Thursday, January 11, 2018

Full text (2) of "The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium"

 Hi Jim, 
I just wanted you to know that your MMS2 has 
recently cured a client of mine with diabetes. 
This was my first client who has been completely 
cured and proven by a blood test. 

I sell your mineral here in a small pueblo in Costa 
Rica and have not had the privilege of having 
blood tests done afterwards, but I have sold 
almost 40 bottles to date and those who weren't 
afraid and continued to take the Mineral were 
very happy with their results. 

I have also had another person with diabetes com- 
pletely cured last year, but he hasn't been back to 
the doctor yet for a blood test. 

Both clients have stopped their insulin shots, have 
had the blackening of their faces cleared and had 
their eyesight restored. The doctor of the client 
that has cured his diabetes recently was surprised 
at the results and asked my client how he cured 
himself. My client told him he was taking a 
mineral. I will go to meet with the doctor this 
coming month to discuss the MMS 2 with him. 

I am 2 for 2 with diabetes, Jim 


Michel, Costa Rica 


MMS Benefits Summary 

Following is what I have observed over the past 11 
years. Some of it is my opinion; however, I have 
discussed all of this information with medical 
doctors and they have agreed with me. But then, 
that is their opinion as well. So this is what 
appears to be happening in the body when 
activated MMS is ingested. 

Organisms Destroyed 

MMS destroys microorganisms, including viruses 
bacteria, fungus, molds, yeast, and parasites that 
causes various diseases. Viruses are killed by a 
different mechanism than bacteria and all the 
other microorganisms: MMS prevents the 
formation of special proteins necessary for viral 
growth, thus causing the destruction of the virus. 
The killing of disease-causing organisms generally 
takes between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but often 
less than one week. This is true for all forms of 
infection and other microorganisms, as well as 
blood diseases such as leukaemia

Heavy Metals Oxidized 

MMS oxidizes the heavy metals in the body. I 
believe this because there have been a number of 
tests where the roots of a person's hair were 
checked before and after taking MMS. About two 
weeks afterwards, the heavy metals were gone, 
including mercury, lead, and others. Testing the 
roots of hair is a good indication of the absence or 
presence of heavy metals. Oxidation of the heavy 
metals is not the same as chelating but the 
results are the same. When a heavy metal is 
oxidized, it is neutralized and simply washes 
out of the body. 

Foreign Matter Neutralized 

MMS is carried throughout the body, where it 
neutralizes foreign matter that is generally 
poisonous. When oxidized, poisons are neutralized 
and they merely washed out of the body. Almost 
all poisonous material is easily oxidized. These 
poisons are attached at various locations and 
hinder the body's function. As they are oxidized, 
they are detached and washed out of the body 
same as the heavy metals. 

Poisons Neutralized 

Most forms of poisons from snakes and other 
venomous animals 

Page 23. MMS Benefits Summary. 

are oxidized when adequate amounts of MMS are 
taken. Most food poisons found in restaurants or 
in your refrigerator are oxidized, which is why 
one should take a dose every 15 minutes when 
snake poisons or food poisoning is involved. 

Burns Healed 

The poisons generated by burns particularly type 
burns, are neutralized when covered 
immediately (or even within hours) with MMS. 
MMS should not be left on more than 5 minutes. 
It must then be rinsed off with water. This can be 
done twice for a total of having MMS on the burn 
for 10 minutes, no longer in most cases. But as 
long as there is pain, one can continue to put 
MMS on the burn for short periods, but never 
more than 5 minutes. 


Page 24. MMS Quick Reference Guide 

MMS Quick Reference Guide 

Always use an activator with each drop of MMS1 . 
Use 5 drops of lemon or lime juice or 10% citric 
acid, or one drop of 50% citric. Use 5 drops of 
vinegar in emergencies when lemon, lime, or 
citric acid are not available. See Chapter 12 for 
more on making MMS. See Chapter 13 for 
complete descriptions of protocols and how to 
use them. 

If diarrhea, nausea or fatigue is severe, stop MMS 
until they are gone. They are reactions to too 
much MMS so start again immediately but with 
smaller doses. Increase as soon as possible. Many 
find that eating a raw apple 15 minutes before 
taking MMS helps to prevent nausea. Or when 
nausea is present, eating an apple helps to over-
come it. It is best to pulverize the apple in a 
blender food processer before eating, but it must 
be fresh. 

MMS2 can be used at any time and can be used 
when MMS1 is not available. In very bad cases, 
always add MMS2 capsules to the treatment. It 
can also be used on the outside of the body. Open 
a capsule and dissolve the powder in an eighth of 
a cup of water (that's one ounce or 28g.) Use your 
fingers or a spray bottle to apply it to the 
affected areas. 

Basic Sequence of Actions For Healing 
With MMS 

Start with Protocol 1000 (Ch. 1 3, p. 62) if the 
person you plan to treat has a simple disease such 
as a cold or the flu, or even HIV/AIDS, or if there 
are undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, 
problems with walking, or other physical problems. 

Start with a quarter, a half, or one drop for the 
first hour, depending on how sick the person is. 
The sicker he is, the less MMS he should have. If 
the first dose does not cause a reaction, go to the 
next larger dose on the second or third hour. If 
that invokes no reaction, continue increasing until 
you have reached 3 drops on the fourth of fifth 
hour. Never go over 3 drops an hour on Protocol 
1000. Never go to the next Protocol if the person 
is improving. 

If no improvement on Protocol 1000 after two 
weeks, then go to Protocol 2000. 

Start with Protocol 2000 (Ch. 13, p. 68) if the 
person has cancer or 

Page 25. MMS Quick Reference Guide. 

a life-threatening disease such as Hepatitis or 
liver failure or is on dialysis. If dialysis is 
involved, start at an eighth of a drop per hour. 

