and conserve the water  loss with each breath, the little bronchial shrink up. He had chronic headaches. You see, the cells shrink when we're dehydrated.  

And he had lower back pain. Did you know that 75 percent of our upper body weight is held in our lower back by water. So, in a dehydrated body, there's not as much water there that should be there and the back hurts, the lower back gets painful. So, he had these three main problems. I said to him, "How much water do you drink a day?". He said, " I don't drink water." I said, "No water?" He said, "No, I don't drink any water."  He said, " I don't like it."

He said, " I have a lot of headache tablets and I drink it down with coke and cups of  tea and coffee." Ah ha , and he was living on the pills because he had so much pain here in his head, and so much congestion here in his chest and eating antibiotic after antibiotic. You know and last night on the news, 7:30 P.M. report stated that because of a little boy who nearly die from too many antibiotics , they're saying now, doctors must stop prescribing so many antibiotics. It said last night on the news that Australia is the  highest user of antibiotics of any country in the world. Isn't that incredible?  

Can you see what's the use of the antibiotics give this man is remaining dehydrated . That's why the detective hat has to be put on why are these things so. I said , "No water?" He said, "No water." I said,"Uh-huh." As he went through the program, he started drinking more water. He started to drink almost a liter of water a day. Now the student might say to me, No, no, Barbara, he's supposed to drink at least two, maybe  two and a half liters a day. I said , "It's pretty good . Yesterday it was none." Build it up little by little, build it up. By the end of the week, he was drinking two liters of water. He said, "This is amazing." He said, " I done , I haven't had headaches for two days." He said, " First time since I can remember." He said, "My chest is getting a lot looser."  And he said, " My lower back pain is gone." WOW!   

What was his problem? It was dehydration.  Can you see if that point's not addressed, the osteopath that trying to fix his back isn't going to go far. The doctor or the naturopath that's trying to fix his lungs aren't going to go far. The neurosurgeon that's taking scans of his brain to try and find out why it isn't working is not going to get anywhere, when it's just water. If someone has headaches and say to me, but I drink two liters of water a day. My answer to that is, "Well , it's not the water, let's go one step further and find out what it is." And it could be many things. That's why we have to be detectives. Have you ever seen Hercule Poirot,  Agatha Christine's detective?  Hercule Poirot is a fictional Belgian detective, created by Agatha Christie. He notes things no one else looks at. There's a little thread on the carpet, there's a little nick in the curtain and everyone's  rolling their eyes that the silly little things he's looking at. But in the final assessment of finding the, person, you know, who did the crime, those little points in the puzzle turned out to be some of the most important pieces of information. We need to be private investigators, we need to be Hercule Poirots, we need to look at every point. I don't think we should run out our self ragged finding every little point but when you start investigating, you start to get an idea. And it was not hard to find out why this man was having his problems. Especially at the end of the week, when his lower back pain was gone, his headaches were gone and his chest was almost totally clear, it can take a little bit longer for all that to come up. I saw him six weeks later, he jumped out of the car at a smooth, a huge smile on his face. He had a big bottle of water in his hand, and he said, "Three liters a day!" I smiled and so happy for him. He got his life back. It can be that simple. And that's why anyone that comes to me for help, I go through these eight laws. 

1. Pure Air, 

2. Sunshine, 

3. Enough Water, 

4. Proper Diet, 

5. Rest, 

6. Temperance, 

7. Exercise, 

8. Trust in Divine Power. 

Because these are the true remedies and often you can find little glitches here and there that give you an indication of why these things are so. 

Thank you for your time and attention. 

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