The Hidden Messages in Water
The Power of Being Positive
As we go about our daily tasks (school, work, etc.), it is inevitable for us to encounter situations that may be overwhelming or frustrating. Usually, these types of situations may elicit negative responses. Although a negative response may be typical, it is important for us to understand that something as simple as maintaining a positive attitude can help us through tough times. In the book, The Hidden Messages in Water, this idea is discussed in detail, while highlighting the power of words.
Our Connection With Water
“The average human body is 70 percent water” (Page xv).
“We start out life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water” (Page xv).
The Experiment
Dr. Emoto and his associates exposed water to positive and negative words, expressions, and music. Subsequently, they froze the water and photographed the crystals that formed. This experiment provided concrete visual evidence of how water reacted to both positive and negative energy.
“Water exposed to ‘Thank You’ formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word ‘Fool’ produced crystals similar to the water exposed to the heavy metal music, malformed and fragmented” (Page xxv).
Crystals Formed after exposure to Positive Words (Energy)
Love and Appreciation
Thank You
Tibet Sutra
Beethoven’s Pastorale
Mother Teresa
Crystals Formed After Exposure to Negative Words (Energy)
Heavy Metal Music
Lake water before positive words are used.
Lake water after positive words were used.
What does it all Mean?
“Modern researchers have shown that the condition of the mind has a direct impact on the condition of the body” (Page xvi).
Since we are made primarily of water, and since water can be influenced by positive and negative energy, maintaining a positive attitude (and exuding positive energy) can directly impact our whole being.
A Family’s Experiment
“A family that subscribed to our magazine conducted an experiment. They put rice in two glass jars, and every day for a month they said ‘Thank you’ to one jar and ‘You fool’ to the other, and then they tracked how the rice changed over the period. Even the children, when they got home from school, would speak these words to the jars of rice.
After a month, the rice that was told ‘Thank you’ started to ferment, with a mellow smell like that of malt, while the rice that was exposed to ‘You fool’ rotted and turned black” (Page 65).
Being positive means focusing on the good things that happen in our lives, rather than on the things that make us mad or upset, or don’t go the way we like.
Thinking positively has a major impact on how we feel, the things we do, and what we say to others.
Even though we all have not-so-good days, remaining positive helps us through.
When we focus on the negatives all the time, we may feel exhausted, unmotivated and “blah” – the opposite can be achieved by focusing on the positives.
Positive words, positive actions, and positive thoughts all result in positive energy (vibrations).
“The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy” (Page xxv).
Take some time to think about a recent experience of your own that was negative or one in which you responded in a negative way. How could you have changed your way of thinking to make it positive?
“The life you live and the world you live in are up to you” (Page 52).
The peace project goal is to educate the truth of water to children all around the world by distributing picture book of THE MESSAGE FROM WATER to children for free. We would like to share a clue to realize world peace that we learned through the research on water in an enjoyable way.
The surface of this planet earth is 70% water, and we human beings are also 70% water. We are mostly water. So, it is very essential that all children learn about water. Through THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, Children will learn that we reflect our self in water and in our surroundings. An attitude of Love and Gratitude can change us and so the entire world will be a sustainable and beautiful place for all beings.
Its intended age is from 3 - 12 years old. In another 20 years or so, we hope that they will be leading the earth in a favorable direction. What we adults can do now is to give them a chance to learn about the water and the true nature of us human being. We hope that the book, THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, will be translated into many languages and be of help to realize the goal.
We adults must minimize the damage done to the earth till then.
Why children?
Children are pure. If we give them a chance to learn about water and the true nature of us human beings, they will grow with the right knowledge to be a good person with the attitude of love and gratitude. We hope that children will lead the earth in a favorable direction in 10 to 20 years from now. We hope that the book, THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, will be translated into many languages and be of help to all children around the world.
The Power of Being Positive
