Tuesday, October 31, 2023

(Chinese) 流感炸弹 Flu Bomb

 26. 流感炸弹




 • 流感

 • 胸膜炎

 • 肺炎

 • 支气管炎

 • DHMA¹/窦性病变/感冒

 ( ¹ 二甲基己胺 )














 常见抗生素。 要将其用作抗生素,您每天可能需要大约三个。 现在,如果有人说我的肠子无法承受一天三个,你能做的就是喝一碗热汤。



  放入烤土豆中的美味东西是将其直接磨碎,说是在精细刨丝器上非常精细。 直接将其磨碎放入橄榄油中,然后用勺子将其混合到烤土豆中。 非常非常棒。 有些人选择做抗生素三明治,这是一片酵母拼写的吐司,上面涂有橄榄油,然后在切片下磨碎整瓣大蒜,然后是鳄梨和西红柿,非常美味。

  它几乎就像一个小迷你披萨,不是吗? 所发生的事情是下面的面包和下面的橄榄油,然后在上面,你有鳄梨,番茄可以让它平静一点。



  支气管炎。 可用于治疗哮喘。 它可以用于治疗流感。 可用于胸膜炎。 可用于肺炎。 它可用于治疗鼻窦或感冒。

 第一种成分是大蒜。 大蒜被压碎了。 我不会放太多大蒜,因为有些人可以处理那么多大蒜。 有些人只能处理一半的大蒜。 所以这取决于你能处理什么。

 下一个成分是姜🫚。 生姜通常很好,可以磨碎。 通常,生姜约为四分之一茶匙。

 下一个成分是桉树油。 如果

  你没有桉树油。 您可以使用茶树油。



  现在,有些人可以处理半茶匙。 有些人可以处理四分之一茶匙。 有些人只能承受轻微的震动。 所以,这也取决于你。

 下一个成分是柠檬。 🍋如果柠檬在树上,我说用柠檬汁。 如果柠檬一美元,也许你用半个柠檬,但基本上你用的是柠檬汁。

  最后一种成分是蜂蜜,通常约为一茶匙。 即使放入四茶匙,








 那很快。 不是吗? 相当给力啊


  宝宝呢? 你不能把它给婴儿。


  所以,你可以做什么? 可以将大蒜切成细丝,包在宝宝的脚底上。


  蒜。 所以也许一块那么大的大蒜你只需要一个,我会对我的孩子做的事情,我会拿一块像这样的布,然后我会把大蒜放在布上

  然后将布包裹在上面,然后将其绑在他们的脚底上,然后将他们的小袜子或小鞋子或战利品放在上面。 如果在中间放一层布

  宝宝的皮肤和大蒜一样,就不会起泡。 但如果不这样做,宝宝的脚底就会形成一个大水泡。 那么问题是在水泡愈合之前你不能再放大蒜了。


 她把脚底磨碎,放在宝宝的脚上。 噢,她说:“是的,我宝宝的脚上现在起了一个很大的水泡。”


 它会到达胸部或鼻窦区域,可以带来缓解。 它甚至可以帮助缓解胸部充血。

 所以,我的儿子詹姆斯,当他还是个小男孩的时候,他经常患胸部感冒 ²,我会把这个放在他的脚底上。 他大约两岁、三岁。


  我会让他去比赛以及他所采取的每一步。 发生了什么?

 大蒜正在进入他的身体。 几分钟之内你就能闻到他们呼吸中的大蒜味。

  一天结束时,当我脱掉詹姆斯的鞋子和袜子时,我会解开绷带。 大蒜看起来有点像一块干了的黄色皮革。 没有留下任何汁液。 这就是詹姆斯的全部。






 房子里没有霉菌。 你必须确保你处于一个干净、干燥的地方,但也要检查孩子们是否经常因为乳制品而患上感冒、鼻窦、扁桃体和哮喘,我们昨晚也研究过这一点。

 附录 ◇ 确保孩子每天喝足够的水并且不脱水。

 注意: ² 大多数人都知道如何识别普通感冒的症状,通常包括流鼻涕、打喷嚏、流泪和鼻塞。 胸部感冒,也称为急性支气管炎,则不同。

 胸部感冒会引起呼吸道炎症和刺激,因此症状可能比普通感冒更严重。 它影响肺部支气管,通常在感冒后发展为继发感染。

26. Flu Bomb


 Natural Remedies,



 • FLU












 6. HONEY 🍯



 Now we're going to have a look at garlic.

 Garlic is a very potent antibiotic.

 In fact, the research shows garlic is six times more powerful than tetracycline.

 And that's a common antibiotic. To use it as an antibiotic, you would probably need about three of those a day. Now, if someone says my gut can't handle three of those a day, what you can do is you can get a bowl of hot soup.

  Grate it into the soup, and that will just take the edge off it.

 If a person can not handle it raw or something delicious to put into your baked potato is to grate this straight into say on this very fine on the fine grater. Grate it straight into olive oil and then spoon that mix into your baked potato. Very, very nice. And some people choose to do the antibiotic sandwich, which is a slice of sourdough spelled toast , olive oil on that and then grate this whole clove of garlic under the slice and then avocado and tomato it is very delicious .

  It's almost like a little mini pizza, isn't it? And what happens is the bread underneath and the olive oil underneath, and then on top, you've got the avocado, and tomato calms it down a little bit.

  But I'm going to give you the recipe for the flu bomb, or you can take the flu bomb.

  So, the flu bomb can be used for    bronchitis. It can be used for asthma. It can be used for the flu. It can be used for pleurisy. It can be used for pneumonia. It can be used for sinus or a head cold.

 The first ingredient is garlic. And the garlic is crushed. I'm not putting an amount on there because some people can handle that much garlic. Some people can only handle half that garlic. So it depends on what you can handle.

 The next ingredient is ginger 🫚. And the ginger is usually well it can be finely grated. Usually, the ginger is about a quarter of a teaspoon.

