Everyone is unique―that's well-established by now. I think we should all agree that each person is different, and each person's soul is different, too. No one would argue that Hitler's soul was the same as the saint's.
Everyone is unique--that's well-established by now. I think we'd all agree that each person is different, and each person's soul is too. No one would argue that Hitler's soul was the same as a saint's.
And think about rocks. There are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous―and so many types within each classification. there's a different story behind what went into forming each one. They look different, weather differently, and behave differently. You's be cautious, for example, climbing up a rock face of shale, because of its tendency to splinter―you woulb not want to lose your grip and fall to the ground.
Let's look at water: do all the bottled water companies think their offerings are the same? No; that's why high-end bottlers spend fortunes advertising their brands' singular benefits. And what if you compare a glass of drinking water to the water in the toilet bowl? Or to a puddle on the New Jersey turnpike. Or to a freshly melted snowcap on a pristine mountain. Or to the water in an aquarium or bathtub or swimming pool. They're all H2O. But are they all the same? Not a chance.
That's how it works with sugar. You can't lump together all the different types and say they're all bad. You can't say "sugar is sugar."
Yet that's what's happened in our culture. In recent years, certain important facts came to light about how the processed sugar that's added to so many foods--especially in the form of corn syrup --feeds obesity, viruses, fungi, cancer, and a myriad of other diseases. Suddenly a fire started in the collective health-care consciousness about all sugar. Natural and conventional doctors alike declared a well-intentioned war on it.
The innocent casualty was fruit.
Fruit has almost become a dirty word.
So much so that it's a little risky for me to even write this chapter.
It sounds silly, but it's true. Because what I reveal about fruit in the pages to come goes against current thinking. It goes against the conditioning of fruit fear.
There's a rapidly developing trend: millions of people who are struggling with their health all over the country visit doctors, practitioners, nutritionists, or healers and hear right off the bat, "Eliminate fruit from your diet."
Doctors who practice Eastern medicine will say fruit creates dampness in the body. Doctors who practice Western medicine will say fruit feeds Candida and cancer. Dieticians and nutritionist will say fruit contributes to diabetes. And physical trainers will say fruit will make you overweight or even obese.
That's because health professionals and medical communities associate fruit sugar with high-fructose corn sugar(HFCS), processed cane sugar, sucrose, lactose, and other sweeteners and sugars. They're telling people that fruit is contributing to their problems with Candida, mold, weight, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular systems, and even their teeth.
In truth, who eats that much fruit? In mainstream diets, it's become a novelty. While people may still have the occasional banana or lunchbox apple, more often fruit is an accompaniment to something else: the strawberries on strawberry shortcake, for instance, or a few glazed blueberries swimming in the butter, cane sugar, and lard of blueberry pie.
So are the millions of Americans who are sick with various illnesses unwell because of the occasional Granny Smith? Are millions of people with rotting teeth climbing into the dentist's chair for a root canal because of the clementine they ate at a holiday party? The reality is that even the average person who's concerned about sugar intake still consumes over 100 pounds of refined sugar a year.
The sugar(fructose) in fruit is not to blame for illness. It is not the same as HFCS or the sugar cubes at the diner.
Fruit is not making people sick.
I'm not saying that fructose that's been processed and separated from its fruit source is an ideal source of food. But fruit in its whole form, full of water and fiber-rich pulp, is the real deal for your health.
Fruit consumption in the U.S. has substantially declined in recent years. In 2000, each American consumed an average of 287 pounds of fruit per year, while by 2012 that had dropped to only 245 pounds a year, a nearly 15 percent decrease.
For the record, 245 pounds of fruit is not a lot. Let's put this in perspective: It's like eating only five cases of fruit in an entire year.
Do not get a pound of fruit confused with a pound of sugar. A pound of sugar is a pound of sugar. A pound of fruit is a unique blend of life- creating , life-saving, life-sustaining phytonutrients and other phytochemicals that stop disease and promote long life.
Fruit does not have that much sugar in it. Fruits are made up of living water, minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, other nutrients, pulp, fiber, antioxidants, pectin--and just a fraction of sugar. If we wanted to compare 100 pounds of refined sugar to the eqivalent amount of sugar you'd consume in fruit, we'd be looking at thousands of pounds of fruit.
Since 2012, the fruit-hating trend has been in full swing. We're likely headed toward a 40 percent decrease from that 2000 figure in per capita fruit consumption.
