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‘Physicians think they are doing something for you by labeling what you have as a disease.’ – Immanuel Kant
High blood pressure (essential hypertension) is the result of an adaptive process to a gross body water deficiency. The vessels of the body have been designed to cope with fluctuation of their blood volume and tissue requirements by opening and closing different vessels. When the body’s total fluid volume is decreased, the main vessels also have to decrease their aperture (close their lamina), otherwise there would not be enough fluid to fill all the space allocated to blood volume in the design of that particular body. Failing a capacity adjustment to the “water volume” by the blood vessels, gases would separate from the blood and fill the space, causing “gas locks”. This property of lumen regulation for fluid circulation is a most advanced design within the principle of hydraulics and after which the blood circulation of the body is modeled.
Shunting of blood circulation is a normal routine. When we eat, most of the circulation is directed into the intestinal tract by closing some capillary circulation elsewhere. When we eat, more capillaries are opened in the gastrointestinal tract and fewer are open in the major muscle systems. Only areas where activity places a more urgent demand on the circulatory systems will be kept fully open for the passage of blood. In other words, it is the blood-holding capacity of the capillary bed that determines the direction and rate of flow to any site at a given time.
This process is naturally designed to cope with any priority work without the burden of maintaining an excess fluid volume in the body. When the act of digestion has taken place and less blood is needed in the gastrointestinal region, circulation to other areas will open more easily. In a most indirect way, this is why we feel less active immediately after a meal and ready for action after some time has passed. In short, there is a mechanism for establishment of priority for circulating blood to any given area – some capillaries open and some others close. The order is predetermined according to a scale of importance of function. The brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and glands take priority over muscles, bones, and skin in blood distribution unless a different priority is programmed into the system. This will happen if a continued demand on any part of the body influences the extent of blood circulation to the area, such as muscle development through regular exercise.
Water shortage: potentials for hypertension
When we do not drink enough water to serve all the needs of the body, some cells become dehydrated and lose some of their water to the circulation. Capillary beds in some areas will have to close so that some of the slack in capacity is adjusted for. In water shortage and body drought, 66 per cent is taken from the water volume normally held inside the cells; 26 per cent is taken from the volume held outside the cells; and 8 per cent is taken from blood volume (see Figure 13). There is no alternative for the blood vessels other than closing their lamina to cope with the loss in blood volume .The process begins by closing some capillaries in less active areas. The deficient quantity must come either from outside or be taken from another part of the body.

It is the extent of capillary bed activity throughout the body that will ultimately determine the volume of circulating blood. The more the muscles are exercised, the more their capillaries will open and hold a greater volume of blood within the circulation reserves. This is the reason why exercise is a very important component for physiological adjustments in those suffering from hypertension. This is one aspect to the physiology of hypertension. The capillary bed must remain open and full and offer no resistance to blood circulation. When the capillary bed is closed and offers resistance, only an increased force behind the circulating blood will ensure the passage of some fluids through the system.
Another reason why the capillary bed may become selectively closed is shortage of water in the body. Basically, water we drink will ultimately have to get into the cells – water regulates the volume of a cell from inside. Salt regulates the amount of water that is held outside the cells – the ocean around the cell. There is a very delicate balancing process in the design of the body in the way it maintains its composition of blood at the expense of fluctuating the water content in some cells of the body.
When there is a shortage of water, some cells will go without a portion of their normal needs and others will get a predetermined rationed amount to maintain function (as explained, the mechanism involves water filtration through the cell membrane). However, blood will normally retain the consistency of its composition. It must do so in order to keep the normal composition of elements reaching the vital centers.
This is where the solutes paradigm is inadequate and goes wrong. It bases all assessments and evaluations of body functions on the solids content of blood. It does not recognize the comparative dehydration of some other parts of the body. All blood tests can appear normal and yet the small capillaries of the heart and the brain may be closed and cause some of the cells of these organs a gradual damage from increasing dehydration over a long period of time. When you read the section on cholesterol formation, this statement will become more clear.