 The next ingredient is eucalyptus oil. If you don't have eucalyptus oil. You can use tea tree oil. And it's one drop.

  The next ingredient is cayenne pepper.

  Now, some people can handle half a teaspoon. Some people can handle a quarter of a teaspoon. Some people can only handle a little shake. So, that's up to you, too.

 The next ingredient is lemon . 🍋 If the lemons are on the tree, I say use the juice of a lemon. If they're a dollar a lemon, maybe you use half a lemon but basically lemon juice you're using.

  The last ingredient is honey, and usually, it's approximately one teaspoon. Even if you put in four teaspoons, it does not really mask the other ingredients.

  And then you mix that in about a third of a cup of hot water.

  Now, if someone has a flu or a cold or a sinus, it's usually taking one of those three times a day.

  So, that's the flu bomb.

  Usually, by the third day, you don't need it anymore.

 That's quick. Isn't it? It's quite potent,

 but it works.

  What about a baby? You can't give that to a baby .

  And as you saw, as you saw in my lecture, uh last night, you also can't give a baby food.

  So what can you do? You can finely slice garlic, and you can wrap it on the bottom of the baby's foot.

  Now, this is a very large piece of garlic. So maybe with a piece of garlic that big you only need one and what I would do to my babies, I'd get a little piece of cloth like this and I would put the garlic on the cloth and then wrap the cloth over it and then bind that to the bottom of their feet and then put their little sock or little shoe or booty on that. If you put a layer of cloth between the baby's skin and the garlic, it will not blister. But if you don't, you will form a big blister on the bottom of the baby's foot. And the problem then is you can't put any more garlic on till the blister heals.

One lady heard about garlic on the  bottom of the foot, and she grated it up, put on the baby's foot. Oh, she said, "Yes, I have a great big blister on the baby's foot now."

 But if you slice it like that little by little, the garlic eases in through the pores on the bottom of the feet, and the garlic knows where to go.

 It'll go to the chest or it`ll go to the to the sinus areas and it can bring relief. It can even help to break up congestion in the chest.

 So, my son James, when he was a little boy, he used to get a lot of chest colds ² and I would put this on the bottom of his feet. He's about two and three years old.

  And I'd put a sock on, and I'd put shoes on for him. And I'd send him off to play and every step he's taking . What's happening?

 The garlic's going into his body. You can smell the garlic on their breath within a few minutes.

  At the end of the day, when I take James shoes and socks off, I'd undo the bandage. The garlic looked like a bit of a dried out piece of yellow leather. No juice left. It's all it's all gone into James.  

Now, at the same time, one has to  investigate why my child is getting so many chest colds.

 Well, we backed onto a swamp, and when James was four, we moved to a mountain top and James no more had chest problems.

 So, if a child is getting recurrent chest problems, you have to look and make sure there's no mold in the house. You have to make sure that you're in a clean, dry area but also check that often children get chest colds and sinus and tonsils and asthma because of dairy and we looked at that last night, too.

 Addendum ◇ Ensure the child drinks enough water daily and is not dehydrated.

 Note : ² Most people know how to recognize symptoms of a common cold, which usually includes a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. A chest cold, also called acute bronchitis, is different.

 A chest cold involves inflammation and irritation in the airways, so symptoms can be worse than a common cold. It affects the bronchial tubes of the lungs and often develops as a secondary infection following a head cold.

Flu Bomb Recipe Transcript

26. Flu Bomb 



Natural Remedies,















6. HONEY 🍯 



0:00 Now we're going to have a look at

0:03 garlic.

0:05 Garlic is a very potent

0:08 antibiotic.

0:09 In fact, the research is showing garlic is six

0:12 times more powerful than tetracycline.

0:14 And that's a

0:15 common antibiotic. To use it as an

0:18 antibiotic you would need probably about

0:20 three of those a day.

0:22 Now if someone says my gut couldn't

0:24 handle three of those a day, what you can 

0:26 do, is you can get a bowl of hot soup.

0:28 Grate it into the soup and that will

0:30 just take the edge off it.

0:33 If a person cannot handle it raw or

0:36 something delicious to put into your

0:38 baked potato is to grate this straight

0:40 into

0:41 say on this very fine on the fine grater

0:44 grate it straight into olive oil

0:47 and then spoon that mix into your baked

0:49 potato. Very very nice.

0:52 And some people choose to do the 

0:54 antibiotic sandwich, which is a slice of

0:56 sourdough spelt toast

0:59 olive oil on that and then grate this

1:02 whole clove of garlic under the slice

1:05 and then

1:07 avocado and tomato it is very delicious .

1:10 It's almost like a little mini pizza,

1:12 isn't it?

1:14 And what happens is the bread underneath

1:16 and the

1:17 olive oil

1:18 underneath and then on top you've got 

1:20 the avocado and tomato calms it down a

1:22 little bit.

1:25 But i'm going to give you the recipe for

1:26 the flu bomb

1:29 or you can take the flu bomb.

1:32 So the flu bomb can be used for 

1:36 bronchitis. It can be used for asthma. It

1:38 can be used for the flu. It can be used

1:40 for pleurisy. It can be used for

1:43 pneumonia. It can be used for

1:45 sinus or a head cold.

1:48 The first ingredient is garlic. And the

1:50 garlic is crushed.

1:53 I'm not putting an amount on there

1:55 because some people can handle

1:59 that much garlic. Some people can only

2:01 handle half that garlic. So it depends

2:04 what you can handle.

2:07 The next ingredient is ginger 🫚. 

2:10 And the ginger is usually well it can be

2:13 finely grated.

2:15 And usually the ginger is about a

2:17 quarter of a teaspoon.

2:21 The next ingredient is eucalyptus oil. If

2:24 you don't have eucalyptus oil, you can

2:26 use tea tree oil.

2:28 And it's one drop.

2:31 Next ingredient is cayenne pepper.