That's not supposed to be the trend.
Before refined sugar production and trade became a major industry that turned products like table sugar and HFCS into dietary staples, we relied on a critical source of life. That source was fruit. Since humankind began, we've depended on fruit, in all its varieties, for our survival. The Tree of Life was an ancient symbol of interconnection, fertility and eternal life-precisely because of this legendary tree's fruit. Fruit is a part of our essence, a basic element of who we are. We cannot survive without fruit on this planet. It outweighs the nutrition of any other food.
Yet the current "health" movement toward low-carb diets has put fruit on the endangered species list, with the goal of making it extinct.
Is this denial? Ignorance? Foolishness? We're not talking about uneducated people who are driving the trend. We're talking about smart, highly intelligent professionals with advanced degrees in medicine and nutrition. If they're advising patients to shun fruit, it must be because of their training, the mis information out there, or their their own selective interests.
Have you heard of book burning? If the anti-sugar war keeps up its momentum, fruit trees will be the next to go up in flames.
It's critical that medical communities start distinguishing between fruit sugars and all the rest. Otherwise, the war could be more dangerous than anyone realizes; it could result in other innocent casualties: womankind and the future of humankind.
That's because without fruit, fertility is at risk. Women are already up against infertility issues, and well-meaning doctors have no idea that when they tell women patients to shun fruit, they're contributing to women's struggles to conceive. A woman's reproductive system is like a flowering tree that requires the proper nutrients to bear fruit. And those nutrients come from, well, fruit.
Fertility―and overall health―depends specifically on the fructose and glucose that occur naturally in fruit, as well as the phytochemicals bonded to those sugars. A woman's reproductive system also relies on the dozens of antitumor, anticancer, antioxidants (and so many more components yet to be discovered by medical science) available only in fruit, as well as fruit's essential polyphenols, bioflavinoids, disease-stopping pectin, vitamins, and minerals. These elements help to stop polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pelvic inflammatory disease(PID), and an overextended reproductive system--examples of conditions that cause mysterious infertility.
It is for good reason that the bible mentions fruit over 300 times : because fruit is vital to the essence of who we are. Humankind exists because of the fruit we picked off trees since our species' beginning. It is what has allowed us to thrive on this planet Earth.
Fruits are vital for the essence that we are
For a good reason the sacred books such as the Bible mention the fruits some 300 times; this is because fruits are vital for the essence that we are. Humanity exists because fruits were picked from the trees since the beginning of our species.
The alchemy of fruits – introduction – Apples, happiness and light
In each culture, fruits have played a central role
In each culture, fruits have played a central role, for example in Asia the pears and the citrus fruits, in Russia the apples and the pears, in England grapes and sherries, in the Middle-East figs, dates and mangoes; just as in South America the bananas and the avocados, playing a vital role in health and culture. This is the origin of the importance of the consumption of fruits of the season.
Fruit is a divine word of wisdom. For thousands of years we have been using it in our language to express powerful truths, which up to this day have entered our language and prayers, such as: “And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus” or “a tree is known by its fruits” and "fruits of our labours." This leads us to connect on some level with its true meaning and with the wisdom that it gives to the spirit, the soul, the mind and the body.
We talk about fruit in terms of prosperity. In business, we talk about "fruitful" collaboration and projects coming to "fruition." Motivational gurus who teach about achieving financial freedom refer to "fruit of the loins." We warn against the dangers of "forbidden fruit" and settling for the "low-hanging fruit."
All this fruit in our daily language shows that we connect on some level with fruit's significance. When we only connect to fruit's meaning, though, it is like extracting the sugar-energy. Our human body is kept alive by blood glucose in the body systems. It's like getting only the sweet buzz 'deal' of a hit of processed fructose and none of the benefits of the fruit in its wholesome form.
For true mind-body-spirit-soul-heart wisdom, we need to incorporate real, unadulterated fruit into our diet. Only then do we start to walk the talk of all those phrases we throw and hear around. When fruit literally becomes part of who we are, our lives become that much more fruitful in essence.
Why avoid the food we were most meant to eat? eating whole fruit can make us whole again.
Each fruit that is still in the tree is a living food
A powerful exercise of connection and meditation with this deeper essence is to harvest fruits. It is a sacred act, of respect and gratitude to the consciousness of nature for the miracle of the food. Even if it is done just once in a lifetime, it will become an experience that will renew itself once and again, activating the healing of the soul.