If starting here, begin with a quarter, half, or one 
drop, depending on how sick the person is. 
Increase the drops per hour as fast as you can but 
without causing nausea or diarrhea. If possible, 
spray the cancer with 10 activated drops in each 
ounce of water once an hour for a few hours, and 
then once every two hours. As long as you can 
see improvement from spraying once an hour, do 
not stop. 

If there is no noticeable improvement with 
Protocol 2000 in a few days (5 or more), then 
add Protocol 3000 or add 3000 right away if 
you think it will help. 

Normally, do not start with Protocol 3000 
(Ch. 13, p. 72) but sometimes it might be 
indicated for a light treatment of MMS. 

Begin by spraying an arm with MMS. Use 20 drops 
of activated MMS for each ounce of water. This is 
twice the strength of MMS that is sprayed on the 
body for all other problems. Immediately add 
DMSO and mix by rubbing it in, as it is too strong 
if not mixed with DMSO. Be sure to see 
Chapter 13 for details. 

If there is still no slight improvement begin using 
the bag (Ch. 24, p.194). Never spend more than 
10 minutes in the bag. For maximum safety, only 
spend 5 minutes in the bag. 

You can also add the following: 

• Douche: Use 2 glasses of water or a quart with 8 
drops per glass (one drop per ounce, activated as 

• Skin spray: Use 10 drops per ounce (40 drops for 
half a glass of water). Spray any skin problem 
hourly and also take MMS by mouth. 

Never go to the next protocol if the patient is 


Remember - any time the patient seems to get 
worse or reacts to MMS with diarrhea, vomiting, 
nausea, or extreme tiredness, reduce the dose. 
Or stop until the reaction goes away, then start 
back at a lower dose. Never think it is alright to 
continue MMS when the person is feeling worse. 
Stop and wait until he is back to how he was 
when you started, and then start MMS again. 

Page 26.

• MMS Quick Reference Guide 

Some Common Situations 

• Asthma, heart problems, diabetes, epilepsy - 
Protocol 1000 

• Bad problems - Protocol 1000 

Cancer - Protocol 2000 which is taking MMS1 
hourly 10 hours a day, but use as many drops 
per hour as you can stand without getting nausea, 
diarrhea, or severe fatigue. Also take MMS2 
every 2 hours at the same time till well. See 
Chapter 13, (Protocol 2000). In cases where 
cancer is especially bad, also add Protocol 3000. 

Children and babies -- Use a half drop per hour up 
to 15 pounds of body weight. Use one drop per 
hour for over 15 pounds and each 25 lbs (12 kg) of 
body weight. Use Protocol 1000 or follow 
instructions for Protocol 2000 for cancer 
and other life threatening diseases. For Protocol 
2000 it is the same - use as much MMS as possible 
without making the child sick. 

Diarrhea not caused by MMS -- Protocol 1000 (3 
drops an hour). If the diarrhea is not caused by 
MMS, wait until it is gone. Drink lots of water. 

Ear ache - For an ear ache, put four drops in half 
a glass of water. Lie on your side, fill ear with 
liquid and pull on it to get liquid to the bottom. 

Eye infections - Make a 4-drop dose in a half glass 
of water then use 1 to 4 drops in the eyes 4 times 
day. Also add Protocol 1000 for best treatment 
of an eye infection. 

Flu -- Hourly 3-drop doses until well. Reduce the 
number of drops if nausea occurs and increase 
them when nausea stops. (Protocol 1000) 

High blood pressure -- Hourly 3-drop doses. 
Reduce the number of drops if nausea occurs and 
increase them when nausea stops. Continue one 
week after you are well. (Protocol 1000). 

HIV and AIDS - Take hourly 3-drop doses and 
reduce the number of drops if nausea occurs. 
Increase the number when nausea stops. Continue 
for 3 weeks. (Protocol 1000). 

Page 27.

MMS Quick Reference Guide 

• Incurable disease bad problems -- Use the 
cancer protocol (Protocol 2000). 

• Maintenance -- Older people (over 60) use 4 to 6 
drops a day. Younger people use 4 drops twice a 

• Malaria - For malaria, give a 15-drop dose; wait 
one hour; give a second 15-drop dose; then give 
6 drops each hour until well. 

• Malaria and cancer prevention -- Use 4 drops a 
day for life. 

• Medium problems -- Use 4 drops 4 times a day. 

• Nose and sinus problem - Make a 6-drop dose in 
half a glass of water. Lie down and put 6 drops in 
each nostril every few hours until well. Or use a 
quart of water with 32 drops of activated MMS in 
it. Rest your head down in the sink sideways and 
with a hot water bottle, use the hose to drain the 
water into the upper nostril and allow it to flow 
out of the lower nostril. Then turn your head over 
and do the same with the other side. 

• Sinus congestion -- Four drops in half a glass of 
water. Lie on your back and put several drops in 
each nostril; or drain several glasses to a quart 
through one nostril and out the other 4 or 5 times 
daily until the sinus congestion is gone. 

• Small problems -- Use 6 drops twice a day. 

• Skin sores and rashes -- Use 20 drops of 
activated MMS and add just a quarter of a glass 
of water. (That is 10 drops of activated MMS per 
ounce of water -- same strength as for all body 
sprays.) Spray on the affected skin or dab it on 
with your fingers. Do this 4 times a day or hourly 
if necessary. Also use Protocol 1000. 