2:36 Now some people can handle half a

2:38 teaspoon. Some people can handle quarter 

2:40 of a teaspoon. Some people can only

2:42 handle a little shake. So, that's up to

2:44 you, too.

2:46 The next ingredient is

2:48 lemon.

2:50 If the lemons are on the tree, I say use 

2:52 the juice of a lemon. If they're a dollar

2:54 a lemon, maybe you use half a

2:57 half a lemon but basically lemon juice

2:59 you're using.

3:01 And

3:02 the last ingredient is honey and usually

3:04 it's approximately one teaspoon.

3:07 Even if you put in four teaspoons it

3:10 does not really

3:12 mask the other ingredients.

3:15 And then you mix that in about a third

3:17 of a cup of hot water.

3:23 Now if someone has a flu or a cold or a

3:25 sinus,

3:27 it's usually taking one of those three

3:29 times a day.

3:33 So, that's the flu bomb.

3:35 Usually by the third day, you don't need 

3:38 it anymore.

3:39 That's quick. Isn't it?

3:42 It's quite potent,

3:45 but it works.

3:48 What about a baby? You can't give that to

3:50 a baby .

3:52 And as you saw,

3:53 as you saw in my lecture uh

3:56 last night, you also can't give a baby,

4:01 food.

4:02 So what can you do? You can finely slice

4:05 garlic and you can wrap it on the bottom

4:07 of the baby's foot.

4:09 Now this is a very large piece of

4:12 garlic. So maybe with a piece of garlic

4:16 that big you only need one and what I

4:19 would do to my babies, I'd get a little

4:21 piece of cloth like this

4:23 and I would put the garlic on the cloth

4:26 and then wrap the cloth over it and then

4:30 bind that

4:31 to the bottom of their feet and then put

4:33 their little sock or little shoe or

4:35 booty on that.

4:37 If you put a layer of cloth between the

4:39 baby's skin and the garlic, it will not

4:42 blister.

4:43 But if you don't, you will form a big

4:45 blister on the bottom of the baby's foot.

4:48 And the problem then is you can't put 

4:50 any more garlic on

4:52 till the blister heals.

4:54 One lady heard about garlic on the

4:56 bottom of the foot and she grated it up,

4:59 put on the baby's foot. Oh she said "Yes, I

5:01 have a great big blister on the baby's 

5:03 foot now."

5:05 But if you slice it like that

5:08 little by little, the garlic eases in

5:11 through the pores on the bottom of the

5:13 feet and the garlic knows where to go.

5:15 It'll go to the chest or it`ll go to the 

5:18 to the the sinus areas and it can bring

5:20 relief. It can even help to break up

5:22 congestion in the chest.

5:25 So, my son James when he was a little boy,

5:27 he used to get a lot of chest colds ² and

5:29 I would put this on the bottom of his

5:31 feet. He's about two and three years old. 

5:34 And I'd put a sock on and I'd put shoes on for him.

5:37 And I'd send him off to play and every

5:39 step he's taking , what's happening?

5:42 The garlic's going into his body. You can

5:44 smell the garlic on their breath within

5:46 a few minutes.

5:48 At the end of the day when I take James

5:50 shoes and socks off

5:52 and

5:53 I'd undo the bandage, the garlic looked

5:56 like a bit of dried out piece of yellow

5:58 leather. No juice left. It's all

6:02 it's all gone into James.

6:05 Now at the same time one has to

6:07 investigate why is my child getting so

6:09 many chest colds.

6:11 Well, we backed onto a swamp

6:13 and when James was four, we moved to a

6:16 mountain top and James no more had chest

6:19 problems. 

6:21 So, if a child is getting recurrent chest

6:23 problems, you have to look and make sure

6:25 there's no mold in the house. You have to 

6:27 make sure that you're in a clean, dry

6:29 area but also check that often children

6:33 get chest colds and sinus and

6:38 tonsils and asthma because of dairy and

6:41 we looked at that last night, too.

Addendum ◇ Ensure the child drink enough water daily and not dehydrated. 

Note ² Most people know how to recognize symptoms of a common cold, which usually includes a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. A chest cold, also called acute bronchitis, is different.

A chest cold involves inflammation and irritation in the airways, so symptoms can be worse than a common cold. It affects the bronchial tubes of the lungs, and often develops as a secondary infection following a head cold.

Monday, October 30, 2023

mRNA vaccines containing the DNA causes turbo cancers."


Professor Emeritus Yasufumi Murakami ¹ of Tokyo University of Science: 

"It is almost certain that vaccines are contaminated with DNA. mRNA vaccines containing the DNA causes turbo cancers." ( Note : ¹ other research by Professor Emeritus Yasufumi Murakami , click here)

Professor Murakami explains the mechanism of turbo cancers:

The covid vaccines are expected to contain only mRNA. However, it has been proven that the vaccines contain considerable amounts of DNA and other substances that should not be present. There is no doubt about it now.

DNA can enter human cells very easily, regardless of length, and can get into cells everywhere. When DNA gets in the center of an important gene, the important gene will stop functioning.

One problem is that the mRNA vaccine of Pfizer contains a promoter sequence of the cancer virus called SV40.

This sequence could enter the human genome, and awakens and activates dormant carcinogenic genes.

As a result, the risk of developing cancer increases.

mRNA vaccines increase the risk of developing cancer while suppressing the immunity. Vaccination increases the risk of developing cancer dramatically compared to the unvaccinated state. The more people get vaccinated, the more people will probably get cancer.

Vaccines appear to increase the risk of all types of cancers. There is credible information that the number of leukemia cases is on the rise.

Vaccination causes the promoter sequence of the cancer virus to enter white blood cells and attach to red blood cells everywhere. As a result, more and more leukemia cases are reported.

A lot of spikes of mRNA are produced. The spikes would be most protected from destruction. Possibly, long spike genes remain intact.

So, if the long spike genes remain there, gene expression will continue to take place all the time. That is, spikes are generated forever.