Each fruit that is still in the tree is a living food, connected, through the roots of the plant, to the information of the water that lies in the depth of the Earth. If you pick an apple from a tree, for example, your cells resonate with the nature that surrounds it and peace will spread in the whole of your body.
{Excepts from pages 289-292, ↑ MEDICAL MEDIUM : Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal authored by Anthony William}
{page 293. Fruit Fear.↓}
Humans have been cultivating fruit for thousands of years, all over the globe. In Asia, peaches and citrus had historical significance. In Russia, apples and pears were central. In England, it was berries and grapes. In the Middle East, figs, dates, and mangoes held (and still hold) an important place. And in South America, bananas and advocados have always had a vital role in health and culture.
Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, fruit was a mainstay of the human diet. Once agriculture began and civilization and trade routes became established, it was the ones fortunate enough to have fruit delivered to them--emporers, kings, queens, dukes, earls, counts, barons, knights, and pharaohs--who lived the longest.
With access to fruit all year long, disease was not the problem for royalty that it was for people of lower status. Peasants and other common people had to live off grains, porridge, scraps of dehydrated meats, and some vegetables. They went much of the year without a single piece of fruit. As a result, they were plagued by nutritional deficiencies.
Scurvy, a disease that research has pegged as a vitamin C deficiency but is also a deficiency in other critical nutrients found in fruit (as yet undiscovered by science), was rampant in these lower classes. Many people also died of rickets eating away at their muscles and bones. Simple infections were life threatening, too, and noncancerous tumors that thrived off protein, fat, and grain were responsible for a great many people's suffering at this time in history--all because they didn't have access to enough fruit.
Meanwhile, the fortunte kings of the planet led longer healthier lives because of the sacrifices those below them made to bring them fruit from all over the world. They'd order up oranges like we can call for pizza delivery, and lo, the oranges would appear.
(By the way, there's more sugar in pizza than you will ever find in fruit.)
These rulers were constantly eating out of season, enjoying the best that other regions had to offer, and taking in hundreds of critical life- protecting nutrients.
Fruit Fear (2) ← Click To Read On ...
Everyone is unique--that's well-established by now. I think we'd all agree that each person is different, and each person's soul is too. No one would argue that Hitler's soul was the same as a saint's.
And think about rocks. There are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous―and so many types within each classification. there's a different story behind what went into forming each one. They look different, weather differently, and behave differently. You's be cautious, for example, climbing up a rock face of shale, because of its tendency to splinter―you woulb not want to lose your grip and fall to the ground.
Let's look at water: do all the bottled water companies think their offerings are the same? No; that's why high-end bottlers spend fortunes advertising their brands' singular benefits. And what if you compare a glass of drinking water to the water in the toilet bowl? Or to a puddle on the New Jersey turnpike. Or to a freshly melted snowcap on a pristine mountain. Or to the water in an aquarium or bathtub or swimming pool. They're all H2O. But are they all the same? Not a chance.
That's how it works with sugar. You can't lump together all the different types and say they're all bad. You can't say "sugar is sugar."
Yet that's what's happened in our culture. In recent years, certain important facts came to light about how the processed sugar that's added to so many foods--especially in the form of corn syrup --feeds obesity, viruses, fungi, cancer, and a myriad of other diseases. Suddenly a fire started in the collective health-care consciousness about all sugar. Natural and conventional doctors alike declared a well-intentioned war on it.
The innocent casualty was fruit.
Fruit has almost become a dirty word.
So much so that it's a little risky for me to even write this chapter.
It sounds silly, but it's true. Because what I reveal about fruit in the pages to come goes against current thinking. It goes against the conditioning of fruit fear.
There's a rapidly developing trend: millions of people who are struggling with their health all over the country visit doctors, practitioners, nutritionists, or healers and hear right off the bat, "Eliminate fruit from your diet."
Doctors who practice Eastern medicine will say fruit creates dampness in the body. Doctors who practice Western medicine will say fruit feeds Candida and cancer. Dieticians and nutritionist will say fruit contributes to diabetes. And physical trainers will say fruit will make you overweight or even obese.
