10. Five Paida and Lajin cases
Dear Xiao Lao Shi (Mr. Xiao),
Below are writings about my personal experience in practicing
Lajin and Paida.
In March 2011, I started to feel growing pain in my back. In my daily practice of Qi Gong, I felt that I could practice Qi Gong more often and help me cure the back pains. To a certain extent, I had my back pains lessened for several months. Then by July 2012, I slowed down my daily Qi Gong exercises. However, I felt the back and spiral pains gradually came back to me.
This made me recall that eleven years before (in 2001), I had serious back and spiral pains. I looked for different kinds of doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, Western and Chinese traditional doctors using herbs, etc. Over a year-long medical treatment by different doctors, I still could not get rid of the back and spiral pains. Finally I dropped out the thought of seeking outside treatment by doctors, and started to walk on flat roads for at least two to three hours a day. I sweated a lot over the quick walks every day. After walking for about two months, I felt my back and spiral pains gradually going away. I hailed for the success of brisk walking to cure my back and spiral pains. This self-healing had lasted for literally ten years.
But the back and spiral pains came back to me in 2011. It gradually crept back. This time, the pain suddenly aggravated after I slowed down Qi Gong practice. In July 2011, basically I felt I could not stand long enough to finish cooking a meal, nor I could stand up and stay for long. I tried to walk again, but I could not walk for over two hours. After walking, I still felt the pains and was tired. It was so serious that I could not lie down on the bed flatly, or sideways, left or right. Using small pillows to cushion under the waist part still could not make me feel comfortable to sleep.
I then remembered there was a book on Lajin in the bookshops in Hong Kong. So I asked my son to bring one back when he visited Hong Kong in June 2011. He did bring back the book, but I did not read it seriously until July 2011. When my pains became more unbearable in July, I started to do the Lajin methods. I selected only two styles to practice, one is lying down on the ground against a flat wall, put up the two legs against the wall, then stride one of the legs sideway to 90 degrees. Do the right leg first for a few minutes, then change to the left leg and go sideways to the ground and form 90 degrees with the right leg leaned against the wall for another few minutes. In the very beginning, I could hold the right angle position for two to three minutes. Then I increased it to four minutes, five minutes, and finally did each leg for about ten minutes. In this way of Lajin, I sustained it for three months from July to September, I then felt better and better, and the back and spiral pains gradually lessened and lessened. I continued to practice this method of Lajin for half a year, and found that my back and spiral pains gone away 85% to 95%. By the end of 2011, I got a friend to construct the Lajin stool for me. Then I changed to lying-down method to do Lajin by using the Lajin stool. Lying on the Lajin stool is another challenge. Now, I can do my Lajin for almost 25 to 30 minutes each leg using the Lajin stool.
I finished reading of Xiao Lao Shi’s three books on Lajin and Paida from July 2011 up to April 2012. I enjoyed the reading of these three books so much that sometimes I repeated the reading again and again. I agreed with the viewpoints of Xiao Lao Shi in criticizing the contemporary Western and Chinese medical systems and directions. I thank Xiao Lao Shi for his consistency in promoting the methods of Lajin and Paida so that people can utilize the methods to cure many of their diseases by themselves without taking medicines and drugs, and avoid a lot of the unnecessary surgeries. More people will then become their own doctors and self heal by themselves.
This March 2012, before I attended the Lajin and Paida course in Hong Kong Miu Fa Temple on April 15, 2012, I encountered in Guangdong province (in the Chinese mainland) a young chap who was in his early forties. He was a regular swimmer and practiced swimming along a river every morning with a few co-swimmers. They’d been swimming on a year-long basis for six or seven years. Their consistent effort of doing exercise aroused my admiration and interest. I greatly commended him and his co-swimmers. In explaining why he could do the swimming in such a consistent attitude, he told me this story: Seven to eight years before, he had his medical check-up in Guangzhou. He was told that, though he was in his early thirties, his heart performance was in his sixties. He was determined to change such an adverse health condition of himself. So he practiced swimming on a daily basis. In addition, he also did some other strength-building exercises. He had successfully improved his heart condition through the past six to seven years’ consistent exercise. However, by the time I met him in March 2012, he admitted that he still felt heartbeat frightening (palpitation) in his heart.