When we lose thirst sensation (or do not recognize other signals of dehydration) and drink less water than the daily requirement, the shutting down of some vascular beds is the only natural alternative to keep the rest of the blood vessels full. The question is, how long can we go on like this? The answer is, long enough to ultimately become very ill and die. Unless we get wise to the paradigm shift, and professionally and generally begin to recognize the problems associated with water metabolism disturbance in the human body and its variety of thirst signals, chronic dehydration will continue to take its toll on both our bodies and our society!
Essential hypertension should primarily be treated with an increase in daily water intake. The present way of treating hypertension is wrong to the point of scientific absurdity. The body is trying to retain its water volume, and we say to the design of nature in us ‘No, you do not understand – you must take diuretics and get rid of water! It so happens that, if we do not drink sufficient water, the only other way the body has to secure water is through the mechanism of keeping sodium in the body. The RA system is directly involved. Only when sodium is retained will water remain in the extra-cellular fluid compartment. From this compartment, through the mechanism of shower-head production, water will be forced into some of the cells with “priority” status. Thus, keeping sodium in the body is a last resort way of retaining some water for its ‘shower-head’ filtered use.
There is a sensitivity of design attached to sodium retention in the body. To assume this to be the cause of hypertension is inaccurate and stems from insufficient knowledge of the water regulatory mechanisms in the human body. When diuretics are given to get rid of the sodium, the body becomes more dehydrated. The dry mouth level of dehydration is reached and water is taken to compensate. Diuretics maintain the body at an expanding level of deficit water management. They do not cure hypertension; they make the body more determined for salt and water absorption, but never enough to correct the problem. That is why, after a while, diuretics are not enough and supplemental medications will be forced on the patient.
Another problem in assessment of hypertension is its means of measurement. Anxiety associated with having hypertension will automatically affect the person at examination time. Readings of the instruments may not reflect the true, natural and normal blood pressure. An inexperienced or hasty medical practitioner, more in fear of litigation than mindful of accuracy of judgment, might assume the patient to have hypertension, whereas the person might only have an instant of ‘clinic anxiety’, thus causing a higher reading of the instrument. One other very important but less-known problem with the mechanism of reading blood pressure is the process of Inflating the cuff well above the systolic reading, and then letting the air out until the pulse is heard.
Every large (and possibly small) artery has a companion nerve that is there to monitor the flow of blood through the vessel. With the loss of pressure beyond the cuff that is now inflated to very high levels, the process of “pressure” opening of the obstruction in the arteries will be triggered. By the time the pressure in the cuff is lowered to read the pulsation level, the recording of an artificially induced higher blood pressure will have become unavoidable. Unfortunately, the measurement of hypertension is so arbitrary (and based on the diastolic level) that in this litigious society a minor error in assessment may label a person hypertensive. This is when all the fun and games begin!
Water by itself is the best natural diuretic. If people who have hypertension, and produce adequate urine, increase their daily water intake, they will not need to take diuretics. If prolonged “hypertension producing dehydration” has also caused heart failure complications, water intake should be increased gradually. In this way, one makes sure that fluid collection in the body is not excessive or unmanageable.
The mechanism of sodium retention in these people is in overdrive mode. When water intake is increased gradually and more urine is being produced, the edema fluid (swelling) that is full of toxic substances will be flushed out, and the heart will regain its strength.
The following four letters are presented with the kind permission of their authors, who wished to share their welcome experiences with the readers of this book. The first is from Marjori Ramsay, a lady in her early eighties.
Dear Dr Batmanghelidj
November 22, 1993
I have just ordered another copy of your book on water, having given a son my first copy. I tell everybody about it and my experiences Perhaps you would be interested.
