Sunday, October 11, 2020


 Acceleration of Blackout in Fighter Pilots

Bibliographic EntryResult (w/surrounding text)StandardizedResult:-

"Aerospace Medicine" Encarta. "If a force form 4 to 6 G is sustained for more than a few seconds, the resulting symptoms range from visual impairment to total blackout." ; 4–6 g.

Acceleration Protection. Human Systems Center (HSC). Brooks Air Force Base, Texas. ; "The standard G-suit provides passive protection to about 5.5 +Gz." ; 5.5 g

CF-18 G-Protection: Sustained Tolerance and INcreased G (STING). Aerospace Life Support Sector. Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM), Canada. ; "PBG systems can overcome the blood-flow limitations of traditional (lower-body) G suits, allowing sustained G-tolerance at levels up to +7.5Gz with only minimal straining manoeuvres.";  7.5 g

History - The Franks Flying Suit (2). Canadian Defence Research & Development Branch. "Testing the new suit in a Fleet Finch aircraft at Camp Borden in 1941. Dr. Franks, fully conscious at 6G, with the suit filled with water to heart level." ; 6 g

In itself, high speed does not produce harmful symptoms. What can be dangerous are high accelerations; expressed as multiples of gravity, or g's. In pulling out of a dive, for example, a pilot may be subjected to an acceleration as high as 9 g. If a force of 4 to 6 g is sustained for more than a few seconds, the resulting symptoms range from visual impairment to total blackout. Protection is provided by a specially designed outfit, called an anti-g suit, which supplies pressure to the abdomen and legs, thus counteracting the tendency for blood to accumulate in those areas. Proper support of the head is essential during extreme acceleration in order to avoid swelling of the sinuses and severe headaches. While facing backward in a seated position, properly supported human test subjects have been able to tolerate a deceleration force of 50 g without severe injury. 

The first paragraph is sourced from the Aerospace Medicine entry in Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia

The acceleration that causes blackouts in fighter pilots is called the maximum g-force. Fighter pilots experience this force when accelerating or decelerating quickly. At high g's the pilots blood pressure changes and the flow of oxygen to the brain rapidly decreases. This happens because the pressure outside of the pilot's body is so much greater than the pressure a human is normally accustomed to. One human body handles g's different then another. The areas that are under investigation of the maximum g-force are:

seat back angle,

layoff (time away from the cockpit), and

comparison of female to male tolerance/endurance.

Work on a special suit to increase the g's a human body can handle had started during World War Two. Pilots at that time experienced blackouts when coming out of fast turns or when dropping altitude quickly. The work on special g-suits still continues today. Modern fighter pilots can handle g's that a human body would never have been able to tolerate previously.

Phillip Andriyevsky -- 1998

Bibliographic Entry; Result(w/surrounding text); StandardizedResult.

Aerospace Medicine. Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia ; "If a force of 4 to 6 g is sustained for more than a few seconds, the resulting symptoms range from visual impairment to total blackout." ;  4–6 g

Wayne, Tony. Ride Physiology. Roller Coaster Physics. Virginia Department of Education 

"As the g forces climb up toward 7 g's, you sink further still in the seat. You can no longer see color. Everything appears in black and white. An instant later, the passenger next to you disappears from view. Your field of vision is shrinking. It now looks like you are seeing things through a pipe. The front corner of the car disappears from view as your peripheral vision disappears. The visual pipe's diameter is getting smaller and smaller. You sink into the seat further still as the number of g's climb further. In a flash you see black. You have just "blacked out." You are unconscious until the number of g's are reduced and the blood returns to your brain."

"Inside Loop [diagram]

8 g blackout limit

A person passes out because of the lack of oxygen in the brain." ; 

7–8 g

Pryor, Loyd. Roller Coaster Corkscrew. Georgia Institute of Technology. "The human threshold is around +7.5 G's, for a trained pilot in a 'G suit.' "; 7.5 g

Roller Coaster. Physics Education Research Group. University of Maryland. "The goal here is to maximze the excitement of the ride without actually endangering the passengers. An important figure to remember here is that an average person will black out if the "headward"acceleration s/he experiences reaches 2 g. By comparison, people can withstand accelerations on the order of 10 g in directions perpendicular to their bodies without any permanent adverse effects, however most Roller Coaster cars would jump their tracks at such extreme accelerations." ; 2 g.

(no way can this be right)

Cameron, John R.; James G. Skofronick & Roderick M. Grant. Physics of the Body. Second Edition. Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing, 1999: 182. ; "If gravity on earth suddenly became three times greater (i.e., g ~ 30m/s2), blood would only rise about 43 cm above the heart and it would not reach the brain of a standing person. This situation can be produced artificially by accelerating the body at a = 3 g in a head first direction (Fig. 8.8b)." ; 3 g

Editor's Supplement -- 1999, 

Clip here to view 》here《YouTube g-force effects

Friday, October 9, 2020

Is the French language overrated?

 Tara van de Laak

Updated on January 25, 2019

Lived in s-Hertogenbosch, North-Brabant, Netherlands.

Is the French language overrated?

Oh man, how many times I've heard that the French language is overrated is insane.

Here in the Netherlands you typically get taught four languages: Dutch, English, German and French. And generally you choose whether you want to keep either French or German. So there are two types of people here: people that pick German and hate on French, people that pick French and hate on German. I personally would be categorised in the last catagory, purely because I choose to continue French. However, that's not entirely how I feel!

Anyway, France has a very intricate and interesting history - also linguistically. France always belonged to one of the richest, most influential nations of Europe, and therefore French as a language was spoken by loads of people. This however doesn't have a link to it being overrated.

Many people fetishize the French culture and its people. They like the cool, laid-back attitude French people seem to exude. Even though this tends to count for Paris rather than the whole of France. Also Romance languages are perceived as one of the most beautiful sounding languages. The way French people talk, how they connect their words, the way it sounds, were they put the stress on words, along with the attitude of French people makes for a very attractive pair.

French just sounds very melodious, and would be perceived as sophisticated. With Germanic languages, you don't connect your words, which makes it sound less melodious. The sounds in Germanic languages are generally perceived as harsh-sounding, which makes it less attractive for most people.

My opinion about the French language is that it does sound very pleasing to my ear. I do think it does sound extremely 'formal’ and sophisticated, which I like. Even when they curse it still sounds nice :p. The basic grammar is quite simple, but because of the exceptions it makes it a whole lot more confusing. Colloquial French is very different from text-book French. Spoken French is very hard to understand since it's very fast-paced; combine that with the way they speak, it makes it very difficult to understand as a learner of the language. It might be overhyped rather than overrated in sense of popularity but I have to say, I think we shouldn't underestimate the difficulty of the language since it isn't all that easy, French is very confusing. :P

But any language is beautiful in its own way and for French just happens to be a powerhouse language back in the day.