That's because health professionals and medical communities associate fruit sugar with high-fructose corn sugar(HFCS), processed cane sugar, sucrose, lactose, and other sweeteners and sugars. They're telling people that fruit is contributing to their problems with Candida, mold, weight, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular systems, and even their teeth.
In truth, who eats that much fruit? In mainstream diets, it's become a novelty. While people may still have the occasional banana or lunchbox apple, more often fruit is an accompaniment to something else: the strawberries on strawberry shortcake, for instance, or a few glazed blueberries swimming in the butter, cane sugar, and lard of blueberry pie.
So are the millions of Americans who are sick with various illnesses unwell because of the occasional Granny Smith? Are millions of people with rotting teeth climbing into the dentist's chair for a root canal because of the clementine they ate at a holiday party? The reality is that even the average person who's concerned about sugar intake still consumes over 100 pounds of refined sugar a year.
The sugar(fructose) in fruit is not to blame for illness. It is not the same as HFCS or the sugar cubes at the diner.
Fruit is not making people sick.
I'm not saying that fructose that's been processed and separated from its fruit source is an ideal source of food. But fruit in its whole form, full of water and fiber-rich pulp, is the real deal for your health.
Fruit consumption in the U.S. has substantially declined in recent years. In 2000, each American consumed an average of 287 pounds of fruit per year, while by 2012 that had dropped to only 245 pounds a year, a nearly 15 percent decrease.
For the record, 245 pounds of fruit is not a lot. Let's put this in perspective: It's like eating only five cases of fruit in an entire year.
Do not get a pound of fruit confused with a pound of sugar. A pound of sugar is a pound of sugar. A pound of fruit is a unique blend of life- creating , life-saving, life-sustaining phytonutrients and other phytochemicals that stop disease and promote long life.
Fruit does not have that much sugar in it. Fruits are made up of living water, minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, other nutrients, pulp, fiber, antioxidants, pectin--and just a fraction of sugar. If we wanted to compare 100 pounds of refined sugar to the eqivalent amount of sugar you'd consume in fruit, we'd be looking at thousands of pounds of fruit.
Since 2012, the fruit-hating trend has been in full swing. We're likely headed toward a 40 percent decrease from that 2000 figure in per capita fruit consumption.
That's not supposed to be the trend.
Before refined sugar production and trade became a major industry that turned products like table sugar and HFCS into dietary staples, we relied on a critical source of life. That source was fruit. Since humankind began, we've depended on fruit, in all its varieties, for our survival. The Tree of Life was an ancient symbol of interconnection, fertility and eternal life-precisely because of this legendary tree's fruit. Fruit is a part of our essence, a basic element of who we are. We cannot survive without fruit on this planet. It outweighs the nutrition of any other food.
Yet the current "health" movement toward low-carb diets has put fruit on the endangered species list, with the goal of making it extinct.
Is this denial? Ignorance? Foolishness? We're not talking about uneducated people who are driving the trend. We're talking about smart, highly intelligent professionals with advanced degrees in medicine and nutrition. If they're advising patients to shun fruit, it must be because of their training, the mis information out there, or their their own selective interests.
Have you heard of book burning? If the anti-sugar war keeps up its momentum, fruit trees will be the next to go up in flames.
It's critical that medical communities start distinguishing between fruit sugars and all the rest. Otherwise, the war could be more dangerous than anyone realizes; it could result in other innocent casualties: womankind and the future of humankind.
That's because without fruit, fertility is at risk. Women are already up against infertility issues, and well-meaning doctors have no idea that when they tell women patients to shun fruit, they're contributing to women's struggles to conceive. A woman's reproductive system is like a flowering tree that requires the proper nutrients to bear fruit. And those nutrients come from, well, fruit.
Fertility―and overall health―depends specifically on the fructose and glucose that occur naturally in fruit, as well as the phytochemicals bonded to those sugars. A woman's reproductive system also relies on the dozens of antitumor, anticancer, antioxidants (and so many more components yet to be discovered by medical science) available only in fruit, as well as fruit's essential polyphenols, bioflavinoids, disease-stopping pectin, vitamins, and minerals. These elements help to stop polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pelvic inflammatory disease(PID), and an overextended reproductive system--examples of conditions that cause mysterious infertility.
It is for good reason that the bible mentions fruit over 300 times : because fruit is vital to the essence of who we are. Humankind exists because of the fruit we picked off trees since our species' beginning. It is what has allowed us to thrive on this planet Earth.
