This is dedicated to all human survival modes. Robust health is essential if we want to meet our goals in this life. It is never too late to be wise. It is never too early to revise.
God Frequency.
Brain waves represent patterns of electrical activity produced by the brain. The brain is made up of billions of neurons that use electrical signals to transmit information.
When groups of neurons fire together in a certain way to send signals to other groups of neurons, the resulting patterns are known as brain waves. These electrical patterns are associated with different types of activity in the brain as well as different states of consciousness.
Brain Wave Types
There are 5 major types of brain waves used in research and studies:
Alpha waves, which measure between 8 and 12 Hz, occur when people feel relaxed and when the brain is in an idle state without concentrating on anything.
Beta waves, which measure between 12 and 30 Hz, are the waves that occur during most conscious, waking states. It is a fast activity that signals attentiveness and alertness.
Gamma waves, which measure between 25 and 100 Hz, are the fastest wavelength brain waves that are linked to activities such as learning, problem-solving, and information processing.
Delta waves, which are between 0.5 and 4 hertz (Hz), occur during deep states of dreamless sleep.
Theta waves, which are between 4 and 8 Hz, occur during light sleep or deep relaxation.
Brain Wave Functions
When the brain produces waves, it is because it is in a specific state. This is why people experience certain wave types when they engage in different types of behaviors and activities.
When the brain displays an EEG wave during testing, it often shows waves that correspond to the overall state of a person’s mind. For example; brains tend to ignore sensory activity and are in a relaxed state when alpha waves are high.
There is some evidence that suggests finding ways to boost certain types of brain waves may have a number of benefits. Some of the positive effects of boosting alpha waves include lowering stress, reducing anxiety, decreasing depression, and improving creative thinking.
Neurofeedback may be helpful for treating your mind, especially if you are unsure about putting yourself or your child on medication. The easy, noninvasive treatments can painlessly improve your mental health condition and outlook on life.
Uncover secret teachings from Jesus Christ himself...
Teachings that reveal how to reprogram your brain...
So that you can manifest God’s blessings into your life...
Just like the “miracles” Jesus performed during his time on earth.
But you don't need to be “Jesus-like” to manifest these blessings...
As long as you have your hearing, you can manifest whatever you want in life... just like Jesus did two centuries years ago.
Alpha Brain Waves: 8 Hz To 12 Hz
Alpha brain waves are considered slower brain wave activity with oscillations that range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz (cycles per second). The alpha wave is typically produced by the right hemisphere of the brain, but often is synchronized across both right and left hemispheres on an E.E.G. Specifically, alpha waves are observed as being generated mostly from the occipital lobe during drowsiness and sleep.
Individuals that relax with closed-eyes tend to exhibit more alpha wave activity. In fact, the alpha range typically becomes dominant when a person closes their eyes and focuses on relaxing. When you open your eyes, alpha wave activity becomes reduced. Many researchers believe that alpha activity is linked to drowsiness, relaxation, and boosted mood. Think of the alpha brain wave as playing an important role in helping people calm down. It bridges the gap between our waking state and our sleeping state.
Types of Alpha Brain Waves
The alpha range contains a few different types of specific alpha waves. All types of alpha waves play an important role in our sleep-wake cycle.
1. Occipital Lobe: This is the most widely researched type of alpha activity. Scientists have found that alpha activity increases significantly during states of relaxation and while our eyes are closed during periods of rest. In this state we are not asleep, but our brain’s are relaxed and thoughts are slowed. The activity is centered in the occipital lobe and most agree that it is produced by this region of the brain.
2. REM Sleep: During our rapid-eye movement sleep, there is an appearance of alpha waves. This activity tends to be produced by the frontal-central region of the brain. Researchers currently aren’t sure of the purpose of alpha production during REM sleep, but some hypothesize that they are just normal and may indicate slightly increased arousal. Some think that alpha activity may have an inverse relationship to REM sleep pressure.
3. Slow-Wave: The other type of alpha waves observed are during slow brain wave sleep. This is sometimes referred to as the alpha-delta state. The activity can be observed across the anterior-posterior region of the brain. Some believe that this may indicate a slightly wakeful period during deep sleep.
Alpha Brain Waves: What do they do?
Most people associate alpha brain waves with calmness and relaxing with our eyes closed. Others believe that they are a natural cure for anxiety and stress. Some researchers even think that alpha activity at 10 Hz may be linked to states of relaxed “peak performance.” In any regard, below are some effects of dominant alpha activity.
Balanced mood: Individuals that are depressed as a result of being “over-stressed” could feel an antidepressant effect when their alpha activity increases. Alpha activity – specifically in the right hemisphere of the brain has been shown to boost mood. Some people also experience a more “balanced” mood when they increase their alpha waves.Calmness: Most people associate the alpha range with feelings of calmness. People that are stressed have a diminished ability to produce these waves. When we are at our calmest with our eyes closed and are idly relaxing, this is when we experience alpha as a dominant brain wave state.Creativity: It has been hypothesized that alpha activity is linked to increases in creativity. Since it is produced predominantly by the right hemisphere, it is thought that it may enhance artistic ability as well as creative problem solving skills. Sometimes when we relax, we experience “aha” moments – this is a result of the alpha wave. It is creative, relaxed, problem solving which gives us a different perspective.Daydreaming: If you close your eyes or daydream a lot, this may be evidence of alpha increases. Most adults tend to be very focused and task-oriented. Alpha is more common in younger children that tend to daydream a lot and have difficulties focusing. In some cases, it is even linked to ADHD if the increased alpha is accompanied by other slow wave activity (e.g. theta).Decreased focus: During the alpha brain wave state, many individuals have poorer focus and concentration. It has been shown that the greater the amount of alpha activity, the more likely someone is to make a mistake. Studies have shown that when someone makes a mistake, alpha activity increases an average of 25%. In other words, the person is on “auto pilot” or too “idle” to perform a certain task. When alpha decreases, attention and focus increase. Therefore, alpha is not ideal for critical thinking and/or detail-oriented, technical work.
Flow state of mind: It has been thought that the 10 Hz alpha wave is key in a “flow” state of consciousness. A state of flow is characterized by being calm and focused at the same time. In other words, the saying “mind like water” holds true. It is able to go with the flow without getting overly aroused or being “idle.” This is considered a happy medium between the fast paced beta waves and the drowsy theta waves.Immune system: Some have hypothesized that our immune system benefits from increasing alpha waves. This in part has to do with the fact that relaxation can help our bodies recover from the toxic effect of stress. It is known that stress can cause all sorts of health problems, so it is no wonder that relaxing (in the alpha range) helps boost the immune system.
Peak performance: Despite the fact that the 40 Hz gamma wave has been linked to peak performance, so has the 10 Hz alpha wave. It is hypothesized that a synchronized 10 Hz rhythm across both hemispheres may play a role in helping people achieve a relaxed state of peak performance. There have been studies conducted involving basketball players and golfers and when they missed a shot (basketball) and/or hit a bad shot (golf), they experienced spikes of beta activity. When they sank a free throw or hit a good shot, they maintained alpha activity.
Positive thinking: This isn’t the
alpha activity.