La langue française est-elle surfaite?

 Oh mec, combien de fois j'ai entendu dire que la langue française est surfaite est insensé.

 Ici aux Pays-Bas, on apprend généralement quatre langues: le néerlandais, l'anglais, l'allemand et le français. Et généralement, vous choisissez si vous souhaitez conserver le français ou l'allemand. Il y a donc deux types de personnes ici: les gens qui choisissent l'allemand et qui détestent le français, les gens qui choisissent le français et qui détestent l'allemand. Personnellement, je serais classé dans la dernière catégorie, uniquement parce que je choisis de continuer le français. Cependant, ce n'est pas tout à fait ce que je ressens!

 Quoi qu'il en soit, la France a une histoire très complexe et intéressante - également linguistiquement. La France a toujours appartenu à l'une des nations les plus riches et les plus influentes d'Europe et, par conséquent, le français en tant que langue était parlé par de nombreuses personnes. Cela n'a cependant pas de lien avec le fait qu'il soit surestimé.

 Beaucoup de gens fétichisent la culture française et ses habitants. Ils aiment l'attitude cool et décontractée que les Français semblent dégager. Même si cela a tendance à compter pour Paris plutôt que pour toute la France. Les langues romanes sont également perçues comme l'une des plus belles langues à consonance. La façon dont les Français parlent, comment ils connectent leurs mots, la façon dont ça sonne, où ils mettent l'accent sur les mots, ainsi que l'attitude des Français font une paire très attrayante.

 Le français semble juste très mélodieux et serait perçu comme sophistiqué.  Avec les langues germaniques, vous ne connectez pas vos mots, ce qui les rend moins mélodieux.  Les sons des langues germaniques sont généralement perçus comme un son dur, ce qui le rend moins attrayant pour la plupart des gens.

 Mon opinion sur la langue française est qu'elle me plaît beaucoup à l'oreille.  Je pense que cela semble extrêmement «formel» et sophistiqué, ce que j'aime.  Même quand ils maudissent, ça sonne toujours bien: p.  La grammaire de base est assez simple, mais à cause des exceptions, cela la rend beaucoup plus déroutante.  Le français familier est très différent du français des manuels.  Le français parlé est très difficile à comprendre car il est très rapide;  combiner cela avec la façon dont ils parlent, il est très difficile de comprendre en tant qu'apprenant de la langue.  Il est peut-être surestimé plutôt que surestimé en termes de popularité, mais je dois dire que je pense qu'il ne faut pas sous-estimer la difficulté de la langue car ce n'est pas si facile, le français est très déroutant.  : P

 Mais toute langue est belle à sa manière et pour le français se trouve être une langue centrale à l'époque.


Bernard Bel
February 28, 2019
I agree that colloquial French is hard for understand, and I even find it hard to follow dialogues on recent films or TV series due to approximate articulation by young actors…
Nontheless, when I tried to learn Dutch I also noticed that the language was easy to read (thanks to a previous study of English and German) and quite difficult to listen to!
These difficulties are much less with South-European languages. I can write Spanish, Italian and Portuguese under dictation even though I almost understand nothing!

Fred Yung
February 17, 2019
In Belgium the situation is as follows: The population in the north (commonly referred to as the Flemings) is obliged to learn French in school. In the south (commonly referred to as the Walloons), Dutch is not obligatory and most French speakers choose English as the second language. Generally speaking, the Flemings speak better French than the walloons speak Dutch but that's more a political than a cultural choice.

November 14, 2019
Hi! I'm French and I read your post. Indeed, French is not an easy language to learn, even French people have difficulty writing it haha.

It's funny to see that foreigners find our language melodious or "sophisticated" (even with swearing), but there's nothing exceptional about it! x)

To all those who learn French, good luck, especially for the very difficult spelling between verbs, adjectives, determinants and all hihi

Your post is really interesting, it's true that German is not really a language that sounds good, we'll say, I preferred to choose Spanish.

Alexandre Belleville
January 31, 2019
I agree, it’s a difficult language and even when it’s our mother tongue we still struggle on some rules and exceptions as adults.

For foreigners the genre is also a pain in the *** because there’s no general rule to know if some thing is “masculin” (le) or “féminin” (la), you basically have to learn the genre of each word... We even have people saying “la wifi” while most say “le wifi” and we can fight about it.

Also, we can be very hard to understand for foreigners if we speak really fast, which is easy to achieve.

Then there’s accents like the one from the Nord or the southern accents for which even us can struggle to understand sometime.

And you even have other accents and a few different words used in parts of Belgium, Swiss and Canada where they speak French and in French speaking African countries.

But I have to agree, it sounds nice (except for some accents that sound like they don’t go to school there, which is obviously not the case).

Alasdair Smith
February 19, 2019
I've lived in france for the majority of my life (originally I'm from scotland) but I still make mistakes. The gendered nouns really get you.

Marc Chanliau
January 16, 2019
Interesting post. I’m assuming you’re a Dutch speaker, and as such, I’d also assume you’d be more drawn to German.

Liaisons are a phenomenon quite specific to French due to its extremely unpredictable spelling, particularly when you compare French to Spanish.

English also has some level of liaison (e.g., “for ever” vs “for good”) due to the same type of accidental orthography.

Hugo R. Sagran
April 30, 2019
Just to contrast, I would rather prefer German a most mathematical language. For me of course. Good day!

Jaime Gutierrez Salazar
January 19, 2019
Particularly, if you happen to be interested in writtings which were published in the 18th. or 19th. century chances are they have been published in French as well as English, German and Russian as is the case for some Chess related books…

Alberto Baeza-Rojano
February 6, 2019
For dutch people I would say it is more usuful german than french. Also generally speaking Dutch is closer to German. Unfortunately, the history of the Netherlands and Germany has been like Spain and Portugal kindof it is a mix of hate-love.
Anyway I went to Hertogenbosch in August. It is a lovely town highly recommend to visit I would say better than Arnhem or Nijmegen.

Dian Norby
Jul 17
I think it is based more on the opportunity for usage and there are more countries world wide that use French as a second or governmental trade language than German, or other European languages other than English. (countries in West Africa, Central Africa, North Africa, Asia (Vietnam), South America and the Caribbean all have countries that use French as a second language for trade and governmental use—and don’t forget Canada (mainly Quebec, but it is a second language for the country in general as well).

Brigitte Pauzé
January 25, 2019
You should come to Quebec, Canada. We speak French like the French people but without the attitude !!!!!

Ronald Piwele
March 2, 2019
I am sorry but French from Quebec does not sound at all like French from Europe. French speaking Belgians speak like French people without the attitude.

