Sunday, January 14, 2018

Section IV. General Principles of PaidaLajin

Section IV. General Principles of PaidaLajin (Page 77 of 204)

What kind of people can benefit from PaidaLajin?

PaidaLajin is for everyone, regardless of gender or age. It is not a drug and does not target a specific illness; rather, it aims to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to automatically regulate Qi and blood flow, and prevent, diagnose and self-heal pains and illnesses.

Anyone can practice PaidaLajin, while gradually increasing the duration and intensity according to each person’s physique and health condition. Elderly people in their 80s or 90s experience very visible improvements after PaidaLajin. Gently patting an infant less than one year old is more efficacious than slapping an adult, because an infant has stronger Yang energy and fully accepts the positive energy from the slapper without the interference of culture and knowledge.

Many children and youngsters have more severe tendon stiffness and contraction than adults. It can be diagnosed from the intense pain they feel when doing PaidaLajin. They should start practicing PaidaLajin now rather than later on in life.

Duration and frequency of PaidaLajin

To heal faster, do more PaidaLajin; to heal slower, do less PaidaLajin. If you do not want to self-heal with PaidaLajin, then do not do it.

PaidaLajin is not a medical therapy. It is a simple and convenient
self-healing method. There is no absolute standard as to how long and how often a person should practice it. It depends on each individual’s age, health condition, personal needs, and other factors. We recommend Lajin in reclining posture for up to 10 minutes per leg each time. In fact, “the more, the better” applies to PaidaLajin practice, because it is not medication and has no side effects. Pains and other discomforts felt during and after PaidaLajin are good healing reactions. They should not be viewed in the same light as the side effects of medication. If you experience severe healing reactions or feel very tired, rest for a while, and drink some ginger and jujube tea. Continue to practice PaidaLajin and take it slowly after you have restored your energy.

1. Whether you are sick or not, and whether you have Sha during Paida, it’s best to practice PaidaLajin every day. It helps to prevent, diagnose, and self-heal illnesses. Sha is not the only signal of meridian blockages; pain and red swelling skin are also indicative of blocked meridians.

2. A long session of continuous PaidaLajin is better than several short sessions. It is more effective to slap a region longer, and to stretch each leg longer and with more weights.

3. When you have enough time, it’s best to slap a region for up to 30 minutes or slap it thoroughly before moving on to the next; if you do not have that much time, Paida 1–2 region(s) each day. A thorough Paida involves slapping until Sha appears, and continuing Paida until Sha fades away or totally disappears.

4. You can practice PaidaLajin anytime and anywhere, conditions

When is the best time to practice PaidaLajin?

As we often say, “Rome is not built in a day.” Illnesses are built up over time; likewise, it takes time to heal them. A person can get sick at any time of a day and any day of a year; PaidaLajin can be practiced at any moment of a day and in any season of a year. Anytime, anywhere.

Millions of people have shown that you can have good effects if you practice PaidaLajin anytime, anywhere, particularly patients with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, or other critical illnesses. It is very good to pat a baby even less than one year old, as long as you do it gently and with loving care.

But generally speaking, it is best to practice PaidaLajin in the morning when the Yang energy is rising. If you have a rich knowledge of Chinese medicine and do not mind the trouble, you can practice PaidaLajin according to the midnight-midday ebb flow of Qi in the meridian system. People have different rhythms in life and work, and they cannot all practice PaidaLajin at a certain time. As a saying goes, “Why choose the best time? Now is the time.”
Now is the time for PaidaLajin.

And don’t forget that your mindset is very important. With genuine
gratitude and repentance in the Heart, the healing effect will be even greater, for illness originates in the Heart, and the cure also comes from the Heart.

Can PaidaLajin be practiced in winter, the season for preserving energy?

According to Chinese medicine, winter is the season when we are
supposed to preserve our energy. People with some knowledge of Chinese medicine often ask, “Can PaidaLajin be practiced in winter?” The underlying assumption is that we should focus only on preserving energy and replenishing the deficiency in winter. Another question is: Which of the four seasons is the best time to practice PaidaLajin?

Our answer is that PaidaLajin can be practiced in winter. It can be
practiced in all four seasons, and at any time of the day.