The alchemy of fruits – introduction – Apples, happiness and light
Fruits are vital for the essence that we are
For a good reason the sacred books such as the Bible mention the fruits some 300 times; this is because fruits are vital for the essence that we are. Humanity exists because fruits were picked from the trees since the beginning of our species.
The alchemy of fruits – introduction – Apples, happiness and light
In each culture, fruits have played a central role
In each culture, fruits have played a central role, for example in Asia the pears and the citrus fruits, in Russia the apples and the pears, in England grapes and sherries, in the Middle-East figs, dates and mangoes; just as in South America the bananas and the avocados, playing a vital role in health and culture. This is the origin of the importance of the consumption of fruits of the season.
Fruit is a divine word of wisdom. For thousands of years we have been using it in our language to express powerful truths, which up to this day have entered our language and prayers, such as: “And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus” or “a tree is known by its fruits” and "fruits of our labours." This leads us to connect on some level with its true meaning and with the wisdom that it gives to the spirit, the soul, the mind and the body.
We talk about fruit in terms of prosperity. In business, we talk about "fruitful" collaboration and projects coming to "fruition." Motivational gurus who teach about achieving financial freedom refer to "fruit of the loins." We warn against the dangers of "forbidden fruit" and settling for the "low-hanging fruit."
All this fruit in our daily language shows that we connect on some level with fruit's significance. When we only connect to fruit's meaning, though, it is like extracting the sugar-energy. Our human body is kept alive by blood glucose in the body systems. It's like getting only the sweet buzz 'deal' of a hit of processed fructose and none of the benefits of the fruit in its wholesome form.
For true mind-body-spirit-soul-heart wisdom, we need to incorporate real, unadulterated fruit into our diet. Only then do we start to walk the talk of all those phrases we throw and hear around. When fruit literally becomes part of who we are, our lives become that much more fruitful in essence.
Why avoid the food we were most meant to eat? eating whole fruit can make us whole again.
Each fruit that is still in the tree is a living food
A powerful exercise of connection and meditation with this deeper essence is to harvest fruits. It is a sacred act, of respect and gratitude to the consciousness of nature for the miracle of the food. Even if it is done just once in a lifetime, it will become an experience that will renew itself once and again, activating the healing of the soul.
Each fruit that is still in the tree is a living food, connected, through the roots of the plant, to the information of the water that lies in the depth of the Earth. If you pick an apple from a tree, for example, your cells resonate with the nature that surrounds it and peace will spread in the whole of your body.
{Excepts from pages 289-292, ↑ MEDICAL MEDIUM : Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal authored by Anthony William}
{page 293. Fruit Fear.↓}
Humans have been cultivating fruit for thousands of years, all over the globe. In Asia, peaches and citrus had historical significance. In Russia, apples and pears were central. In England, it was berries and grapes. In the Middle East, figs, dates, and mangoes held (and still hold) an important place. And in South America, bananas and advocados have always had a vital role in health and culture.
Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, fruit was a mainstay of the human diet. Once agriculture began and civilization and trade routes became established, it was the ones fortunate enough to have fruit delivered to them--emporers, kings, queens, dukes, earls, counts, barons, knights, and pharaohs--who lived the longest.
With access to fruit all year long, disease was not the problem for royalty that it was for people of lower status. Peasants and other common people had to live off grains, porridge, scraps of dehydrated meats, and some vegetables. They went much of the year without a single piece of fruit. As a result, they were plagued by nutritional deficiencies.
Scurvy, a disease that research has pegged as a vitamin C deficiency but is also a deficiency in other critical nutrients found in fruit (as yet undiscovered by science), was rampant in these lower classes. Many people also died of rickets eating away at their muscles and bones. Simple infections were life threatening, too, and noncancerous tumors that thrived off protein, fat, and grain were responsible for a great many people's suffering at this time in history--all because they didn't have access to enough fruit.
Meanwhile, the fortunte kings of the planet led longer healthier lives because of the sacrifices those below them made to bring them fruit from all over the world. They'd order up oranges like we can call for pizza delivery, and lo, the oranges would appear.
(By the way, there's more sugar in pizza than you will ever find in fruit.)
These rulers were constantly eating out of season, enjoying the best that other regions had to offer, and taking in hundreds of critical life- protecting nutrients.
Fruit Fear (2) ← Click To Read On ...
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