Monday, June 3, 2024

Meditating is Knowing and Doing

 The Bible is not meant merely to inform but to transform.

Remember that it is not hasty reading but serious meditation on holy and heavenly truths, that makes them prove sweet and profitable to the soul. It is not the mere touching of the flower by the bee that gathers honey, but her abiding for a time on the flower that draws out the sweet. It is not he that reads most but he that meditates most that will prove to be the choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian.

Meditating on the Scriptures is vital practice for maturing in the Christian life.

● The power of "it is written" is that the reader may understand the will of the Author.  The manifestation comes via doing with the knowledge; revelation.

● Throughout history, godly layperson-leaders have commended the transforming effects of meditation.

What Is Biblical Meditation?



● 冥想圣经是基督徒生活成熟的重要实践。


● 纵观历史,虔诚的平信徒领袖一直称赞冥想的变革效果。

Shénme shì shèngjīng míngxiǎng?

什       么 是   圣  经            冥  想?

What is Biblical Meditation?

In the Old Testament, two Hebrew words are translated “meditate.” לְהַרהֵר  ;  משקף

在旧约中,有两个希伯来语词被翻译为“冥想”。 לְהַרהֵר mşqp ; Lĕharhér  משקף 

● One suggests a low pitch muttering sound; the other means to be taken up or absorbed with something. 一个意思是低沉的喃喃自语声;另一个意思是被某物吸引或专注。

● Taken together, we get the idea of someone pondering a biblical text, quietly vocalizing it repeatedly. 综合起来,我们得到的印象是,有人在思考一段圣经文本,并轻声地反复吟诵它。

To think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation. 出于宗教或精神目的或作为一种放松的方式,在沉默或吟诵的帮助下,深入思考或集中注意力一段时间。

Reflect  ; mirror ; 反射;镜子;

● I set aside time every day to write and meditate 我每天都会留出时间写作和冥想 

Wǒ měitiān dūhuì liú chū shíjiān xiězuò hé míngxiǎng  

● The focus of meditation is on God, His glory and majesty, His ways and works in the world. 冥想的重点是上帝、他的荣耀和威严、以及他在世间的方式和工作。

● Its intended effect is to shape one’s inner life and outward behavior. 其预期效果是塑造一个人的内心生活和外在行为。

Meditation is the activity of calling to mind, and thinking over, and dwelling on, and applying to oneself, the various things that one knows about the works and ways and purposes and promises of God… It is an activity of holy thought, consciously performed in the presence of God, under the eye of God, by the help of God, as a means of communion with God.


■□ meditation is a devotional practice that we engage in with God’s help to know Him better, love Him more, experience closer communion with Him, and live for His glory. 冥想是一种虔诚的实践,我们在上帝的帮助下参与其中,以便更好地了解他,更加爱他,体验与他更亲密的交流,并为他的荣耀而活。

● The difference between Eastern meditation and biblical meditation.


The simplest way to highlight the difference is to say that for the one meditation is an inner journey to find the center of one’s being, while for the other it is the concentration of the mind/heart upon an external Revelation. For the one revelation/insight/illumination occurs when the inmost self (which is also the ultimate Self, the one final Reality) is reached by the journey into the soul, while for the other it comes as a result of encounter with God in and through his objective Revelation to which Holy Scripture witnesses.


● Eastern meditation, whether Transcendental Meditation or various forms of New Age meditation, is to be avoided. 应该避免东方冥想,无论是超验冥想还是各种形式的新时代冥想。

● But biblical meditation should not be feared. 但不应害怕圣经冥想。

● On the contrary, biblical meditatio should be fully embraced as a valuable means of knowing God, growing in grace, being transformed into Christlikeness, and fulfilling God’s purposes for our lives. 相反,我们应该充分接受圣经冥想作为认识上帝、在恩典中成长、转变为基督徒以及实现上帝对我们生活的目的的宝贵方式。

● When God commissioned Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land, He said, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

当上帝委任约书亚带领以色列人进入应许之地时,他说:“这律法书不可离开你的口,总要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利。”(约书亚记 1:8)

