Sunday, January 8, 2017

The True Power of Water: Healing And Discovering Ourselves

The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves
By Masaru Emoto, Noriko Hosoyamada

Hado Consultation for a Baby with Congenital Heart Disease Many people have come to see me for consultation. The reason I took on the following case is ...found in page 85 onwards, (Click Here) to discover the story .

The True Power of Water
By Masaru Emoto

Water is sensitive to a subtle form of energy called hado. It is this form of energy that affects the quality of water and the shape in which water crystals form.

In my previous book, The Hidden Messages in Water , the word hado was translated as ‘wave fluctuation'. In The True Power of Water, I use hado to mean all the subtle energy that exists in the universe.

All existing things have vibrations, or hado. This energy is often positive or negative and is easily transmitted to other existing things. The thought ‘You fool’ carries its own hado, which water absorbs and displays as deformed crystals when frozen. On the other hand, when water has been exposed to positive thoughts, beautiful crystals are formed that reflect the positive hado. Hado, as you can see, is integrally woven into the implications of water's response to information.

Hado medicine

Some time ago I was introduced to a type of radionics device [not available any longer] capable of measuring various vibrations of the body at the cellular level. I developed an affinity for the device and became able to use it beyond the device's intended design, namely, to measure hado. My experience with the hado device led me to realise water's ability to receive information. It also led the way to my study of hado medicine, an alternative medical practice that researchers started to study after having felt the limitations of conventional Western medicine.

Although having a device was helpful in my study of hado medicine, I came to believe that humans are capable of feeling and sending hado as well as the device can measure it, if not better. For example, healers and counsellors who can help their patients are considered to have the ability to send good vibrations to correct their patients' abnormal vibrational patterns.

The fundamental principles of hado medicine are vibration and resonance. When the cellular vibrations in different parts of the body are disturbed for various reasons, our body can make a wrong turn. When this situation occurs, a new external vibration can be given to the disturbed cell so as to resonate with it; thus, its intrinsic vibration is restored. This is hado medicine in a nutshell. How can the vibration be corrected?

A hado is a wave; it has a wave shape of peaks and valleys. When the shape of a wave opposite to the original one – valleys for peaks, and peaks for valleys – is used, the wave can be straightened. By overlaying a wave with another wave in this manner, its characteristics can be cancelled. Hado medicine utilizes this concept to restore the patient's health by sending the hado that can cancel his/her unfavourable hado. Water is an integral component, as you'll see.

To help a person treat himself or herself with hado medicine, we examine the individual's hado using the hado measuring device. After understanding the disturbances to his or her own vibration, we prepare the water on which the information to correct the vibration was transferred through the hado measuring device. The hado water created in this manner penetrates into the molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles that make up the person's body and stops the disturbances of this vibration. By drinking this hado water, the individual could correct the disturbed vibration.

How emotions affect the body

Through my studies, I noticed many common characteristics that diseased people share and discovered the close correlation between people's emotions and affected parts of their body.

In 1995, I conducted hado examinations on one hundred people. I measured their hado regarding the most commonly shared emotions (thirty-eight traits including stress, worry, pressure, irritability, perplexity and excess fear) and then checked which part of their body resonated the most with each emotion.

I found, for example, that those who feel stress tend to have problems with their intestines. Worries are often expressed as problems in the cervical nerves, irritabilities in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, excess fear in the kidneys and anxiety in the stomach.

You might want to think about your present emotions and physical conditions. Do they agree with these findings? It's true that ‘Worry is often the cause of illness’. When your emotional conditions improve, your illness often moves toward recovery.

Try saying an antonym(a word opposite in meaning to another ;e.g. bad and good ) of the unfavourable emotion that you are feeling. If you are feeling ‘stress’, the antonym is ‘relaxation', and for ‘irritability', it is ‘calm'. The most basic solution to correct your hado is to use the opposite word. To take this approach further, write the antonyms on a sheet of paper and show it to water. The information is given to the water; in other words, the hado of the positive trait is transmitted to the water. Then, when you drink it, you are in effect practising hado medicine.

From The True Power of Water, by Masaru Emoto

Factors Contributing to Congenital Heart Disease

What causes congenital heart disease?

A congenital heart defect (CHD) is a heart problem which is present at birth. It is caused by abnormal formation of the heart during fetal development. In most cases, when a baby is born with congenital heart disease, there is no known reason for it. Scientists know that some types of congenital heart defects can be related to an abnormality in the number of an infant's chromosomes, single gene defects, or environmental factors. In most cases, there is no identifiable cause for the heart defect, and they are generally considered to be caused by multifactorial inheritance.