Then I introduced both Lajin and Paida methods and asked him to do it on a daily basis. I showed him Paida. After patting on the elbow curve position for thirty times, he saw purple patches coming out. Continuing on, small dark patches came out also. I told him to do this Paida at least once every day and Paida for 500 times each time he does it. I showed him the Lajin method lying down on three chairs, and he could hardly straighten his legs against the wall corner using two chairs. By the time we parted, I specially asked him to continue the practice on a daily basis. He promised.
In April 2012, I met with this young chap again, and he was so pleased to report his experience to me. He said that he slapped 500 times each time he did Paida for the past month, as well as doing Lajin also once a day. Now he could straighten his legs much better than before. His feeling was that after this month-long Lajin and Paida, he felt that the improvement on his palpitation was much better than doing the swimming for several years. He said he would continue to do Paida and Lajin. I was pleased to hear that.
Following the success story of the young chap who cured his frightening heart disease (palpitation) within a short period of time, on the second time I met with him a month later after he practiced
Lajin and Paida, I asked him to probe into the possibility of asking other villagers who feel they have interest in methods of Lajin and
Paida. He got one day to do the investigation. The second day he successfully organized a group of villagers (about thirty people, young and old) from one to two villages. I used the pictures from Xiao Lao Shi’s second book “ Journey to Cure "— Paida and Lajin Cures Numerous Diseases (Taiwan Edition II)” as reading materials and gave a demonstration of Paida and Lajin to the villagers.
During the demonstration, I had help from the young chap. The villagers were so interested in following the Paida part. All of them did Paida with a lot of joyous laughter. Most of them are working hard throughout their life, and they got red, purple and dark patches on the elbow curves. Before the Paida practice, I had told the villagers the expected result of getting the red, purple and dark patches. If they had red patches, they would smile and be happy. If they got purple patches, they would be very happy and laugh out. If they got dark patches, they would be extremely happy, laugh loudly to each other while they were doing Paida on themselves. The reasons are that the hidden poisonous blood is found, expelled and evaporated and different kinds of diseases are cured. That is why everybody should be happy instead of worrying when seeing the different colours of patches. A mid-aged woman approached me and said that “Bo Fu" (Uncle), I am feeling that my legs are very heavy over the past fifteen to twenty years. I can hardly walk clearly and lightly by myself. All the time, I am just dragging my legs and body. I feel heavily loaded myself.” I said,“Don’t worry. It can be cured.”
Then I asked her to stand one foot away from a pillar and hold onto it. I asked her to roll up her pants to above the knees.
Then I asked the young chap who’d become my valuable assistant to kneel down, both of us started to “Paida” the surrounding area of her knees: Paida the back of the knees, the knee itself, then the two sides, i.e., the right and left sides of the knees. In about 15 -20 minutes, people saw red patches come out, then they turned purple, and some even turned dark. The Paida was quite heavy and she felt quite painful in the beginning. She even yelled a little bit. I asked her to bear the pains. After twenty minutes, both knees’ surrounding areas were covered with red, purple and dark patches. Then I let her sit down to rest up. After resting for about another twenty minutes, she said to me,“I feel the most comfortable on my legs and knees this moment, better than any time in the past fifteen years or so.”
Then an old person came to me and asked us to do the same kind of Paida to him. We did. The patches coming out on the surrounding areas of his knees seemed even more serious. So all of them believed the powerfulness and usefulness of Paida. The older lady said that after I left, they would organize among themselves in small teams and Paida each other. On the Lajin portion of the demonstration, many of the attendants tried one by one on the method of Lajin. Though most of them could hardly straighten up their legs in the beginning, all of them expressed that they will continue practicing themselves from then on. I was so happy to see the enthusiasm of their learning both Paida and Lajin. Later on, after leaving the village, I called someone in the village, and he told me he was hearing the sounds of Paida from house to house quite often. I really felt happy to hear that also.
