Sunday, May 16, 2021

KZN general practitioner Dr Shankara Chetty outlines his observations of the COVID-19 pandemic and the treatment protocols

 In an article in the South African magazine Modern Medicine, KZN general practitioner Dr Shankara Chetty outlines his observations of the COVID-19 pandemic and the treatment protocols he used for 200 symptomatic patients of all ages – all of whom survived.

Dr Shankara Chetty – a general practitioner with a natural science background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology and biochemistry – has been critically reviewing information that has arisen from observations of the COVID pandemic from around the world.

Knowledge gained from a broad natural science background, convinced him that there was a missing element in these reports, writes Modern Medicine in a short article that is followed later in the publication with a full article by the doctor.

“A wealth of knowledge of hospital presentations, pathology and investigations has been generated, but there has been a distinct lack of information regarding initial presentation, progression and pathogenesis,” said Chetty.

Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction

When COVID arrived in South Africa, he isolated himself so as to limit interactions with family and the public and erected a tented field clinic in his practice parking, so as to be able to examine and follow up on every COVID patient without risk to his other patients.

According to him he had a theoretical understanding of the possible pathogenesis but needed to verify his suspicions.

“From the examination, treatment and follow up of over 200 symptomatic COVID patients, it is my opinion that COVID illness has two aetiologies. It is initially a respiratory viral infection with typical symptoms, progression and outcomes over the initial seven days.

“On around day seven, a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction is triggered in those that are sensitive, leading to the sequelae typically seen on admission,” he told Modern Medicine.

“This reaction causes the release of chemical mediators in the lung, resulting in inflammation, oedema, and in time, massive cell damage. The resultant cellular disruption is what triggers the ‘cytokine storm’ in an attempt to repair damaged cells and remove debris.

“This release of cytokine triggers a cascade of event that produces the variety of pathologies that are seen,” said Chetty.

Rapid response to treatment

His treatment protocol included the use of hydrochloroquine, azithromycin and doxycycline to combat the viral component and antihistamines, leukotriene receptor antagonists and steroids, amongst others, for the Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction.

The protocol produced consistent outcomes, no sequelae and rapid recovery of all patients. In all, they had no deaths, no hospitalisations and recovery of all patients, regardless of age, within 14 days, writes Modern Medicine.

“Outcomes of identifying and treating a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction were most telling in the more severe dyspnoeic patients, with saturations below 85% on presentation that had improvement to over 95% in 24 hours, with outpatient treatment on room air, negating the need for oxygen or hospitalisation,” said Chetty.

According to Chetty, the rapid response to the medications used to treat Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions confirmed its existence. This could have some serious implications for the future management of the COVID pandemic. Monitoring for a hypersensitivity reaction and prompt treatment would decrease morbidity and mortality significantly.

For a detailed account of Dr Chetty’s hypersensitivity insights and treatment protocols, go to the digital edition of Modern Medicine magazine, Volume 45, Number 5, Issue 5 2020. There is a short article upfront, followed by the full article by Dr Chetty. 

Dr. Shankara Chetty, Saving Lives on a Low Budget.

He works in a poor rural part of South Africa. He has treated thousands successfully with only antihistamines and steroids. Defying all the “science” of Big Pharma.

Watch and especially share with folks you know in our medical community.

Public Comments:.

Nehal Chetty

Thanks for recognizing my dad. This is not the original but thank you. This is not a joke he is my father

2 days ago

robert ng joo khiam

Can you send us the original YouTube video? It deserves much larger audience!

1 day ago

Miracles Happen

My son is a practitioner, so that would be YOU?

12 hours ago

Joshua Low

Amazing Dr Shankara. He should be nominated for Nobel prize (seriously!), for saving lives with a Global impact !

1 day ago

Thomas Saddul

Dr. Chetty is a hero to humanity. I hope his techniques will be adopted WORLDWIDE and not what the BIG PHARMA wants.

5 days ago (edited)


What a brilliant doctor you are! God bless you n your career in medicine. May you be recognized by the global authorities n WHO. 🙏👏👍

1 day ago

Steven Hong

Thanks for this awesome sharing. Dr Shankara alerting us to hypersensitivity on day 8th🙏🙏🙏

20 hours ago

Marina Pinel

Many BLESSINGS Dr Chetty🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

1 week ago

Vinoth Shivaraj

We should make it go viral..

4 days ago

Poppy Tw

Looking at the dire situation in India, has this method been used in India yet?

1 day ago

Elangovan Subbiah

hello doctor - are you available for online consultations?

3 days ago

Dr Amit Verma

Excellent experimental clinical treatment...must be part of national clinical guidelines for COVID

2 days ago

Warren Klein

This should be highlighted in first world countries ASAP.

5 days ago

Madhu Avula

Dr. Chetty is the only one in the world who has defeated the dreadful Corona virus. Saving 4000+ lives without oxygen is unthinkable in India. The so called leaers here are fighting for insufficient supplies of oxygen . Kudos Dr. Chetty

2 days ago

Poppy Tw

Looking at the dire situation, has this method been used in India yet ?

1 day ago

Durgesh Tiwari

Why this is no being followed by our Indian doctors?

1 day ago

Blue Eyes

But can just a hypersensitivity reaction explain the pulmonary embolism seen in many patients? He was lucky that none of his patients developed this..if it did, would he be able to manage them without O2 and ventilators?

1 day ago (edited)

Steven Hong

From his sharing due to his early treatment with ivermectin and HCQ both also does exert anti virus properties, plus being immune modulating may help reignin the virus from overgrowth. As such his patients did not trigger the cytokine storm. If cytokine triggered together with high viral loads still presence causes more ACE2 deactivation that lead micro thrombosis? All said DrShankara still awesome in his clinical diagnosis.

20 hours ago

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