• Sore throat -- Gargle with a 6-drop dose in 
half glass of water every 2 hours. Take 3-
drop doses hourly until well. (Protocol 

• Sores on the head -- Use a 1 0-drop dose and an 
eighth of a glass of water (10 activated drops per 
ounce of water which is the same strength as all 
body sprays). Spray or dab on the sores 4 times a 

• Staph infection -- Use 5 or 6 drops and activate 
in a container wide enough to cover the infection. 
Use no water, just the 

Page 28. MMS Quick Reference Guide. 

gas, but never for more than 5 minutes. Ten 
minutes will give you a bad burn. Position your 
body so that liquid does not leak out -- hold the 
container on the lower or side surface of a body 
part. The staph infection should be killed after 
one or two treatments. Wait 4 hours before 
applying a second treatment. (If you use a glass 
container that you can see through, you will be 
able to see the staph being destroyed.) Staph infections may cause disease due to direct infection or due to the production of toxins by the bacteria. Boils, impetigo, food poisoning, cellulitis, and toxic shock syndrome are all examples of diseases that can be caused by Staphylococcus. Staph infections are caused by staphylococcus bacteria, types of germs commonly found on the skin or in the nose of even healthy individuals. Most of the time, these bacteria cause no problems or result in relatively minor skin infections. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive, round-shaped bacterium that is a member of the Firmicutes, and it is a member of the normal flora of the body, frequently found in the nose, respiratory tract, and on the skin. 

Toothache and mouth problems - Make a 10-drop 
dose in half a glass of water. Brush your teeth and 
gums every hour until the toothache is gone and 
then twice a day until your mouth and gums are 
totally healthy. 

Other body sicknesses and problems - Of course 
there is not enough room in this book to list all 
body problems and sicknesses, but please use the 
problems listed above to guide you in treating 
your individual problems, and of course see all 
the other instructions in this book. 


Page 29. MMS Quick Reference Guide 


I had the worst case of e-coli the doctors had ever 
seen. They gave me every pill in the book and had 
me do intravenous four times. They did a PICC 
line [Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter] and 
gave me two shots twice a day at a thousand 
bucks each time. I told the doctor off so then he 
got mad at me and said I would have to take a 
low dose antibiotic the rest of my life. 

It took four years to get to that point. Then I 
started taking MMS. It only took one month to six 
weeks and the e-coli was gone. Thanks for your 

Larrie, Las Vegas.

Page 30. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble. 

Somehow I have developed numerous critics all 
around the planet. I thought in the beginning and 
for some time that critics would care about truth, 
common sense, logic, or common decency. And I 
also thought that radio stations, TV news casts 
and internet news casts would have some 
consideration about these same things. But no, 
none of these critics have shown the slightest 
consideration in those directions. 

There are basically two kinds of critics. 

1 . Those who are lying and know they are lying. 

2. Those who believe their own rhetoric and are 
unwilling to check what they are saying. 

The critics who lie about MMS are in some way 
connected to the pharmaceutical companies by 
money. They are the ones that are talking to the 
public through TV, radio, and the internet or they 
are doctors who dispense drugs of some kind. The 
doctor makes money from the drug. They are also 
the commentators and the writers of the news. 
They are among the evil people of this world, as 
they prevent thousands from being relieved of 
their suffering, or they cause them to die when 
they could have lived out a good life. 

About Decency 

Five million people have used MMS. Jim Humble 
has treated more than 5000 people personally. 
Several hundred thousand lives have been saved. 
But what if MMS didn't work and no one had been 
saved? Would it not still be common decency to at 
least say, "I don't know, but I'll at least check MMS 
out." If MMS does work and you tell people it 
doesn't, they will go away and continue to suffer 
when that isn't necessary. It would be common 
decency to consider one's responsibility to others. 
If you talk off of the top of your head without 
checking the data, and your data is wrong, you 
can cost someone their life or cause much 
suffering. Being responsible for what you say 
concerning things such as MMS is just common 

However, decency has not been a priority. All 
critics have refused to check the facts. A decent 
critic would have: 

• Read the chemistry instead of assuming that 
they know it; 

Page 31. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble. 

• Checked one or two people who claim to be healed; and/or 

• Tried it for themselves. 

About Truth 

When someone just begins talking because he 
thinks he knows the truth about something 
without checking, especially something that 
affects people's lives, it shows he cares little for 
the truth and little for people's lives, and he 
thinks that somehow he knows the truth about all 
things. If he didn't think that, he would not act as 
if he knows all things and does not need to check 
the truth. All the critics have acted in this way. 
That is true because those who have checked the 
truth are no longer critics. 

About Common Sense and Logic

My books and the internet contain common sense 
about chlorine dioxide (that's MMS) that will tell 
you right off the bat that MMS works. One might 
not blame too heavily an uneducated yokel (an 
uneducated and unsophisticated person from the 
countryside)from Alabama for not understanding 
the logic, but people with doctor's degrees should 
have the decency and intelligence to at least use 
common logic in their critical remarks. But again, 
all the critics have refused to look at the common 
logic of it because that means that they would 
have to read some chemistry. Either that, or, as 
mentioned above, they are connected to the 
pharmaceuticals in some way by money. 

So let me just cover several points of logic that 
the critics refuse to observe. Someone once said 
that there is no one more blind than those who 
won't see. And of course the critics fit that 
description exceptionally well. 

You may ask at this point, why do you include all 
critics? Might some of them be right? Well, the 
point is: 

• All critics who have checked their data are no 
longer critics! 

Those who refuse to see are still critics and that 
includes the educated ones, doctors and scientists 
as well as yokels. I have successfully treated 
more than 5000 sick people, yet I have medical 
doctors telling me that I am lying and they know 
I am a liar. 

I want to say a little about the logic of MMS and 
ask you to use your plain old logic which I call 
just common sense. You would think that the 
critics would have found something that it 
makes sense to criticize, but no, they don't 
seem to care about making sense. 

Page 32. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble.

The Critics' False Claims

Critics' False Claim #1 

There is no way that MMS (chlorine dioxide) can 
differentiate between pathogens and beneficial bacteria. 

The critics seem to grasp on to this notion with 
extreme force and without checking anything but 
their own beliefs. 