Positive thinking: This isn’t the high-energy, excitement-type, positive thinking of the beta range. However, when people experience alpha increases it is linked to having a more optimistic outlook on life. People tend to be calm and think fairly positive with dominant alpha. Think of this as the opposite of rapid-negative stressful or angry thoughts.
Problem solving: For thinking outside the box, some would argue that the alpha range is what helps. Individuals sometimes get so stressed out that all they do is keep thinking and ruminating about possible solutions, but can never solve their problem. Sometimes it helps to simply slow the mind down and then the solution appears easily and naturally in the alpha state.
Relaxation: Anytime you feel deeply relaxed, you are experiencing alpha brain waves. Think of times right before you go to bed and transition into sleep. Your eyes are closed, you are relaxing and you experience a sense of calmness. If you like to lay out in the sun and tan and experience a sense of relaxation while lying with your eyes closed, this also provides an alpha boost.
Serotonin: When we relax, our body is able to naturally produce more serotonin. It is hypothesized that alpha may release more serotonin and thus increase our ability to relax, stay calm, and ward off stress.
Slower visual acuity: Since alpha activity decreases when people are fully awake with eyes open, it is linked with slower visual acuity. In other words, visual processing speed while you are awake is negatively affected by increases in alpha.
Super learning: Some have argued that increases in alpha contribute to a state of “super learning.” Meaning more of our brain is able to absorb information and thus we learn better. I tend to disagree with this hypothesis based on the fact that alpha activity tends to decrease focus. There may be some degree of truth to this for certain types of learning if accompanied by appropriate beta.
Visualization: If you like to close your eyes and visualize, this is the brain wave that you will experience. Anytime you close your eyes, are relaxed, and visualizing internally (e.g. mind’s eye), you will come to learn what the alpha range feels like.
Note: Alcohol and drug abuse can significantly reduce alpha frequency and amplitude. Thus decreasing the benefits to be had from this particular range. In part this may be why individuals that abuse drugs and alcohol have a difficult time relaxing once the “high” wears off.
Alpha Brain Waves Research
Discovery: German neurologist Hans Berger was the first individual to discover alpha waves. He did this by measuring electrical activity in the brain’s of hospital patients with skull damage. He documented these waves along with beta activity. He found that when alpha waves decrease and beta activity becomes dominant, we are fully awake. Since he discovered this wave, they have been referred to as “Berger’s Wave.”, excitement-type, positive thinking of the beta range. However, people experience alpha increases it is linked to having a more optimistic outlook on life. People tend to be calm and think fairly positive with dominant alpha. Think of this as the opposite of rapid-negative stressful or angry thoughts.
Problemsolving: For thinking outside the box, some would argue that the alpha range is what helps. Individuals sometimes get so stressed out that all they do is keep thinking and ruminating about possible solutions, but can never solve their problem. Sometimes it helps to simply slow the mind down and then the solution appears easily and naturally in the alpha state.Relaxation: Anytime you feel deeply relaxed, you are experiencing alpha brain waves. Think of times right before you go to bed and transition into sleep. Your eyes are closed, you are relaxing and you experience a sense of calmness. If you like to lay out in the sun and tan and experience a sense of relaxation while lying with your eyes closed, this also provides an alpha boost.Serotonin: When we relax, our body is able to naturally produce more serotonin. It is hypothesized that alpha may release more serotonin and thus increase our ability to relax, stay calm, and ward off stress.Slower visual acuity: Since alpha activity decreases when people are fully awake with eyes open, it is linked with slower visual acuity. In other words, visual processing speed while you are awake is negatively affected by increases in alpha.Super learning: Some have argued that increases in alpha contribute to a state of “super learning.” Meaning more of our brain is able to absorb information and thus we learn better. I tend to disagree with this hypothesis based on the fact that alpha activity tends to decrease focus. There may be some degree of truth to this for certain types of learning if accompanied by appropriate beta.Visualization: If you like to close your eyes and visualize, this is the brain wave that you will experience. Anytime you close your eyes, are relaxed, and visualizing internally (e.g. mind’s eye), you will come to learn what the alpha range feels like.
Note: Alcohol and drug abuse can significantly reduce alpha frequency and amplitude. Thus decreasing the benefits to be had from this particular range. In part this may be why individuals that abuse drugs and alcohol have a difficult time relaxing once the “high” wears off.
Alpha Brain Waves Research
Discovery: German neurologist Hans Berger was the first individual to discover alpha waves. He did this by measuring electrical activity in the brain’s of hospital patients with skull damage. He documented these waves along with beta activity. He found that when alpha waves decrease and beta activity becomes dominant, we are fully awake. Since he discovered this wave, they have been referred to as “Berger’s Wave.”
Biofeedback: This is a technique that involves helping people naturally train their brains to produce certain brain waves. The idea behind it is that you receive “feedback” when your brain increases activity of a certain wave. The goal is to eventually learn how to consciously produce this type of brain wave activity without feedback after multiple training sessions.
Seizure resistance: Some hypothesize that increasing the amplitude and dominance of alpha brain waves can help individuals that are seizure-prone. Research in cats indicates that if alpha activity is trained, they have a greater resistance to seizures. Whether this holds true for humans is somewhat controversial.
Stress relief: Research has⁶ shown that individuals that are stressed out tend to produce an overabundance of beta waves. Most of these individuals may experience what is called “alpha blocking” or blocked alpha activity. Meaning the alpha activity is so low, that it doesn’t allow the individual to lower their level of arousal. In order to decrease stress, it has been found that training alpha via biofeedback has had some positive results.
Study: Infection protects unvaccinated individuals against severe reinfection by 97% for at least at least 3 years.
Immune Cells Collection; 免疫細胞集合;
Basophile, 嗜鹼性粒細胞
t cell, t 細胞
Eosinophile, 嗜酸性粒細胞
Natural killer cell, 自然殺傷細胞
neutrophile, 中性粒細胞
Endothelial cells, 內皮細胞
B cell, B 細胞
Dendritic cell, 樹突狀細胞
Macrophage, 巨噬細胞
Plasma Cell, 漿細胞
Mast cell, 肥大細胞
Fibroblast Cell. 成纖維細胞。
July 17, 2022 from Dr. Peter F Mayer
Remarkably, some scientists in Qatar, in collaboration with colleagues in New York, conducted a study that asks important questions. They decided to study only the unvaccinated. Objectively, what they found should change the pro-mRNA-only vaccine policies currently in place around the world.
90% of Qataris are vaccinated, but the authors found and followed several hundred thousand unvaccinated individuals and examined how well they were protected from infection, reinfection and severe Covid disease.
The preprint ( click here) study by Hiam Chemaitelly et al entitled Duration of immune protection of SARS-CoV-2 natural infection against reinfection in Qatar begins with the statement:
"The future of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic depends on the development of the virus and the duration of immune protection in natural infection against reinfection."
How well does natural immunity work? They found:
“Efficacy of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3% (95% CI: 94.9-98.6%) regardless of variant of primary infection or reinfection, and it showed no signs of slowing down. Similar results were found in subgroup analyzes for people ≥50 years of age.”
The authors concluded that protection at this 97.3% level lasts for three years, possibly longer depending on the course of Covid viral evolution.