Alain Verreault replied,
You’re right. I’m Québécois and our accent is very different from the ‘standard’ European French. What is interesting though is that we, Québécois, understand European French really well (except for some expressions), but most French Europeans have a hard time understanding us. Too bad! :)

Mathias Roemer
February 4, 2019
Your last sentence say it all, Italian, Spanish, Farsi, Japanese or German there is a beauty in every language , don’t forget the speaker also he/she can give emotions to the words

Damien Colas
January 31, 2019
Isn’t the English language overrated?

Kathy Beech
Jan 31
Maybe English is overrated but everyone speaks it , even all these comments are in english

Terence Petersen-Ajbro
April 17, 2019
Swedish and Norwegian, being Germanic languages are very melodious!

Marco Polo
May 24
As a native french guy I felt very proud and surprised by your analysis which was rather good on the gramatical part. So, thank you for that comment ;)

Catherine Dang
February 11, 2019
Thank you for your comment on French language. Living in France, I never thought about French as a cool foreign language to learn, I just view it as such a dfficult language to master !

Arnauld de La Grandiere
January 30, 2019
( Transcript from a video: " Château Haut Brian 1959, Magnificent wine! I love French wine. I have sampled every language! French is my favorite. Fantastic language! Especially to curse with Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta e It's like wiping your ass with silk...I love it!!! :) – Matrix Reloaded "

Astrid Vandenbergh
February 1, 2019
In Flanders, also a Dutch speaking region, we DO connect our words !

Roger Mathews
April 2, 2019
Very well said. Mind you I do not remotely understand the concept of an overated language.

As an Englishman I would add that while I do not find Dutch very attractive, I am, however, lost in admiration for the Dutch who speak English rather better than my children. Also most of my Dutch friends speak German and French fluently as well. A great nation.

Shirley Savva
Feb 13
French is the most beautiful language on Earth. Also, when French people speak English, it is the mot beautiful accent of foreigners speaking English!!!

Tom Graves
June 11, 2019
It’s now one of the dominate languages of Africa too.

Mantar Singh
Jul 10
French is by far the worst sounding Latin language when compared to Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. It’s up tere with Slavic languages tbfh. And yes it’s massively overhyped and over learned mainly due to their empire. Nothing else.

Charley Custer
January 28, 2019
Also, anyone who doesn’t speak a language has no idea how to rate it.

Adam M-Ski
February 6, 2019
Two provocative remarks. Ukrainian is one of the best sounding languages on earth (cf the recent global hit Plakala by Kazka). If French is so attractive to you Dutch - why do you look down on Belgians?:)

Michael Srba
February 22, 2019
I appreciate your preference for your French, but what you describe on Germanic languages, is utterly nonsense that is based on rather keeping distant to them and not having sufficient varied experience with them. 
If you state that any language is beautiful on its own way, than you provided quite  some contradictions to that. 

February 1, 2019
Understood what you meant, for instance, as a french, I got 16/20 at my english oral exam out of highschool, then went to Australie. I met a lot of Scots and Irish and didn’t get a fucking word what they were saying for a long time. Living among those bastards was the only lesson I needed. Now I sometimes get it. 

Oumarou Dia
February 4, 2019
What I would like to know is the definition of “overrated”. By the way there is no diglossia in French like in Arabic or German for example. You are either fluent in French or you are not. And I agree with you although it is probably very subjective: French sounds nice to my ears, better sounding th … than English and the other languages I know.

Goreux Francois
Jun 18
During my 10 years in Amsterdam I was surprised and impressed how good some Dutch people were at speaking French, with a very light Dutch accent. Not a small achievement given how differents Dutch and French are, by contrast learning german seems very easy for the dutchie. Generally I find the Dutch to be quite good at foreign langages and curious of other countries/culures, more so that we the French!

Gauthier Guillard
October 1, 2019
My favorites are French, Russian and German. Not English.

Mannone Guillaume
March 6, 2019
if you think french is fast paced ho boy ! you’ve never learnt spanish i presume ?

Tara van de Laak
June 30, 2019
Oh boy, don’t get me started on Spanish. It’s incredible the way they speak!

Joseph Gemin
Aug 12
To me, French sounds like someone trying to dislodge a public hair from their throat. Italian is less sophisticated than French, but more pleasant to the ear.

Håkan Storsäter
January 27, 2019
I guess words get connected in English all the time, though, even as a Germanic language.

Marc Antoine
November 11, 2019
I’m a french man, but I consider that it’s a very difficult language, but so rich. When I write songs or poems, I usually use English ’cause I feel it more musical.

James Dolan
Sep 23
What does “over-rated” even mean. It's a beautiful language spoken by 29 countries all over the world. What a stupid question!

Maxime Fidaire
October 3, 2019
Furthermore, most of Africains know it, which makes one of the two languages of this continent (alongside with english)

Marz Kayinja
September 21, 2019
I don't think so….Here in Africa its English, Arabic and Swahili Especially in east Africa.

Stefan Schwabe
October 25, 2019
Just one comment: France is one of the great cultures/countries of the world, not “just” Europe! ……….as are all the countries in Europe in some way………..

Alex Verbergt
February 10, 2019
the worst thing is a Dutch who thinks he/she speaks French.

Pascal Llau
February 3, 2019
French is the language of Love .

Stephane Malric
Feb 3
I know two sentences to help you,even my translation is not perfect ! “the German language spits, English is vomit, Italian is sung, French is spoken.” and 
“I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my dog ”

Valentin Arschinkov
Jul 2
… an english proverb : “If you don’t know what to say… say it in French…”

Adrian Ball
February 18, 2019

Laurent Thouvenin
October 4, 2019

Julie Jana
October 28, 2019
You are right , French is really a great and beautiful language

Nadia Sobilou
Sep 4
French is a good language ,i speak french and 5 others languages .Its not disfficult to say things ,like merci ,bonjour ,and little words .But to speak french litterature proprelyits hard ,but with works everybody can do it ,but you must work .I learn Gremany and Grammar is hard in German .But now its fashion to speak little words in frnch ,ill go to reataurant ,i heve rendez vous ,Merci beucoup ,another little words ,i was translator .You want to lear something ,you can do it but work and listen its very important to listen .Good luck .Bonne chance in french .

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose

 Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose

Published on September 30, 2020

Written by Dr James Fetzer

A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.

Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don’t? 

Hundreds Of Spanish Medical Doctors Say The Pandemic Is Planned

In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.

‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’ (2)

Germany and Spain are just two examples. Similar large groups of hundreds of medical experts exist in countries across the world.

In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors! 

Why are these thousands of medical professionals worldwide saying the pandemic is a crime? What information do they have access to, that we are not getting from the mainstream media?

I invite you to look at the following facts with an open mind and then come to your own conclusions…

In 2015 A Testing Method Was Patented For… COVID-19

In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation. Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed. (2B)

Take a deep breath and let that sink in for a while… 

Millions Of COVID-19 Test Kits Sold In 2017 And 2018

As we know the new COVID-19 disease appeared in China towards the end of 2019. Therefore it was named COVID-19 which is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019. Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution, however, shows something astonishing:

in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.