Fact #1 

There are differences between pathogens and beneficial bacteria. 

• Pathogens create a waste material that is 
poisonous to the body. That's why they make 
you sick with a disease. Many of them will 
eventually kill the body with their waste 
poisons (that is their disease). On the other hand: 

• Beneficial bacteria do not generate any 
poisonous material. Wouldn't you believe that a 
little logic would at least make you think there 
might be a way of differentiating between the 
two different kinds of microorganisms? One 
generates a poison and the other does not. 

Fact #2 

All organisms and body cells and even liquids have 
an ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) that can 
be either positive or negative. The ORP is the 
electrical charge that cells exert on other things 
in their immediate environment. Oxidizers also 
have an ORP, mostly called Oxidation Potential, 
and all oxidizers have a positive potential. Now 
an interesting point: 

• All pathogens (poison producers) have a negative ORP; and 

• All beneficial bacteria have a positive ORP. 

The Fact #2 paragraph above is the data; now 
let's look at the logic of it. 

• Oxygen runs through the body killing many of 
the pathogens but not killing any of the 
beneficial bacteria. 

Every day the body uses oxygen to kill many of 
the pathogens that cause inflammation. The 
oxygen is positively charged. The beneficial 
bacteria are positively charged. 

Page 33. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble. 

Now isn't that funny. For thousands of years, 
oxygen has been destroying pathogens while 
leaving beneficial bacteria unaffected, and not 
one single critic leaps up and proclaims that 
nature is lying and just trying to make money off 
the ignorant. But the fact is: 

• If oxygen couldn't kill pathogens without killing 
beneficial bacteria, life would not exist as we 
know it on Earth today. 

• The chemistry of MMS (chlorine dioxide) is 
more likely to kill pathogens and not kill 
beneficial bacteria than oxygen. 

Remember your high school science class, 
"Positive charges repel one another." Thus the 
oxygen never touches the beneficial bacteria 
and thus the beneficial bacteria are not destroyed. 
On the other hand, pathogens have a negative 
ORP. Remember the rule that opposite charges 
attract one another. Thus the pathogens are 
attracted to the oxygen and are destroyed instantly. 

Consider this: like oxygen, MMS (chlorine dioxide) 
is an oxidizer except it has a much lower 
oxidation potential. The logical point is that the 
chemistry is similar and it will not kill the 
beneficial bacteria because they are positive and 
MMS is positive. It repels the beneficial bacteria. 
And like oxygen, it does kill pathogens. Because 
of its positive charge, it is attracted to the 
negative poison generated by the pathogens in 
the same manner as oxygen is attracted to the 
pathogens. And like oxygen, it also destroys 
some of the poisons generated by the pathogens. 
Health enthusiasts have proclaimed the benefits 
of oxygen for a hundred years, and one of their 
basic facts is that oxygen destroys poisons. 

Another point of chemical data and logic: Human 
tissue cells also have a weak positive charge. This 
gives MMS an advantage over oxygen: 

• Because it is a much weaker oxidizer than 
oxygen, with a much lower oxidization potential, 
it can sink deeper into the tissues than oxygen 
before it is destroyed by oxidation. Because it can 
go deeper into the tissues, it kills more pathogens 
than oxygen. 

Critics' False Claim #2 

Since MMS (chlorine dioxide) is considered to be 
industrial bleach and an oxidizer, it must diesel 
through the body, killing pathogens and also 
destroying tissues, doing much damage. MMS is 
28% MMS chemical and thus is as strong as an 
industrial bleach.

Page 34. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble.

The critics love referring to MMS as a "bleach". 
They hope to create an image of a person 
chugging down a bottle of Clorox. 

Factual Point A 

Any chemical on earth is poisonous in large 
quantities. In large quantities, table salt will kill you. 

Factual Point B 

Only 3 drops are normally used in a dose of MMS. 
Those three drops are diluted 675 times so 
instead of a 28% solution they make a 0.00004% 
solution. I hope you understand percentages as 
that is about one tenth the amount of chemical as 
the amount of salt that you would put on your 
dinner. For extreme cases of cancer, one might 
use up to half the amount of MMS chemical as 
salt you would put on your dinner, or about a 
0.00008% solution in half a glass of water. 
Sorry critics, but this small dose cannot 
damage the body. 

Factual Point C 

Chlorine dioxide has never anywhere in the world 
been used as a household bleach or a toilet 
cleaner or as any other kind of a household 

♦ Chlorine dioxide is not the same thing as Clorox 
and it is used only in industry 

Factual point D 

Approximately 5 million people have used MMS. 
All the claims of liver damage and other body 
organs are pure fantasy. No such damage to the 
liver has ever been recorded. Remember, body 
cells repel from MMS. 

For one hundred years, MMS (chlorine dioxide) has 
been used in industry. Over all those years critics 
cannot produce one single study showing damage 
to a human body by chlorine dioxide unless it was 
extremely concentrated chlorine dioxide 
thousands of times more potent than MMS. 

• There are less than five cases of body damage 
known for extremely concentrated chlorine 
dioxide and no deaths. 

The only thing critics can point to are 
speculations by doctors who do not understand 
the chemistry of chlorine dioxide. None of the 
doctors that are being critics have read the 
chemistry of chlorine dioxide. They show their 
ignorance with every point they make. 

Page 35. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble.

Factual point E 

The walls of your intestines, various organs, blood 
vessels, and even your skin are at least 1/32 of an 
inch thick. The walls of a pathogen, that is, its 
outer covering membrane, are about one ten 
thousandth of an inch thick. That is at the very 
least 1 000 times thinner than the walls of body 

Do you see any difference there? The extremely 
diluted solution of MMS tears through a 1/10,000 
inch pathogen cell wall instantly, but obviously 
can't affect a wall thousands of times thicker- and 
remember the body wall is going to repel MMS 
while the pathogen wall is going to attract it. 
Only in accidental cases will the MMS happen to 
hit against an organ wall and the destruction of a 
single cell will not be noticed by the body. 