The reasons are as follows: First, a person can get sick at any time.
Therefore, disease treatment can happen at any time; second, we should preserve good energy in winter, not toxic waste; third, PaidaLajin does both—removing the excess and replenishing the deficiency—which is automatically regulated and completed by the self-healing mechanism in us. This has already been elaborated in other sections of the book.

In short, PaidaLajin can be practiced almost anytime, anywhere. 

If you are 100% healthy, you can follow the seasonal health-keeping regime. But such people are very rare. The vast majority of people not only have health problems, but also can have illnesses that they are unaware of or cannot be detected by medical equipment. Such people are labeled as being in “sub-health” condition. “Sub-health” is a lack of good health. PaidaLajin can
be a more accurate diagnosis of whether a person is sick than medical checkups. The top priority for a patient is to have the diseases cured. If you get sick in winter, do you have to wait until the next spring to receive treatment? Do you have to wait until a minor illness worsens to a grave problem?

All diseases are caused by meridian blockages. Once the meridians are blocked, lumps, phlegm, tumors, and more form in the body. They exist in the body regardless of the time and season, why then should we heal diseases in certain hours and seasons, and not in others? Indeed, Chinese medicine advocates “preservation of energy in winter.” However, what should be preserved in winter are the “top quality fruits” we gather in autumn. When a person is sick, in addition to the visible tumors, lumps, and phlegm, there can be more invisible cold and toxic Qi in the meridian system, in the cells, organs, bones, and blood. Are we expected to preserve the waste, toxins, and negative energy in the body?

For a patient, whatever the time or season, the top priority is to dredge the meridians to detoxify and cure diseases. So PaidaLajin can be practiced at any time of a day, and in any of the four seasons.

More importantly, PaidaLajin is more than simple detoxification. It can turn toxins into nutrients. It enhances positive energy while getting rid of negative energy. This process of transformation serves the purpose of absorbing nutrition and positive energy. This is truly “preservation of energy.” Without the process of detoxification, elimination of cold-dampness, and turning waste  into nutrients, what is preserved in winter could be a pile of garbage and negative energy.

Moreover, by clearing away and transforming the waste and negative energy, PaidaLajin helps the body to make room for nutrition and positive energy; otherwise, they would have nowhere to be preserved. PaidaLajin works to boost positive energy and drive out negative energy. With abundant positive energy, the negative energy will recede, and the Yin-Yang energies can be gradually balanced. A healthy person is a well-balanced person. When the body is filled with negative energy, it is a waste of precious time for healing as we indulge in the discussion about “preserving energy in winter” and “removing the excess versus replenishing the deficiency.” It’s vital to boost the positive energy first, and then consider “preserving energy in winter.”

Seen from another perspective, winter is a cold season, and it is also a festive and feasting season for people of Chinese and other nationalities. The morbidity and mortality rates during this season can be higher than usual. Acute diseases occur more frequently, particularly stroke, hypertension, heart attack, and gastrointestinal diseases. At this time of the year, hospitals are often overcrowded. This is when there is a greater need for PaidaLajin. It helps a person rapidly relieve pains and self-heal diseases, and also lessens the pressure on hospitals. Of course, it is better to practice PaidaLajin in the other seasons—spring, summer, and autumn. When PaidaLajin is practiced conscientiously in these seasons, we will enjoy better health in winter. As it is inconvenient to slap directly on the skin in cold weather, use a Paida stick or other tools to slap on the clothes-covered body, and do more stretching on the Lajin bench.

Similar to the four seasons in a year, there are “four seasons” in a 24-hour day according to Chinese medicine. Where conditions permit, do more PaidaLajin in the morning when the sun is rising. However, some people only have time for PaidaLajin in the evening. Although the effect of PaidaLajin in the evening is not as good as practicing it in the daytime, it is still quite effective as long as it becomes a habit.

In fact, our first PaidaLajin workshop was held in the winter of 2010 in Beijing. Most of the participants were elderly patients with deficient Qi and blood. And yet the self-healing effect was quite remarkable, be it diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or various pains. (You can draw your own conclusion from the statistics in the book on a second Beijing workshop at the end of 2010.) Since then, we have conducted PaidaLajin workshops all year round in dozens of Chinese cities, and on major continents in the world. To date, we have had hundreds of workshops and thousands of participants have benefited. Now tens of millions of people around the world practice PaidaLajin in their daily life.