As we go about our daily tasks (school, work, etc.), it is inevitable for us to encounter situations that may be overwhelming or frustrating. Usually, these types of situations may elicit negative responses. Although a negative response may be typical, it is important for us to understand that something as simple as maintaining a positive attitude can help us through tough times. In the book, The Hidden Messages in Water, this idea is discussed in detail, while highlighting the power of words.
Our Connection With Water
“The average human body is 70 percent water” (Page xv).
“We start out life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water” (Page xv).
The Experiment
Dr. Emoto and his associates exposed water to positive and negative words, expressions, and music. Subsequently, they froze the water and photographed the crystals that formed. This experiment provided concrete visual evidence of how water reacted to both positive and negative energy.
“Water exposed to ‘Thank You’ formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word ‘Fool’ produced crystals similar to the water exposed to the heavy metal music, malformed and fragmented” (Page xxv).
Crystals Formed after exposure to Positive Words (Energy)
Love and Appreciation
Thank You
Tibet Sutra
Beethoven’s Pastorale
Mother Teresa
Crystals Formed After Exposure to Negative Words (Energy)
Heavy Metal Music
Adolph Hitler
You Make Me Sick…
Before and After
Lake water after positive words were used.
What does it all Mean?
“Modern researchers have shown that the condition of the mind has a direct impact on the condition of the body” (Page xvi).
Since we are made primarily of water, and since water can be influenced by positive and negative energy, maintaining a positive attitude (and exuding positive energy) can directly impact our whole being.
A Family’s Experiment
“A family that subscribed to our magazine conducted an experiment. They put rice in two glass jars, and every day for a month they said ‘Thank you’ to one jar and ‘You fool’ to the other, and then they tracked how the rice changed over the period. Even the children, when they got home from school, would speak these words to the jars of rice.
After a month, the rice that was told ‘Thank you’ started to ferment, with a mellow smell like that of malt, while the rice that was exposed to ‘You fool’ rotted and turned black” (Page 65).
Being positive means focusing on the good things that happen in our lives, rather than on the things that make us mad or upset, or don’t go the way we like.
Thinking positively has a major impact on how we feel, the things we do, and what we say to others.
Even though we all have not-so-good days, remaining positive helps us through.
When we focus on the negatives all the time, we may feel exhausted, unmotivated and “blah” – the opposite can be achieved by focusing on the positives.
Positive words, positive actions, and positive thoughts all result in positive energy (vibrations).
“The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy” (Page xxv).
Take some time to think about a recent experience of your own that was negative or one in which you responded in a negative way. How could you have changed your way of thinking to make it positive?
“The life you live and the world you live in are up to you” (Page 52).
The peace project goal is to educate the truth of water to children all around the world by distributing picture book of THE MESSAGE FROM WATER to children for free. We would like to share a clue to realize world peace that we learned through the research on water in an enjoyable way.
The surface of this planet earth is 70% water, and we human beings are also 70% water. We are mostly water. So, it is very essential that all children learn about water. Through THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, Children will learn that we reflect our self in water and in our surroundings. An attitude of Love and Gratitude can change us and so the entire world will be a sustainable and beautiful place for all beings.
Its intended age is from 3 - 12 years old. In another 20 years or so, we hope that they will be leading the earth in a favorable direction. What we adults can do now is to give them a chance to learn about the water and the true nature of us human being. We hope that the book, THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, will be translated into many languages and be of help to realize the goal.
We adults must minimize the damage done to the earth till then.
Why children?
Children are pure. If we give them a chance to learn about water and the true nature of us human beings, they will grow with the right knowledge to be a good person with the attitude of love and gratitude. We hope that children will lead the earth in a favorable direction in 10 to 20 years from now. We hope that the book, THE MESSAGE FROM WATER, will be translated into many languages and be of help to all children around the world.
Message from Masaru Emoto