The enormous importance of this result
Once you have been infected with Covid, if you are not vaccinated, you are very well protected against serious illnesses, even if you become infected again.
These are results that any vaccine can only dream of. No matter how many doses, such a high level of protection is not achievable. And the duration of protection from natural infection beats everything anyway.
After the initial infection, Covid is no more dangerous for unvaccinated people than other corona viruses such as. B. the common cold.
The study appears to have been carried out very carefully. Here is how the "matching" of infected people with non-infected people is done:
Individuals in the primary infection cohort were matched in a one-to-one ratio for sex, 10-year age group, nationality, and number of comorbidities (none, 1-2 comorbidities, 3 or more comorbidities) with individuals in the infection-free cohort to determine differences in Controlling risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Qatar. Matching based on these factors has been shown to provide adequate control for differences in infection risk. The matching was also based on the calendar week in which the SARS-CoV-2 test was carried out. That is, a person who was diagnosed with a primary infection in a specific calendar week was compared with an infection-neutral person who had a SARS-CoV-2 negative test in the same week.
Governments are promoting more mRNA vaccines without proof of efficacy
Outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new measures to encourage booster vaccinations, saying the introduction will " keep our defenses strong " and ensure that " Covid can never come back to haunt us in the same way ".
Last week, Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos told reporters:
"Canadians will be required to have a booster shot every nine months for the foreseeable future...If you've already had a first booster shot that's great, but check if you're eligible for a second or third booster."
Three days ago, the New Zealand government announced that it would make arrangements to allow New Zealanders to receive booster vaccinations at even shorter intervals.
On April 27, the EU declared in a broadcast: " We need to vaccinate, boost and test more specifically ." The SMS messages with which the President of the Commission ordered 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer last year will continue to be kept secret . ( click here for details)
German politicians, Lauterbach above all, are demanding constant vaccinations and masks anyway and are conducting house searches on critics or have them arrested . (click here)
These statements make clear how far politicians and their health advisors have deviated from the realities of scientific research.
The unvaccinated continue to be blamed for the ills of the pandemic - they remain convenient scapegoats - while booster shots have been accepted as the gold standard.
However, the latest study from Qatar shows that the unvaccinated made a wise decision that, provided they survive the initial infection, which almost all do, will protect them for years to come.
The vaccinated, on the other hand, are apparently confronted with health problems that may only get worse. Especially if they continue to allow boosters or "refreshers".
Talking last night about COVID 19 and the vaccines they are rushing to make available to humans.
Everything that they recommend for us to fight this virus, in and around us is dangerous for human consumption eg., Lysol, Clorox, various hand Sanitizers, Bleach, etc. Is dangerous if consumed by humans.
What about breathing in these chemicals we are using to clean our homes daily? Plus what schools, businesses, etc are doing to make their areas clean and safe. Adults and children are breathing in these chemicals everywhere they go.
Many of us have children with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory health issues. How safe is it for them? Or us? Many of us are overdoing it with the cleaning. Our homes smell like bleach, Lysol, Clorox, etc, Is that healthy or safe for us? They say that the cleaner the environment is, the healthier we are. How true is that?
What about an environment cleaned with chemicals? One so clean that flies, ants, and roaches can’t survive in it. A clean environment is great for us, but not one cleaned with chemicals. While we are suffering, these companies are making millions off of our fears, uncertainty, and hopelessness.
What will be put into those vaccines to prevent us from catching COVID 19? Will it be safe for us?
Let's infect people with viruses and sell vaccines -- [same now]
( French)
Infectons les ordinateurs avec des virus informatiques et vendons des logiciels antivirus - {alors}
Infectons les gens avec des virus et vendons des vaccins -- [idem maintenant]
Just as things started improving with mass vaccination underway and people hopeful for a better 2022, we are hit with this news of a “new” coronavirus mutation—the “mutant” coronavirus, as I like to call it.
A new strain that spreads faster than ever!
How much faster? Up to 70% faster, according to PM Boris Johnson. He stepped down as the PM. By October 2022.
And as a result, London went into emergency lockdown. Flights were banned, and trips were canceled.
But I thought the timing of it extremely convenient, especially for the “trustworthy” media.
Why now?
So I did a little research on the matter, and here’s what we know so far.
1. The new mutation is not so “new.”
They’ve known about this new variant since September, and it’s been spreading ever since. The new strain was about 25% of all London cases by November and is now about 66% of all cases.
Does it really take FOUR months to notice if it’s spreading faster? Isn’t anyone doing any testing on the new variants once they’re discovered?
2. It’s not the first time COVID-19 mutates.
The first mutation (D614G) emerged in Europe in February — less than two months after detecting the first strain in Wuhan, China.
The D614G is the most dominant variant of COVID-19 that you find around the world. (One can argue it's the “Europe Virus” and not the “China Virus” to blame for the situation in the US.)
Another variation (A222V) was also detected during the summer holidays in Spain, which spread across Europe.
3. They don’t know for a fact that the new mutation is spreading faster than others.
They don’t know for a fact that it can spread faster than other variants. The 70% figure came from a politician.
This spread could be due to people’s behavior and other factors in London. Scientists are running tests to understand this new strain.
The emergency lockdown and travel ban came as a precaution until they understand the new strain.
“The amount of evidence in the public domain is woefully inadequate to draw strong or firm opinions on whether the virus has truly increased transmission” — Professor Jonathan Ball, virologist at the University of Nottingham.
4. They have no idea where it originated.
They think it EITHER mutated in a patient in the UK or was imported to the UK from a country that doesn’t monitor COVID-19 mutations!
Hmm… very helpful!
5. They don’t think it’s more deadly and is said to be “under control.”
According to WHO, there’s no evidence that the new strain is deadlier, and there have been much higher contamination rates throughout the pandemic.
“We have had a much higher [contamination rate] at different points in this pandemic and we’ve got it under control” — Michael Ryan, WHO Emergencies Chief
6. Vaccines can be easily tweaked to respond to mutations.
There’s no evidence that available vaccines won’t work against the new variant. Testing the vaccines against the mutant virus has already started by Pfizer and Moderna. Modifications can be easily done and made available within a month and a half.
When you are comfortable you tend to get lazy, this is a bit addictive as the mind tends to relax and be happy in the current situation. Once you get used to this comfort zone it is very difficult to get out of it as it becomes addicting. It is not that comfort is a bad thing, one needs to analyse when and where one feels comfortable. Being comfortable in the company of your near and dear ones is completely different from being comfortable with regards to one’s career.
When one is comfortable in the company of near and dear ones, it means one has a sense of security and safety; whereas when it comes to one’s career then the comfort zone is where a person’s dreams go and die — that becomes the tombstone of the individual’s career! It is said that if you give weak persons consistent stimulation, good food, cheap entertainment then invariably they will throw their ambitions right out of the window.
Anything that titillates your lower senses and lulls you into a false sense of security, making you feel comfortable where in reality you should be alert, that is seriously not good for you. One needs to be alert and aware about being led up the garden path, because if you are not alert you will end up being a potato couch doing nothing to rise up the social ladder, while at the same time maintaining one’s sense of equilibrium.
