Saturday, February 3, 2024

Reality With I Am

 ● Who I am is an underground thinker who never stops... not even for a career.

• All I cared about was piercing illusion and becoming the truth.

• Anyway, it’s good to see that people are catching up. 

○ We don’t have a lot of time to do the things that we need to do.

● 我是一个永不停歇的地下思想家……即使是为了事业。Wǒ shì yīgè yǒng bù tíngxiē dì dìxià sīxiǎngjiā……jíshǐ shì wèi liǎo shìyè.

 • 我所关心的只是刺穿幻象并成为真理。• Wǒ suǒ guānxīn de zhǐshì cì chuān huànxiàng bìng chéngwéi zhēnlǐ.

 • 无论如何,很高兴看到人们正在迎头赶上。• Wúlùn rúhé, hěn gāoxìng kàn dào rénmen zhèngzài yíngtóugǎnshàng.

 ○ 我们没有太多时间做我们需要做的事情。○ Wǒmen méiyǒu tài duō shíjiān zuò wǒmen xūyào zuò de shìqíng.

● من أنا مفكر سري لا يتوقف أبدًا... ولا حتى من أجل مهنة.

 • كل ما كان يهمني هو اختراق الوهم والتحول إلى الحقيقة.

 • على أية حال، من الجيد أن نرى أن الناس يلحقون بالركب.

 ○ ليس لدينا الكثير من الوقت للقيام بالأشياء التي يتعين علينا القيام بها.

● min 'ana mufakir siriyun la yatawaqaf abdan... wala hataa min 'ajl mahanatin.

• kulu ma kan yuhimuni hu akhtiraq alwahm waltahawul 'iilaa alhaqiqati.

• ealaa 'ayat hali, min aljayid 'an naraa 'ana alnaas yulhaqun bialrakbi.

○ lays ladayna alkathir min alwaqt lilqiam bial'ashya' alati yataeayan ealayna alqiam biha.


● ווער איך בין איז אַ ונטערערד דענקער וואָס קיינמאָל סטאַפּס ... נישט אַפֿילו פֿאַר אַ קאַריערע.

  • אלעס וואס איך האב געזארגט איז געווען דורכשטעכן אילוזיע און ווערן דער אמת.

  • סייַ ווי סייַ, עס איז גוט צו זען אַז מענטשן כאַפּן זיך.

  ○ מיר טאָן ניט האָבן אַ פּלאַץ פון צייט צו טאָן די טינגז וואָס מיר דאַרפֿן צו טאָן.

● ver ikh bin iz a untererd denker vos keynmol staps ... nisht afilu far a karyere.

  • ales vas ikh hab gezargt iz geven durkhshtekhn iluzye aun vern der ams.

  • say vi say, es iz gut tsu zen az mentshn khapn zikh.

  ○ mir ton nit hobn a plats fun tseyt tsu ton di tingz vos mir darfn tsu ton.

First of all, what does the term “I AM” mean in this context, and why is it so important in manifestation?

The I AM is awareness/consciousness in its fundamental state. The I AM is awareness/consciousness in its pure form. In regards to manifestation, the I AM is important because it is the infinite power, infinite intelligence, and the fundamental reality. To manifest a goal, intention, or desire, you must learn how to work with the I AM or pure awareness within you.

The concept of the I AM is based on the idea that consciousness is fundamental to reality. While I will mostly draw on Neville Goddard and my own experience with this, I will also draw on some of the teachings by other similar teachers.

To learn how to manifest, you need to learn how to wield the first cause power. And this power is your own I AM-ness – your own awareness or consciousness.

Finding the I AM-ness within you may sound a bit weird, but it really just means experiencing your awareness. As you gradually go within and meditate you will begin to realize that there’s a constant I AM-ness within you, existing independently of your own mind and thoughts. While this sounds strange at first it’s not actually that hard to do; it’s only that most people never even think about it or even consider its significance.

Let’s now look at how to deliberately incorporate the I AM when manifesting something.