The vision of EPP is to distribute the children’s version of ‘Messages from Water’ entitled THE MESSAGE FROM WATER to children all around the world, free of charge. ‘Messages from Water’ contains water crystal photographs and the book’s message has received wide support from all over the world for many years.
For a long time the world has been in a difficult situation where people don't understand why it is the way it is. We are still far from global peace. In my opinion, one of the most important reasons why the world is in such a state is a lack of fundamental education. What is life? What is it to be human? For what do we exist? It is essential that our education systems provide these philosophical teachings.
After twenty- five years of researching water, I have come to believe that the answer to the above mentioned issue is in water. Everyone must agree that water is the source of everything but even modern science has not yet fully understood water. Consequently, we do not have much education on water at school. Children, therefore, do not have much knowledge of or interest in water.
When asking the question “What is life?”, we first need to understand water, because without water, it is impossible for there to be life or to maintain life. Children’s school books across the world however, are based on science. There is therefore very little explanation on the importance of water.
Photographs of water crystals seem to show the essence of the water. Unfortunately, many scientists have not yet acknowledged this technology. It will be some time until these photographs are used in school textbooks. Until photographs of water crystals appear in school text books, I would like to distribute my children’s books with sincere cooperation of people around the world.
The distribution of my books began in Japan in 2006. This movement is slowly spreading throughout the world. Thanks to my precious supporters in each country, there are over 28 countries where “The Message from Water” is being distributed.
My wish is to distribute it to at least ten percent of children in the world since I believe this book will convey to children the truth about water. Understanding the truth of water, loving it, and appreciating it, we can, together with children, make the world the peaceful place.
I would be extremely grateful if you could understand my vision and goal, and support our work to achieve this with us together.
Thank you very much for your attention.
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto (Water Messenger),
Chairman of the EMOTO PEACE PROJECT,
Non-Profit Organization
Non-Profit Organization
Dr. Masaru Emoto passed away on the 17th October, 2014 at the age of 71.
The team of EMOTO PEACE PROJECT continues to put most of our effort into this meaningful project with the cooperation of Dr. Emoto’s wonderful friends around the world.
© 2015 Emoto Peace Project "EPP"
The picture books are available in 30 languages as below.
Japanese, English, Spanish, Colombian version, Polish, Bulgarian, German (2 kinds), Indonesian, Turkish, French, Russian, Hebrew, Norwegian, Mongolian, Formosan (Taiwanese), Chinese, Portuguese, Albanian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Serbian, Greek, Rumanian, Burmese, Hungarian, Czech, Dutch, Italian, Slovak, Lithuanian,
Here you can download the PDF files books :
epp-books (Click Here)
Experiments with Words
As people learn that water reacts happily when we show or say good words to water and it reacts in a negative way as we show or say negative words, many children in many different countries have done various experiments. Below are some examples:
*** Rice Experiment ***
In the photo, left to right, they are “Thank you”, “You fool”, and “Ignored”.
*** Flower Experiment ***
Rebecca got 3 pots of same size and same color. She wrote “I love you”, “I hate you”, and “Ignored”, and put them on the pots, and she said each words to the flowers every day. She took photos of the flowers every day for 30 days.
She did not give any water during these 30 days of experiment. You can see the results clearly even with flowers.
Some children have sent us their thoughts after doing the experiments. They all learned that positive words affect positively and negative words affect negatively to their surroundings. After the experiments, they will want to use good words. They will want to say “Thank you” to everyone and everything. They will want to change the world in a better way!
You can find more experiments and results done by different people around the world in YouTube.
Water Crystal Photos Gallery Of ..
Water exposed to Words
Water exposed to Photographs
Water exposed to Music
Water exposed to Prayer
Natural Water
Water Ceremony Around The World
( Photos)
In Florida, USA 2014
At Lake Baikal in Russia
At Lake Biwa, Japan 2010
In Colombia 2006
In Hawaii 2013
In Tokyo, Japan 2014
In Mexico 2010
In Taiwan 2009
At Lake Baikal in Russia 2008
In Liechtenstein (Europe) in 2004
In Liechtenstein (Europe) in 2004
Rainbow after ceremony at Lake Baikal in 2008
Aid for Fukushima
We are distributing "Angel Water" (MRET water) to children in Fukushima since May, 2011 when Fukushima Nuclear plants had accident. We hope strongly to continue to help them for many more years!