Meditation helps you stay alert, focused, balanced and with a purpose in life. With meditation you easily accept what life has to offer and by staying in the present moment you invariably end up putting your best foot forward in all aspects of life. If you enter a comfort zone through meditation, then you make meditation your hobby and with that the entire concept of comfort being bad for you turns turtle — as you become comfortable and happy with whatever life offers you. Let us all be comfortable and joyous in a positive way in life as opposed to becoming addicted to comfort by becoming lazy and indolent!
Comfort is a drug. Once you get used to it, it becomes addicting. Give a weak person consistent stimulation, tasty food, cheap entertainment and they’ll throw their ambitions right out the window. The comfort zone is where dreams go and die.
Adakah Keselesaan Ubat?
Apabila anda selesa anda cenderung menjadi malas, ini agak ketagih kerana minda cenderung untuk berehat dan gembira dalam keadaan semasa. Sebaik sahaja anda membiasakan diri dengan zon selesa ini, sangat sukar untuk keluar daripadanya kerana ia menjadi ketagih. Bukannya keselesaan adalah perkara yang buruk, seseorang itu perlu menganalisis bila dan di mana dia berasa selesa. Menjadi selesa bersama orang terdekat dan tersayang sama sekali berbeza dengan selesa berkaitan kerjaya seseorang.
Apabila seseorang itu selesa bersama orang-orang terdekat dan sayang, ia bermakna dia mempunyai rasa selamat dan selamat; sedangkan apabila bercakap tentang kerjaya seseorang maka zon selesa adalah tempat impian seseorang pergi dan mati - itu menjadi batu nisan kerjaya individu! Dikatakan bahawa jika anda memberi rangsangan yang konsisten kepada orang yang lemah, makanan yang enak, hiburan yang murah maka selalunya mereka akan membuang cita-cita mereka keluar dari tingkap.
Apa-apa sahaja yang merangsang deria rendah anda dan membuai anda kepada rasa selamat yang palsu, membuatkan anda berasa selesa di mana sebenarnya anda harus berwaspada, itu sememangnya tidak baik untuk anda. Seseorang perlu berwaspada dan sedar tentang dibawa ke laluan taman, kerana jika anda tidak berjaga-jaga, anda akan menjadi sofa kentang yang tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk menaiki tangga sosial, sementara pada masa yang sama mengekalkan rasa keseimbangan seseorang.
Meditasi membantu anda kekal berjaga-jaga, fokus, seimbang dan mempunyai tujuan dalam hidup. Dengan meditasi anda dengan mudah menerima apa yang ditawarkan oleh kehidupan dan dengan kekal pada masa sekarang anda selalunya akan meletakkan kaki terbaik anda ke hadapan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Jika anda memasuki zon selesa melalui meditasi, maka anda menjadikan meditasi sebagai hobi anda dan dengan itu keseluruhan konsep keselesaan yang tidak baik untuk anda bertukar menjadi penyu — apabila anda menjadi selesa dan gembira dengan apa sahaja yang ditawarkan oleh kehidupan kepada anda. Marilah kita semua selesa dan gembira dengan cara yang positif dalam kehidupan berbanding menjadi ketagih kepada keselesaan dengan menjadi malas dan malas!
Keselesaan adalah ubat. Apabila anda terbiasa, ia menjadi ketagih. Berikan orang yang lemah rangsangan yang konsisten, makanan yang lazat, hiburan yang murah dan mereka akan membuang cita-cita mereka keluar dari tingkap. Zon selesa adalah tempat impian pergi dan mati.
Why I haven’t Gotten the COVID Vaccine Yet — An Evidence-based Discussion
I have not gotten the COVID19 vaccines … yet. With all the mandates and restrictions, I am sure I will get it soon. By the way, I am not ideologically against vaccines. There are two reasons I haven’t gotten the vaccines so far: (1) My health profile and personal experience, and (2) Data-based analysis of risks and benefits.
I was in China During Wuhan Outbreak
Yes, I was traveling in China in Dec 2019 when the coronavirus outbreak happened in Wuhan. I didn’t know at that time, obviously. However, in my last stop in Beijing, I was exposed to sick people every day. It was a scary experience to be stuck in taxicabs with drivers who kept coughing, especially without covering their mouths! Miraculously, I didn’t get sick during or after my vacation in China.
Then, I survived the entire the year of 2020 without any sickness — not even cold-like symptoms. Thus, when the vaccines appeared, I was in no rush. Before I knew, 2021 was coming to an end, and I had survived another year without getting sick.
So, this is the first reason why I am still unvaccinated for covid.
Data, Data, Data
Second, all the data since the outbreak has unlocked several fascinating aspects of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and discouraging facts about the solutions. Data is the best way to seek the truth and be objective. Let’s take a look.
“COVID is Mild” – Mayo Clinic
“MOST people who become sick with COVID-19 will only experience mild illness and can recover at home” — the prestigious Mayo Clinic. In fact, this is true for 4 out of 5 people for the general population.
UC Davis Medical Center says that 95% of those who test positive for COVID19 can recover on their own at home.
In Pfizer’s own trial, only 0.04% of the unvaccinated got severe COVID. That was 9 people out of 21,000.
Low Case Fatality Rate: Less than 2%
The case fatality rate (CFR) for COVID-19 is about 1.6%. In other words, if 100 people catch the virus, 98.4% will survive. Moreover, the deaths are primarily among senior citizens.
Hospitalization Rate
CDC’s estimate is that the hospitalization rate for covid is about 5%. That is 7.5 million hospitalization out of 146 million cases.
Natural Immunity Can beat Vaccines: CDC Study
As a recent CDC study on the delta variant showed, natural immunity from infection provided much more robust protection than vaccines in terms of infection, hospitalization and deaths. In some states, the results were astonishing — immunity from infection reduced the risk of hospitalization six-fold and deaths by 28-fold.
Vaccine Efficacy in Reducing Positive Cases
More than 200 million Americans have been “fully vaccinated” by Dec 2021. However, the number of daily cases of COVID-19 today is far greater than in late 2020, when no American was vaccinated.
The US doesn’t show the vaccination status of COVID19 cases. Fortunately, Canada does. And “fully vaccinated” people are 4X the unvaccinated among the new cases. Vaccines are not being effective.
Ontario, Canada. Daily new cases of COVID-19. Vaccinated account for 80%.
Do Vaccinated People Spread the Virus?
Many social media censor facts about vaccinated people spreading the virus, even though this is obvious by epidemiology and public policies (such as restrictions on vaccinated people). Moderna’s CEO recently admitted that even the triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease.
Who is in Danger? Pandemic of the Old and the Sick
From the beginning, it was obvious to me that older people were at much higher risk. As I analyzed the very first data from Wuhan or the first big outbreak in New York City, it was obvious that about 80% of the deaths happened among senior citizens — here is my blog post on NYC data from March 2020 and here’s the one on Wuhan data from Jan 2020.
Fast forward two years and the data still remains almost identical. Here’s the CDC data for covid death by age group, as of Dec 15. People above the age of 65 still constitute 75% of covid deaths. Basically, nothing has changed in this aspect in two years.