Is PaidaLajin suitable for elderly people, gravely ill patients, and those weak in Qi? 

Normally, gravely ill patients and elderly people suffer Qi and blood deficiency. Aging and diseases are caused by deficient Yang energy and excess of pathogenic substances in the body. The process of healing diseases is a process of removing the excess and replenishing the deficiency.

Many people assume that “taking nutritious foods and supplements” is the way to replenish the deficiency. They do not know that the best way to replenish the deficiency is to clear our meridians, because “smooth flowing meridians are the best nourishment.” Even experienced doctors of Chinese medicine are not able to grasp this point. In actual fact, differentiating between
excess and deficiency, exterior and interior, excessive cold and heat, and “removing the excess and replenishing the deficiency” are means to the ultimate goal of balancing Yin and Yang energies. Thousands of examples of clinical evidence show that, of all the people practicing PaidaLajin, whether at home or in a workshop, the majority of those with the best self-healing effect are elderly people, gravely ill patients, and those with deficient Qi and blood.
These include patients with diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, terminal cancer, and/or other chronic diseases. Some of them are in their 80s or 90s. Many of the beneficiaries of PaidaLajin are elderly patients who have more severe meridian blockages than others, and they are so deficient in Qi and blood that the body cannot absorb much nutrition. For these people in need of nutrition, it cannot be replenished right away. They need to clear the meridian blockages first, and then have nutritious food. And the best way to clear the meridians is to practice PaidaLajin. In other words, when the supply channels in the body are blocked, the nutrition and drugs cannot reach their destination. When the road is narrow or when there is a traffic accident, putting more vehicles on the road does not help. The pressing task is to clear the road.

From a scientific perspective, PaidaLajin can induce generation of
“endogenous medicine” in the body. Those with deficient Qi and blood could replenish the deficiency with the “endogenous medicine” and waste-converted nutrients produced through PaidaLajin. It has been proven in front-line scientific research that bones, joints, skin, muscles, and tendons are not only kinematic systems; they are the largest human endocrine system. When  practicing PaidaLajin, meridians, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nervous, and other systems will be gradually cleared; blood, organs, and body cells will be re-optimized. This not only enhances the immune system; biochemical substances that a person needs, i.e., “endogenous medicines” such as stem cells, insulin, adrenaline, enkephalin, and other hormones will also be automatically  produced. This is how diseases are self-healed. And it is a miraculous process of turning waste into treasure.

This is clearly explained in Chinese medicine. PaidaLajin replenishes Yang energy, which enhances the circulation. When aided with food therapy
(e.g., ginger and jujube tea), the body will have sufficient Yang energy, and
diseases are kept at bay. Smooth flowing meridians can enhance Yang energy, which acts as an anti-virus mechanism in the body that automatically removes viruses, tumors, and other diseases. When there is smooth flowing Qi in meridians, we can then replenish weak energy. Otherwise, nourishment entering the body may spur the growth of diseases instead of replenishing the body, because lumps, excess fat, and cancer cells, need nutrition to grow.

Whether you are elderly, gravely ill, or have deficient Qi and blood,
PaidaLajin can be practiced; however, it should be noted that the intensity should be increased gradually from gentle to heavy; and the duration be lengthened gradually according to your health condition and tolerance.

While practicing PaidaLajin and gradually clearing the meridians, drink some ginger and jujube tea. Then move on to rice, bread, congee, noodles, and other staple foods. These are simple and natural foods that can be easily digested and absorbed. We have eaten these foods for millennia, and they have proven to be the best choices for replenishing Qi and blood. Avoid taking drugs, and processed or canned foods. If you are a very weak patient and cannot keep up the practice of PaidaLajin, take a break and then continue.

Never force someone to practice PaidaLajin as either a giver or receiver. This can be counterproductive. PaidaLajin is a good self-healing method, but only when practiced voluntarily.

Can PaidaLajin kill bacteria and cure cancer?

