This is the tale of two treatments of breast cancer. One medical and one natural. One has increased risk, one has almost no risk. One is expensive and only affordable if paid for by insurance and the other can be afforded by everyone because it is free. And if you follow the advanced protocols of the free one, you may even be able to cut up to $100 or more from your monthly bills. Yep, a treatment that lets you put money in your pocket...or at least not spend what you would otherwise.
At Water Cures, we have seen the proof that one of the best treatments of breast cancer is the Water Cures protocol. It is not only one of the best breast cancer treatments, it could beneficially be used with most other treatments, both medical and natural breast cancer treatments.
Consider how Betty, who had stage 4 endometrial cancer beat her cancer using both the Water Cures along with the medical treatments involving chemotherapy. However you use the water cures, there will help you improve hydration.
The Water Cures Breast Cancer Information Center
Please share your experiences and let others know your successes.
At Water Cures, we have seen the proof that one of the best treatments of breast cancer is the Water Cures protocol. It is not only one of the best breast cancer treatments, it could beneficially be used with most other treatments, both medical and natural breast cancer treatments.
Consider how Betty, who had stage 4 endometrial cancer beat her cancer using both the Water Cures along with the medical treatments involving chemotherapy. However you use the water cures, there will help you improve hydration.
Why Alternative Treatments Of Breast Cancer?
One big reason for considering alternative treatments of breast cancer is the mistakes and potential harm that comes from our health care system and medical treatments. Consider this from JAMA on Over-diagnosis and Over-treatment in Cancer.
"The word 'cancer' often stirs up the imagination a number of uncomfortable, painful and death dealing processes; however, cancers can follow multiple paths, not all of which will turn into metastases and your demise. They could even simply be a condition that causes no harm during your lifetime."
Mammography Radiation Exposure
Recent evidence shows that even the lower-energy X-rays used in mammography result in considerably greater DNA damage...than would be expected. Evidence also suggests that your risk of breast cancer caused by exposure to mammography radiation may be greatly underestimated. (Heyes, 2009).
Put another way, your mammogram results could be, "Good news and bad news". The Good you have no breast cancer. The bad news, you got breast cancer as a result of finding out that you did not have breast cancer. This because if we find it and treat it soon enough, you will have a better outcome, this provided we do not make a mistake in diagnosing it."
Radiation Therapy for Cancer "Women older than 55 get less benefit from radiation therapy for breast cancer in terms of reduced...recurrence (Veronesi, 1999) and may have an increase risks of radiation-induced cardiovascular disease (EBGTCG, 2000), and secondary cancers such as leukemias and cancers of the lung, esophagus, stomach and breast (Mellemkjaer, 2006; Roychoudhuri, 2004). Data showed a 16-fold increased risk of angiosarcoma of the breast and chest wall following irradiation of a primary breast cancer (Huang, 2001)." When looking at the medical treatments, there is a cloud of potential harm caused by these treatments. Most have a side effect of causing cancer or other damage to your body.
What if there was a better way?
Next, consider the natural treatment of breast cancer using holistic treatments.
Natural Treatment of Breast Cancer
Complimentary Alternative Treatments (CAM): Favorable results were reported including improved survival, better pain control, reduced anxiety, improvement in coping strategies and significant efficacy in treating nausea and vomiting in several studies. Between 50% and 70% of breast cancer patents are using CAM.
Commonalities of Cancer Cells Successfully treating cancer involves treating the whole person. The foundation of success is treating the you, not just your symptoms. The human body has the ability to heal itself if given the tools.
Cancer Cells.... not like nor need much oxygen not like water or hydrated cells like acidic environment like to be fed like fat cells
What if there was a treatment that addressed all of the commonalities and did the opposite of what cancer liked and wanted.
*What if we provided more oxygen?
*What if we maintained peak hydration at the cellular level?
*What if we ate a diet that increased the alkalinity of the body?
*What if we went on a fast for 2-4 days or more and used salt with water?
Cancer and Obesity
Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer after menopause. It is also a factor that contributes to a poor cancer prognosis.
Problem: Obesity is a risk factor and can affect outcomes.
Solution: The Water Cures Protocol helps people lose weight, almost effortlessly.
Treat Holistically: There are simple additional steps.
Lower Breast Cancer Risk by Not Eating After 5 PM
It says: "Prolonged Nightly Fasting and Breast Cancer Risk: Findings from NHANES (2009–2010)
Results: Each 3-hour increase in nighttime fasting was associated with a 4% lower glucose measurement and a non-statistically significant decrease in HbA1c. [This means...]that each 3-hour increase in nighttime fasting length of time was associated with roughly a 20% reduced odds of elevated HbA1c and reduced odds of elevated 2-hour glucose."
Conclusions: A longer nighttime duration was significantly associated with improved glycemic regulation [which is a risk factor for breast cancer].
A Fast Way to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk
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There is one natural treatment that works both with chemo therapy and all on its own. It's called fasting. While there are several types, true fasting involves only drinking water and we like to add, taking the essential electrolytes, dissolved in your mouth so they will get in your blood.
If you do a 10 day fast or more, the cost savings could be considerable. Deduct meals eaten out and those coffee breaks and rack up some even bigger savings.
Read More Here... Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer
Doctor Day Breast Cancer Story
Dr. Day developed a very fast growing breast cancer. She knew from experience, the treatments used by our health care system did not work. She knew she did not want them for herself. She knew, as do most doctors, the treatments for cancer are worse than the disease and they often don't work.Breast Cancer Alternative Treatments
So she helped her body heal its self.
She helped her body get more oxygen. It is easy to provide oxygen. Just add water. The cells can break it down.
She helped her body become more alkaline. The over 80 trace minerals in the unprocessed salt she used helped alkalinize her body.
She followed the advice of Dr.Batmanghelidj on exercise. We need exercise to attain optimal health. We likewise need exercise to heal our body.
She added a dietary component to help her body heal.
You can visit her site but generally, if you can eat an 80% raw food diet (think raw fruits and vegetables) you will be on your way to better health an an alternative breast cancer treatment that works.
The Water Cures Breast Cancer Information Center
Please share your experiences and let others know your successes.
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