More fascinatingly, mortality from COVID is directly proportional to age. Here’s a more granular chart from CDC data on covid death by age group:
COVID19 deaths by age groups. United States CDC Data, Jan 2022
From the same CDC data, you can create a pie chart, which shows how 93% of covid deaths happen in people above the age of 50. Children (0-17) do not account for even 0.1% of the deaths. People above the age of 50 account for whopping 96% of deaths.
Second, several studies have now shown that people with chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension are 6x more likely to be hospitalized and 12x more likely to die from COVID-19. The CDC Director admitted that 75% of those who died from COVID had 4 or more comorbidity — like diabetes, obesity, hypertension etc.
Since I am not old and I don’t have chronic diseases, I felt statistically safe.
While the media likes to call it the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, it might be more accurate to call it the “pandemic of the old and the sick.”
How about Hospitalization by Age?
Wait, okay, younger people are not dying, but how about hospitalization? Here’s a chart from CDC that shows that older people (age 65+) have made up about 40-50% of those hospitalized due to COVID since the pandemic began.
COVID hospitalization by age and by month (Mar 2020 – Oct 2021)
More Vaccination = Fewer Deaths and Hospitalizations?
Compare old people (highly vaccinated) to children (unvaccinated until late 2021):
Covid death rate for vaccinated and unvaccinated people aged 65+ (per million): 10,000
Covid death rate for unvaccinated kids 5-11 (per million): 3.6
That is, older people are 2,500 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated kids age 5-11. Shocking, isn’t it?
For all kids (under the age of 18), the death rate is 9 per million. That means, senior citizens are 1000x more likely to die from COVID than kids, although the latter group is only about 50% vaccinated.
Similarly, we can compare Western countries to Africa. The vaccination rates are 72% and 13% respectively. Yet, COVID-19 deaths (per million population) in the U.S. and Europe are 12-14x more than in Africa.
Obviously, more vaccination is not helping certain groups and countries.
Vaccination Status and Hospitalization
Mainstream media often blames the unvaccinated for the strains on hospitals. However, the reality is more nuanced. For example, in Dec 2021, more than half of those hospitalized in the UK were fully vaccinated (two doses):
Vaccination Status and Deaths
In the same UK report (page 38), the vaccinated outnumbered the unvaccinated by a factor 3 to 1 in COVID-related deaths.
Are Vaccines and Other Measures Working ?
Go back to January 2021. Did anyone say that we would need more than one vaccine? The official narrative was that vaccines were 90-96% effective. In fine prints, they said it means effective in preventing mild/moderate symptoms. Later, a CDC study said that one vaccine was 81% effective in preventing infections and two vaccines were 91% effective in preventing infections.
However, reality has been very different. “Breakthrough” infections are making a mockery out of vaccines. People who are vaccinated once, twice, and thrice are getting infected and sick. At Cornell University, where 97% are vaccinated, 900 vaccinated people tested positive in Dec 2021, and the campus had to be shut down. Sports franchises like NBA, NHL, and NFL are almost 100% vaccinated but experience covid outbreaks and are even forced to cancel games.
Cities like New York and London are coming to a grinding halt due to the omicron variant although 90% of adults are vaccinated. Many Western countries — UK, Australia, France, Austria etc. — are shutting down bars, restaurants, and major venues where only vaccinated people are allowed to get in (enforced by “vaccine passports”). So much confidence in vaccines!
London Bridge on Dec 16, 2021. Source:
Thus, the covid vaccines are “leaky” and the vaccinated are getting infected, getting sick, and spreading the virus.
False Marketing Claims
In Dec 2020, Pfizer published the results of its Phase 3 mRNA vaccine trial in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). In that paper, Pfizer claimed that not one vaccinated person died from either COVID-19 or the vaccine. Pfizer also claimed that only 1 person out of the 21,000 vaccinated people experienced “severe COVID-19.” The word “variant” appears nowhere in the paper.
Immediately, the mainstream media jumped on it and told the world that covid vaccines are 100% effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths! That is, the claim was that nobody who gets the vaccine will die or even get hospitalized. Rachel Maddow — the #1 cable news host with 3 million daily followers — told her audience this: “The covid virus stops with every vaccinated person. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”
Here’s how those in power sold the vaccines to Americans and the world:
“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus or get sick” — CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.
“Vaccinated people won’t get infected” — Anthony Fauci.
“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die” — President Biden.
Vaccine Marketing. Extraordinary Claims like Snake Oil
In April 2021, Pfizer’s Chairman/CEO tweeted that vaccines were 100% effective in preventing covid. In other words, not a single vaccinated person would even get infected — let alone get sick or die.
Bold marketing baloney that the masses believed. Real life turned out to be different. Vaccinated people got severe COVID, got hospitalized, and even died. And it has not been rare.
In Jan 2022, Pfizer’s CEO admitted the vaccine failure when he said, “Two doses of vaccines offer very limited protection, IF ANY. Three doses offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and death.” Twitter then banned the video clip, claiming copyright violation! (Twitter’s censorship department is run by Reuters. And Reuter’s CEO, James Smith, has been on Pfizer’s board of directors since 2014).
Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, admits vaccine failure
Changing Goal Posts
Also, we were once told that we would reach herd immunity with 70% vaccination rate, which the U.S. reached in August 2021. Now the goal posts have shifted to almost 100%.
Think of all the extraordinary measures we have taken to fight the virus — “flattening the curve” by staying at home for a few weeks, lockdowns, washing hands, social distancing, mandatory masks, working from home, studying from home, billions of PCR/antibody tests, shutting down restaurants, contact tracing, travel ban, not seeing friends and families … the list goes on.
Then, one vaccine was proposed as the panacea for life going back to normal. Soon, it became two vaccines. Then three. And now Pfizer CEO promises us that the fourth vaccine will stop omicron.
No other vaccine in history has failed like this. And with all these draconian measures, more Americans and Europeans have died in 2021 than in 2020.
Consider that South Africa has had omicron for six weeks and their death cases are the lowest since the pandemic began. And even Bloomberg admits that mortality rate of omnicron is one-tenth that of the delta variant.
However, Western countries are engulfed in extreme fear. The White House has warned that the “unvaccinated will face a winter of severe illness and death.” Countries all over Europe are locking down entire nations. Talk about hyperbole and overreaction. The only answer in the West is more vaccines, more restrictions and canceling Christmas.
Transparency and Vaccine Side Effects
Although, personally, I am not worried about the side effects of vaccines, these covid vaccines definitely have far more side effects and deaths than other vaccines. The CDC has a website called Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), where newly vaccinated people can report the side effects. Anyone can search the database. There is another site, Open VAERS, that collects the data and presents it in a consumable form. Here’s the historical chart on vaccine-induced deaths reported in VAERS. Look at the spike in deaths in the last year. This is statistically shocking.
Deaths from all vaccines
(Note that most people don’t report the vaccine side-effects to the VAERS database. Thus the real number can be 10x higher).
In the European Union, more than 500,000 adverse reactions have been reported for covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.
It’s also annoying that the FDA took only 108 days to approve the Pfizer vaccine but needs 55 years to disclose the data to scientists, doctors and the public. According to the group suing the FDA, “It is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harm, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its license.”
The fact that former FDA chief Scott Gottlieb sits on the board of directors of Pfizer is also appalling. The conflict of interest and the revolving door is terrible for American democracy and health.
