For many reasons, Certification is not offered through this website.
Fortunately, Gold Standard EFT training and certification can be found at Tina Craig's website where she offers her popular EFT Certification program. This is the only true EFT Certification from the source. Highly recommended.
Otherwise, numerous websites, trainers and organizations offer varying degrees of EFT Certification on the internet and you are welcome to pursue any or all of them. They are all independent of me and, unfortunately, the quality varies so widely that an "EFT Certification" from these second or third hand facilities may not have the impact you might like.
Is there an alternate credential if I don't need official Certification?
Sure. You can simply say ... "Student of Gary Craig's Gold Standard EFT instruction at http://www.emofree.com" (be sure to include the active link). Please do not use this credential unless you are, indeed, an active student and practice this Tutorial in detail. Otherwise, you are misleading the public.Hope this helps, Gary
© Gary Craig
All Rights Reserved
Prerequisite Certified Gold Standard EFT Practitioner
Building on our Tell the Story Technique foundation, we continue to clear events in special circumstances and manage highly traumatic memories. We enhance results and containment with intentional language skills and work with challenged clients as a whole. With the Advanced skills, licensed professionals will have a powerful tool kit for many of the cases in their practice (Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Addictions).
Practice new skills as you learn them and get regular, individualized support on the coaching calls. The support material and study guide translate the Gold Standard EFT Tutorial into Advanced professional skills for your practice. Includes PDF Study Guide, online and written material, video demos and 5 group coaching calls.
- Understanding the client landscape
- Navigating through complex backgrounds
- Clearing events without details
- Clearing intensity from extreme trauma
- Working with events that are hard to access
- Accessing emotional issues through physical pain
- Intentional language
- Containment skills
- Advanced testing methods
- Testing Tabletops
Powerful one-on-one coaching to further enhance Advanced Practitioner skill and maximize results in your practice.
- Submit sessions on video for individualized feedback (min 3 sessions)
- Complete one written submission on the Gold Standard EFT process
Certification will only be issued after consultation is complete. Complete cost of Advanced Certification ranges from $1299 - $1799 depending mastery of skill. Can be completed in as little as six months.
ELIGIBILITY: This program is for experienced professionals. You don't have to have a license in mental health but you do need to have a practice in the healing field, preferably one that allows you to talk with clients about their past. Beginning practitioners can start with the Friends and Family course. Please email me with questions about eligibility.
(With knowledge of the appropriate skills, this step can be skipped by anyone who has attended a workshop elsewhere or has previous EFT experience.) This step is the equivalent of a two day workshop, but without the travel expense. Includes Workbook/Study Guide to walk you through the Gold Standard EFT Tutorial Parts 1 and 2, additional instruction for professional application, exercises for use with your clients, and five group coaching calls for support. The Gold Standard EFT Tutorial provides step-by-step online instruction and demo videos on:
- What is EFT and how does it work?
- EFT Research
- EFT Basic Recipe
- Constricted Breathing Technique
- Strategies for getting started
- What to say in each tapping round
- Aspects
- Being Specific
- Testing your results
- Navigating through the issues
- Tell the Story Technique
- Personal Peace Procedure
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS II TRAINING - Practice the Skills - $249
This step is all about practice, support and developing your skills. You will put our workhorse tool, Tell the Story Technique, to use in your practice, get helpful feedback on the coaching calls, and study supporting material to develop professional skills in Gold Standard EFT. When applied to clients with complicated backgrounds, the need for additional skill is obvious, so we use that opportunity to build a strong foundation for the Advanced Level. Includes Demo Videos, PDF Study Guide and five group coaching calls for support.
- Gold Standard EFT Treatment Plan
- Getting the most out of Tell the Story Technique
- Navigating through common challenges
- Finding and qualifying Specific Events
- Introducing EFT to your Clients
- Minimizing emotional pain
- Containment skills
- Abreaction procedure
- Evaluating results
- Incorporating Surface Tools and client homework with deeper work
(Required only for practitioners without a license in mental health)
Understand scope of practice, client care, and professional conduct in the healing field. Material is provided in a PDF download with open book quiz to be submitted for grading. Minimum score 80%. This step can be skipped if already completed in the Friends and Family Course.
CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER CONSULTATION - Demonstrate the Skills - Range $700-1200
Powerful one-on-one coaching to further enhance Practitioner skill and maximize results in your practice.
- Submit sessions on video for individualized feedback (min 3 sessions)
- Complete one written submission on the Gold Standard EFT process
Certification will only be issued after consultation is complete. Complete cost of certification ranges from $1050 - $1850 depending on previous training, existing credentials, and mastery of skill. Can be completed in as little as six months.
All other training steps include a Certificate of Completion, and can be completed without committing to consultation.
In this program, certification can be completed entirely from your location - there's no need to assume the travel expenses of a workshop. To be sure that your training is complete, the mentoring and consultation portions take a more prominent role. The result is a personalized training process where your individual questions are answered as you gain experience and confidence with your own clients. To get started, just email me!
Dear Friend,
As I write this I'm at home....alone....on a Tuesday evening. There's a light rain outside making gentle noises on the window. After years of writing and filming, EFT is complete. We are almost ready to "go to press."
And five minutes ago the tears came rolling down my face.
And then I knew why I wanted to create this Tutorial. What I mean is, I always knew why...but I didn't know how to say it. And now I can put it in words. Here's the story.
Five minutes ago I was reviewing a video that my associate, Adrienne Fowlie, and I made at the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles in 1995. We spent 6 days there using EFT to help our Vietnam vets get beyond the horrible memories of war.