This question is asked from the perspective of Western medicine. In Western medicine, antibiotics are used to kill bacteria. However, resistant varieties continue to develop. In response, more powerful antibiotics are produced and prescribed to destroy these new varieties. Humans and bacteria are dragged into a never-ending warfare and vicious cycle. Similarly, in the face of cancer, the mode of treatment in Western medicine is to kill cancer cells with chemotherapy, and to remove tumors in surgery. When antibiotics, surgery, and chemotherapy are used to kill them, the human body is treated as a lifeless machine without soul. What these treatments have in common is the focus on getting rid of the “problems,” while overlooking the root causes. The unintended consequence of such therapeutic principles and treatments is that they are covering up the problems instead of uprooting them.

In Chinese medicine, there is no such notion of destroying bacteria and cancer cells. Why kill them? Chinese medicine emphasizes balance and harmony. Bacteria are everywhere. You can find numerous bacteria in the air, water, plants, animals, in a person’s mouth, nostrils and internal organs, and in such foods as wine, butter, cheese, vinegar, and soy sauce. In short, bacteria have always been there, in and around us. It is impossible to kill them all in genocide. What humans can do is to maintain a balance between bacteria that are beneficial and harmful for us. Good balance contributes to good health. That is why in Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor Health Bible), a healthy person is referred to as “a balanced person.” As long as Qi and blood can flow smoothly in the body, there will be natural balance and peaceful coexistence of these bacteria. Yin-Yang equilibrium of the human body includes balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria.

Similarly, in Chinese medicine, the way to cure cancer is to identify the living environment, or root causes, of cancer cells first, then take measures to change the environment (the cause), rather than directly targeting the cancer cells (the effect). There can be a number of factors contributing to cancer; however, the fundamental cause is blocked meridians, which creates an environment conducive to the growth of cancer cells. There is an old saying that “running water is never stale and a door-hinge in use is never worm-eaten.” Chinese medicine does not simply cut, kill, or eradicate. It improves the environment in vivo, thus cold, phlegm, dampness, stagnations, and toxic waste melt away, and pathogenic organisms either change their nature or are excreted.

Cupping, massage, acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, and other therapies all work to dredge meridians. These therapies are mostly reliant on professionals. However, virtually everyone can practice PaidaLajin. For an ordinary person, the simplest and most effective way is to practice PaidaLajin to remove meridian blockages and enhance Yang energy in the body.
Tumors and masses are Yin in nature. As long as there is enough Yang energy and it can flow smoothly in the meridian system, the body is warmed up, and cancer cells can no longer exist in the changed environment. In winter, ice blocks may be hard as stones; when spring comes and the temperature (Yang energy) rises, they will melt and become water. As the temperature continues to
rise, water evaporates and clouds are formed. When clouds up in the air meet low temperatures (Yin energy), rain will fall. Ancient Chinese described the natural phenomena as “gathering to form a tangible substance and evaporating into the air.” The crucial factor is the temperature: whether it is warm or cold, in other words, whether a person has abundant Yang energy or not. The birth
and death of cancer cells follow the same law. In Chinese medicine, the verb Hua (化; pinyin: huà) is often used, which means “to change, to convert, to dissolve.” For instance, to Hua phlegm, dampness and stagnation; to Hua toxins into medicine, enemies into friends, and war into peace.

So, you see, whether phlegm, dampness, masses, bacteria, or cancer, PaidaLajin does not target them directly, instead, it focuses on the root causes. It does not attempt to cover up the problems, but to gradually reveal and resolve them. PaidaLajin stimulates our innate self-healing mechanism to dredge meridians, enhance Yang energy and change the environment of bacteria and cancer cells, making them convert into other substances that are then absorbed by other organisms or discharged out of the body. Diseases are self-healed when harmful and healthful cells and bacteria reach a balance. In this sense, PaidaLajin is natural, organic detoxification. And it is the self-healing mechanism that regulates how and how much toxic waste is excreted. What we do is only to activate this mechanism in us with PaidaLajin, just like starting the engine of a car with a key. That is all and that is enough.

Will PaidaLajin lead to the spread of bacteria and cancer cells?

Again, this question is asked from the perspective of Western medicine. No, PaidaLajin will not lead to their spread. It does not sweep cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria from one part of the body to another like garbage.