Understanding the I AM and experiencing it in meditation is great and all, but understanding the I AM is not just an interesting philosophical idea. In fact, it has very real and practical implications for your manifesting capability. It’s important to remember that the I AM is the power and the only reality, and the power you have to learn to work with when you are consciously manifesting.

First, it’s important to remember that the fundamental reality is consciousness – the I AM – which is your true self. Therefore, to change the results that are manifested, you need to change your “self.” As said earlier, finding your “self” will make consciously manifesting a lot easier as you now understand where the power is located.

Changing your “self” means giving it new ideas to operate on. And this is done through imagination. In short, Imagination is basically the I AM itself – it is the creative power of the I AM.

This is how you deliberately incorporate the I AM when manifesting something:

1) Go Into A Relaxed State of Consciousness

Sit down, close your eyes, relax, and withdraw your attention from the external world.

While a meditative state of consciousness is not always necessary for manifesting, I find that most people that do not do this fail to make big changes in their lives.

A relaxed state of consciousness causes pure awareness to rise to the surface. Awareness is always there, and when you let go of your mind and thoughts, it automatically rises to the surface.

It’s important to remember that awareness is already there. I have personally made the mistake of trying to create the power in my mind myself, and this is a mistake as you will be operating within the confines of your individual mind. Therefore, it’s essential that you let go and let things happen on their own. There is a power within you whether you think it’s there or not.

You will become better at this through practice, but even a slight degree of meditation is better than nothing.

2) Convey The Desire To The I AM

Once you are in a relaxed state of consciousness, you will feel that you are in the presence of your own being-ness. Depending on the goal you want to achieve – whether it’s something specific or just general improvement in life – you can use visualization, affirmations, or simply just immersing yourself in positive emotions.

(Neville himself used a visualization technique today where he also emphasized the importance of going into a state akin to sleep.)

The important thing is to hold the idea with the least effort. If you use effort, you are operating within your limited awareness, and the purpose is to convey the idea to the unconditioned awareness within you.

Let yourself get lost in the idea so that there is no room for doubt. You cannot hold two thoughts at the same time. If your mind is permeated with the idea of the accomplishment of your desire, there is no room for doubt. Hold the idea to the exclusion of all others. Your state of mind should not be, “I want this to happen, but It cannot happen.” It should be a certainty; “This will happen” or “This has already happened.”

Remember, since you are in a meditative state, the pathway to your inner I AM-ness is unobstructed, and it is responsive to your thoughts.

3) (Optional) Affirm That Desire Is Deeply Ingrained

Since the I AM is a responsive intelligence, you can say something akin to: “This has now been deeply ingrained in Awareness, and it will overpower any unwanted belief that opposes it. When I go back to my ordinary waking state, the desire will occur independently of my conscious activity. No amount of doubt and worry will stop it.”

The purpose of this statement is to make sure that the desire stays in awareness without being immediately dispatched.

When you are back to your normal, alert state of consciousness, you don’t really need to do anything.

A new idea has been ingrained in your subconscious, and this idea will automatically begin to manifest itself both in your individual thoughts, feelings, and behavior and in the seemingly random events that happen in your external world.

All of this will culminate in the accomplishment of your desire. The key is to remember that the power that is doing the work is the subconscious – the pure awareness – and everything will play second fiddle to it.


The I AM, the infinite awareness, is the hidden power within you. It is your true self and the cause of all the phenomena of your life. It is the power you are working with when you are manifesting something.

The only real way of understanding the I AM is by going into meditation. When you are in the I AM state; you are free to impress a new idea on it. The idea, having been accepted, will automatically begin to manifest itself through you and in your external reality.

The key is to actually put this into practice. It is the only way to get any results at all! It’s okay not to do this perfectly every time, but it is important that you keep trying. You can’t let yourself get stuck due to the fear that “It won’t work” or the misconception that you must do it perfectly — two things that so often keep us stuck.

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