On April 17, 2012, I met my elder cousin in Guangdong. He told me that they (himself and his wife, my cousin-in-law) were about to make a decision on a medical issue. I asked them the details, and they told me that about one year before, my cousin-in-law had been admitted to hospital to do a micro-surgery on the heart veins. She was told that after checking, the doctors found out that her blood veins were not smooth in letting the blood in and out (Premature Ventricular Vontractions, PVCs). Sometimes it was fast and sometimes it was slow. It was dangerous to let it drag on. Now the hospital had imported a sophisticated medical equipment that they could do a micro-surgery on the blood veins relatively easily. So the doctor proposed the surgery. They agreed regardless of the high cost in order to avoid the danger of stroke or death. Now it was almost one year later, upon a second check-up, the doctor said they found she had the Zao-Bo (Premature Ventricular Contractions, PVCs) again. My cousin and cousin-in-law were asked to do the surgery a second time. It was not yet a year after the first surgery. They were still pondering about such wordings from the doctor. In knowing the news, I told them that they could try Paida on the inner side of the elbow. I started to show the Paida at once in the restaurant, and asked my cousin-in-law to do the Paida herself. After Paida-ing for two hundred to two hundred fifty times, she saw the purple patches, then the dark patches come out from the inner side of the elbow. I encouraged her to Paida more. After
Paida the left inner side of the elbow, she then changed to Paida
the right inner side of the elbow. Both hands, the inner sides of the elbow area showed patches purple and dark in colour. She believed
Paida. I then encouraged her to do this Paida on a daily basis.
Paida more and more, harder and harder. She promised to do that by herself. I explained that the coming out of blood patches is the releasing of the poisonous blood from the body. Once it is released, the heart problem can be cured. At home, my cousin-in-law started to Paida on a daily basis for about two weeks. I then called her and ask about the feeling, she said that they measured the Zao-Bo
(Premature Ventricular Contractions, PVCs) again by their own medical instrument, and found no Zao-Bo any more. Then they went to hospital to do a check-up by the hospital’s equipment, and the doctor said they did not see symptoms of Zao-Bo either. So by Paida, my cousin-in-law had escaped a second micro-surgery on the heart. They saved quite a lot of surgery money and feel more comfortable now.

My wife has been using Chinese brushes on her Chinese calligraphy for twenty-some years. A few years before, she found her wrist not as strong as before. She went to see her family doctor. The family doctor referred her to a specialist. After seeing the specialist, she was advised to do a surgery on her wrist. She discussed the matter with me, and I asked her not to undergo any surgery as it is dangerous to cut the tendons. The result would be even disastrous making the wrist lose all strength. But the specialist repeatedly warned that without taking the surgery, it would aggravate the hand more and more. We repeatedly rejected the suggestion. Over time, my wife did a lot of different exercises in order to lessen the pains on the wrist.
After reading Xiao Lao Shi’s book this June 2012, she started Paida on her hand, Neiguan Acupoint, the wrist itself, the back side of the palm, then the inner sides of the elbows and the surrounding areas. She did Paida two thousand times, two thousand five hundred times and even three thousand times on the wrist. Her whole hand began having blood patches, swelling up and mixed with sweating. Painful as it was, she insisted on Paida for about half a month. After Paida, she felt much relieved on the wrist. Gradually, the wrist pains lessened. Now she feels the strength coming back to her wrist. Now she can use her brushes more vividly in writing the calligraphy. So Paida had helped my wife skip an unnecessary surgery on her wrist. A total of five write-ups for your scrutiny.
Best regards,
Lin Li (Hong Kong)
July 31, 2012.