Once the DNA gets into the stem cells, the DNA will keep creating more and more spikes. As a result, IgG4 antibodies are induced.  

The number of spike-producing cells will not decrease, and it becomes impossible to get rid of spike-producing cells. As a results, It becomes normal for spikes to be present in cells. The produced spikes then flow into the bloodstream and cause a variety of health problems.

So, any vaccine that induces IgG4 is deemed as a defective vaccine, and should no longer be produced.

Normally, cancer cells are born and grow slowly. However, the vaccine suppresses the immunity, which makes it easier for cancer cells to grow.  

The vaccines cause turbo cancers. Suppression of the immunity is a major factor of turbo cancers.

The increase in IgG4 antibodies results in suppression of cancer immunity.

The more DNA the vaccine contains, the more intense the inflammation caused by the vaccine becomes.  

DNA is a foreign substance to the cells. So, DNA causes a severe reaction and kills the immune system of the cells. The more DNA the vaccine contains, the more severe the side effects caused by the vaccine become.

Vaccines could contain many different impurities, but one possibility could be DNA. In the first place, DNA is something that should not be put into cells of your body.

28 Oct

Professor Emeritus Yasufumi Murakami of Tokyo University of Science:

"mRNA vaccines increase the risk of developing cancer while suppressing the immunity. The more DNA the vaccine contains, the more severe the side effects caused by the vaccine become." 

村上教授: 複数の研究者により、ワクチンに大量のDNAが混入されていることが証明された。そのDNAには、がんウィルスの遺伝子の発現性を高める配列も含まれる。 ワクチンの薬害を否定する勢力はこの事実をもみ消そうとし、すったもんだしているが、DNAの混入は、確実である。 DNAはヒトゲノムに入りやすいように脂質ナノ粒子に包まれていて、変異を誘導する。 mRNAワクチンが、白血病などのがんのリスクを高めるメカニズムが解明された。 新しいXBB対応ワクチンは、日本だけが購入して、日本人だけが接種する。欧米では大問題となった。 今後製造される全てのmRNAワクチンで同じ問題が 発生する。 幹細胞にDNAが入れば、スパイクを永遠に生産し続ける。このスパイクは、血中に流れて様々な障害を引き起こす。 このワクチンは失敗であると位置づけられる。このワクチンを接種すれば、ターボ癌を発症し、すぐに末期がんになる可能性ある。 DNAの混入量が多いほど、炎症が重くなる。

Murakami kyōju: Fukusū no kenkyūsha ni yori, wakuchin ni tairyō no dīenuē ga kon'nyū sa rete iru koto ga shōmei sa reta. Sono dīenuē ni wa, gan u~irusu no idenshi no hatsugen-sei o takameru hairetsu mo fukuma reru. Wakuchin no yakugai o hitei suru seiryoku wa kono jijitsu o momikesou to shi, suttamonda shite iruga, dīenuē no kon'nyū wa, kakujitsudearu. Dīenuē wa hitogenomu ni hairi yasui yō ni shishitsu nano ryūshi ni tsutsuma rete ite, hen'i o yūdō suru. MRNA wakuchin ga, hakketsubyō nado no gan no risuku o takameru mekanizumu ga kaimei sa reta. Atarashī XBB taiō wakuchin wa, Nihon dake ga kōnyū shite, nihonjin dake ga sesshu suru. Ōbei dewa dai mondai to natta. Kongo seizō sa reru subete no mRNA wakuchin de onaji mondai ga hassei suru. Kan saibō ni dīenuē ga ireba, supaiku o eien ni seisan shi tsudzukeru. Kono supaiku wa, ketchū ni nagarete samazamana shōgai o hikiokosu. Kono wakuchin wa shippaidearu to ichidzuke rareru. Kono wakuchin o sesshu sureba, tābo gan o hasshō shi, sugu ni makki gan ni naru kanōsei aru. Dīenuē no kon'nyū-ryō ga ōi hodo, enshō ga omoku naru.


Professor Murakami: Multiple researchers have proven that vaccines contain large amounts of DNA. The DNA also contains sequences that increase the expression of cancer virus genes. Forces that deny the harm caused by vaccines are trying to cover up this fact, but it is certain that DNA is contaminated. DNA is wrapped in lipid nanoparticles so that it can easily enter the human genome and induce mutations. The mechanism by which mRNA vaccines increase the risk of cancers such as leukemia has been clarified. The new XBB compatible vaccine will be purchased only by Japan, and only Japanese people will be vaccinated. It became a big problem in Europe and America. The same problem will occur with all mRNA vaccines produced in the future. Once the DNA enters the stem cells, they will continue to produce spikes forever. These spikes flow into the bloodstream and cause various disorders. This vaccine is classified as a failure. If you receive this vaccine, you may develop turbo cancer and quickly become terminal cancer. The greater the amount of DNA contamination, the more severe the inflammation.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know

投稿内容の各所に事実との齟齬が見られるため補足します。(I would like to add some additional information as there are discrepancies with the facts in various parts of the posted content.)


村上康文氏は生物系薬学がご専門 (Yasufumi Murakami specializes in biological pharmaceutical sciences.) nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/100009… で、免疫学者ではありません。(And I'm not an immunologist.)

新型コロナウイルスにサル由来のSV40ウイルスDNAが混入しているという話は事実でないと否定されています。(The story that the new coronavirus is contaminated with SV40 virus DNA derived from monkeys has been denied as untrue.) apnews.com/ap-fact-check/


「ターボ癌」という医学用語はありません(There is no medical term for "turbo cancer") tenjin-cc.net/blog/884/

Tongue can withstand how hot ?

 How hot can a beverage get without burning the tongue. 

I'm afraid the tongue 👅 is not more heat tolerant than other parts of the body, so the minimum temperature to cause burn is about drinking a beverage having 45°C temperature for a long time (more than 5 minutes). The pain threshold of tongue is around 47°C, so you will feel when it really burns.

