Mental Health Atlas 2011 - Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization
Data collected in 2011
Singapore is a country with an approximate area of one thousand square kilometers (UNO, 2008). The
population is 4,836,691 and the sex ratio (men per hundred women) is 102 (UNO, 2009). The proportion
of the population under the age of 18 years is 20% and the proportion above age 60 is 9% (UNO, 2009).
The literacy rate is 100% for men and for women (UN Statistics, 2008). The life expectancy at birth is 78
years for males and 83 years for females (UNO, 2005-2010). The healthy life expectancy at birth is 71
years for males and 83 years for females (UNPD, 2010). The country is in the high income group (based
on 2010 World Bank criteria). The total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product is
3.88% and the per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int. $) is $509.0 (WHO, 2006). The
suicide rate for males is 12.9 per 100,000 population and for females is 7.7 per 100,000 population. In
Singapore, neuropsychiatric disorders are estimated to contribute to 24.4% of the global burden of disease
(WHO, 2008).
An officially approved mental health policy exists and was approved or most recently revised in 2006.
Mental health is also specifically mentioned in the general health policy.
A mental health plan exists and was approved or most recently revised in 2006. The mental health plan
components include:
● Timelines for the implementation of the mental health plan.
● Funding allocation for the implementation of half or more of the items in the mental health plan.
● Shift of services and resources from mental hospitals to community mental health facilities.
● Integration of mental health services into primary care.
Dedicated mental health legislation exists and was initiated or most recently revised in 2010. Legal
provisions concerning mental health are also covered in other laws (e.g., welfare, disability, general health
legislation etc.).
Mental health expenditures by the government health department/ministry are 4.14% of the total health
budget. Mental hospital expenditures are 71.71% of the total mental health budget.
Primary Care
Prescription regulations authorize primary health care doctors to prescribe and/or to continue prescription
of psychotherapeutic medicines. In contrast, the department of health does not authorize primary health
care nurses to prescribe and/or to continue prescription of psychotherapeutic medicines. Similarly, official
policy does not permit primary health care nurses to independently diagnose and treat mental disorders
within the primary care system.
Officially approved manuals on the management and treatment of mental disorders are available in the
majority of primary health care clinics. Official referral procedures for referring persons from primary
care to secondary/tertiary care exist as do referral procedures from tertiary/secondary to primary care.
Mental Health Services
Availability of mental health facilities

This Scandinavian nation of 5.6 million isn't even in the top 10 in per capita GDP, but it reached No. 1 in the U.N.'s World Happiness Report this year thanks to high scores for a strong social support system, freedom to live as one please and low percieved business and government corruption.
What is the happiest country in the world?1 - Denmark.
Data collected in 2011
Singapore is a country with an approximate area of one thousand square kilometers (UNO, 2008). The
population is 4,836,691 and the sex ratio (men per hundred women) is 102 (UNO, 2009). The proportion
of the population under the age of 18 years is 20% and the proportion above age 60 is 9% (UNO, 2009).
The literacy rate is 100% for men and for women (UN Statistics, 2008). The life expectancy at birth is 78
years for males and 83 years for females (UNO, 2005-2010). The healthy life expectancy at birth is 71
years for males and 83 years for females (UNPD, 2010). The country is in the high income group (based
on 2010 World Bank criteria). The total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product is
3.88% and the per capita government expenditure on health (PPP int. $) is $509.0 (WHO, 2006). The
suicide rate for males is 12.9 per 100,000 population and for females is 7.7 per 100,000 population. In
Singapore, neuropsychiatric disorders are estimated to contribute to 24.4% of the global burden of disease
(WHO, 2008).
An officially approved mental health policy exists and was approved or most recently revised in 2006.
Mental health is also specifically mentioned in the general health policy.
A mental health plan exists and was approved or most recently revised in 2006. The mental health plan
components include:
● Timelines for the implementation of the mental health plan.
● Funding allocation for the implementation of half or more of the items in the mental health plan.
● Shift of services and resources from mental hospitals to community mental health facilities.
● Integration of mental health services into primary care.
Dedicated mental health legislation exists and was initiated or most recently revised in 2010. Legal
provisions concerning mental health are also covered in other laws (e.g., welfare, disability, general health
legislation etc.).
Mental health expenditures by the government health department/ministry are 4.14% of the total health
budget. Mental hospital expenditures are 71.71% of the total mental health budget.
Primary Care
Prescription regulations authorize primary health care doctors to prescribe and/or to continue prescription
of psychotherapeutic medicines. In contrast, the department of health does not authorize primary health
care nurses to prescribe and/or to continue prescription of psychotherapeutic medicines. Similarly, official
policy does not permit primary health care nurses to independently diagnose and treat mental disorders
within the primary care system.
Officially approved manuals on the management and treatment of mental disorders are available in the
majority of primary health care clinics. Official referral procedures for referring persons from primary
care to secondary/tertiary care exist as do referral procedures from tertiary/secondary to primary care.
Mental Health Services
Availability of mental health facilities
This Scandinavian nation of 5.6 million isn't even in the top 10 in per capita GDP, but it reached No. 1 in the U.N.'s World Happiness Report this year thanks to high scores for a strong social support system, freedom to live as one please and low percieved business and government corruption.
What is the happiest country in the world?1 - Denmark.
What is the happiest country in the world? | 1 - Denmark. |
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