‘Quick! Hide It!!’

This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. The next day it went viral all over the world. On September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original designation ‘COVID-19’ into the vague ‘Medical Test Kits’.

This is not allowed in trade, because you always have to be specific. There are many types of test kits for different diseases.

The fact that they removed the specification ‘COVID-19’, after this data became known worldwide, proves that they don’t want anyone to know about it. They however forgot to delete one detail: the product code for these ‘Medical Test Kits’ is 300215 which means: ‘COVID-19 Test Kits’

Their cover up came too late: this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by millions worldwide. You can download a PDF that shows the original data of this website.

Two Years Before The Outbreak Of COVID-19 The USA, The EU, China And Nations Around The World Started Exporting Millions Of Diagnostic Test Instruments For… COVID-19, A Disease That Supposedly Didn’t Even Exist Back Then. 

The COVID-19 ‘Project’ Is Planned Until 2025

The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until… end of March 2025! So the intention is to continue it for another FIVE YEARS. (2C)

Fauci Guaranteed A Pandemic Within The Next Two Years

In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty. With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen. Here’s what he said: (3)

There is NO QUESTION there is going to be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.

There will be a SURPRISE OUTBREAK.

There’s NO DOUBT in anyones mind about this.

How could Fauci guarantee a surprise outbreak to happen during the first term of the Trump administration? What did he know, that we don’t?

‘In the next two years there will be a SURPRISE OUTBREAK. There’s NO DOUBT in anyones mind about this.’  ANTHONY FAUCI

Bill And Melinda Gates Guaranteed An Imminent Global Pandemic

In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on it’s way that could wipe out 30 million people. He said this would probably happen during the next decade. (4)

Melinda Gates added that an engineered virus is humanities greatest threat and also assured this would hit humanity in the coming years. (5)

Let their choice of words resound into your mind for a moment…

‘A global pandemic is ON IT’S WAY.

An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat.

This will happen in the NEXT DECADE.’  BILL AND MELINDA GATES

They claim that the dense population of the world guarantees this imminent global pandemic. But let’s be honest: most of the earth is uninhabited. Just fly over America in an airplane and look out the window. You see empty space most of the time, with a few cities here and there. Most of the United States is still wide open and empty. The same goes for the rest of the world. Australia, Russia, India, China, America, Africa… it’s wilderness for the most part. Our planet isn’t nearly as populated as Bill Gates wants us to believe. This world map shows it clearly…

Most of the earth is totally void of any human presence. So the idea that the world is vastly overpopulated and is therefor bound to give rise to an imminent global pandemic is a lie. 

The Gates also claimed that air travel was sure to create a global pandemic. But countless people have been traveling in airplanes the past century. Did that give rise to constant outbreaks of global pandemics? Of course not!

Their arguments why they guaranteed a global pandemic in the next few years are lies. So what is their real basis to make such guaranteed predictions?

Practicing For A Pandemic

A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates – the world’s nr 1 vaccine dealer – organized an event in New York City. Guess what the event was all about? It was a ‘coronavirus pandemic exercise’. Yes, you read that right:

Bill Gates organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise, right before it happened! 

On the large display in the auditorium, you see the text printed: ‘We need to prepare for the event that becomes a pandemic.’ This pandemic exercise was called Event201 and took place in October 2019, literally right before the outbreak.

Their conclusion was that all of humanity must be vaccinated… 

The Purpose Of Event201 Was To Prepare The World For A Coronavirus Pandemic… Which Happened Right After The Event.   

Excitement About Selling Vaccines In The Next Year

Shortly after this ‘exercise for a coronavirus pandemic’ Bill Gates tweeted:

I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines. 

Think about this: the world’s nr 1 vaccine dealer guarantees a global pandemic to occur in the next few years, and his wife said we should all fear an engineered virus that is ‘on its way’. Then they organize an exercise for an imminent global pandemic and say vaccines will be the only solution. Next Bill Gates tweets how excited he is about selling vaccines in the next year. Immediately after that, the announced pandemic breaks out.

Indeed, right away Bill Gates proclaims that the only solution for humanity is to buy his vaccines…

2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Predicted In 2013

Back in 2013 a musician wrote a song called PANDEMIC. In his lyrics he described a global pandemic that kills millions, shuts down economies and gives rise to riots. 

His song literally described in great detail what we are seeing in our world today, seven years later.

He even mentioned the exact year of the pandemic: 2020, and the specific type of virus: a coronavirus. (6) This is a line in his lyrics from 2013:

‘2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.’

This song also predicted the riots that are now raging throughout America:

‘The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.’

How could this musician have known in 2013 that a coronavirus pandemic would break out in 2020, and that during this pandemic riots would erupt? He explains:

‘I Did Research Back In 2012, And Read The So Called “Conspiracy Theories”. You Know, Those Investigations The Media Doesn’t Want Us To Look Into. According To Those Theories Pandemics Were Bound To Happen In The Decade Of 2020 – 2030. So I Wrote The Song Pandemic About It.’

‘Get Ready For A Global Coronavirus Pandemic’

In September 2019 – also right before the outbreak – the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board released a report titled ‘A World At Risk’.

It stressed the need to be prepared for… a coronavirus outbreak! 

On the cover of the report is the picture of a coronavirus and people wearing face masks.

In the report we read the following interesting paragraph:

‘The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.’

Did you catch that?

They have been practicing for a deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. 

Outbreak From China Announced

In 2018 The Institute for Disease Modeling made a video in which they show a flu virus originating in China, from the area of Wuhan, and spreading all over the world, killing millions. They called it ‘A Simulation For A Global Flu Pandemic.’ That is exactly what happened, two years later. Why did they say it would come from China? Why not Africa, where far more diseases are present? Or why not South America? Or India?

How could they know there would be a flu virus coming from China and even show Wuhan as the originating area, that would infect the whole world?

Was This Coronavirus Engineered?

Where did the virus come from? One of the world’s leading experts in bioweapons is Dr. Francis Boyle. He is convinced it originated from a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, the Bio Safety Lab Level 4.

This facility is specialized in the development of… coronaviruses!

They take existing viruses and ‘weaponize’ them, meaning they make them far more dangerous, to be used as a biological weapon. In the following two minute video clip you see a spokesperson for the Trump administration, bioweapon expert Dr. Francis Boyle and president Trump talk about how this virus came from the lab in Wuhan.

Now comes the interesting part: in 2015 Anthony Fauci gave this very lab 3,7 million dollars. 