My first son Charles, 58, who lives with me, is deaf and autistic. I take him three or four days a week to a facility for the handicapped. They had been taking his blood pressure there and notified me that the doctor said he should go on medication – his BP was 140-160/100-104.1 had just received your book and asked the M.D. to let me experiment for two weeks. Reluctantly he agreed, but warned me it was very dangerous.
I kept Charles home and used the water routine, also adding a little magnesium and potassium.
Two weeks later the nurse took his BP and it was 106/80. She said: ‘The doctor will be in shortly’- evidently the M.D. didn’t believe her and he checked it himself and had to admit it was so. He didn’t ask me what I did, so I did not tell him about water, but if the BP continues as it is, I will tell him.
I went on the water routine too without any particular problem in mind, but noticed that in about 10 days my tendency to get dizzy if I moved my head quickly had disappeared. I also had been unable to lower my head to lie flat at nights and had to have several pillows. Now I am much better, and have had only one spell in over a month: I am 82 years of age.
Thank you for the work you are doing – it is much needed. More power to you.
Marjori Ramsay
If you can find out why this particular doctor was not interested in discovering how Charles’s mother brought his blood pressure back to normal, you will then realize why we have a health care crisis on our hands!
The writer of the second letter is Michael Peck. He has, in the past, been involved in an administrative capacity with the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine, which I helped to establish. The foundation is a medical research (“think tank”) institution. At a scientific and public education level, the foundation is engaged in the introduction of the paradigm shift on water metabolism of the body in the USA. In his letter (below) Mr. Peck briefly explains his medical problems since childhood. Who in the world would have thought so many disparate medical conditions could be related, and after so many years these conditions would disappear as a result of a simple adjustment to daily water intake? The solution to Mr. Peck’s medical problems was so unique his wife also began to adopt the “treatment ritual”.
Michael Paturis, the writer of the third letter, is a fellow Rotarian. He became aware of my work when I was asked to speak to his club a few years ago. One day we had lunch and I explained in detail why hypertension and fat accumulation in the body are gen-erally the consequences of chronically occurring dehydration. He accepted my advice of increasing his daily water intake. He also con-vinced his wife to adopt the measure. Please note the impact of increased water intake on allergies and asthma that has been stated in the letters from Michael Peck and E Michael Paturis.
Lt Col Walter Burmeister has observed the effect of water on his own blood pressure. As you can read in the second letter, he too has experienced a drug-free and nature-designed adjustment to his blood pressure.
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj 25 March 1992
Foundation For The Simple In Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Va. 22043
Dear Fereydoon,
This letter is a testimony to the merits of water as an essential part of the daily dietary requirements for good health.I have been following your recommendations for nearly five years, and have found myself taking for granted the positive effects of water intake.
When I first started on the program I was overweight, with high blood pressure and suffering from asthma and allergies, which I have had since a small child.l had been receiving treatment for these conditions. Today, I have my weight and blood pressure under control (weight loss of approximately 30 pounds and a 10 point drop in blood pressure). The program reduced the frequency of asthma and allergy related problems, to the point of practical nonexistence. Additionally, there were other benefits, I experienced fewer colds and flus, and generally with less severity.
I introduced this program to my wife, who had been on blood pressure medication for the past four years, and through increased water intake has recently been able to eliminate her medication.
Thanks again for your program
Michael Peck
If water is a natural diuretic, why do intelligent and apparently learned people still insist on using chemicals to get rid of water from the kidneys? As far as I am concerned, this constitutes negligence. Since this unfortunate action will eventually damage the kidneys, and ultimately the heart, its practice should stop – to the undoubted benefit of sufferers.
My colleagues who still insist on blindly using diuretics in the treatment of hypertension are walking into foreseeable litigations for negligent treatment of their patients. The new information will provide their patients with sufficient insight to understand what damage has been caused by stupid insistence on treating “hypertension” with diuretics. Let the February 1995 class action suit of smokers against the tobacco industry be a warning to the health care industry.