Dear Xiao Lao Shi (Mr. Xiao),
Below are writings about my personal experience in practicing
Lajin and Paida.
In March 2011, I started to feel growing pain in my back. In my daily practice of Qi Gong, I felt that I could practice Qi Gong more often and help me cure the back pains. To a certain extent, I had my back pains lessened for several months. Then by July 2012, I slowed down my daily Qi Gong exercises. However, I felt the back and spiral pains gradually came back to me.
This made me recall that eleven years before (in 2001), I had serious back and spiral pains. I looked for different kinds of doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, Western and Chinese traditional doctors using herbs, etc. Over a year-long medical treatment by different doctors, I still could not get rid of the back and spiral pains. Finally I dropped out the thought of seeking outside treatment by doctors, and started to walk on flat roads for at least two to three hours a day. I sweated a lot over the quick walks every day. After walking for about two months, I felt my back and spiral pains gradually going away. I hailed for the success of brisk walking to cure my back and spiral pains. This self-healing had lasted for literally ten years.
But the back and spiral pains came back to me in 2011. It gradually crept back. This time, the pain suddenly aggravated after I slowed down Qi Gong practice. In July 2011, basically I felt I could not stand long enough to finish cooking a meal, nor I could stand up and stay for long. I tried to walk again, but I could not walk for over two hours. After walking, I still felt the pains and was tired. It was so serious that I could not lie down on the bed flatly, or sideways, left or right. Using small pillows to cushion under the waist part still could not make me feel comfortable to sleep.
I then remembered there was a book on Lajin in the bookshops in Hong Kong. So I asked my son to bring one back when he visited Hong Kong in June 2011. He did bring back the book, but I did not read it seriously until July 2011. When my pains became more unbearable in July, I started to do the Lajin methods. I selected only two styles to practice, one is lying down on the ground against a flat wall, put up the two legs against the wall, then stride one of the legs sideway to 90 degrees. Do the right leg first for a few minutes, then change to the left leg and go sideways to the ground and form 90 degrees with the right leg leaned against the wall for another few minutes. In the very beginning, I could hold the right angle position for two to three minutes. Then I increased it to four minutes, five minutes, and finally did each leg for about ten minutes. In this way of Lajin, I sustained it for three months from July to September, I then felt better and better, and the back and spiral pains gradually lessened and lessened. I continued to practice this method of Lajin for half a year, and found that my back and spiral pains gone away 85% to 95%. By the end of 2011, I got a friend to construct the Lajin stool for me. Then I changed to lying-down method to do Lajin by using the Lajin stool. Lying on the Lajin stool is another challenge. Now, I can do my Lajin for almost 25 to 30 minutes each leg using the Lajin stool.
I finished reading of Xiao Lao Shi’s three books on Lajin and Paida from July 2011 up to April 2012. I enjoyed the reading of these three books so much that sometimes I repeated the reading again and again. I agreed with the viewpoints of Xiao Lao Shi in criticizing the contemporary Western and Chinese medical systems and directions. I thank Xiao Lao Shi for his consistency in promoting the methods of Lajin and Paida so that people can utilize the methods to cure many of their diseases by themselves without taking medicines and drugs, and avoid a lot of the unnecessary surgeries. More people will then become their own doctors and self heal by themselves.
This March 2012, before I attended the Lajin and Paida course in Hong Kong Miu Fa Temple on April 15, 2012, I encountered in Guangdong province (in the Chinese mainland) a young chap who was in his early forties. He was a regular swimmer and practiced swimming along a river every morning with a few co-swimmers. They’d been swimming on a year-long basis for six or seven years. Their consistent effort of doing exercise aroused my admiration and interest. I greatly commended him and his co-swimmers. In explaining why he could do the swimming in such a consistent attitude, he told me this story: Seven to eight years before, he had his medical check-up in Guangzhou. He was told that, though he was in his early thirties, his heart performance was in his sixties. He was determined to change such an adverse health condition of himself. So he practiced swimming on a daily basis. In addition, he also did some other strength-building exercises. He had successfully improved his heart condition through the past six to seven years’ consistent exercise. However, by the time I met him in March 2012, he admitted that he still felt heartbeat frightening (palpitation) in his heart.