Figure this: the same man who guaranteed a surprise outbreak of a virus in the next two years, gave almost 4 million dollars to a lab that develops coronaviruses. In the short clip below you can see a journalist ask president Trump about this grant given by Fauci to the Wuhan lab.

There are however more options in Wuhan where this virus could have originated from. Some believe it came from the Wuhan Virology Institute, where they also work on weaponizing coronaviruses.

Movies Predicted The Coronavirus Pandemic

Predictive programming is the process of informing the population about events that are soon to occur. The past years several movies and television series were produced, about… a global coronavirus pandemic!

The film ‘Dead Plague’ depicts a global pandemic with a coronavirus and even mentions hydroxychloroquine as the cure.  

Another film called ’Contagion’ shows how a coronavirus spreads globally with social distancing, face masks, lock-downs, washing of hands etc. as a result.

Literally everything we see now, is predicted in detail in these movies.

Pandemic Depicted During Olympics Summergames In 2012

Talking about predictive programming: during the opening show of the Summer Olympics in 2012, a coronavirus pandemic was played out for the eyes of the whole world. Dozens of hospital beds, large numbers of nurses becoming puppets of a controlling system, death lurking about, a demonic giant rising up over the world, and the whole theatre was lit up in such a way that seen from the sky it looked like a coronavirus.

Why did the Olympic Games show a coronavirus pandemic, in their opening show?

Worldwide Lockdown Predicted In 2008

The author and investigator Robin de Ruiter predicted in 2008 that there would come a global lockdown.

He said the purpose of this would be to create a new world of authoritarian control.

Because much of what he wrote back in 2008 is now happening right in front of our eyes, this book has been republished.

Journalists Predicted Planned Pandemic

In 2014 the investigative journalist Harry Vox predicted a planned global pandemic and said why the ‘ruling class’ would do such thing:

‘They will stop at nothing to complete their toolkit of control. One of the things that had been missing from their toolkit is quarantines and curfews. The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control.’ (7)

‘The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control.’  HARRY VOX,  RENOWN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST

‘Scenario For The Future’

This renown researcher refers to a famous document by the Rockefeller Foundation in which everything we see happening now is literally predicted in great detail: the global pandemic, the lock-downs, the collapse of the economy and the imposing of authoritarian control.

It’s all described with terrifying accuracy… ten years before it happened!

The document is titled ‘Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development’. (9) That says it all: a scenario for the future. It has a chapter called ‘LockStep’ in which a global pandemic is reported as if it happened in the past, but which is clearly intended as a rehearsal for the future.

The 2020 Pandemic Is Described In Horrifying Detail In The ‘Scenario For The Future’ By The Rockefeller Foundation Written In 2010.

The ‘Scenario for the Future’ continues with comparing two different responses to their predicted pandemic: the USA only ‘strongly discouraged’ people from flying, while China enforced mandatory quarantine for all citizens. The first response is accused of spreading the virus even more, while the imposing of a suffocating lock-down is praised. Then it goes on to describe the implementation of totalitarian control:

During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. 

Clearly the flexing of authority is the desired response. But it gets worse, according to this ‘Scenario of the Future’:

‘Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.’

‘In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.’

According To The Rockefeller Foundation A Global Pandemic Must Result In Increased Control, Where People Gladly Surrender Their Freedom, In Order To Feel Safe Again

Handbook For Global Control

Now that the announced pandemic is indeed here, the same Rockefeller Foundation came forward with step two: a handbook on how to implement new control systems during this pandemic. Only when all the required control networks are in place, can the world open up again.

When you combine the two Rockefeller documents, you see the plan:

1) First they announce a global pandemic with a coronavirus and say what it should lead to: a whole new level of authoritarian control. 

2) Secondly they give practical steps on how to apply this control system.

These are illustrations and quotes from their guide:

‘Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely used to enable more complete contact tracking.’

‘In order to fully control the Covid-19 epidemic, we need to test the majority of the population on a weekly basis.’

According to their ‘Scenario of the future’ the entire world population should get a digital ID that indicates who has received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport etc. will be denied.

Now in 2020 that is exactly what Bill Gates and many governments are calling for.

Everyone’s Contacts Must Be Checked

In a leaked government video (10) we see a conversation between former American president Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state of New York. They discuss how to set up a large control system to test the entire population and check all their contacts. They discuss how to build an army to carry out this control system.

‘Hundreds And Hundreds Of Control Agents Must Be Appointed. They Test Everyone And Then Check All Their Contacts. This Has Never Been Done Before On This Scale. This Is An Army Of Interrogators Who Will Check Everyone’s Contacts.’  ANDREW CUOMO, GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK

A Whole New Level Of Global Control

Bill Gates also made it clear that only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work. (11) Digital vaccine ID’s are already being developed  (12) and Gates has a patent on the technology that makes it possible to trace an individual’s body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606 (13). In addition, Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, which will track everyone who came into contact with Covid-19 (14).

The Plan: Inject Mankind With DNA Altering Vaccine

The famous investigative journalist Anthony Patch did years of research concerning the plans to control the world, by means of created pandemics and mandatory vaccines. During an interview in 2014 this researcher predicted the following:

‘They will release a man-made coronavirus. As a result the people will demand a vaccine to protect them. This vaccine will add a third strain of DNA to a persons body, essentially making them a hybrid. Once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes a transformation. This genetic change will cause people to loose the ability to think for themselves, without them even being aware this happened. Thus they can be controlled easier, to become slaves for the elite.’

Of course that sounds insane and it is insane indeed. Yet we have to be aware that this professional investigator is no fool. He has done years of research and this is what he discovered over the years.

We Must Be Careful Not To Reject Sound Knowledge, Based On Years Of Research, Simply Because Of Our Own Lack Of Insight In These Topics.

20 Years Of Research Says:  The Vaccine Will Change Our DNA

Doctor Carrie Madej directed two large clinics in Georgia, before she went to the Dominican Republic to do humanitarian work. She studied DNA and vaccines for the past twenty years and made an urgent video in which she warns that there is a plan to inject humanity with very dangerous vaccines for Covid-19. The purpose of these new vaccines will be twofold:

1) reprogram our DNA and make us hybrids that are easier to control.

2) connect us to artificial intelligence through a digital vaccine ID, which will also open a whole new realm of control.

This medical expert says she has observed multiple times how diseases were spread over populations by air craft. Because of safety reasons she is not able to share more details about this in public.

Depopulate The Earth By Means Of Organized Epidemics

Dr. John Coleman is a famous Intelligence Officer from the CIA who wrote a book titled ‘The Committee of 300’. In it he explains how secret societies manipulate governments, health care, food industries, the media and so on. This book can be found on the website of the CIA. (15)

One of the primary goals of the many secret societies, that control governments and the media, is to depopulate the earth. 