● For Joshua to be successful in what God had called him to do, he needed to immerse himself in God’s Word and faithfully put it into practice, thereby growing in the knowledge of God and experiencing divine enablement. 约书亚要想成功地完成上帝赋予他的使命,就需要沉浸在上帝的话语中,忠实地将其付诸实践,从而增加对上帝的认识,并体验到神圣的力量。

● This ancient truth is as applicable today as it was then. 这一古老的真理今天依然适用。

● The theme of meditation begins with Psalm 1 declaring the blessedness of the one

who walks not in the counsel of the wicked… but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. (Psalm 1:1–3)

冥想的主题始于诗篇 1,宣告不从恶人计谋的人是有福的……他喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想他的律法。他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯干。凡他所行的,尽都顺利。(诗篇 1:1-3)

● This is a picture of one who is devoted to God and delights in saturating oneself in God’s Word and applying it in daily life. 这是一幅描绘一个虔诚地信奉上帝并乐于沉浸在上帝的话语中并将其运用到日常生活中的人的图画。

●The result is a life of fruitfulness in which this person prospers in whatever God appoints for him or her to do. 结果是,这个人一生硕果累累,无论上帝指派他或她做什么,他都会取得成功。

● In Psalm 145:5, David highlights the specific points of meditation, “On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.” 


● In the New Testament, Jesus gives us a striking example of someone who saturated Himself in God’s Word by memorizing and meditating on it deeply.在新约中,耶稣为我们树立了一个引人注目的榜样,他通过深刻记忆和冥想上帝的话语,使自己沉浸在上帝的话语中。

● This is evident in the way Jesus Christ responded with Scripture to the devil’s temptations after His baptism and in His ready recall and skillful use of Scripture throughout His subsequent ministry, even citing it as He hung on the cross. 耶稣基督受洗后用《圣经》回应魔鬼的诱惑,以及在他随后的传道生涯中随时回忆和熟练运用《圣经》,甚至在他被钉在十字架上时也引用《圣经》,都充分证明了这一点。

● Jesus illustrates for us the vital importance of meditating on God’s Word in order to be successful in fulfilling God’s purposes. 耶稣向我们说明了沉思上帝的话语对于成功实现上帝的旨意至关重要。

■ Let God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  愿上帝的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。

● This same saturation in Scripture is also evident in the life of the apostle Paul, who quoted Scripture constantly in his epistles and encouraged believers to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). 使徒保罗的生活中也同样充满了圣经,他在他的书信中不断引用圣经并鼓励信徒“让基督的话语丰富地存在于你们心里”(歌罗西书 3:16)。

● A careful study of how Jesus Christ and apostle Paul used Scripture reveals that they had not simply read a lot of Bible verses or even memorized them; rather, they had gone on to meditate deeply and understand their meaning. 仔细研究耶稣基督和使徒保罗如何使用圣经,我们就会发现,他们并不是简单地阅读了大量圣经经文,甚至记住了它们;相反,他们进行了深入的冥想并理解了它们的含义。

● That treasury of truth enabled them to use God’s Word in an accurate way in whatever situations they encountered. 


● This solid grasp of God’s Word, empowered by His Spirit, is what we need today if we are to successfully navigate life in a fallen world in which we are challenged daily by our own flesh and the schemes and temptations of the devil. 如果我们想在这个堕落的世界中成功生活,那么我们今天所需要的就是在上帝的精神的支持下牢固地掌握上帝的话语,在这个世界里,我们每天都要面对来自我们自己的肉体以及魔鬼的阴谋和诱惑的挑战。

● Meditation provides essential resources for a wise and godly life and enables us to “above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23 ). 冥想为智慧和虔诚的生活提供了必要的资源,使我们“你要保守你心,胜过保守一切,因为一切所作所为是由心发出”(箴言 4:23)。

● Failure to meditate on God’s Word, to be taught by Him and commune with Him, leaves our hearts unguarded and spiritually impoverished, and that affects “everything you do.” 如果不能默想上帝的话语、不接受他的教导、不与他交流,我们的内心就会失去警惕,精神贫乏,这会影响“你所做的一切”。

● The Bible meditation is an activity that is straightforward and accessible to every believer. 圣经冥想是一项简单易行、每个信徒都可以进行的活动。

● How Do We Learn to Meditate? 