F Batmanghelidj M.D.
Foundation on For The Simple In Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Virginia 22043
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj,
I again wish to thank you for your kindness in helping my wife and me to better appreciate the importance of water to our health. We feel the conscious increase in our water consumption contributed greatly to our weight loss – a weight loss which had been urged upon both of us by our respective physicians for years. My loss of approximately forty-five (45) pounds has resulted in such a lowering of my blood pressure that I am no longer taking medicine for my blood pressure. My wife’s weight loss has alleviated the discomfort she has experienced for years with her back. In addition, she believes the weight loss has reduced her discomfort and problems with her allergies.
With best wishes, Iremain
Michael Paturis
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 3rd August 1994
Foundation For the Simple in Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Virginia 22043
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:
Since my 24 May 1994 letter, and your consequent telephone call, a physical change of address has absorbed my time. The new address is LTC Walter F. Burmeister, 118 Casitas del Este, El Paso, Texas 79935.
Albeit, much more important than these facts, I am in a position to verify how tap water effectively lowers hypertension. Starting in early April 1994, leaving years of diuretics and calcium-blockers behind, in accordance with your recommendation, for approximately 3 months I drank a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of tap water; occasionally more. The blood pressure, heretofore contained by drugs, gradually dropped from an average around 150/160 systolic/over 95-98 diastolic to an amazing, drug free, 130/135 systolic/over 75-80 diastolic fluctuating average.
My wife makes these measures at home; each time taking two or three readings. The record shows several lows of 120s over 75d and a rare high of 140s over 90d. However, the average range, as stated above, uniformly dominates.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, this drug-free approach, based essentially on tap water and a pinch of salt, has relaxed my system and justifies the confidence that you hold the handles of a truly revolutionary and marvelous medical concept.
Since your are about to publish a book with applicable testimonies of the Hydration System, my personal experience is gratefully offered as a way of saying thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Walter F. Burmeister
Lt. Col. AUS RET
High blood pressure by Dr F. Batmanghelidj
High blood pressure (essential hypertension) is the result of an adaptive process to a gross body water deficiency. The vessels of the body have been designed to cope with fluctuation of their blood volume and tissue requirements by opening and closing different vessels. When the body’s total fluid volume is decreased, the main vessels also have to decrease their aperture (close their lamina), otherwise there would not be enough fluid to fill all the space allocated to blood volume in the design of that particular body. Failing a capacity adjustment to the “water volume” by the blood vessels, gases would separate from the blood and fill the space, causing “gas locks”. This property of lumen regulation for fluid circulation is a most advanced design within the principle of hydraulics and after which the blood circulation of the body is modeled.
Shunting of blood circulation is a normal routine. When we eat, most of the circulation is directed into the intestinal tract by closing some capillary circulation elsewhere. When we eat, more capillaries are opened in the gastrointestinal tract and fewer are open in the major muscle systems. Only areas where activity places a more urgent demand on the circulatory systems will be kept fully open for the passage of blood. In other words, it is the blood-holding capacity of the capillary bed that determines the direction and rate of flow to any site at a given time.
This process is naturally designed to cope with any priority work without the burden of maintaining an excess fluid volume in the body. When the act of digestion has taken place and less blood is needed in the gastrointestinal region, circulation to other areas will open more easily. In a most indirect way, this is why we feel less active immediately after a meal and ready for action after some time has passed. In short, there is a mechanism for establishment of priority for circulating blood to any given area – some capillaries open and some others close. The order is predetermined according to a scale of importance of function. The brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and glands take priority over muscles, bones, and skin in blood distribution unless a different priority is programmed into the system. This will happen if a continued demand on any part of the body influences the extent of blood circulation to the area, such as muscle development through regular exercise.