But even if everyone one of those MMS molecules 
in a dose of MMS hit the sides of body organs, or 
even if all of them hit only one organ, it still 
wouldn't do enough damage to make a difference. 
Do you see the logic here? 

• A couple of grains of 0.00008% MMS (chlorine 
dioxide) solution is too weak to damage the body. 

Critics' False Claim #3 

A woman in Australia died of 2 drops of MMS. It 
was reported in the local paper as a suspicious 
death but every critic reports it as a fact. 

Factual point 1

The news report wasn't published until a year 
after the death. I have given 2 drops to a 
mouse and it didn't kill him or even make him 
sick. The autopsy report wasn't published. 
Maybe it said that she died of MMS and 
maybe it didn't. If it did, it was a lie, but I 
doubt that it was reported in that way. 

MMS lasts in the body for less than 1.5 hours, by 
which point it has turned into table salt and 
discharged oxygen which becomes carbon dioxide. 
There is not enough of either one of those things 
to record. 

Three drops diluted 675 times would be about a 
0.00004% solution in half a glass of water. 
Somebody said that the type of damage caused 

Page 36. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble. 

by chlorine dioxide can be determined and that it 
had been found in her body, but again that is a 
lie. The only damage that chlorine dioxide 
creates is oxidation and absolutely nothing else. 
Chlorine dioxide turns into table salt and 2 drops 
of sodium chlorite make only about 5 grains of 
salt. The best scientific equipment known to man 
cannot trace 5 grains of table salt after two 
weeks in a body, as that salt is distributed 
throughout the body and cannot be detected. 

Once the oxidation is done, one cannot tell if it 
was done by oxygen or by chlorine dioxide, or 
for that matter, by hydrogen peroxide or ozone. 
There is no way that anyone could have 
determined that the woman died from two drops 
of MMS. It could have been oxygen and probably 
was, since there was 10,000 times as much 
oxygen in her body as MMS. But the most likely 
thing is that the death wasn't even caused by 
oxidation. So you see there is no logic to blaming 
it on MMS, or on oxygen for that matter. 

Critics' Avoidance of an Alarming Fact 

900,000 people die from drugs in the USA alone 
every year and pretty much the same number for 
the rest of the world. 

All the critics seem to totally refuse to admit or 
confront this fact. That is more than a million 
times more deaths recorded worldwide for drugs 
than for MMS and no-one worries about those 
deaths. None of my critics jump up and say, 
"These drug companies are just after money." In 
fact the critics that I have talked to seem to think 
it is OK that these people die. It just isn't OK for 
MMS because I am supposedly making money 
from selling MMS. 

But the fact is that I am not. I am the Bishop of 
the Genesis 2 Church. The Church furnishes my 
apartment and food in the Dominican Republic 
but pays me no salary. We make no money from 
the sales of MMS. The Church income is from 
seminars and the sales of DVDs, and this keeps 
the Church movement going. When I die, the 
next Bishop will take over and nothing of the 
Church will go to my relatives. I am a 
Corporation Sole, but recorded from the time of 
Christ rather than in any present country. 

Lack of logic is that: 

♦ It is OK for many people around the world to 
die from drugs because those drugs are helping 
some other people. 

Page 37. Critics of MMS and Jim Humble 

My critics, some of them, actually said this to me. 
But that is not logic - that is stupidity. It is evil. 
The fact is that none of those people needed to 
have died. The idea that it is OK to kill thousands 
of people in order to help some others is beyond 
ridiculous, but doctors buy this logic, and the 
public has become accustomed to it. 

On the other side of the coin, critics of all kinds 
have been stating that MMS must be stopped 
because it might hurt someone. At the same time, 
they have refused to look at the fact that MMS 
has healed hundreds of thousands. That, they say, 
is just anecdotal information. But the fact is that 
anecdotal information coming from thousands of 
people is very useful. Does anybody see any 
illogic here? It's OK for drugs to kill thousands, 
but we have to stop using MMS in case it hurts 

Some Logic for a Change 

You should know that in all the world, with 5 
million people who have used MMS, only one person has ever been reported as dying while on an MMS protocol and that person was simply too sick from the beginning to be helped. But my people have got to try -- as I always say: "Never give up on anyone, no matter how bad off they appear." In this one case, we tried but failed. 

I hope this evaluation of critics has enabled you to learn a little about the MMS chemistry, and that now you will not be fooled by the critics' smoke and mirrors. Please see our MMS World Court website at for ongoing responses to current and future statements made by critics. Please see our website for ongoing responses from Jim Humble to the FDA and their cohorts. 

For more detailed data concerning the chemistry 
of MMS and why it works in the body without 
doing damage, please see Chapter 20 . 


Page 38. Safety Precautions 

When Your Problem Doesn't Clear Up Right Away 

(Consider biofilms) 

Many people call and tell me they've been taking 
12 drops of MMS twice a day for weeks, but when 
they go to 14 drops they develop terrible diarrhea. 
Well, we don't do that anymore. We normally do 
Protocol 1000 or 2000 or any of several other 
protocols. Please see Chapter 13, MMS Protocols . 

There is a reason why people develop diarrhea or vomiting or other symptoms for a short while. Some alternate health practitioners talk about biofilms that form in the body and they have pretty much proven that such films do happen and often exist simultaneously in various places of the body. Biofilm even exists in industry, in many areas such as water cooling towers. The film is a form of heavy mucus that covers an area and covers or protects pathogens embedded in the mucus. MMS destroys the biofilm and uncovers or releases the pathogens in it and of course then destroys those pathogens. It might take days or weeks, or even months, to completely destroy a biofilm, but it eventually happens. 