Dr. Coleman says the following about their strategy:

‘At least 4 billion useless eaters shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars and organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases…’  DR. JOHN COLEMAN,  CIA INTELLIGENCE OFFICER

Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000

In 1980 a granite monument was erected in Georgia, called the Guidestones. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. The first guideline goes as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

The CIA officer Dr. Coleman revealed that one of their methods to ‘maintain humanity’ is to cause ‘organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases’.

Using Vaccines To Reduce Humanity

During a TED talk Bill Gates echoed this goal, when he literally said that new vaccines can be used to reduce the world’s population with 10 – 15%! (16)

‘There are now 6.7 billion people on earth and soon there will be 9 billion. However, we can reduce that number by ten to fifteen percent if we do a good job with new vaccines, health care and birth control’.


Covid19 Vaccine For Population Control?

Mike Adams is a published food scientist, author of the popular science book Food Forensics and founder of ISO-accredited CWC Labs. Years ago he said the following:

An engineered bioweapon will be released in population centers. There will be calls for massive government funding for the vaccine industry to come up with a vaccine. Miraculously they will have a vaccine developed in record time. Everyone will be required to line up and take this vaccine shot.

There is indeed a release of an engineered bioweapon, followed by a vaccine mandate, massive government funding for the vaccine industry and a vaccine that is being developed in record time.

The rest of his message is that this vaccine will slowly begin to kill millions – if not billions – of people over the course of a few years. It will be a kill-switch vaccine, designed to reduce the world’s population. 


Thousands of medical doctors call the pandemic a global crime, and a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse.

Two years before Covid-19 came to the global scene, the European Union, the USA, China and other nations suddenly started exporting tens of millions of test kits for Covid-19.

In 2013 a musician predicts a global pandemic with a coronavirus and says this will happen in 2020. He knew this because of personal investigation of so called ‘conspiracy theories’.

In 2017 Anthony Fauci guaranteed a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease during the first term of the Trump administration.

Right before the outbreak of a coronavirus pandemic, Bill Gates organized a global coronavirus pandemic exercise: Event201.

Right before the outbreak the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board told the world to be ready for a coronavirus pandemic.

In 2018 the Institute for Disease Modeling announced a global pandemic with a flu virus, originating in China in the area of Wuhan.

In 2018 Bill and Melinda Gates announced that in the coming years there would be a global pandemic of an engineered virus.

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was created in the Bio Safety Lab Level 4 in Wuhan, which received millions of dollars from Anthony Fauci.

Several movies depicted the coronavirus pandemic with great detail, and even mention hydroxychloroquine as the cure.

The Summer Olympics in 2012 played a pandemic of a coronavirus during their opening show.

The investigative journalist Harry Vox predicted in 2014 that a global pandemic would be caused, so the ‘ruling class’ could implement a higher level of authoritarian control.

The investigative journalist Anthony Patch predicted a global pandemic with a man made virus, that would be used to force a DNA altering vaccine on humanity.

Dr. Carrie Madej studied DNA and vaccines for decades and says the plan is to use the Covid-19 vaccine to start the process of transhumanism: reprogramming the human DNA.

The CIA officer Dr. John Coleman studied secret societies and says their goal is to depopulate the earth by means of organized pandemics of fatal rapid acting diseases.

In the state of Georgia a huge monument was erected in 1980 with ten guidelines for humanity, in eight languages. The first of these ‘Ten Commandments’ is that humanity needs to be reduced to half a billion people.

Bill Gates said during a TED talk that new vaccines can be used to reduce the world’s population with 10-15%.

The ‘health ranger’ Mike Adams predicted years ago what we see happening now: the release of an engineered bioweapon, followed by a vaccine mandate, massive government funding for the vaccine industry and a vaccine that is being developed in record time. He also predicted that this vaccine will kill innumerable people over the course of a couple of years.

In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published the ‘Scenario for the future…’ in which they describe a coming global pandemic, that should result in the implementation of authoritarian control over the people, which will then intensify after the pandemic.

In 2020 they publish a handbook on how to create this world of control, with a step by step guide. They say life cannot return back to normal, until the world has become ‘Locked Down’ with this top down control from authoritarian governments.

We indeed see that Bill Gates and many others worldwide are right away seizing control in unprecedented ways, with enforcing vaccine ID’s, microchips that will be implanted into people, mandating the wearing of face masks, social distancing, forced lock-downs, extreme contact tracing, and so on.

Part of this top down control is extreme censoring of every single voice from doctors, scientists or other experts that criticize what is going on.


1: German group of Doctors For Information

2: Spanish group of Doctors For Truth

2B: Richard Rothshild patented a testing method for COVID-19 in 2015

2C: World Bank shows planned end date of project COVID-19

3: Fauci guarantees an outbreak with the next two years.

4: Bill Gates announced a global pandemic

5: Melinda Gates says humanities greatest threat is an engineered virus

6: Lyrics of 2013 song that predicted coronavirus pandemic in 2020

7: Harry Vox predicted the global pandemic

8: Robin de Ruiter predicted lockdowns

9: Scenario for the future described global pandemic

10: Andrew Cuomo talks with Bill Clinton about authoritarian control

11: Bill Gates talks about a digital ID to control people

12: Linking vaccines to a digital ID

13: Gates has pattent on technology to trace a body anywhere

14: Gates wants a global monitoring system

15: Download the book of CIA officer Coleman

16: Gates talks about reducing world population using vaccines

17: Tens of millions of Covid-19 test kist were exported by the EU, USA, China etc in 2017 and 2018

18: DAVOS and the gathering of the globalists

19: The head of the World Health Organization is member of violent terorrist group

20: Letter from archbishop and cardinals to humanity



PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Your Relationship

This is an inspiring story about courage and bravery , but most of all, about true faithfulness, about faith in God through all things, about faith that stood the test of time during a crisis. Beautiful story of a relationship. Be still and know our relationship with.....

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

To Reach Beyond Your Limits by Training Your Mind

 Words the mind, Mind Your Words. 

In the beginning, it is the thought-word (logos), then it is spoken, the spoken-word (rhema), then it is manifested. All three phases of reality , in existence, consciousness , bliss, respectively. 

Full transcript of world renowned therapist Marisa Peer’s TEDx Talk: To Reach Beyond Your Limits by Training Your Mind at TEDxKCS conference.

Best quote from this talk: 

“Your body doesn’t care if what you tell it is right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or unhelpful, you respond only to those words and images.”

Full transcript of world renowned therapist Marisa Peer’s TEDx Talk: To Reach Beyond Your Limits by Training Your Mind at TEDxKCS conference.

Best quote from this talk: 

“Your body doesn’t care if what you tell it is right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or unhelpful, you respond only to those words and images.”

Listen to the MP3 Audio here: to-reach-beyond-your-limits-by-training-your-mind-by-marisa-peer-at-tedxkcs


Marisa Peer – Internationally known therapist, speaker, author, and columnist

Today is about collaboration and I’m going to talk to you about what I think is the most important collaboration you will ever get. And that is the collaboration between you and your mind.