According to studies the hedonic value of coffee has a maximum by 60°C, and it is significantly lower by safe levels (45°C). Frequent burns of mouth increases the risk of oral cancer. So I think this will be a hard choice.

A burn is an injury which is caused by application of heat or chemical substances to the external or internal surfaces of the body, which causes destruction of tissues. The minimum temperature for producing a burn is about 44°C for an exposure of about 5-6 hours or about 65°C for two seconds are sufficient to produce burns.

Thermal injuries

I. With the object of producing standard low-temperature burns in animals, and of studying the area of tissue only partly damaged in a burn, a burning iron has been made capable of applying temperatures from 45°-80°C. to the skin; with this the amount of heat and temperature causing skin damage has been studied, and the macroscopic and microscopic damage due to graded temperatures have been delineated.

Graded temperatures of 45°-80°C. have been applied to the skin of shaved, anæsthetised guinea-pigs, and in some cases rats, for times varying from 10 sec. to 6 and 10 min. Observations have been made of the development of erythema, flare, blanching, blueing, heat fixation, incipient blister formation, œdema, and edge wheal, as also upon the later scab formation and rate of epithelium regeneration.

Applications of 47°C. up to 6 minutes produce no visible change.

At 50°-55°C. applied for 1 minute and over, there is a critical temperature for the development of permanent and irreversible damage; in animals good scab formation occurs after burning at this temperature.

After temperatures of 60°- 65°C. the epidermis can be peeled off from the exposed area, leaving a punched-out exposed surface area somewhat like the exposed human blister.


According to Green the pain threshold of tongue is around 46-48°C.

1985 - Heat pain thresholds in the oral-facial region

In all experiments, the chosen mean preferred temperature for drinking was around 60 °C (140 °F). Black coffee drinkers chose a slightly higher mean temperature than drinkers with added creamer, and they also chose a slightly lower mean temperature when the flavor was stronger. In all cases, consumers tended to choose, on average, temperatures for drinking coffee that were above the oral pain threshold and the burn damage threshold.

2006 - At What Temperatures Do Consumers Like to Drink Coffee?: Mixing Methods

Overall, the available results strongly suggest that high-temperature beverage drinking increases the risk of Esophageal Cancer. Future studies will require standardized strategies that allow for combining data, and results should be reported by histological subtypes of Esophageal Cancer.

High-temperature beverages and Foods and Esophageal Cancer Risk -- A Systematic Review

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Physician Fereydoon Batmanghelidj; Wrote About Water's Healing

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, 73, a physician who gained international attention with his claims about the natural healing power of water, died of complications from pneumonia Nov. 15 at Inova Fairfax Hospital. He had lived in Falls Church for 22 years.

Dr. Batmanghelidj gathered both criticism and acclaim over the years for his assertions that a regime of water can treat a vast array of human illnesses. "You are not sick, you are thirsty," he proclaimed.

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj claimed patients could cure themselves of several illnesses by drinking water.

Millions of people bought his 1992 self-help book, "Your Body's Many Cries for Water," which stated that most pain and sickness is a result of chronic dehydration of the body. The book has been translated into 15 languages and continues to attract readers and controversy from those who question its lack of scientific rigor.

Dr. Batmanghelidj, known as Dr. B., said he concluded through years of reading and research that ordinary water will prevent and cure depression, asthma, arthritis, back pain, migraines, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. He also opposed the use of costly drugs for treating illnesses, saying, you "don't treat thirst with medication."

"We have made the mistake of assuming that because water is freely available and costs nothing, the body cannot probably fall short of it. I believe that most physical pains are signals that the body needs rehydrating -- and that we ignore these signals at our peril," he said in a 1994 interview with the Independent in London.

His work, which grew from his experience helping prison inmates in his native Iran, reached acceptance more at the consumer level than with the medical community. Some in the medical and alternative medicine professions viewed his "water cure" as unorthodox and "extremely naive."

Dr. Batmanghelidj did not seem to mind, saying on his Web site that he was on a "God-given assignment to research the awesome medicinal properties of water and share the information with the scientists and the public."

Dr. Batmanghelidj, who was born into a politically prominent family, graduated from Fettes College in Scotland. He also was a graduate of St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University, where he studied under Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin.

He practiced medicine in the United Kingdom before returning to Iran, where he played a key role in the development of hospitals and medical centers. He also helped establish sport projects for youth in Iran, including the construction and management of the Ice Palace in Tehran, said to be the first ice skating and sports complex in the Middle East.

In 1979, after the Iranian Revolution, Dr. Batmanghelidj was a political prisoner in Evin Prison for two years and seven months. It was there his research into water's curative powers began.

Without the availability of medicine, he told an ulcer patient with severe abdominal pains to drink two glasses of water. The patient's pain receded within minutes. He said he later treated more than 3,000 fellow prisoners who suffered from peptic ulcer, viewing the prison environment as an "ideal stress laboratory."

After his release from prison in 1982, Dr. Batmanghelidj came to the United States and continued his exploration of the role of water metabolism in the human body. He published several other books, lectured and presented scientific papers at U.S.A. and international conferences.

He created the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine and Global Health Solutions, a Falls Church-based publishing company, to promote public awareness of the health values of water.

His marriage to Lucile Batmanghelidj ended in divorce.

Survivors include his wife, Xiaopo Huang Batmanghelidj of Falls Church; three children from the first marriage, Ardeshir Batmanghelidj of Salisbury, Mass., Camila Batmanghelidj of London and Babak Batmanghelidj of McLean; and four grandchildren.