After all, you are only using a few drops each day, 
and those few drops only contain a couple of 
milligrams of chlorine dioxide. You may have 
thousands of times more stuff that needs to be 
oxidized than a few drops can handle, but MMS 
is working on it. The fact that you get sick or 
have diarrhea when you take a heavier dose 
proves that it is oxidizing the stuff and your body 
can only throw off a certain amount each day. If 
you give it more to throw off than it can handle, 
then it will get violent with vomiting or diarrhea 
or both. 

Keep the dosage up, but just under the nausea 
level. You will eventually get there. Just know 
that it is working as long as it makes you sick 
when you take too much. When increased doses 
quit making you sick, you will be well. Some 
diseases result in much heavier loads of bacteria 
and viruses. It can take a while. Don't get 
discouraged; just keep at it. See Chapter 15, 
Signs That MMS is Working. 

Page 39. Safety Precautions. 


• Do not allow children to use MMS unsupervised. 

• Do not allow MMS to sit in direct sunlight, even 
if it is in a coloured bottle, as the heat will create 
pressure in the container which could cause the 
bottle to rupture and cause severe burns. MMS 
that has sat in direct sunlight can cause very 
painful burns and it is dangerous. If such an 
accident happens, fill a sink with water and hold 
the bottle under water when opening it to 
prevent acid from spraying out and causing burns. 
The water will prevent spraying and burns. 

• Never allow full strength MMS to remain on your 
skin for more than several minutes, as it can 
cause mild chemical burns (that will disappear 
in a few hours but can be very painful). 

• Never use MMS full strength (unactivated or 
undiluted), especially taking it by mouth. There 
is an exception to this rule, which is treating 
insect bites (see Insect Bites in Chapter 14). 

• Never allow MMS to sit in an open container or a 
clear bottle. It is the color of water. Someone 
could drink some, thinking it is water. That has 
already happened to several persons and one was 
in the hospital several weeks. Your system cannot 
process full strength MMS. However, should that 
happen, or if someone called you telling you they 
drank some, always recommend drinking water, 
lots of it, and allow them to throw up. Have them 
continue drinking water until they no longer throw 
it up. 

• Do not allow MMS to sit where it is available to 

• Do not allow the MMS to dry once it drops on 
the floor as your shoes can produce enough 
friction to set it on fire like a match. 

Review of Dosages

MMS seems to be effective against most diseases. 
We have continued to find that taking MMS hourly 
is more effective than any other way. I have 
mentioned this fundamental principle in a number 
of places. See Chapter 13, MMS Protocols , where 
Protocols 1000, 2000, and 3000 give the details. 

Page 40. Safety Precautions. 

Antidotes For Too Much MMS 

If someone has taken a large dose of MMS and 
suffers from nausea, it is possible that drinking a 
glass of cold water may handle the nausea. If this 
does not work, add 1,000 to 5,000 mg of vitamin 
to a glass of water and drink. Sodium 
bicarbonate also acts as an antidote. Use a level 
teaspoon of bicarbonate or take an Alka-Selt-zer 
tablet in a glass of water. 

• If you use the vitamin C, do not also use the 
sodium bicarbonate or Alka-Seltzer. Use either 
one, but not both. 

While it is possible to drink as much as several 
tablespoons of un-activated MMS straight from 
the bottle, doing so would make you very sick. In 
the event of an overdose of MMS (sodium 
chlorite) — you have consumed more than half a 
teaspoon of MMS — you should immediately 
begin drinking as much water as possible. It is 
best to add a half teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate 
to each glass of water but if you don't have it, 
don't wait for it. Drink water right away. 

Allow yourself to vomit after drinking the water, 
then repeat the process. Be sure to see a doctor 
or emergency poison clinic and explain that you 
have taken a sodium chlorite solution in excess. 
Normally, however, once you quit vomiting, you 
should be OK. 

Do Not Overdose 

Whether you are treating yourself or someone 
else, too much activated MMS will make the 
body react uncomfortably: 

• Nausea 

• Vomiting 

• Diarrhea 

• Severe fatigue 

You may experience any or all of those reactions. 
They are normal when you have taken too much 
MMS at one time. It has done its job and killed 
pathogens but the body cannot dispose of the 
dead pathogens quickly enough. Their presence 
in your body causes these temporary reactions. 
A severe overdose of MMS could be 
life-threatening. Please see the Antidotes 
section above. 

Some people are so eager to cure themselves that 
they do take too much MMS and decide to 
tolerate the discomfort in the interests of speed. 
Or they have the famous "no pain, no gain" 
attitude, assuming that if they aren't feeling bad, 
nothing is happening. Either way, this is a mistake. 
There is no need to push yourself so hard. As long 
as you are taking MMS according to the protocol 
you are following (see Chapter 13 ), you can be 
confident that it is working and your body is 
gradually being freed of its load of toxins and 
pathogens. Pain and discomfort rob you of the 
energy needed to heal and cause the healing to 
go slower, not faster. 

Page 41.

Safety Precautions 

You need to determine how much MMS you can 
take in each dose to stay just below the level of 
those four reactions (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 
and fatigue). Each time a pathogen is killed, it 
releases toxins into the body and you need time 
to clear them out of the way to make room for 
the next wave of dead pathogens. 

• When using Protocol 2000 , try to determine 
your individual balancing point, where you are 
taking the maximum amount of MMS you can 
tolerate without suffering unduly from those 
four reactions. 

• In Protocol 1000 , never go over 3 drops per hour. 

Gradually, you can nudge your dose upwards and 
if you have cancer, you should try to nudge it 
upwards, as viruses are harder to kill than 
bacteria. As the body clears out, the higher doses 
will not cause any reaction and you can nudge 
them up a little higher until you are well, but only 
when using Protocol 2000. 