Then I introduced both Lajin and Paida methods and asked him to do it on a daily basis. I showed him Paida. After patting on the elbow curve position for thirty times, he saw purple patches coming out. Continuing on, small dark patches came out also. I told him to do this Paida at least once every day and Paida for 500 times each time he does it. I showed him the Lajin method lying down on three chairs, and he could hardly straighten his legs against the wall corner using two chairs. By the time we parted, I specially asked him to continue the practice on a daily basis. He promised.
In April 2012, I met with this young chap again, and he was so pleased to report his experience to me. He said that he slapped 500 times each time he did Paida for the past month, as well as doing Lajin also once a day. Now he could straighten his legs much better than before. His feeling was that after this month-long Lajin and Paida, he felt that the improvement on his palpitation was much better than doing the swimming for several years. He said he would continue to do Paida and Lajin. I was pleased to hear that.
Following the success story of the young chap who cured his frightening heart disease (palpitation) within a short period of time, on the second time I met with him a month later after he practiced
Lajin and Paida, I asked him to probe into the possibility of asking other villagers who feel they have interest in methods of Lajin and
Paida. He got one day to do the investigation. The second day he successfully organized a group of villagers (about thirty people, young and old) from one to two villages. I used the pictures from Xiao Lao Shi’s second book “ Journey to Cure "— Paida and Lajin Cures Numerous Diseases (Taiwan Edition II)” as reading materials and gave a demonstration of Paida and Lajin to the villagers.
During the demonstration, I had help from the young chap. The villagers were so interested in following the Paida part. All of them did Paida with a lot of joyous laughter. Most of them are working hard throughout their life, and they got red, purple and dark patches on the elbow curves. Before the Paida practice, I had told the villagers the expected result of getting the red, purple and dark patches. If they had red patches, they would smile and be happy. If they got purple patches, they would be very happy and laugh out. If they got dark patches, they would be extremely happy, laugh loudly to each other while they were doing Paida on themselves. The reasons are that the hidden poisonous blood is found, expelled and evaporated and different kinds of diseases are cured. That is why everybody should be happy instead of worrying when seeing the different colours of patches. A mid-aged woman approached me and said that “Bo Fu" (Uncle), I am feeling that my legs are very heavy over the past fifteen to twenty years. I can hardly walk clearly and lightly by myself. All the time, I am just dragging my legs and body. I feel heavily loaded myself.” I said,“Don’t worry. It can be cured.”
Then I asked her to stand one foot away from a pillar and hold onto it. I asked her to roll up her pants to above the knees.
Then I asked the young chap who’d become my valuable assistant to kneel down, both of us started to “Paida” the surrounding area of her knees: Paida the back of the knees, the knee itself, then the two sides, i.e., the right and left sides of the knees. In about 15 -20 minutes, people saw red patches come out, then they turned purple, and some even turned dark. The Paida was quite heavy and she felt quite painful in the beginning. She even yelled a little bit. I asked her to bear the pains. After twenty minutes, both knees’ surrounding areas were covered with red, purple and dark patches. Then I let her sit down to rest up. After resting for about another twenty minutes, she said to me,“I feel the most comfortable on my legs and knees this moment, better than any time in the past fifteen years or so.”
Then an old person came to me and asked us to do the same kind of Paida to him. We did. The patches coming out on the surrounding areas of his knees seemed even more serious. So all of them believed the powerfulness and usefulness of Paida. The older lady said that after I left, they would organize among themselves in small teams and Paida each other. On the Lajin portion of the demonstration, many of the attendants tried one by one on the method of Lajin. Though most of them could hardly straighten up their legs in the beginning, all of them expressed that they will continue practicing themselves from then on. I was so happy to see the enthusiasm of their learning both Paida and Lajin. Later on, after leaving the village, I called someone in the village, and he told me he was hearing the sounds of Paida from house to house quite often. I really felt happy to hear that also.