Unlike Eastern meditation, there is no hint in the Bible that meditation is an esoteric practice that requires instruction by gurus and special techniques for controlling one’s breathing, repeating mantras, descending inward, etc. 与东方冥想不同,《圣经》中没有暗示冥想是一种深奥的修行,需要大师的指导和控制呼吸、重复咒语、向内下降等特殊技巧。

◆ Silence

Take time to be silent: prepare to communicate with God as He expresses Himself to you in the passage of Scripture you have chosen. After a period of quiet, ask God’s help as you enter this session of meditative prayer.

Read a short passage of Scripture aloud several times slowly. Allow its words and meanings to sink into your soul.

Meditation is like chewing. It is slow and thorough. Write notes about what you see in this passage. Make connections between the various sections. Ask yourself, “What do these words from God say?” “What do they mean?” Place who you are and what you do next to this passage and ask God to examine you. Continue to write your findings.

Pray using the passage as an outline for your prayer. Read the passage phrase-by-phrase, responding to God after each phrase or verse.

Wait in stillness once more. Ask that God bring to your mind any areas of your life that you need to shape more closely to His design as revealed in this passage. Contemplate God’s love and power as it is revealed here.

Live It Out
What precisely ought you to be believing, thinking, and doing as a result of this passage? Make notes about how you hope to bring these words from Jesus into your current practice.

◆ 沉默









再次静静等待。祈求上帝让你想起你生活中需要塑造的任何方面,这些方面更接近他在这段经文中所揭示的设计。 思考这里所揭示的上帝的爱和力量。



It pleased the Lord to teach me a truth, irrespective of human instrumentality, as far as I know, the benefit of which I have not lost, though now… more than forty years have since passed away. 上帝很高兴地教给我一个真理,无论人为如何,就我所知,我并没有失去这个真理带来的好处,尽管现在......已经过去了四十多年。

The point is this: I saw more clearly than ever, that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was, to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not, how much I might serve the Lord, how I might glorify the Lord; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished. 重点是:我比以往任何时候都更清楚地看到,我每天应该关注的第一件大事和首要的事情是让我的灵魂在主里快乐。首先要关心的不是我能为主服务多少,我如何荣耀主;而是我如何让我的灵魂进入快乐状态,我的内心如何得到滋养。

For I might seek to set the truth before the unconverted, I might seek to benefit believers, I might seek to relieve the distressed, I might in other ways seek to behave myself as it becomes a child of God in this world; and yet, not being happy in the Lord, and not being nourished and strengthened in my inner man day by day, all this might not be attended to in a right spirit. 因为我可以寻求在未皈依者面前阐明真理,我可以寻求造福信徒,我可以寻求解除苦难,我也可以以其他方式寻求表现自己,使自己成为这个世界上上帝的孩子;然而,由于我在主里不快乐,我的内心没有得到日复一日的滋养和加强,我可能无法以正确的精神对待所有这一切。

Before this time my practice had been, at least for ten years previously, as an habitual thing, to give myself to prayer, after having dressed in the morning. Now I saw, that the most important thing I had to do was to give myself to the reading of the Word of God and to meditation on it, that thus my heart might be comforted, encouraged, warned, reproved, instructed; and that thus, whilst meditating, my heart might be brought into experiential communion with the Lord. I began therefore, to meditate on the New Testament, from the beginning, early in the morning. 在此之前,至少十年前,我习惯于在早晨穿好衣服后祈祷。现在我明白,我要做的最重要事情是阅读并默想上帝的话语,这样我的心就会得到安慰、鼓励、警告、责备和教导;这样,在默想的过程中,我的心就会与主产生经验上的交流。因此,我每天清晨从头开始默想《新约》。