Page 42 .

What Is MMS? 

MMS is a unique chemical oxidizer that has the 
ability to enter the body, kill pathogens that are 
causing diseases, and touch absolutely nothing 
else. ( Please read Chapter 20 , Chemical 
Explanation of MMS and Other Data for Laymen 
and Scientists.) There is an exception to this 
statement -- MMS also destroys heavy metal 
compounds in the body, and many different poisons. 

MMS, in the strength used to kill pathogens, can 
move through the stomach, through the blood, 
and through various other organs, and cause no 
reaction or damage of any kind. It does not affect beneficial bacteria. The reason for this unique 
ability is that the MMS chemical is a very weak 
oxidizer with an oxidation potential of plus 0.95 

• The body also has a positive oxidation potential 
and positive charges repel one another. 

• MMS is basically neutral to the body, to 
beneficial bacteria, and to medical drugs. 

The body's positive charge is much weaker than 
that of MMS and thus there may be an 
accidental collision on occasion which would 
destroy a cell, but not enough to make a 
difference. MMS is a much weaker oxidizer 
than oxygen and thus cannot even do the 
damage that is often attributed to oxygen. 

Chemically speaking, there is nothing in the body that can be oxidized by the MMS chemical in the low concentrations that are used. The low concentrations are less than 0.00008%. 

The only thing that MMS can do in the body is kill 
disease. It is used by the immune system which, 
of course, kills pathogens, and causes the death 
of viruses by preventing them from forming 
certain proteins. 

The body itself produces this same chemical 
because of its unique properties and has been 
using it for hundreds of thousands of years. It can 
kill pathogens of all kinds and remain in the body 
without doing any damage to it. However, 
because of the energy required to manufacture it 
and because it remains in the body for only one to 
one-and-half hours before breaking down, the 
body often comes up short. MMS supplies the 
body with extra chemical so for a short while, the 
immune system has plenty to use as needed. 

Page 43. What is MMS? 

After the one to one-and-a-half hours, a dose of 
MMS turns into a couple of grains of table salt. 
It's not enough salt to affect salt-free diets or to 
even notice. There are also a couple of 
discharged oxygen atoms that just become a part 
of the body's water or carbon dioxide. 

Chlorine Dioxide 

The chemical (mineral) that is generated by MMS 
is chlorine dioxide. Now please do not become 
concerned that this means it is somehow chlorine. 
It is no more kindred to chlorine than table salt, 
which as you know, is made of chlorine. Chlorine 
dioxide has been used to purify water for 80 years 
and has been sold in chemical form in health food 
stores for 80 years in the form of sodium chlorite, 
known as stabilized oxygen. 

When we mention Master Mineral we are referring 
to the mineral chlorine dioxide which is derived 
from sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite is found in 
the natural mineral state many places in the 
world; however, normally it is cheaper to 
manufacture it than to mine it. Still, it is 
considered to be a mineral in either case, and in 
fact, anything that is not animal or vegetable is a 
mineral. Keep in mind that sodium chlorite and 
table salt sound almost the same. It is sodium 
chloride that is table salt. Note the last two 
letters of the word chloritand chloride. 

There is some controversy concerning the concept 
that the body generates chlorine dioxide. It has 
been stated both that it does and it doesn't 
generate chlorine dioxide. However chlorine 
dioxide is often detected in the body when one 
has not had contact with any known source. It is 
moot point, as the diseases are destroyed when 
MMS (chlorine dioxide) has been added to the 

If you would like a more complete explanation of 
the chemistry of MMS and chlorine dioxide, 
please see Chapter 20 . 


Page 44. General Procedural Information.

Acids That Can be Used to Activate MM5 

Most of the mineral acids and many of the organic 
acids can be used to activate MMS. However: 

There is one mineral acid that you definitely must 
not use and that is hydrofluoric acid. It is 
poisonous. You can use tartaric acid, citric acid, 
acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and 
sulfamic acid but not ascorbic acid as it prevents 
the chemical reaction required to make MMS work. 

In fact there are too many different acids for me 
to list. All the mineral acids can be used except 
hydrofluoric acid. It was put in our water supplies 
to keep our teeth hard, they say. But the fact is 
that it is one of the most poisonous substances 
and the most dangerous acids known. There were 
millions of gallons sitting unused and no one 
knew what to do with them. It is so poisonous it 
couldn't be thrown away, so someone suggested 
putting it in our water supply. So that's that they 
did. That's basically my story, but it is true. 

Most water supplies contain hydrofluoric acid 
because someone said that it hardens tooth 
enamel. There is no proof of that, but it was a 
chemical theory, so all those guys who care 
nothing for the truth somehow pushed the idea 
until they began emptying millions of gallons 
of hydrofluoric chemicals into our drinking 
water. That was nearly 50 years ago and there is 
still no proof of improved teeth, but there is a 
lot of evidence of other negative health problems. 

As a rule of thumb, use only citric acid or vinegar 
(or lemon or lime juice, which are both 10% citric acid). For more on orange juice, please see Citrus Juice Information on p. 48. 

• Use the 1 0% acid at five drops of acid for one 
drop of regular MMS1;


• Use the 50% citric acid at one drop of acid for 
each drop of MMS. 

Some people think that hydrochloric acid (the 
acid in our stomachs) makes the MMS taste 
better. Maybe it does, but the problem with all 
those other acids is that they haven't been used 
on thousands of people. Each acid produces a 
different amount of chlorine dioxide for the 
amount of drops used, so there is no way of 
telling whether you are getting a standard dose 
each time you take it, or not. Some people think 
tartaric acid is better. It is readily available in 
grocery stores. In my opinion it is best to use 
citric because it's been used in all the research. 
We have a better idea of what the outcome is 
supposed to be. 