Water shortage: potentials for hypertension
When we do not drink enough water to serve all the needs of the body, some cells become dehydrated and lose some of their water to the circulation. Capillary beds in some areas will have to close so that some of the slack in capacity is adjusted for. In water shortage and body drought, 66 per cent is taken from the water volume normally held inside the cells; 26 per cent is taken from the volume held outside the cells; and 8 per cent is taken from blood volume (see Figure 13). There is no alternative for the blood vessels other than closing their lamina to cope with the loss in blood volume .The process begins by closing some capillaries in less active areas. The deficient quantity must come either from outside or be taken from another part of the body.

It is the extent of capillary bed activity throughout the body that will ultimately determine the volume of circulating blood. The more the muscles are exercised, the more their capillaries will open and hold a greater volume of blood within the circulation reserves. This is the reason why exercise is a very important component for physiological adjustments in those suffering from hypertension. This is one aspect to the physiology of hypertension. The capillary bed must remain open and full and offer no resistance to blood circulation. When the capillary bed is closed and offers resistance, only an increased force behind the circulating blood will ensure the passage of some fluids through the system.
Another reason why the capillary bed may become selectively closed is shortage of water in the body. Basically, water we drink will ultimately have to get into the cells – water regulates the volume of a cell from inside. Salt regulates the amount of water that is held outside the cells – the ocean around the cell. There is a very delicate balancing process in the design of the body in the way it maintains its composition of blood at the expense of fluctuating the water content in some cells of the body.
When there is a shortage of water, some cells will go without a portion of their normal needs and others will get a predetermined rationed amount to maintain function (as explained, the mechanism involves water filtration through the cell membrane). However, blood will normally retain the consistency of its composition. It must do so in order to keep the normal composition of elements reaching the vital centers.
This is where the solutes paradigm is inadequate and goes wrong. It bases all assessments and evaluations of body functions on the solids content of blood. It does not recognize the comparative dehydration of some other parts of the body. All blood tests can appear normal and yet the small capillaries of the heart and the brain may be closed and cause some of the cells of these organs a gradual damage from increasing dehydration over a long period of time. When you read the section on cholesterol formation, this statement will become more clear.
When we lose thirst sensation (or do not recognize other signals of dehydration) and drink less water than the daily requirement, the shutting down of some vascular beds is the only natural alternative to keep the rest of the blood vessels full. The question is, how long can we go on like this? The answer is, long enough to ultimately become very ill and die. Unless we get wise to the paradigm shift, and professionally and generally begin to recognize the problems associated with water metabolism disturbance in the human body and its variety of thirst signals, chronic dehydration will continue to take its toll on both our bodies and our society!
Essential hypertension should primarily be treated with an increase in daily water intake. The present way of treating hypertension is wrong to the point of scientific absurdity. The body is trying to retain its water volume, and we say to the design of nature in us ‘No, you do not understand – you must take diuretics and get rid of water! It so happens that, if we do not drink sufficient water, the only other way the body has to secure water is through the mechanism of keeping sodium in the body. The RA system is directly involved. Only when sodium is retained will water remain in the extra-cellular fluid compartment. From this compartment, through the mechanism of shower-head production, water will be forced into some of the cells with “priority” status. Thus, keeping sodium in the body is a last resort way of retaining some water for its ‘shower-head’ filtered use.
There is a sensitivity of design attached to sodium retention in the body. To assume this to be the cause of hypertension is inaccurate and stems from insufficient knowledge of the water regulatory mechanisms in the human body. When diuretics are given to get rid of the sodium, the body becomes more dehydrated. The dry mouth level of dehydration is reached and water is taken to compensate. Diuretics maintain the body at an expanding level of deficit water management. They do not cure hypertension; they make the body more determined for salt and water absorption, but never enough to correct the problem. That is why, after a while, diuretics are not enough and supplemental medications will be forced on the patient.