As of October 2021, 100 American kids aged 5-11 had died from COVID19. There are 28 million kids in that age group, which translates to 3.6 deaths per million. Is that an alarming rate? Let’s compare that to other rates — COVID deaths in all kids, myocarditis in ages 12-24, and deaths due to COVID vaccines (as reported in VAERS).
(For those curious, the math for this chart is at the end of this blog post).
Thus, considering all the data about children we have seen so far, vaccinating them is not logical or efficacious.
Two reasons why mRNA vaccines are failing
An ideal vaccine is supposed to do three things: (1) Prevent infection (2) Prevent disease (symptoms) and (3) Prevent transmission.
None of those things is happening. Why?
First, the mRNA vaccines are too specific, focused on one or two major proteins in the virus. Thus, mutations make the vaccine ineffective. And there have been thousands of mutations so far. This is why the traditional way of vaccinating using weakened viruses is better. When the immune system meets complete viruses, it extracts as many unique proteins as possible and makes numerous antibodies, each specific to a protein (or, peptide, to be precise).
Second, vaccines don’t offer “mucosal immunity” and thus do not cause the body to make mucosal antibody known as the IgA — Immunoglobulin A. You see, when a person gets infected with the SARS-Cov-2 (or any respiratory bacteria/virus), the virus enters the body through the nose and lands in the lungs. Thus, the body soon produces antibodies in the mucous membrane in our respiratory tract.
This antibody, IgA, is the first line of defense for future infections. As this scientific paper says, “IgA is in fact the most important immunoglobulin to fight infectious pathogen in respiratory system at the point of pathogen entry. As an immune barrier, secretory IgA can neutralize SARS-CoV-2 before they reach and bind the epithelial cells.”
However, this crucial secretory antibody is not triggered by the vaccines, which are injected and only stimulate the production of blood-based antibodies like IgG and IgM. Thus, when a vaccinated person comes across the covid virus, he/she does not have the most important antibody, IgA, which could stop the virus on its track. (Watch a video about natural immunity from Kim Iverson, a mainstream media anchor, at the bottom of this blog).
Here’s a short clip from a video by Dr. John Campbell, who has a lot of YouTube videos on COVID. He basically says the same thing about the role of IgA and natural infection that I explained before:
Natural infection of respiratory diseases induce IgA antibody that vaccines cannot
A recent study from a medical school in the U.S. concluded that “people who have had mild illness [COVID-19] develop antibody-producing cells that can last lifetime.” Not surprising at all.
Are mRNA vaccines a form of cell/gene therapy?
Pfizer looks a lot like Monsanto now. After messing with plants’ genes with GMO, it looks like the elites are playing with human genes. At the World Health Summit 2021, Bayer executive Stefan Oelrich was a keynote speaker. He described mRNA vaccines as gene therapy and said that before the pandemic, this technology would have been rejected by 95% of the people. The shock-and-awe of the pandemic has obliterated pertinent discussions about the mRNA vaccines. And all the social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been actively censoring free speech and a lot of truth.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Big Pharma is a guy with a hammer and sees every problem as a nail. Pfizer’s CEO now says that the pandemic could last until 2024. Of course, the thought of billions of dollars is destroying his brain cells.
The narrative is brute force — to vaccinate our way out of this problem. It has not worked and won’t work.
We need to implement a multidimensional and data-based strategy:
Focus on therapeutic and outpatient treatments, especially for people aged 50 and above. They constitute 70% of hospitalized patients. Use off-label antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, and prophylactics to prevent and treat COVID. American doctors prescribe almost 1 billion off-label prescriptions every year, but somehow the FDA is preventing doctors from repurposing existing drugs for COVID-19. For two years, we didn’t have a single approved drug or protocol to treat COVID-19. The only suggestion is “go home and wait until you can’t breathe and then call 911.” Really! That’s the official advice from CDC (and all hospitals). No wonder that so many people have died.
Stop vaccinating kids and, in fact, all young adults (age 18-30) as well. Young people are 38% of the US population but make up less than 4% of COVID deaths. Natural infection of this group will quickly help us achieve herd immunity as a society.
Also, stop vaccinating people who have already been infected and have recovered from COVID-19. Their natural immunity will be far better than anything that the vaccines can offer.
And stop being obsessed with high levels of antibodies in the blood. That’s not how biology works. The body has “memory B cells” that will produce antibodies only when the virus is detected. Forcing the body to constantly produce antibodies might lead to autoimmune diseases.
The only ones who should be vaccinated from now on are those with certain chronic diseases that make them vulnerable to covid.
Stop testing people who have no symptoms. This creates mass psychosis.
Return to normalcy ASAP.
So, going back to the title of this post, if we have a vaccine that truly protects people from infection, symptoms, and transmission, I would get it in a jiffy. I would like to see vaccinated people lead a normal life and not be afraid of the unvaccinated. Also, it would help if hospitalizations and deaths from COVID19 plunge and there is a veritable “booster” of confidence.
Update: New data shows how vaccines are starting to have negative efficiency — i.e., fully vaccinated people are becoming more vulnerable than unvaccinated people. See my blog post: Worst. Vaccines. Ever
– – Chris Kanthan
Math for those interested: (The rate was calculated for each group. For example, there are 72 million kids under the age of 18 and there have been 655 covid deaths. So the rate is 655/72 = 9 per million. And CDC reported 1908 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA vaccines among Americans age 12-24. There are 46 million people in this group and 65%, or 31 million, have gotten vaccinated; so the rate is 1908/31 = 61 per million). In the same report, CDC admitted 10,483 cases of COVID vaccine-induced deaths from VAERS. Since 200 million Americans have been vaccinated, the death rate is 10483/200 = 50 per million).
The COVID jabs make us more prone and vulnerable to sicknesses .
Why I haven’t Gotten the COVID Vaccine Yet — An Evidence-based Discussion
I have not gotten the COVID19 vaccines … yet. With all the mandates and restrictions, I am sure I will get it soon. By the way, I am not ideologically against vaccines. There are two reasons I haven’t gotten the vaccines so far: (1) My health profile and personal experience, and (2) Data-based analysis of risks and benefits.
I was in China During Wuhan Outbreak
Yes, I was traveling in China in Dec 2019 when the coronavirus outbreak happened in Wuhan. I didn’t know at that time, obviously. However, in my last stop in Beijing, I was exposed to sick people every day. It was a scary experience to be stuck in taxicabs with drivers who kept coughing, especially without covering their mouths! Miraculously, I didn’t get sick during or after my vacation in China.
Then, I survived the entire the year of 2020 without any sickness — not even cold-like symptoms. Thus, when the vaccines appeared, I was in no rush. Before I knew, 2021 was coming to an end, and I had survived another year without getting sick.
So, this is the first reason why I am still unvaccinated for covid.
Data, Data, Data
Second, all the data since the outbreak has unlocked several fascinating aspects of the SARS-Cov-2 virus and discouraging facts about the solutions. Data is the best way to seek the truth and be objective. Let’s take a look.
“COVID is Mild” – Mayo Clinic
“MOST people who become sick with COVID-19 will only experience mild illness and can recover at home” — the prestigious Mayo Clinic. In fact, this is true for 4 out of 5 people for the general population.