PaidaLajin may appear to be simple physical exercises; however, in
addition to tuning the vibration frequencies of all cells and organs in the body, PaidaLajin enhances the subtlest Qi (i.e., life energy), thus causing physical, biochemical, and psychological changes.

Cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria do not simply arise from
accumulated waste. When your body’s balance is broken, your body becomes conducive to the proliferation of cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria, and inhibits the growth of healthy cells (including stem cells) and beneficial bacteria. As a result, stones, tumors, and inflamed tissues, are formed. Many factors contribute to the overgrowth of cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria, but  ultimately, it is because meridian blockages are causing a stagnation of Qi and blood flow, similar to mosquitoes and other insects gathering around stale water. As long as meridian blockages are removed through PaidaLajin, creating an environment where “running water does not get stale,” cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria will die or change their nature. The result is organic,  holistic self-healing.

Advice for PaidaLajin promoters

Some people are eager to share PaidaLajin with others; however, they may face rejections. There are many reasons, and the main reason is that they themselves have not practiced PaidaLajin enough. They lack profound experience and are unable to deal with various questions and reactions. 

We advise that PaidaLajin promoters observe the following principles:

1. Self-healing with PaidaLajin follows the basic principle of voluntary practice. Share PaidaLajin with whoever is interested in and ready for it. Do not force anyone, including family members, relatives, and friends, to practice it. Do not force others to stop medication or other medical services.

2. Before sharing it with others, you must have practiced PaidaLajin and experienced self-help and mutual Paida. It’s best that you have read the manual PaidaLajin Self-Healing carefully, read most of the articles on our websites, and attended a 7-day workshop. Otherwise, you cannot understand the physiological and psychological changes in the recipient of Paida, adjust the intensity of PaidaLajin to suit personal needs, deal with healing reactions, and answer challenging questions.

3. Sometimes, people will slap others heavily in order to get more Sha out quickly, while disregarding the recipients’ pain tolerance. This is the mistake most often made by PaidaLajin promoters. When slapping others, move gradually from gentle to heavy Paida, especially when slapping a beginner. Otherwise the pain of Paida can make many people afraid and cause them to reject the self-healing method altogether.

4. Clearly explain the concept and phenomena of healing reactions, and how to deal with them; and explain that they are inevitable during the diagnostic, detoxifying, and self-healing process, and are indicative of good effect. Otherwise, many people will be frightened by the healing reactions and see the reward as punishment. They may even go to doctors who do not understand the PaidaLajin self-healing method, which could lead to more misunderstanding.

5. Do not take the appearance of Sha as the only criterion of effective Paida and thus satisfy your sense of accomplishment. This is because Sha is only one of the numerous healing reactions, and the location, color, and amount of Sha do not rely on the slapper’s will.

6. Like Sha, the pain felt during and after PaidaLajin is an indicator for diagnosing and self-healing diseases. No pains, no blockages. As long as you feel pain practicing PaidaLajin, even without the emergence of Sha, you should continue the practice to unblock the remaining meridian blockages.

7. Do not rigidly assume that the more pain a person feels when practicing PaidaLajin, the more effective the self-healing effect will be. Everyone’s understanding and tolerance of pain differs; and the intensity of Paida should be within the recipient’s tolerance. As long as the recipient feels it is too much pain, reduce the intensity of PaidaLajin.

8. When someone asks you a question that you cannot provide a correct answer to, do not attempt to answer it; instead, advise them to read the manual PaidaLajin Self-Healing, and visit our websites where PaidaLajin philosophy, Q&As, videos, and testimonials are available.

9. It’s possible to know PaidaLajin philosophy, but not follow the natural law in diet and other living habits, and not practice PaidaLajin actively, resulting in deteriorating health. Or you may pride yourself after learning PaidaLajin, but continue to worry about personal gains and losses, and constantly experience healing reactions in your own Heart. We advise nursing your own Heart before sharing PaidaLajin with others. Please understand that self-healing is holistic healing of the body, mind, and soul, and as a promoter, you should heal yourself first.

(Page 85 of 204)

Chapter IV Recommended PaidaLajin Regimes (Click Here)

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