Another problem in assessment of hypertension is its means of measurement. Anxiety associated with having hypertension will automatically affect the person at examination time. Readings of the instruments may not reflect the true, natural and normal blood pressure. An inexperienced or hasty medical practitioner, more in fear of litigation than mindful of accuracy of judgment, might assume the patient to have hypertension, whereas the person might only have an instant of ‘clinic anxiety’, thus causing a higher reading of the instrument. One other very important but less-known problem with the mechanism of reading blood pressure is the process of Inflating the cuff well above the systolic reading, and then letting the air out until the pulse is heard.
Every large (and possibly small) artery has a companion nerve that is there to monitor the flow of blood through the vessel. With the loss of pressure beyond the cuff that is now inflated to very high levels, the process of “pressure” opening of the obstruction in the arteries will be triggered. By the time the pressure in the cuff is lowered to read the pulsation level, the recording of an artificially induced higher blood pressure will have become unavoidable. Unfortunately, the measurement of hypertension is so arbitrary (and based on the diastolic level) that in this litigious society a minor error in assessment may label a person hypertensive. This is when all the fun and games begin!
Water by itself is the best natural diuretic. If people who have hypertension, and produce adequate urine, increase their daily water intake, they will not need to take diuretics. If prolonged “hypertension producing dehydration” has also caused heart failure complications, water intake should be increased gradually. In this way, one makes sure that fluid collection in the body is not excessive or unmanageable.
The mechanism of sodium retention in these people is in overdrive mode. When water intake is increased gradually and more urine is being produced, the edema fluid (swelling) that is full of toxic substances will be flushed out, and the heart will regain its strength.
The following four letters are presented with the kind permission of their authors, who wished to share their welcome experiences with the readers of this book. The first is from Marjori Ramsay, a lady in her early eighties.
Dear Dr Batmanghelidj
November 22, 1993
I have just ordered another copy of your book on water, having given a son my first copy. I tell everybody about it and my experiences Perhaps you would be interested.
My first son Charles, 58, who lives with me, is deaf and autistic. I take him three or four days a week to a facility for the handicapped. They had been taking his blood pressure there and notified me that the doctor said he should go on medication – his BP was 140-160/100-104.1 had just received your book and asked the M.D. to let me experiment for two weeks. Reluctantly he agreed, but warned me it was very dangerous.
I kept Charles home and used the water routine, also adding a little magnesium and potassium.
Two weeks later the nurse took his BP and it was 106/80. She said: ‘The doctor will be in shortly’- evidently the M.D. didn’t believe her and he checked it himself and had to admit it was so. He didn’t ask me what I did, so I did not tell him about water, but if the BP continues as it is, I will tell him.
I went on the water routine too without any particular problem in mind, but noticed that in about 10 days my tendency to get dizzy if I moved my head quickly had disappeared. I also had been unable to lower my head to lie flat at nights and had to have several pillows. Now I am much better, and have had only one spell in over a month: I am 82 years of age.
Thank you for the work you are doing – it is much needed. More power to you.
Marjori Ramsay
If you can find out why this particular doctor was not interested in discovering how Charles’s mother brought his blood pressure back to normal, you will then realize why we have a health care crisis on our hands!
The writer of the second letter is Michael Peck. He has, in the past, been involved in an administrative capacity with the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine, which I helped to establish. The foundation is a medical research (“think tank”) institution. At a scientific and public education level, the foundation is engaged in the introduction of the paradigm shift on water metabolism of the body in the USA. In his letter (below) Mr. Peck briefly explains his medical problems since childhood. Who in the world would have thought so many disparate medical conditions could be related, and after so many years these conditions would disappear as a result of a simple adjustment to daily water intake? The solution to Mr. Peck’s medical problems was so unique his wife also began to adopt the “treatment ritual”.
Michael Paturis, the writer of the third letter, is a fellow Rotarian. He became aware of my work when I was asked to speak to his club a few years ago. One day we had lunch and I explained in detail why hypertension and fat accumulation in the body are gen-erally the consequences of chronically occurring dehydration. He accepted my advice of increasing his daily water intake. He also con-vinced his wife to adopt the measure. Please note the impact of increased water intake on allergies and asthma that has been stated in the letters from Michael Peck and E Michael Paturis.