The first thing I did, after having asked in a few words the Lord's blessing upon His precious Word, was to begin to meditate on the Word of God; searching, as it were, into every verse, to get blessing out of it; not for the sake of the public ministry of the Word; not for the sake or preaching on what I had meditated upon; but for the sake of obtaining food for my own soul. The result I have found to be almost invariably this, that after a very few minutes my soul has been led to confession, or to thanksgiving, or to intercession, or to supplication; so that though I did not, as it were, give myself to prayer, but to meditation, yet it turned almost immediately more or less into prayer. 我先用几句话祈求主赐福于他宝贵的圣言,然后开始默想上帝的圣言;仔细研究每一节经文,从中寻求祝福;不是为了公开传道;不是为了宣讲我所默想的内容;而是为了为自己的灵魂获取食粮。我发现结果几乎总是这样的,几分钟后,我的灵魂就会忏悔、感恩、代祷或恳求;因此,尽管我没有让自己投入祈祷,而是投入冥想,但它几乎立即或多或少地变成了祈祷。

When thus I have been for awhile making confession, or intercession, or supplication, or have given thanks, I go on to the next words or verse, turning all, as I go on, into prayer for myself or others, as the Word may lead to it; but still continually keeping before me, that food for my own soul is the object of my meditation. 当我这样忏悔、代祷、恳求或感恩了一段时间后,我就会继续念下一个词或诗句,随着经文的引导,把所有内容转化为为自己或他人的祷告;但我心里始终牢记,我冥想的对象是满足自己灵魂的食粮。

The result of this is, that there is always a good deal of confession, thanksgiving, supplication, or intercession mingled with my meditation, and that my inner man almost invariably is even sensibly nourished and strengthened and that by breakfast time, with rare exceptions, I am in a peaceful if not happy state of heart. 这样做的结果是,我的冥想中总是夹杂着大量的忏悔、感恩、恳求或代祷,我的内心几乎总是得到明智的滋养和加强,到了早餐时间,除了极少数的例外,我的内心都是平静的,甚至是快乐的。

Thus also the Lord is pleased to communicate unto me that which, very soon after, I have found to become food for other believers, though it was not for the sake of the public ministry of the Word that I gave myself to meditation, but for the profit of my own inner man. 因此,主也乐意将那些我不久之后发现可以作为其他信徒食粮的东西传达给我,尽管我进行冥想并不是为了公开宣扬圣言,而是为了我内心的利益。

The difference between my former practice and my present one is this. Formerly, when I rose, I began to pray as soon as possible, and generally spent all my time till breakfast in prayer, or almost all the time. At all events I almost invariably began with prayer… But what was the result? I often spent a quarter of an hour, or half an hour, or even an hour on my knees, before being conscious to myself of having derived comfort, encouragement, humbling of soul, etc.; and often after having suffered much from wandering of mind for the first ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour, or even half an hour, I only then began really to pray. 我以前的做法和现在的做法的区别在于:以前,我一起床,就尽快开始祈祷,通常一直到早餐前,或者几乎一直都在祈祷。无论如何,我几乎总是从祈祷开始……但结果如何?我经常跪下一刻钟、半小时甚至一个小时,才意识到自己得到了安慰、鼓励、心灵的谦卑等等;而且,往往在最初十分钟、一刻钟甚至半小时心神不宁之后,我才开始真正祈祷。

I scarcely ever suffer now in this way. For my heart being nourished by the truth, being brought into experiential fellowship with God, I speak to my Father, and to my Friend (vile though I am, and unworthy of it!) about the things that He has brought before me in His precious Word. 现在我几乎不再受这种苦了。因为我的心被真理滋养,被带入与上帝的经验交流中,我向我的父亲和我的朋友(尽管我很卑鄙,不配!)讲述他在他宝贵的圣言中带给我的事情。

It often now astonished me that I did not sooner see this. In no book did I ever read about it. No public ministry ever brought the matter before me. No private conversation with a brother stirred me up to this matter. And yet now, since God has taught me this point, it is as plain to me as anything, that the first thing the child of God has to do morning by morning is to obtain food for his inner man. 现在我常常惊讶于自己为什么没有早点意识到这一点。我从未在任何一本书中读到过这一点。没有任何公开的传道工作向我提起过这件事。也没有与弟兄的私下谈话激起我对此事的关注。然而现在,既然上帝已经教给我这一点,我很清楚,上帝的孩子每天早上要做的第一件事就是为他的内心获取食物。