[Chinese-language Simplified; 简体中文Jiǎntǐ zhōngwén ]

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 医师; 写了关于水的治愈

 73 岁的 Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 是一名医生,因水的自然治愈能力而受到国际关注,他于 11 月 15 日在伊诺瓦费尔法克斯医院因肺炎并发症去世。 他已在福尔斯彻奇生活了 22 年。

 多年来,巴特曼赫利吉博士因声称水疗法可以治疗多种人类疾病而受到批评和赞扬。 “你没有生病,你只是渴了,”他宣称。

 Fereydoon Batmanghelidj 声称患者可以通过喝水治愈多种疾病。

 数百万人购买了他 1992 年出版的自助书籍《你的身体急需水》,书中指出,大多数疼痛和疾病都是身体慢性脱水的结果。 该书已被翻译成 15 种语言,并继续吸引着读者,也引起了质疑其缺乏科学严谨性的争议。

 Batmanghelidj 博士(又名 B. 博士)表示,通过多年的阅读和研究,他得出的结论是,普通水可以预防和治疗抑郁症、哮喘、关节炎、背痛、偏头痛、高血压、多发性硬化症和许多其他疾病。 他还反对用昂贵的药物来治病,说“不以药治渴”。

 “我们错误地认为,因为水是免费提供的,而且不花钱,所以身体不可能缺水。我相信,大多数身体疼痛都是身体需要补充水分的信号——而我们在日常生活中却忽视了这些信号。 危险,”1994 年他在伦敦接受《独立报》采访时说道。

 他的工作源于他在祖国伊朗帮助监狱囚犯的经历,在消费者层面比在医学界更能接受他的工作。 医学和替代医学界的一些人认为他的“水疗法”是非正统且“极其天真的”。


 巴特曼赫利吉博士出生于政治显赫家庭,毕业于苏格兰费蒂斯学院。 他还毕业于伦敦大学圣玛丽医院医学院,师从因发现青霉素而获得诺贝尔奖的亚历山大·弗莱明爵士。

 他在返回伊朗之前在英国行医,在伊朗医院和医疗中心的发展中发挥了关键作用。 他还帮助伊朗青年建立体育项目,包括德黑兰冰宫的建设和管理,据说这是中东第一个滑冰和体育中心。

 1979 年伊朗革命后,Batmanghelidj 博士在埃文监狱被关了两年零七个月的政治犯。 正是在那里,他开始了对水治疗能力的研究。

 在没有药物的情况下,他让一位腹痛剧烈的溃疡病人喝两杯水。 病人的疼痛在几分钟内就消失了。 他说,他后来治疗了 3000 多名患有消化性溃疡的狱友,并将监狱环境视为“理想的压力实验室”。

 1982年出狱后,Batmanghelidj博士来到美国,继续探索水代谢在人体内的作用。 他出版了其他几本书,在美国和国际会议上发表演讲并发表科学论文。



 幸存者包括他的妻子、福尔斯彻奇市的小波·黄·巴特曼赫利吉 (Xiaopo Huang Batmanghelidj); 第一次婚姻所生的三个孩子:马萨诸塞州索尔兹伯里的 Ardeshir Batmanghelidj、伦敦的 Camila Batmanghelidj 和麦克莱恩的 Babak Batmanghelidj; 和四个孙子。

[Iranian Persian language

زبان فارسی ایرانی ] 

پزشک فریدون باتمانقلیج; درباره شفای آب نوشت

  فریدون باتمانقلیج، 73 ساله، پزشکی که با ادعاهای خود در مورد قدرت شفابخش طبیعی آب توجه بین المللی را به خود جلب کرد، در 15 نوامبر بر اثر عوارض ذات الریه در بیمارستان Inova Fairfax درگذشت. او 22 سال در فالز چرچ زندگی کرده بود.

  دکتر Batmanghelidj در طول سال‌ها به دلیل اظهاراتش مبنی بر اینکه رژیم آب می‌تواند طیف گسترده‌ای از بیماری‌های انسانی را درمان کند، هم انتقاد و هم تحسین را برانگیخت. او اعلام کرد: "تو مریض نیستی، تو تشنه ای."

  فریدون بتمنقلیج مدعی شد که بیماران می توانند با نوشیدن آب خود را از چندین بیماری درمان کنند.

  میلیون‌ها نفر کتاب خودیاری او را در سال 1992 خریدند، «بدن شما برای آب گریه می‌کند» که بیان می‌کرد بیشتر دردها و بیماری‌ها ناشی از کم آبی مزمن بدن است. این کتاب به 15 زبان ترجمه شده است و همچنان خوانندگان را به خود جلب می کند و بحث و جدل از جانب کسانی که عدم دقت علمی آن را زیر سوال می برند، دارد.

  دکتر Batmanghelidj، معروف به دکتر B، گفت که طی سالها مطالعه و تحقیق به این نتیجه رسیده است که آب معمولی از افسردگی، آسم، آرتریت، کمردرد، میگرن، فشار خون بالا، مولتیپل اسکلروزیس و بسیاری از بیماری‌های دیگر پیشگیری و درمان می‌کند. همچنین با استفاده از داروهای گران قیمت برای درمان بیماری ها مخالفت کرد و گفت: «تشنگی را با دارو درمان نکنید».

  ما این اشتباه را مرتکب شده ایم که فرض می کنیم چون آب به صورت رایگان در دسترس است و هیچ هزینه ای ندارد، بدن احتمالا نمی تواند از آن کوتاه بیاید. من معتقدم که بیشتر دردهای فیزیکی سیگنال هایی هستند که بدن نیاز به آبرسانی مجدد دارد - و ما این سیگنال ها را در زمان خود نادیده می گیریم. او در سال 1994 در مصاحبه ای با ایندیپندنت در لندن گفت.

  کار او که از تجربه کمک به زندانیان در زادگاهش ایران نشأت می‌گرفت، بیشتر در سطح مصرف‌کنندگان مورد استقبال قرار گرفت تا جامعه پزشکی. برخی در حرفه های پزشکی و پزشکی جایگزین "درمان آب" او را غیرمتعارف و "بسیار ساده لوحانه" می دانستند.

  دکتر Batmanghelidj ظاهراً بدش نیامد و در وب‌سایت خود گفت که او در یک "مسئولیت خدادادی برای تحقیق در مورد خواص دارویی عالی آب و به اشتراک گذاشتن اطلاعات با دانشمندان و مردم" است.

