Sunday, September 19, 2021

Your Feet and Posture

 The part of the foot that is the most important is the skin. It is in direct contact with the ground and is responsible for conveying a significant amount of proprioceptive information to the central and peripheric nervous system. 

The skin is often lacking sensitivity due to the fact that we have been wearing shoes (our whole lives) and that we walk daily on very even grounds. Therefore, this skin loses sensitivity and our global body stability diminishes. 

The postural insole stimulates the skin of the foot with a frequency of 90H, which has been found to be the optimal frequency to produce this result. 

足部最重要的部分是皮肤。 它与地面直接接触,负责向中枢和外周神经系统传递大量本体感受信息。

Zú bù zuì zhòngyào de bùfèn shì pífū. Tā yǔ dìmiàn zhíjiē jiēchù, fùzé xiàng zhōngshū hé wàizhōu shénjīng xìtǒng chuándì dàliàng běntǐ gǎnshòu xìnxī.

 由于我们一直穿着鞋子(我们的一生)并且我们每天在非常平坦的地面上行走,因此皮肤通常缺乏敏感性。 因此,这种皮肤会失去敏感性,我们的整体身体稳定性也会下降。

Yóuyú wǒmen yīzhí chuānzhuó xiézi (wǒmen de yīshēng) bìngqiě wǒmen měitiān zài fēicháng píngtǎn dì dìmiàn shàng xíngzǒu, yīncǐ pífū tōngcháng quēfá mǐngǎn xìng. Yīncǐ, zhè zhǒng pífū huì shīqù mǐngǎn xìng, wǒmen de zhěngtǐ shēntǐ wěndìng xìng yě huì xiàjiàng.

 姿势鞋垫以 90H 的频率刺激足部皮肤,已发现这是产生此结果的最佳频率。

Zīshì xiédiàn yǐ 90H de pínlǜ cìjī zú bù pífū, yǐ fāxiàn zhè shì chǎnshēng cǐ jiéguǒ de zuì jiā pínlǜ.

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