On April 17, 2012, I met my elder cousin in Guangdong. He told me that they (himself and his wife, my cousin-in-law) were about to make a decision on a medical issue. I asked them the details, and they told me that about one year before, my cousin-in-law had been admitted to hospital to do a micro-surgery on the heart veins. She was told that after checking, the doctors found out that her blood veins were not smooth in letting the blood in and out (Premature Ventricular Vontractions, PVCs). Sometimes it was fast and sometimes it was slow. It was dangerous to let it drag on. Now the hospital had imported a sophisticated medical equipment that they could do a micro-surgery on the blood veins relatively easily. So the doctor proposed the surgery. They agreed regardless of the high cost in order to avoid the danger of stroke or death. Now it was almost one year later, upon a second check-up, the doctor said they found she had the Zao-Bo (Premature Ventricular Contractions, PVCs) again. My cousin and cousin-in-law were asked to do the surgery a second time. It was not yet a year after the first surgery. They were still pondering about such wordings from the doctor. In knowing the news, I told them that they could try Paida on the inner side of the elbow. I started to show the Paida at once in the restaurant, and asked my cousin-in-law to do the Paida herself. After Paida-ing for two hundred to two hundred fifty times, she saw the purple patches, then the dark patches come out from the inner side of the elbow. I encouraged her to Paida more. After
Paida the left inner side of the elbow, she then changed to Paida
the right inner side of the elbow. Both hands, the inner sides of the elbow area showed patches purple and dark in colour. She believed
Paida. I then encouraged her to do this Paida on a daily basis.
Paida more and more, harder and harder. She promised to do that by herself. I explained that the coming out of blood patches is the releasing of the poisonous blood from the body. Once it is released, the heart problem can be cured. At home, my cousin-in-law started to Paida on a daily basis for about two weeks. I then called her and ask about the feeling, she said that they measured the Zao-Bo
(Premature Ventricular Contractions, PVCs) again by their own medical instrument, and found no Zao-Bo any more. Then they went to hospital to do a check-up by the hospital’s equipment, and the doctor said they did not see symptoms of Zao-Bo either. So by Paida, my cousin-in-law had escaped a second micro-surgery on the heart. They saved quite a lot of surgery money and feel more comfortable now.

My wife has been using Chinese brushes on her Chinese calligraphy for twenty-some years. A few years before, she found her wrist not as strong as before. She went to see her family doctor. The family doctor referred her to a specialist. After seeing the specialist, she was advised to do a surgery on her wrist. She discussed the matter with me, and I asked her not to undergo any surgery as it is dangerous to cut the tendons. The result would be even disastrous making the wrist lose all strength. But the specialist repeatedly warned that without taking the surgery, it would aggravate the hand more and more. We repeatedly rejected the suggestion. Over time, my wife did a lot of different exercises in order to lessen the pains on the wrist.
After reading Xiao Lao Shi’s book this June 2012, she started Paida on her hand, Neiguan Acupoint, the wrist itself, the back side of the palm, then the inner sides of the elbows and the surrounding areas. She did Paida two thousand times, two thousand five hundred times and even three thousand times on the wrist. Her whole hand began having blood patches, swelling up and mixed with sweating. Painful as it was, she insisted on Paida for about half a month. After Paida, she felt much relieved on the wrist. Gradually, the wrist pains lessened. Now she feels the strength coming back to her wrist. Now she can use her brushes more vividly in writing the calligraphy. So Paida had helped my wife skip an unnecessary surgery on her wrist. A total of five write-ups for your scrutiny.
Best regards,
Lin Li (Hong Kong)
July 31, 2012.
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