As the outward man is not fit for work for any length of time, except we take food, and as this is one of the first things we do in the morning, so it should be with the inner man. We should take food for that, as every one must allow. Now what is the food for the inner man: not prayer, but the Word of God: and here again not the simple reading of the Word of God, so that it only passes through our minds, just as water runs through a pipe, but considering what we read, pondering over it, and applying it to our hearts… 外在的人除非吃饭,否则无法长时间工作,而吃饭是我们早上要做的第一件事之一,内在的人也应该如此。我们应该为此吃饭,每个人都必须允许。那么内在的人的食物是什么呢:不是祈祷,而是上帝的话语:这里也不是简单地阅读上帝的话语,这样它只会从我们的脑海中流过,就像水流过管道一样,而是思考我们所读到的内容,仔细思考,并将其应用到我们的心中……

I dwell so particularly on this point because of the immense spiritual profit and refreshment I am conscious of having derived from it myself, and I affectionately and solemnly beseech all my fellow-believers to ponder this matter. By the blessing of God I ascribe to this mode the help and strength which I have had from God to pass in peace through deeper trials in various ways than I had ever had before; and after having now above forty years tried this way, I can most fully, in the fear of God, commend it. How different when the soul is refreshed and made happy early in the morning, from what it is when, without spiritual preparation, the service, the trials and the temptations of the day come upon one! 我之所以特别强调这一点,是因为我意识到自己从中获得了巨大的精神利益和振奋,我诚挚而庄严地恳请所有我的信徒们思考这个问题。感谢上帝的祝福,我将上帝给予我的帮助和力量归功于这种方式,让我能够平静地度过比以前任何时候都更艰难的考验;在尝试这种方式四十多年之后,我可以完全地以对上帝的敬畏来赞扬它。清晨灵魂得到振奋和快乐时的感觉与没有精神准备就面对一天的服务、考验和诱惑时的感觉是多么不同啊!

● A few concluding comments may be helpful as you pursue meditation on God’s Word. 当你冥想上帝的话语时,一些总结性的评论可能会有所帮助。

1. Meditation is not the same as inductive study of the Bible, and its purpose is not preparation for teaching or preaching. As stated above, meditation is a devotional reading of the Scripture with the ultimate goal of drawing closer to God and Jesus. It is important to be clear about this distinction. (Both of these approaches are valuable for spiritual growth.)


2. Meditation, as is true with prayer, worship, or other religious exercises, will have limited value if the motivation of one’s heart is not right. David guides us here: “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the works of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you, my soul thirsts for you like a parched land” (Psalm 143:5–6). The basic orientation of David’s heart is one of thirst for God, a strong desire for communion with God through His Word. That should be true of us as well. If it isn’t, we can ask God to make it so.

二。如果一个人内心的动机不正确,冥想,就像祈祷、敬拜或其他宗教活动一样,其价值是有限的。大卫在这里引导我们:“我记念古时的日子,思想你所作的一切,思想你手所作的。我向你伸手,我的心渴想你,如干旱之地切慕你。”(诗篇 143:5-6)大卫内心的基本取向是对上帝的渴望,强烈渴望通过他的话语与上帝交流。我们也应该如此。如果不是这样,我们可以求上帝让我们如此。

3. Although communion with God through His Word is a mental activity involving focused thought, this communion is mediated by the Holy Spirit’s inward illumination of the Word. Thus prayer for the Spirit’s help is a vital part of the practice. Some days, this will be accompanied by an elevation of feelings, at other times, not ; but communion with God cannot be measured by one’s feelings.


4. As with many things, unless you believe meditation will be valuable to you, you probably won’t persist long enough to develop the practice and reap its benefits (especially if meditation is new to you). Look up the biblical passages that speak of meditation and ask God to help you see its importance and strengthen your desire to practice it. Then stick with it over time to gain the benefits.


5. Blaise Pascal observed that “all the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms.” He echoes David, who said, “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him” (Psalm 62:5). Meditation requires a measure of discipline to sit quietly before God. If we are convinced of the value of meditation, we must prioritize it in order to provide a foundation for discipline.

五。布莱斯·帕斯卡观察到,“生活中所有的烦恼都是因为我们拒绝每天在房间里静坐一会儿。”他呼应了大卫的话,“我的心哪,你要默默无声,专等候神,因为我的盼望是从他而来”(诗篇 62:5)。冥想需要一定程度的纪律才能安静地坐在上帝面前。如果我们确信冥想的价值,我们必须优先考虑冥想,以便

6. For many, a significant hindrance will be busyness. In today’s fast-paced, stress-filled, high-pressure world, life is hectic and time is at a premium. Meditation takes more time out of our already overloaded schedule. A.W. Tozer’s observation is helpful, “We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. 