Multifactorial inheritance means that "many factors" (multifactorial) are involved in causing a birth defect. The factors are usually both genetic and environmental, where a combination of genes from both parents, in addition to unknown environmental factors, combine to produce the trait or condition.

Maternal factors and CHD

Most mothers of babies born with congenital heart disease will look critically at their own behaviors during pregnancy to try to find a cause for their child's illness. It is important to remember that most cases of congenital heart disease have no known cause. However, some types of congenital heart defects are known to occur more often when the mother comes in contact with certain substances during the first few weeks of pregnancy, while the baby's heart is developing. Some maternal illnesses and medications taken for these illnesses have been shown to affect the heart's development. Other illnesses or medications seem to have no impact on the baby's heart. Always consult your health care provider or obstetrician for more information.

Women who have seizure disorders and need to take antiseizure medications may have a higher risk for having a child with congenital heart disease, as do women who take lithium to treat depression. Mothers who have phenylketonuria (PKU) who do not adhere to the special diet necessary to manage the disease during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a child with congenital heart disease. Also, women with insulin-dependent diabetes (particularly if the diabetes is not well-controlled) or lupus may have a higher risk of having a child with heart defects. Counseling is important for women with these chronic illnesses before becoming pregnant.

Rubella, a virus that most people in the United States were immunized against when they received the MMR vaccine, is known to cause birth defects. A woman who has never had rubella nor been vaccinated against the disease should consult her health care provider before becoming pregnant. A mother who contracts rubella during her pregnancy has a very significant chance of having a baby with birth defects, including congenital heart disease.

Always consult your health care provider before taking any medications while you are pregnant.

Family history and CHD

In the general population, about 1% of all children are born with congenital heart disease. However, the risk increases when either parent has CHD, or when another sibling was born with CHD.

Some heart defects are considered to have autosomal-dominant inheritance. This means that a parent with the defect has a 50% chance, with each pregnancy, to have a child with the same heart defect, and males and females are equally affected. Similarly, there is also a 50% chance that a baby will not be affected.

Consultation with a genetic counselor or genetic specialist is encouraged for women with congenital heart disease before becoming pregnant. In families with CHD either in the parents or prior children , fetal echocardiography can be done in the second trimester, at about 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy, to look for the presence of major heart defects in the fetus.

Chromosome abnormalities and CHD
Chromosomes are the structures in your cells that contain your genes. Genes contain the code for your traits such as eye color and blood type. Usually, there are 46 chromosomes in each cell of the body. Having too many or too few chromosomes results in health problems and birth defects. Structural defects of the chromosomes, where a piece of a chromosome is missing, or present in duplicate, also cause health problems.

Problems with chromosomes that result in genetic syndromes, such as Down syndrome, often result in a higher incidence of infant heart malformations. Among infants with chromosome abnormalities, around 30% will have a heart defect. 

There are a number of chromosome abnormalities associated with congenital heart defects. Some of these include the following:

Down syndrome (trisomy 21)

Trisomy 18 and trisomy 13

Turner's syndrome

Cri-du-chat syndrome

Wolf-Hirshhorn syndrome

DiGeorge syndrome (22q11)

Chromosome analysis can be done from a small blood sample to look for a chromosome abnormality in a child with a congenital heart defect.

Single gene defects
There are an estimated 70,000 genes contained on the 46 chromosomes in each cell of the body. Genes come in pairs, one of which is inherited from the mother, the other from the father. Genes not only help to determine our individual traits, but also may be responsible for health problems when gene alterations (mutations) are present. When a single gene is mutated, a number of health problems may occur in a person. when several health problems occur from one genetic cause that is referred to as a syndrome. Some of the genetic syndromes associated with a higher incidence of heart defects include, but are not limited to, the following:

Marfan syndrome

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

Holt-Oram syndrome

Noonan syndrome


Other genetic syndromes that are not due to a single gene defect, but are associated with CHD, include Goldenhar syndrome (hemifacial microsomia), William's syndrome, and the VACTERL association (tracheal and esophageal malformations associated with vertebral, anorectal, cardiac, renal, and limb abnormalities.)

When a child is born with a congenital heart defect, if there is a suspicion that the child has some type of genetic syndrome, a doctor who specializes in genetics (called a clinical geneticist) may be asked to evaluate your child.

If a child has been diagnosed with a chromosomal or other genetic abnormality, genetic counseling is helpful to determine the risk for heart defects occurring in future children.

(PAGE 79)
Hado Consultation for a Girl with Acute Myclocytic Leukemia.

On February 24, 1996, I was asked to work with a girl, then fourteen years old, who had been recently attacked by leukemia. It may be a little bit lengthy but I would like to show you the process of her recovery based on her records. 

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