In Pfizer’s own trial, only 0.04% of the unvaccinated got severe COVID. That was 9 people out of 21,000.
Low Case Fatality Rate: Less than 2%
The case fatality rate (CFR) for COVID-19 is about 1.6%. In other words, if 100 people catch the virus, 98.4% will survive. Moreover, the deaths are primarily among senior citizens.
Hospitalization Rate
CDC’s estimate is that the hospitalization rate for covid is about 5%. That is 7.5 million hospitalization out of 146 million cases.
More than 200 million Americans have been “fully vaccinated” by Dec 2021. However, the number of daily cases of COVID-19 today is far greater than in late 2020, when no American was vaccinated.
The US doesn’t show the vaccination status of COVID19 cases. Fortunately, Canada does. And “fully vaccinated” people are 4X the unvaccinated among the new cases. Vaccines are not being effective.
Ontario, Canada. Daily new cases of COVID-19. Vaccinated account for 80%.
Do Vaccinated People Spread the Virus?
Many social media censor facts about vaccinated people spreading the virus, even though this is obvious by epidemiology and public policies (such as restrictions on vaccinated people). Moderna’s CEO recently admitted that even the triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease.
Who is in Danger?Pandemic of the Old and the Sick
From the beginning, it was obvious to me that older people were at much higher risk. As I analyzed the very first data from Wuhan or the first big outbreak in New York City, it was obvious that about 80% of the deaths happened among senior citizens — here is my blog post on NYC data from March 2020 and here’s the one on Wuhan data from Jan 2020.
Fast forward two years and the data still remains almost identical. Here’s the CDC data for covid death by age group, as of Dec 15. People above the age of 65 still constitute 75% of covid deaths. Basically, nothing has changed in this aspect in two years.
More fascinatingly, mortality from COVID is directly proportional to age. Here’s a more granular chart from CDC data on covid death by age group:
COVID19 deaths by age groups. United States CDC Data, Jan 2022
From the same CDC data, you can create a pie chart, which shows how 93% of covid deaths happen in people above the age of 50. Children (0-17) do not account for even 0.1% of the deaths. People above the age of 50 account for whopping 96% of deaths.
Second, several studies have now shown that people with chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension are 6x more likely to be hospitalized and 12x more likely to die from COVID-19. The CDC Director admitted that 75% of those who died from COVID had 4 or more comorbidity — like diabetes, obesity, hypertension etc.
Since I am not old and I don’t have chronic diseases, I felt statistically safe.
While the media likes to call it the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, it might be more accurate to call it the “pandemic of the old and the sick.”
How about Hospitalization by Age?
Wait, okay, younger people are not dying, but how about hospitalization? Here’s a chart from CDC that shows that older people (age 65+) have made up about 40-50% of those hospitalized due to COVID since the pandemic began.
COVID hospitalization by age and by month (Mar 2020 – Oct 2021)
More Vaccination = Fewer Deaths and Hospitalizations?
Compare old people (highly vaccinated) to children (unvaccinated until late 2021):
Covid death rate for vaccinated and unvaccinated people aged 65+ (per million): 10,000
Covid death rate for unvaccinated kids 5-11 (per million): 3.6
That is, older people are 2,500 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than unvaccinated kids age 5-11. Shocking, isn’t it?
For all kids (under the age of 18), the death rate is 9 per million. That means, senior citizens are 1000x more likely to die from COVID than kids, although the latter group is only about 50% vaccinated.
In the same UK report (page 38), the vaccinated outnumbered the unvaccinated by a factor 3 to 1 in COVID-related deaths.
Are Vaccines and Other Measures Working ?
Go back to January 2021. Did anyone say that we would need more than one vaccine? The official narrative was that vaccines were 90-96% effective. In fine prints, they said it means effective in preventing mild/moderate symptoms. Later, a CDC study said that one vaccine was 81% effective in preventing infections and two vaccines were 91% effective in preventing infections.
However, reality has been very different. “Breakthrough” infections are making a mockery out of vaccines. People who are vaccinated once, twice, and thrice are getting infected and sick. At Cornell University, where 97% are vaccinated, 900 vaccinated people tested positive in Dec 2021, and the campus had to be shut down. Sports franchises like NBA, NHL, and NFL are almost 100% vaccinated but experience covid outbreaks and are even forced to cancel games.
Cities like New York and London are coming to a grinding halt due to the omicron variant although 90% of adults are vaccinated. Many Western countries — UK, Australia, France, Austria etc. — are shutting down bars, restaurants, and major venues where only vaccinated people are allowed to get in (enforced by “vaccine passports”). So much confidence in vaccines!
Thus, the covid vaccines are “leaky” and the vaccinated are getting infected, getting sick, and spreading the virus.
False Marketing Claims
In Dec 2020, Pfizer published the results of its Phase 3 mRNA vaccine trial in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). In that paper, Pfizer claimed that not one vaccinated person died from either COVID-19 or the vaccine. Pfizer also claimed that only 1 person out of the 21,000 vaccinated people experienced “severe COVID-19.” The word “variant” appears nowhere in the paper.
Immediately, the mainstream media jumped on it and told the world that covid vaccines are 100% effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths! That is, the claim was that nobody who gets the vaccine will die or even get hospitalized. Rachel Maddow — the #1 cable news host with 3 million daily followers — told her audience this: “The covid virus stops with every vaccinated person. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”
Here’s how those in power sold the vaccines to Americans and the world:
“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus or get sick” — CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.
“Vaccinated people won’t get infected” — Anthony Fauci.
“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die” — President Biden.
Vaccine Marketing. Extraordinary Claims like Snake Oil
In April 2021, Pfizer’s Chairman/CEO tweeted that vaccines were 100% effective in preventing covid. In other words, not a single vaccinated person would even get infected — let alone get sick or die.
Bold marketing baloney that the masses believed. Real life turned out to be different. Vaccinated people got severe COVID, got hospitalized, and even died. And it has not been rare.
In Jan 2022, Pfizer’s CEO admitted the vaccine failure when he said, “Two doses of vaccines offer very limited protection, IF ANY. Three doses offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and death.” Twitter then banned the video clip, claiming copyright violation! (Twitter’s censorship department is run by Reuters. And Reuter’s CEO, James Smith, has been on Pfizer’s board of directors since 2014).
Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, admits vaccine failure
Changing Goal Posts
Also, we were once told that we would reach herd immunity with 70% vaccination rate, which the U.S. reached in August 2021. Now the goal posts have shifted to almost 100%.
Think of all the extraordinary measures we have taken to fight the virus — “flattening the curve” by staying at home for a few weeks, lockdowns, washing hands, social distancing, mandatory masks, working from home, studying from home, billions of PCR/antibody tests, shutting down restaurants, contact tracing, travel ban, not seeing friends and families … the list goes on.
Then, one vaccine was proposed as the panacea for life going back to normal. Soon, it became two vaccines. Then three. And now Pfizer CEO promises us that the fourth vaccine will stop omicron.
No other vaccine in history has failed like this. And with all these draconian measures, more Americans and Europeans have died in 2021 than in 2020.
Consider that South Africa has had omicron for six weeks and their death cases are the lowest since the pandemic began. And even Bloomberg admits that mortality rate of omnicron is one-tenth that of the delta variant.