六、对许多人来说,一个重大的障碍就是忙碌。在当今快节奏、充满压力、压力巨大的世界里,生活忙碌而时间宝贵。冥想会从我们本来就超负荷的日程中抽出更多时间。A.W. 托泽的观察很有帮助,“我们基督徒必须简化我们的生活,否则就会失去地球上和永恒中的无数宝藏。

Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today.” This highlights the need to find a time to meditate when you will not be in a rushed state of mind and feeling pressed to quickly move on to the next thing. 


7. I conclude with a summary of the basic steps given above (plus a few others) to guide your time of meditation: find a quiet place where you will not be distracted and allow twenty to thirty minutes for meditating. Bring your Bible, a notebook, and a pen. To avoid becoming drowsy, avoid beds, overstuffed chairs and sofas; sit in a chair with an upright back. Open your time with prayer, asking God to meet you. If you are new to meditation, start small — perhaps one time a week — and live with the text for the whole week, recalling and pondering it periodically.

第七。最后,我总结了上面给出的指导您冥想时间的基本步骤(以及其他一些步骤):找一个安静的地方,在那里您不会分心,并留出 20 到 30 分钟的时间进行冥想。带上您的圣经、笔记本和笔。为了避免昏昏欲睡,请避免使用床、软垫椅子和沙发;坐在靠背挺直的椅子上。用祈祷来开启您的冥想时间,祈求上帝与您相遇。如果您是冥想新手,请从小事做起——也许一周一次——并在整个星期内与经文一起生活,定期回忆和思考它。

 Most people find it helpful to memorize the text and read it aloud several times, which was the ancient practice and is still widely used today. 


Select your text from your daily Scripture reading or a passage that speaks to an important need or concern in your life. How large should the chosen text be? 从您每天阅读的圣经或与您生活中的重要需求或担忧相关的段落中选择文本。所选文本应该有多大?

Anywhere from one verse to several or possibly a brief parable or story of Jesus. Note anything that applies to your life, and resolve to make whatever changes are necessary. 可以是一节经文,也可以是几节经文,或者可能是耶稣的一个简短寓言或故事。记下任何适用于你生活的内容,并下定决心做出必要的改变。

Conclude your meditation by giving thanks to God. 通过感谢上帝来结束你的冥想。


Hear his voice. Have his ear. Belong to his body. Three seemingly unremarkable principles shape and strengthen the Christian life: listening to God’s voice, speaking to him in prayer, and joining together with his people as the church. Though often viewed as normal and routine, the everyday “habits of grace” we cultivate give us access to these God-designed channels through which his love and power flow — including the greatest joy of all: knowing and enjoying Jesus.聆听他的声音。用他的耳朵倾听。属于他的身体。三个看似不起眼的原则塑造并加强了基督徒的生活:聆听上帝的声音、在祷告中与他交谈以及作为教会与他的子民一起加入。虽然我们经常被视为正常和常规,但我们培养的日常“恩典习惯”使我们能够进入上帝设计的渠道,他的爱和力量通过这些渠道流动——包括最大的快乐:认识和享受耶稣。

 Devoting yourself to helping others become wholehearted followers of Lord Jesus Christ. 


A dramatic story of radical transformation, this sharing demonstrates that hope is not lost even in the most tumultuous of times, such as our own. 这是一个戏剧性的彻底转变故事,它表明,即使在我们这个最动荡的时期,也不会失去希望。

1. To God be the glory, great things He hath done,

So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,

Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,

And opened the life gate that all may go in.


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice!

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!

Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,

And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.)

2. Oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,

To every believer the promise of God;

The vilest offender who truly believes,

That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.


3. Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done,

And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;

But purer, and higher, and greater will be

Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see.


1. 荣耀归于上帝,他成就了伟大的事,









2. 哦,完美的救赎,用血买来的,





3. 他教导我们伟大的事,他成就了伟大的事,




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