  دکتر Batmanghelidj که در یک خانواده سرشناس سیاسی به دنیا آمد، از کالج Fettes در اسکاتلند فارغ التحصیل شد. او همچنین فارغ التحصیل دانشکده پزشکی بیمارستان سنت مری دانشگاه لندن بود، جایی که زیر نظر سر الکساندر فلمینگ، که جایزه نوبل کشف پنی سیلین را به اشتراک گذاشت، تحصیل کرد.

  او پیش از بازگشت به ایران در انگلستان به طبابت پرداخت و در آنجا نقش اساسی در توسعه بیمارستان ها و مراکز درمانی داشت. او همچنین به ایجاد پروژه های ورزشی برای جوانان در ایران کمک کرد، از جمله ساخت و مدیریت کاخ یخی در تهران که گفته می شود اولین مجموعه ورزشی اسکیت روی یخ و در خاورمیانه است.

  در سال 1358 پس از انقلاب ایران، دکتر بتمنقلیج به مدت دو سال و هفت ماه در زندان اوین زندانی سیاسی بود. در آنجا بود که تحقیقات او در مورد قدرت های درمانی آب آغاز شد.

  بدون در دسترس بودن دارو، به یک بیمار زخمی که دردهای شدید شکم داشت، گفت دو لیوان آب بنوشد. درد بیمار در عرض چند دقیقه کاهش یافت. او گفت که بعداً بیش از 3000 زندانی دیگر را که از زخم معده رنج می‌بردند، معالجه کرد و به محیط زندان به‌عنوان یک "آزمایشگاه استرس ایده‌آل" نگاه کرد.

  پس از آزادی از زندان در سال 1982، دکتر Batmanghelidj به ایالات متحده آمد و به کاوش در مورد نقش متابولیسم آب در بدن انسان ادامه داد. او چندین کتاب دیگر منتشر کرد، سخنرانی کرد و مقالات علمی در کنفرانس‌های بین‌المللی و آمریکا ارائه کرد.

  او بنیاد ساده در پزشکی و راه‌حل‌های سلامت جهانی را ایجاد کرد که یک شرکت انتشاراتی مستقر در کلیسای فالز است تا آگاهی عمومی از ارزش‌های بهداشتی آب را ارتقا دهد.

  ازدواج او با لوسیل باتمانقلیج به طلاق ختم شد.

  بازماندگان عبارتند از همسرش، شیائوپو هوانگ باتمانقلیج از فالز چرچ. سه فرزند از ازدواج اول، اردشیر باتمانقلیج از سالزبری، ماساچوست، کامیلا باتمانقلیج از لندن و بابک باتمانقلیج از مک‌لین. و چهار نوه

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (1930 or 1931 – 15 November 2004) was an Iranian doctor and writer. He is best known for believing increased water consumption is the cure for most disease, which is considered quackery by medical experts.

His Life and his family

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj was born in Iran in 1930 or 1931. He attended secondary school in the United Kingdom, at Fettes College in Scotland, and later graduated from St Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University. He then practiced medicine in the United Kingdom, before returning to Iran. There he became a wealthy entrepreneur, helping in the development of hospitals and medical centres, and in sports projects, including the Ice Palace ice skating rink in Tehran.

In 1979, after the Iranian Revolution ², he was sent to Evin Prison in Tehran, which housed political prisoners; he was incarcerated there for two years and seven months. Following his release in 1982, he moved to the United States. [Note: ² Iranian Revolution :-

1978–1979 revolution that overthrew the monarchy.

The Iranian Revolution, or the Islamic Revolution, was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. 

Date: January 07, 1978 – 11 February 1979 (1979-02-11), (1year, 1month, week and day)

Location: Iran.

Causes: Discontent with the Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's rule, Exile of Ruhollah Khomeini, Social injustice, Religious motives, and others.]

He married Lucile, a Belgian, and they had four children: Ardeshir, Babak, Camila, and Lila, who committed suicide while he was imprisoned. His first marriage ended in divorce. He later married Xiaopo Huang Batmanghelidj.

He died from complications related to pneumonia on 15 November 2004.

His Medical Career

Batmanghelidj was trained at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, and practised medicine in the United Kingdom before his return to Iran.

He claimed that he discovered the medicinal value of water in treating the pain of peptic ulcers during his detention in Evin Prison ² by treating inmates with water when medication was not available. He advanced this position in a guest editorial in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 1983. (NOTE: ² Evin Prison read here )

In 1992, he wrote Your Body's Many Cries for Water. In this book, Batmanghelidj asserts that chronic dehydration is the root cause of most pain and many ailments, opposing the use of drugs to cure conditions that he claimed could instead be addressed by increased water consumption.

He has claimed elsewhere that water provides energy for the body and brain, by splitting into its components hydrogen and oxygen.


Batmanghelidj's ideas about water curing all diseases have been criticised as quackery by medical experts. He also drew criticism for his HIV/AIDS denialism. Physician Harriet Hall has described Batmanghelidj as a "crank who believed dehydration is the main cause of disease. He promoted his Water Cure, which was not based on any scientific evidence."

His ideas have been criticised by Stephen Barrett, co-founder of the National Council Against Health Fraud and the webmaster of Quackwatch, on several grounds, including a lack of any documented peer-reviewed research and exaggerated claims about the number of patients treated successfully. He further questions that Batmanghelidj has practiced medicine in the United States, pointing to his lack of registration as a physician. He was licensed as a naturopath.