Dr. Emoto started to bring Mret water to people in Fukushima immediately in May 2011 to help them protect from the redioactive material. He said in his blog, "I became aware of this after reading an article, "The Nuclear Sacrifice of Our Children: 14 Recommendations to Help Radiation Contaminated Japan" written by Dr. Helen Caldicott, an Australian pediatrician. "
We welcome you to join us to bring Angel Water
to children in Fukushima with donation!
With love and gratitude. Thank You.
We are so grateful for the supporters of the EMOTO PEACE PROJECT and truly honored and proud to have them. Thank you very much to every one of them for their sincere support.
I support the late Dr. Masaru Emoto's "EMOTO PEACE PROJECT," the project to distribute the picture book THE MESSAGE FROM WATER to all children around the world. I would like everyone to please join the Project and support it. Your cooperation will help realize true peace on earth rapidly.
* Gerald H. Pollack, Ph.D (Professor of Bioengineering at University of Washington)
* Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D (Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, philosopher of science)
* Prof. Gunter Pauli (Founder ZERI) * Dr. Mel Gill (Producer of THE META SECRET)
* Theodor Mahr (Host of Out of This World radio show)
* Emmanuel Itier (Movie producer, actor)
* Francis J. Vilar, Ph.D (President of Sophia Foundation)
* Gustavo Llanes (President of Editorial Isis)
* Carles Torrent-Pages (Multimedia artist, water sculptor)
* Edson Kenji Kondo, Ph.D (Senior Fellow at University Center UniCEUB)
* Vincent Seet
EPP Event-Future Events
Michiko Hayashi’s forthcoming presentations:
January 11 - 13, 2017
Damanhur... Turin, Italy
The Message from Water; The truth of water, how Love and Gratitude can make the whole world a harmonious place
February, 10 - 12, 2017
Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo
March, 10 - 12, 2017
Galactic Wisdom Conference 2017
Venue: 9101 Steilacoom Road SE, Harmony Hall, Olympia, WA
Contact: Ted Mahr
Contact Us
Non-Profit Organization
Headquarters Office in Japan
Address: NS Bldg. 2F
2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku
Tokyo, 103-0004 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3863-1120
Fax: +81-3-3866-5353
EPP Around The World
JAPAN (Headquarters Office)
Director of Global EPP
Michiko Hayashi
Speak: Japanese, English, Spanish
Director of EPP Japan
Ryoko Nasukawa
Japan and China
Speak: Japanese, Chinese
North America
Ted Mahr
Certified Hado Instructor
Host of "Out of This World" radio show
Speak: English
Lindsay Kemp
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English
Sandy Fox
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English
Lex Lang
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English
Central America
Edna Escobar
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Spanish
South America
Director of EPP Brazil
Alexia Cambraia Soares
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Portuguese, English, Spanish

Mónica Navia Domínguez
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Spanish

Ana María Tovar
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Spanish
Mónica Navia Domínguez
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Spanish
Ana María Tovar
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Spanish

Director of EPP Germany
Akiko Stein
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Japanese, German, English

Minthé (“La Caravane des Sources”)
Water Shaman
Speak: French, English

Elena Benigni
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Italian, English

Andrea Nitta
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Italian

Director of EPP UK
Matt Thornton
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English

UK / Sri Lanka
Kumanga Andrahennadi
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English

Thanapon (Pin) Chaivanichaku
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Thai, English

Voratida Vitayathanagor (Mameaw)
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Thai, English

Carmen Lo
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Chinese, English

Director of EPP Germany
Akiko Stein
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Japanese, German, English
Minthé (“La Caravane des Sources”)
Water Shaman
Speak: French, English
Elena Benigni
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Italian, English
Andrea Nitta
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Italian
Director of EPP UK
Matt Thornton
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English
UK / Sri Lanka
Kumanga Andrahennadi
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: English
Thanapon (Pin) Chaivanichaku
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Thai, English
Voratida Vitayathanagor (Mameaw)
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Thai, English
Carmen Lo
Certified Hado Instructor
Speak: Chinese, English
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