When you can collaborate with your mind and tell it what you want, you will get what you want. Now I’m very lucky that I’ve been voted Britain’s best therapist several times. And I’m in the tab to guide to the best of the best. And people say to me but you know the brain, that’s really complex and complicated and takes years to understand. Actually that’s not true.

What I believe is you need to know 4 things about your mind. And if you put these 4 things into practice, you will have success across the board at every level. So let me tell you what these 4 things are about your mind.

Your mind does exactly, specifically, what it thinks you want it to do. It always does what it thinks is in your very best interest. If you haven’t got what you want but you’ve got behaviors you don’t want — you are not collaborating properly with your mind. I’m going to change that for you.

Secondly, your mind is hardwired to move you towards pleasure and away from pain. And that’s why it’s interesting that thrives people — you survive on the planet by avoiding pain.

Thirdly, the way you feel about everything all the time is only down to two thingsThe pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself.

And fourthly, your mind loves what is familiar. It is programmed to keep going over and over again of what is familiar. If you want to succeed at any level, you have got to make what is familiar unfamiliar and what is unfamiliar familiar.

So let’s start with one.

Your mind does what it really thinks you want it to do.

It’s always acting in your own interests and your mind listens all the time to your language. It works out what you’re doing and feeling by the words you are using. So if you say, these exams are killing me, I’m dying under this paperwork, my boss is a nightmare, I’m overwhelmed, I can’t cope with the stress.

When you say “I’m dying under the pressure, this workload is killing me” you are telling your mind you don’t want to do it. And if your mind thinks you don’t want to do it, guess what? It will encourage you to procrastinate, bunk off and not apply yourself.

Your mind is so very very specific to the words you use that if you say, I’d love a week off in bed, I’m overwhelmed with this stress. I just wish I could have a week off at home lounging around.

Your mind goes, there you go, I’ve given you the flu. Didn’t you ask for that? You said you wanted a week off in bed and I’ve given you the flu. There’s your week off.

If you say, I’m dreading having to give that presentation next Wednesday. I’d do anything to get out of it. Your mind’s like, OK, why don’t I wake you up with a migraine or an upset stomach? There’s your get-out-the-presentation behavior.

And that sounds a little silly but that is how your mind works. It does what it thinks you want. If you haven’t got what you want, it’s because you use words like, it’s too hard, it’s too difficult, it takes all my time.

When I wrote my first book I was only in my twenties. And when I got a book deal, I kind of knew that, that involved isolating myself in writing and I didn’t want to do it. And I spent a long time procrastinating. Until I realized I had to say I want to write.

I have chosen to write. I’ve chosen to feel great about it. And those words, I have chosen to do this and chosen to feel great about it will change your life. This is way more than positive thinking. It is collaborating with your mind.

So, look at your behavior and if you haven’t got what you want, you’re not communicating properly with your mind. And I learned this when I worked with premier footballers and marines.

I was doing a television show with some marines. And I was watching them running in pitch black, little miner lights on their head. It was raining sideways, it was muddy and they were singing. And of course when you sing, your mind is like, OK, it’s pouring with rain, it’s dark, it’s freezing cold, you’re running up a hill with a big pack on your back and you’re singing. Oh I get it! You like this. 

Now imagine if you were to run a marathon and you started by going, OK, 24 miles to go, oh I hate this, oh it’s so boring, oh it’s so hard, it’s so difficult. You’re not going to finish it. You have to go, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it. Even when it isn’t true.

So that is how you collaborate with your mind. You must tell it using very specific, very detailed, very precise words, what you want. And when you are doing, you say, I want this, I’ve chosen this, I like this. And you must link pleasure.

Because here’s Step 2.

Your mind will always move you towards pleasure and away from pain.

If you eat something that makes you sick and you link pain to it, you can never eat that again for the rest of your life. You are hardwired to avoid pain. But if you link pain to studying, speaking in public, being – in some way of getting attention, that’s very very difficult.

And you can choose everyday what is pain and pleasure. You are the only person that can do that. You can’t put a cat in a Jacuzzi and it goes, it’s cool, the bubbles, the heat. They don’t like water. But you can choose.

And I have some clients who link pleasure to pain and some who link pain to pleasure. And I learned this when I worked with drug addicts. And not just street drug addicts, people who were right at the top of their game – Hollywood actors, movie stars, models who would link absolute pleasure to sticking a needle in their body because they would get high. And to them that pain was pleasure.

I have other clients who were being given a first class trip and they go “Uh, I’m not going to go because I think the plane is going to blow up.” So they link pain to pleasure.

So a couple of years ago, I broke my arm and when they took the cast off it was up here. And they were like “Oh.” And I said “Okay, how do I get it straight?”

And they went, “We can’t actually get it straight. You know you can have some physio and it might drop another inch.”

I’m like “No, no you don’t understand. I do yoga. I can’t do the downward dog with an arm like that, I can’t do the warrior with an arm like that. I must have my arm straight.”

And they’re like, well we can break it under surgery but it might not work and it might make it worse. So I don’t do no. I want a straight arm. So I found the best physio.

And I said “Can you straighten my arm?”

And he said ‘Oh yes, but it will really really hurt and it will take a lot of commitment. You got to come in twice a week and I’ve got to break all the little capillaries’.

So I knew it was going to hurt. But I know how to collaborate with my brain.

So I went along and kept saying to my brain, I want it, I want it. I have chosen to have a straight arm. I can take the pain, I want the pain. And I was singing this song by The Black Eyed Peas called Let’s do it, let’s do it, let’s get this started.

And so when he started to pull my arm, he wasn’t kidding when he said it hurt. And of course when someone’s hurting you, your instinct is to pull back. And I couldn’t do that, I had to pull forward. But I’m always singing this song, telling my mind I want it. And I got my arm completely straight. And at the end he said, “I don’t know how you did that because most people give up halfway”.

I said, “No I told my brain I wanted it.” That’s what I did. I kept saying I want it. I linked pain to not getting it and pleasure to the pain, if you like. And that’s very important.

So if ever you’ve had to read in class and you got the word wrong and everyone’s laughed at you and you think, right that’s it. I’m never going to speak in public again. I’m never going to be the focus of attention again. Of course you forget.

10 years later, you’re about to give a speech or give a presentation or chair a meeting and you are about to have a panic attack, because your mind’s like, oh no no no no no no no, speaking in public is pain, don’t you remember? And you have got to change that.

So you have got to tell your mind exactly what you want. And you’ve got to link pleasure not pain to doing the things that are hard.

And the third thing about the brain is that it responds only to 2 things.

The pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself.