Lt Col Walter Burmeister has observed the effect of water on his own blood pressure. As you can read in the second letter, he too has experienced a drug-free and nature-designed adjustment to his blood pressure.
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj 25 March 1992
Foundation For The Simple In Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Va. 22043
Dear Fereydoon,
This letter is a testimony to the merits of water as an essential part of the daily dietary requirements for good health.I have been following your recommendations for nearly five years, and have found myself taking for granted the positive effects of water intake.
When I first started on the program I was overweight, with high blood pressure and suffering from asthma and allergies, which I have had since a small child.l had been receiving treatment for these conditions. Today, I have my weight and blood pressure under control (weight loss of approximately 30 pounds and a 10 point drop in blood pressure). The program reduced the frequency of asthma and allergy related problems, to the point of practical nonexistence. Additionally, there were other benefits, I experienced fewer colds and flus, and generally with less severity.
I introduced this program to my wife, who had been on blood pressure medication for the past four years, and through increased water intake has recently been able to eliminate her medication.
Thanks again for your program
Michael Peck
If water is a natural diuretic, why do intelligent and apparently learned people still insist on using chemicals to get rid of water from the kidneys? As far as I am concerned, this constitutes negligence. Since this unfortunate action will eventually damage the kidneys, and ultimately the heart, its practice should stop – to the undoubted benefit of sufferers.
My colleagues who still insist on blindly using diuretics in the treatment of hypertension are walking into foreseeable litigations for negligent treatment of their patients. The new information will provide their patients with sufficient insight to understand what damage has been caused by stupid insistence on treating “hypertension” with diuretics. Let the February 1995 class action suit of smokers against the tobacco industry be a warning to the health care industry.
F Batmanghelidj M.D.
Foundation on For The Simple In Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Virginia 22043
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj,
I again wish to thank you for your kindness in helping my wife and me to better appreciate the importance of water to our health. We feel the conscious increase in our water consumption contributed greatly to our weight loss – a weight loss which had been urged upon both of us by our respective physicians for years. My loss of approximately forty-five (45) pounds has resulted in such a lowering of my blood pressure that I am no longer taking medicine for my blood pressure. My wife’s weight loss has alleviated the discomfort she has experienced for years with her back. In addition, she believes the weight loss has reduced her discomfort and problems with her allergies.
With best wishes, Iremain
Michael Paturis
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 3rd August 1994
Foundation For the Simple in Medicine
2146 Kings Garden Way
Falls Church, Virginia 22043
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:
Since my 24 May 1994 letter, and your consequent telephone call, a physical change of address has absorbed my time. The new address is LTC Walter F. Burmeister, 118 Casitas del Este, El Paso, Texas 79935.
Albeit, much more important than these facts, I am in a position to verify how tap water effectively lowers hypertension. Starting in early April 1994, leaving years of diuretics and calcium-blockers behind, in accordance with your recommendation, for approximately 3 months I drank a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of tap water; occasionally more. The blood pressure, heretofore contained by drugs, gradually dropped from an average around 150/160 systolic/over 95-98 diastolic to an amazing, drug free, 130/135 systolic/over 75-80 diastolic fluctuating average.
My wife makes these measures at home; each time taking two or three readings. The record shows several lows of 120s over 75d and a rare high of 140s over 90d. However, the average range, as stated above, uniformly dominates.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, this drug-free approach, based essentially on tap water and a pinch of salt, has relaxed my system and justifies the confidence that you hold the handles of a truly revolutionary and marvelous medical concept.
Since your are about to publish a book with applicable testimonies of the Hydration System, my personal experience is gratefully offered as a way of saying thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Walter F. Burmeister
Lt. Col. AUS RET
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