However, Western countries are engulfed in extreme fear. The White House has warned that the “unvaccinated will face a winter of severe illness and death.” Countries all over Europe are locking down entire nations. Talk about hyperbole and overreaction. The only answer in the West is more vaccines, more restrictions and canceling Christmas.
Transparency and Vaccine Side Effects
Although, personally, I am not worried about the side effects of vaccines, these covid vaccines definitely have far more side effects and deaths than other vaccines. The CDC has a website called Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), where newly vaccinated people can report the side effects. Anyone can search the database. There is another site, Open VAERS, that collects the data and presents it in a consumable form. Here’s the historical chart on vaccine-induced deaths reported in VAERS. Look at the spike in deaths in the last year. This is statistically shocking.
Deaths from all vaccines
(Note that most people don’t report the vaccine side-effects to the VAERS database. Thus the real number can be 10x higher).
In the European Union, more than 500,000 adverse reactions have been reported for covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.
It’s also annoying that the FDA took only 108 days to approve the Pfizer vaccine but needs 55 years to disclose the data to scientists, doctors and the public. According to the group suing the FDA, “It is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harm, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its license.”
The fact that former FDA chief Scott Gottlieb sits on the board of directors of Pfizer is also appalling. The conflict of interest and the revolving door is terrible for American democracy and health.
As of October 2021, 100 American kids aged 5-11 had died from COVID19. There are 28 million kids in that age group, which translates to 3.6 deaths per million. Is that an alarming rate? Let’s compare that to other rates — COVID deaths in all kids, myocarditis in ages 12-24, and deaths due to COVID vaccines (as reported in VAERS).
(For those curious, the math for this chart is at the end of this blog post).
Thus, considering all the data about children we have seen so far, vaccinating them is not logical or efficacious.
Two reasons why mRNA vaccines are failing
An ideal vaccine is supposed to do three things: (1) Prevent infection (2) Prevent disease (symptoms) and (3) Prevent transmission.
None of those things is happening. Why?
First, the mRNA vaccines are too specific, focused on one or two major proteins in the virus. Thus, mutations make the vaccine ineffective. And there have been thousands of mutations so far. This is why the traditional way of vaccinating using weakened viruses is better. When the immune system meets complete viruses, it extracts as many unique proteins as possible and makes numerous antibodies, each specific to a protein (or, peptide, to be precise).
Second, vaccines don’t offer “mucosal immunity” and thus do not cause the body to make mucosal antibody known as the IgA — Immunoglobulin A. You see, when a person gets infected with the SARS-Cov-2 (or any respiratory bacteria/virus), the virus enters the body through the nose and lands in the lungs. Thus, the body soon produces antibodies in the mucous membrane in our respiratory tract.
This antibody, IgA, is the first line of defense for future infections. As this scientific paper says, “IgA is in fact the most important immunoglobulin to fight infectious pathogen in respiratory system at the point of pathogen entry. As an immune barrier, secretory IgA can neutralize SARS-CoV-2 before they reach and bind the epithelial cells.”
However, this crucial secretory antibody is not triggered by the vaccines, which are injected and only stimulate the production of blood-based antibodies like IgG and IgM. Thus, when a vaccinated person comes across the covid virus, he/she does not have the most important antibody, IgA, which could stop the virus on its track. (Watch a video about natural immunity from Kim Iverson, a mainstream media anchor, at the bottom of this blog).
Here’s a short clip from a video by Dr. John Campbell, who has a lot of YouTube videos on COVID. He basically says the same thing about the role of IgA and natural infection that I explained before:
Natural infection of respiratory diseases induce IgA antibody that vaccines cannot
A recent study from a medical school in the U.S. concluded that “people who have had mild illness [COVID-19] develop antibody-producing cells that can last lifetime.” Not surprising at all.
Are mRNA vaccines a form of cell/gene therapy?
Pfizer looks a lot like Monsanto now. After messing with plants’ genes with GMO, it looks like the elites are playing with human genes. At the World Health Summit 2021, Bayer executive Stefan Oelrich was a keynote speaker. He described mRNA vaccines as gene therapy and said that before the pandemic, this technology would have been rejected by 95% of the people. The shock-and-awe of the pandemic has obliterated pertinent discussions about the mRNA vaccines. And all the social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been actively censoring free speech and a lot of truth.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Big Pharma is a guy with a hammer and sees every problem as a nail. Pfizer’s CEO now says that the pandemic could last until 2024. Of course, the thought of billions of dollars is destroying his brain cells.
The narrative is brute force — to vaccinate our way out of this problem. It has not worked and won’t work.
We need to implement a multidimensional and data-based strategy:
Focus on therapeutic and outpatient treatments, especially for people aged 50 and above. They constitute 70% of hospitalized patients. Use off-label antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, and prophylactics to prevent and treat COVID. American doctors prescribe almost 1 billion off-label prescriptions every year, but somehow the FDA is preventing doctors from repurposing existing drugs for COVID-19. For two years, we didn’t have a single approved drug or protocol to treat COVID-19. The only suggestion is “go home and wait until you can’t breathe and then call 911.” Really! That’s the official advice from CDC (and all hospitals). No wonder that so many people have died.
Stop vaccinating kids and, in fact, all young adults (age 18-30) as well. Young people are 38% of the US population but make up less than 4% of COVID deaths. Natural infection of this group will quickly help us achieve herd immunity as a society.
Also, stop vaccinating people who have already been infected and have recovered from COVID-19. Their natural immunity will be far better than anything that the vaccines can offer.
And stop being obsessed with high levels of antibodies in the blood. That’s not how biology works. The body has “memory B cells” that will produce antibodies only when the virus is detected. Forcing the body to constantly produce antibodies might lead to autoimmune diseases.
The only ones who should be vaccinated from now on are those with certain chronic diseases that make them vulnerable to covid.
Stop testing people who have no symptoms. This creates mass psychosis.
Return to normalcy ASAP.
So, going back to the title of this post, if we have a vaccine that truly protects people from infection, symptoms, and transmission, I would get it in a jiffy. I would like to see vaccinated people lead a normal life and not be afraid of the unvaccinated. Also, it would help if hospitalizations and deaths from COVID19 plunge and there is a veritable “booster” of confidence.
Update: New data shows how vaccines are starting to have negative efficiency — i.e., fully vaccinated people are becoming more vulnerable than unvaccinated people. See my blog post: Worst. Vaccines. Ever
– – Chris Kanthan
Math for those interested: (The rate was calculated for each group. For example, there are 72 million kids under the age of 18 and there have been 655 covid deaths. So the rate is 655/72 = 9 per million. And CDC reported 1908 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA vaccines among Americans age 12-24. There are 46 million people in this group and 65%, or 31 million, have gotten vaccinated; so the rate is 1908/31 = 61 per million). In the same report, CDC admitted 10,483 cases of COVID vaccine-induced deaths from VAERS. Since 200 million Americans have been vaccinated, the death rate is 10483/200 = 50 per million).
Feel free to ask on ANY topic.
Posts are welcome!Intend to be a lifelong learner. Do not think that it is just a coincidence. How many will ever recognize God in anything that takes place?