↑Page 45. General Procedural Information. 

Most acids work. Just don't use a poisonous acid, 
especially the hydrofluoric acid I mentioned 
above. On the other hand, all the research and 
data from treating thousands of people have been 
obtained from the use of citric acid. My 
suggestion is that you always use citric acid as 
then you always know what to expect, how many 
seconds to wait and that sort of thing. Why try to 
re-invent the wheel when thousands of other 
people have already used citric acid and the 
results are recorded? 

You will not know if you are getting what I say you should get if you are using something different than what I suggest. You would be setting up a whole new program of research. Will you be able 
to check it out on thousands of people like I have? 
If not, then your research will be lacking in authenticity. 

If you want to use a new acid, don't let me stop you, but be prepared to get different results and have people wondering what your MMS really is. In fact, now that I think about it: 

• If you do use an acid other than citric acid, you 
should add somewhere, if you are selling it, "not approved by Jim Humble". 

Anybody buying it from you should know that I am 
not approving other acids. If I did, we would soon 
have dozens of different mixtures. It would wind 
up being a hodgepodge of MMSs being sold. 

So that is the answer to different acids. There are 
dozens that will work but thousands of people 
have already used citric acid successfully, so 
why not join them? Don't try to re-invent the wheel. 

How to Mix Citric Acid 

To use citric acid, obtain it in dry form as citric 
acid crystals. Some health food stores carry them, 
or you can order them from a pharmacy or buy 
them from a large grocery store. Large stores 
usually carry citric acid in the baking soda area. 

↑Page 46. General Procedural Information. 

To Make a 10% Solution 

Combine one level tablespoon of citric acid and 9 
tablespoons of distilled or purified water. When 
using 10% citric acid as the activator, use 5 drops 
for each drop of MMS. I no longer suggest using 
10% mixtures as the 50% mixture is so much 
easier to use. But I have no objections as it still 
generates the same chlorine dioxide. 

Since there has been some confusion about mixing 
the citric acid solution, let me clarify my 
instructions a bit. When you use 9 measures of 
water to one measure of citric acid crystals you 
get a 10% solution, but that is not a 10 to 1 
mixture, as some have thought. That is a 9 to 1 
mixture. But it gives you 10 parts — 9 parts 
water plus one part acid equals 10 parts total, 
which make up a 10% solution of citric acid. 

To Make a 50% Solution 

Pack a cup or small bowl with citric acid powder (crystals), tamping it down to fill air holes. Dump it in a larger bowl. Then fill the same cup or small bowl with distilled or purified water and dump that in the larger bowl. The citric acid powder weighs almost the same as water and is close enough for the purpose. 

Stir till dissolved. You will notice that the mixture 
becomes cold. Then pour it into a bottle(s) with a 
drip style top for counting drops and label it 50% 
citric acid. Use it for activating MMS at one drop 
for each drop of MMS. The best idea is to add 
some food colouring like the food colouring for 
cakes and other food purposes. This then keeps 
you from mistaking if you have citric or MMS in 
your glass. The food colouring in the citric will 
fade out when you add it to the MMS. But the 
colouring helps you know if what you spilled on 
the table is citric or MMS. 

Whichever strength of citric acid you make, 
always store it in a bottle with a lid. When using 
citric acid as an activator, be sure to keep in mind 
all of the other instructions concerning how to 
mix and take MMS. 

Making a Basic MMS Dose

You can make your MMS doses in either of two ways: 

1. Use a 50% solution of citric acid and add one 
drop of it for each drop of MMS. Swirl it a little, 
wait 20 seconds, add a quarter cup of water or 
juice (with no added vitamin C but natural 
vitamin C is OK), and drink it. 

Page 47. General Procedural Information. 

1. Use a 10% solution of citric acid (or lemon or 
lime juice) and add five drops of it for each drop 
of MMS. Swirl it a little, wait three minutes, add 
a quarter cup of water or juice (with no added 
vitamin C but natural vitamin C is OK), and 
drink it. 

A little too much lemon or lime juice or citric 
acid makes no difference at all. Just don't use too 
little or you'll have poor results. On the other 
hand, a little too much MMS can make you feel 
sick, so always count the drops of MMS carefully. 

Citrus Juice Information 

Lemon and lime juice work well as activators for 
MMS (sodium chlorite), turning it into chlorine 
dioxide. Use 5 drops of juice for each drop of 
MMS. Lemon and lime are normally 10% citric acid. 

• However, orange juice does not work as an 
activator. Never try to activate your MMS with 
orange juice and never dilute your activated 
MMS with orange juice either. It stops the 
pathogen-killing action of MMS. 

Grapefruit juice also does not work as an 
activator. However, you can dilute your MMS 
dose with grapefruit juice to improve the taste, 
as it does not stop the pathogen-killing action. 

When you choose a juice to dilute your activated 
MMS (which improves its flavor), read the list of 
ingredients. If vitamin C (also called ascorbic 
acid) is listed as an additive, do not use that 
juice. Why not? 

• Vitamin C is an antioxidant and will cancel out 
the oxidizing action of your MMS. 

However, some juice containers list the 
nutritional information and you'll often see 
Vitamin C listed there as a percentage. But that is 
the natural vitamin C and it is listed in a percent
-age such as 6% or 15% or even as high as 60% 
or more. Those numbers refer to the percentage 
of total vitamin C required by the body each day 
that is in that juice. That is always the natural 
vitamin C and it does not affect the MMS action. 
It is only the added Vitamin C, used as a 
preservative, that you should avoid and that is 
not listed as a percentage, just as an "ingredient". 

How to Make an 8-Dose Bottle of MMS for an 
Entire Day 

Please see Protocols 1000 and 2000 in Chapter 13. 

Page 48. 

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