EFT helps war veterans with PTSD
They had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which is among the most severe forms of emotional disorders known. Every day these men relive the catastrophes of war ... like being forced to shoot innocent civilians (including young children) ... burying people in open trenches ... and watching their own dear friends die or become dismembered. The sounds of gunfire, bombs and screams ricochet in their heads day and night. Sometimes only drugs ease the ever present aches of war.
They sweat. They cry. They have headaches and anxiety attacks. They are depressed and in pain. They have fears and phobias and are afraid to go to sleep at night because of their nightmares. Many have been in therapy for 20 years ... with very little relief.
I still remember how thrilled I was when the VA invited Adrienne and me to bring EFT to our soldiers. They gave us free rein to counsel with these men in any way we wanted. This would be the ultimate test regarding the power of EFT. If all it did was make a modest, but noticeable, difference in the lives of these severely disabled men, most people would have considered it successful. In fact, it did much more.
The VA didn't pay us. They didn't have a budget for outside help like this. In fact, we had to pay for our own air fares, hotel bills, meals and car rentals. But we didn't care. We would have paid much more just for the opportunity.
So anyway, this video I was watching was a summary of what happened during those 6 days. One section was all about Rich, who had been in therapy for 17 years for his PTSD. He had:
- Over 100 haunting war memories, many of which he relived daily.
- A major height phobia ... aggravated by having made over 50 parachute jumps.
- Insomnia ... it took him 3 or 4 hours to get to sleep every night -- even under quite strong medication.
Like most people, Rich had a hard time believing that these rather strange appearing procedures would work. But he was willing to give them a try. We started with his height phobia and after about 15 minutes with EFT, it was gone. He tested it by going several stories up in a building and looking down over a fire escape. To his amazement, he had no phobic reaction whatsoever. We then applied EFT to several of his most intense war memories and neutralized all of them within an hour. He still remembers them, of course, but they no longer have any emotional charge.
We taught the techniques to Rich (just as you are being taught through this Tutorial) so he could, by himself, work on the rest of his war memories. Within a few days they were all neutralized. They no longer bothered him. As a result, the insomnia went away and so did the insomnia medication (with the supervision of his physician). Two months later I spoke with Rich on the phone. He was still free of the problems.
That's real emotional freedom. It's the end of years of torment. It's like walking out of a prison. And ... I had the privilege of handing him the keys!!! Man ... what a feeling. This is the promise of EFT. Master it and you can do for yourself, and others, what happened for Rich.
Then there was Robert, Gary, Phillip and Ralph who all had traumatic war memories. In minutes, EFT provided relief for the memories we worked on. To see the smiles and hear the gratitude was a form of joy that only tears can express. And then came the video interview with Anthony.
Anthony was so frightened by his war experiences that he was afraid to go into a public place ... like a restaurant ... for fear a Vietnamese soldier would come in firing an AK47. He would freeze up at the mere thought of it. He knew, of course, it wasn't logical but that didn't make the fear any better. That's what PTSD is like.
After using EFT, Anthony went with us to a crowded restaurant and, in his words, he "didn't have a nickel's worth of anxiety." The three of us, Adrienne, Anthony and myself, casually laughed and joked while we had a leisurely dinner in this restaurant, crowded with over 200 people. Anthony was completely relaxed. The fear was gone. What movement! What a feeling to be able to make such a difference in someone's life.
Then, in the interview on camera, he paused a minute and said, "God has blessed me, I swear. I think it was my time to meet you guys."
And there...sitting in my living room...is when those happy tears went rolling down my face.
The human value in this Tutorial deserves its own mountain top. You can lift yourself to new levels with it. And, if you wish, you can use it to help others and magnify your self worth in the process. How many "thank you's" would you like? No greater reward could I give you. So now I hope you know my motivation for creating this Tutorial. It is because God has blessed me, I swear. It is my time to meet you!
Together we will build within you a bridge to the land of personal peace. Once built, this bridge will become a lifetime skill that you can use to spread emotional freedom ... and joy ... from yourself to others. And ... it's permanent. Like gold ... it doesn't rust or tarnish or become obsolete. It will always be there for you.
You and I may never meet face to face so I may not be able to see you and know your warmth, as I did with Anthony. Our only connection may be limited to this Tutorial. But that's OK. Whenever people join for the purpose of healing, they are doing God's work. Love fills the space in between (however large) and helps it happen. God does not require that we meet face to face.
You and I are about to travel together on a journey toward emotional freedom. It will be like nothing you have experienced before ... I promise. It is not a mythical ride on a magic carpet that ends in illusion. It is a real ride destined to give you real results ... just like it did for our veterans. You will, indeed, develop the ability to discard your fears, phobias, traumatic memories, anger, guilt, grief and all other limiting emotions. And it won't take years and years of painstakingly slow and financially draining sessions either. Often, even the most severe negative emotions vanish in minutes. But I'm getting ahead of myself. You will see all the proof you need as you learn this Tutorial and apply these techniques to yourself.
You will also learn of their limitations. EFT doesn't do everything for everyone. But what it does do will astonish you. It still astonishes me and I've been doing it for years. EFT, by the way, does far more than what is covered in this letter. I've just opened the lid a little here and let you peek in. The rest of it will unfold as you turn these pages.
My Best Regards,
P.S. Please note that the emotional and energetic releases brought about by EFT frequently result in profound physical healings. As you will see, EFT can address just about every emotional, physical and performance issue you can name.
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