That’s all there is. So if you were on a flight going to LA and you’re sitting right next to him on the same flight and your pictures are: going to LA, great beaches, great people, fantastic weather, places to go – you’re having one experience.

But if you’re saying, do you know this plane sounds really funny aat guy looks very suspicious. I think he is a terrorist. I think he is going to blow up the plane. You’re having a totally different experience. Because of two things. The pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself.

And when you collaborate with your brain, you must change those pictures and you must change those words. So I worked with a footballer who came from nowhere, he was playing for not any division team and he went straight into the premier league. And he wasn’t very tall. And he said “You know I feel daunted because I’m not tall.”

And I said, OK, so imagine that you’re Maradona. Do you think Maradona says that when he goes on the pitch? I don’t feel tall enough. Of course he doesn’t. Do you think Michael Owen does that? You have to change your thinking and change your words.

Because the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself will change everything. That’s all you have to do.

So let me show you. Just put your arm out in front of you. And I want you to imagine, in your hand you’re holding half of a big fat juicy lemon. A big fat lemon. Close your eyes and please keep your eyes closed. And I want you to imagine, bring the lemon up to your mouth and you can squeeze it and you can feel that wonderful lemon feeling. And you can inhale it and you can smell that great lemon.

So now open your mouth and take a massive bite. Bite this lemon in half and chew that around. And as you start to chew it, you will find immediately you are pumping out masses of saliva to a thought. You can open it – and there’s no lemon.

But, you see two things. The picture you made in your head was a lemon. The words you made were – eating a lemon. You weren’t eating a lemon. Your body doesn’t care if what you tell it is right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or unhelpful, you respond only to those words and images.

So let’s do another one. Just stand up. And I want everyone – in fact you can do this sitting down, it’s fine. I want everyone to put their left arm in front of them or use your left arm. And all I want you to do is swing your arm as far back behind as it will go. Just take it to its maximum.

And just notice where it is. Just notice where it’s gone to. Bring it back – bring it back, close your eyes. And I want you to tell your left arm that in a minute you’re going to repeat this. And it is going to go a third further.

So see your arm going a third further. Don’t move it yet. Tell your arm that it will go a third further. See all those muscles in your left shoulder like elastic. Tell your arm to go a third further. Open your eyes. Point your left arm. And as you do it again you will see it will go a third further. Because you saw it. Because you told it to. And you can practice this at home.

But you really need to get these things that this is how you collaborate. You see the right things, you tell yourself the right words. When I was working with the Olympic Bobsleigh team, they did not get on at all and that was a big disadvantage for them.

So I told them to imagine they were like hunting dogs, all working on the same brain wave. Which is how fish swim and how birds fly. They move in the shape of a big animal and they kind of communicate differently and that really worked for them.

So the fourth thing about your mind is that it loves what is familiar and it will go for what is familiar. And if what is familiar is procrastinating, messing about, not applying yourself, feeling uncomfortable in public and not believing in yourself.

You have got to make that completely unfamiliar. And you have to make what is unfamiliar familiar – working hard, believing in yourself, putting in the hours, deciding to love it. And it’s a really English thing that we don’t like to say – I’m the best, I’m the greatest, I’m really good at what I do, I’m an expert at this.

And of course that’s because we think we are faking it. But I just showed you that when you believed you are eating a lemon, you actually start to make that happen.

So Arnold Schwarzenegger said:

“Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way at all and I hope it never ever does.”

And I love that.

And Muhammad Ali said:

“It’s people fear that stops them taking on challenges. I told myself Iwas the greatest before I even was. I believed in myself. And guess what? I became the greatest.”

So, what a concept. He told himself he was the best and he became the best. And he didn’t just go, yeah, I’m the greatest me. He trained, he worked out, he was disciplined, he believed he was the best.

And I have worked with those at the top of their game, top CEOs, top actors, top everything, top rockstars. They all have to tell themselves they are the best. Because what is the opposite of that? “Oh I’m just average, I’m not really good enough, I can’t really do this, it’s too hard, it requires too much commitment.”

I just showed you whatever you tell your mind – it believes. So tell it better things.

First you make your beliefs and then your beliefs make you. And if you believe in yourself, other people will believe in you too. And when you stretch your mind to a new dimension, it never ever ever ever goes back. Because your potential expands as you move towards it. You can’t even know what your potential is.

So when Roger Bannister wanted to run a mile in under 4 minutes and no one had done that, he did these 4 things. He told himself, “I want to do that. I want to make it happen.” He linked massive pleasure to doing that. He saw constantly his body going through the tape at 239 seconds and he made it familiar because he did run a mile in under 4 minutes.

And that same year, 8 more people did it. The following year, 57 people did exactly the same thing. So he made what was unfamiliar familiar.

When Mark Spitz won 7 Olympic gold medals for swimming, before most of you were even born, he was a hero. That was amazing that he did that. And now his speeds aren’t even that special. Because your potential expands as you move towards it.

So if you want to have the most fantastic collaboration with yourself, you got to remember these 4 things. Tell your mind what you wantLink massive pleasure to going there and pain to not going there. So you can motivate your mind. Use very detailed words. Change the pictures, change the words and, make the familiar unfamiliar and the unfamiliar familiar.

So when I wrote my first book, I went along to paying for it. And they said, “We love this book but we want to change it. I want you to write 10 chapters on this particular brain psychology. Can you do that?” And you know, I couldn’t. I could come up with 4 or maybe 5.

And I have a choice. I could go no sorry I can’t do that, here’s your advance back or to go yes of course I could do that. So I said yes of course I could do that. 10? Yes that’s fine, no problem. And I had faith – that’s all I had – absolute faith that my brain would come up with the other chapters.

And in fact I was driving along on Isle’s Court Road one day and two of them came to into my head and I stopped the car and wrote them on a piece of paper. By the time I sent that book, I could have given them 35 chapters because my brain was expanding all the time because I programmed it the right way. I told it to go ahead and find that information.

Okay, so I could talk to you a lot but it’s not really about how much I talk to you. It’s how much you take this on board. If it’s familiar to go to lectures, listen to people, go home and do something else – make that unfamiliar.

You have everything to gain by doing these 4 things. Tell your mind exactly what you want. Use really detailed, descriptive, positive powerful words. It’s not positive thinking. It’s rewiring your brain for success and that is success across the board – not just in business, not just in athletics but in everything, even in your relationships.

Link massive huge enormous pleasure to getting there and pain to staying the same. Change the pictures, change the words. When you have a brilliant brain and we all have a brilliant brain, you have two choices.

Rationalize why you feel so bad or talk yourself out of it. “I can’t cope with these exams, I’m not getting enough sleep.” Or change that to “This is temporary, I can do this, I want to do it, I will sleep later.” And make the familiar unfamiliar.

Most important, make self-belief so normal to you that everyone else believes in you too. And thank you for listening.