Books authored by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj :

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, How to Deal with Back Pain & Rheumatoid Joint Pain (1991), Global Health Solutions; ISBN 0-9629942-0-0

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, Your Body's Many Cries for Water (1992), Global Health Solutions, ISBN 0-9629942-3-5

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, Water: Rx for A Healthier, Pain-free Life (1997), Global Health Solutions; Cas&Bklt edition, ISBN 0-9629942-7-8

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus: Eradicate Asthma – Now!, (2000), Global Health Solutions, ISBN 0-9629942-6-X

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, Water For Health, For Healing, For Life (2003), Warner Books, ISBN 0-446-69074-0

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, You're not sick, you're thirsty! (2003), Grand Central Publishing, ISBN 0-446-69074-0

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, Water Cures: Drugs Kill: How Water Cured Incurable Diseases, (2003) Global Health Solutions, ISBN 0-9702458-1-5

●Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, Obesity Cancer Depression; Their Common Cause & Natural Cure, (2005) Global Health Solutions; ISBN 0-9702458-2-3


 ●"Physician Fereydoon Batmanghelidj; Wrote About Water's Healing". The Washington Post. 20 November 2004.

 ●"Colourful character: Camila Batmanghelidjh on her unique approach to charity work". The Independent. 23 October 2011.


 ●"Camila Batmanghelidjh: My family values". The Guardian. 3 January 2014.

 ●"Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, 73; Advocated 'Water Cure'". Los Angeles Times. 19 November 2004.

● "Some Notes on Dr. Batmanghelidj's Silly "Water Cure"". Quackwatch. 20 November 2004.

 ●Hall, Harriet. (2010). "The Water Cure: Another Example of Self Deception and the “Lone Genius”". Science-Based Medicine. Retrieved 22 November 2018.

 ●Fitzgerald, Matt. (2014). Diet Cults: The Surprising Fallacy at the Core of Nutrition Fads and a Guide to Healthy Eating for the Rest of Us. Pegasus Books. ISBN 978-1605985602 "No one in the medical establishment gave credence to Fereydoon Batmanghelidj's half-baked notions. He had taken the whole hydration thing too far."

 ●Hall, Harriet. (2017). "Do I Really Need to Drink 200 Ounces of Water Every Day?". Skeptical Inquirer. Retrieved 22 November 2018.

TWC (The Water Cure ) website here 

"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." ~ Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.

Our life, our planet. Over 70% of the earth's surface is water. However, most of it—98%--is salt water. Only 2% of the earth's H20 is fresh water that we can drink, and of this, almost all is trapped in frozen glaciers.

You are not just what you eat; you are what you drink.

This is why water is so important to your health.

The Water Cure (TWC) does not sell water or purification systems or any related products. We offer insights and information; both free and in books that give you easy-to-understand scientific explanations on why water is vital to your well-being.

TWC believes promoting "water for health, for healing, for life" is an invaluable public health message. We can all change the way we drink – by drinking pure, natural water that is good for our health, our pocket book, and our environment.

No miracles. Just common sense backed by Dr. Fereydoon Batmaghelidj’s years of research and investigation into why water works so well in keeping us healthy and pain free. It can even cure illness in some people who get sick.

Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transport nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; your brain that is the control center of your body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.

Our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of the water we drink.

Dr. B's pioneering work shows that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) contributes to and even produces pain and many degenerative diseases that can be prevented and treated by increasing water intake on a regular basis.

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a habit in your life. It won't take long for you to feel the benefit.

It is a free investment for your long-term health.

♠︎Many people like to criticize what the Dr. says, but the proof is in the pudding.  My wife was having 4 asthma attacks a day.  She drank cokes, tea, and other things but she did not drink plain water.  

i read Dr.B's book and we started drinking the water and using sea salt.  We cut out all caffeine drinks.  Within one week, her asthma went away, and it never came back.

Do the two glasses of water and the grains of salt work? It did for her.

So I don't give a hang what pundits for big pharma say, water and sea salt worked for my wife.

Just to show you the ignorance of some doctors, one told us that we did not need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, that we get enough water in our food.  Yeah.....right. If that is true then how come people are routinely given saline solution when they go to the hospital?  Because they are dehydrated!  When they get out of the hospital, they are told they don't have to drink water and to stay away from salt.  

I know what Dr. B is saying is true.  It worked for my family.



Water, Natural salt (Not sodium) first, then diet and exercise .


- 4 False Assumptions of 20th Century Medicine

- Caffeine's Effect on the Body

- Artificial Sweetener's Effect on the Body

- Modern Voodoo Medicine

- Water's Life-Giving Functions in the Body

- The Brain's Water Requirements

- Cell Physiology and the Two Oceans of Water

- Histamine: A Neurotransmitter in Charge of Water Regulation

- Dehydration Produces Pain and Disease

- Salt is Vital

- Dehydration and Stress

- 4 Major Consequences of Dehydration

- Drought Management and the Origin of Disease

- Joints Require Water and Salt

- Cancer

- Prostate Cancer....

- The Body's Water and Salt Requirements

- 3 Natural Steps to Health

and plus much more ......................

He's famous books are Your Body's Many Cries for Water, & You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!


by F. Batmanghelidj "The greatest tragedy in medical history in my opinion is the assumption that dry mouth is the only sign of the body's water needs. Based on this mistaken assumption, modern medicine has made three other confounding mistakes that have cost society dearly. Let us look at these four mistaken assumptions......"


From the author of the self-published sensation Your Body's Many Cries for Water comes an all new book expanding on the healing powers of water. Asthma, allergies, arthritis, hypertension, depression, head-aches, diabetes, obesity, and MS. These are just some of the conditions and diseases that are caused by persistent dehydration. But there is a miracle solution that is readily available, all natural, and free: water. In WATER: FOR HEALTH, FOR HEALING, FOR LIFE, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj reveals how easy it is to obtain optimum health by drinking more water and supports his claims with over 20 years of clinical and scientific research. Thirsty readers will discover what they never knew, that water can actually: Prevent and reverse aging Cure asthma in a few days, naturally and forever Eliminate pains, including heartburn, back pain, and migraine headaches and much, much more.

The book covers detailed understandings of water shortage in the body related to asthma, allergies, blood pressure disorders, diabetes, constipation, auto-immune diseases, pain, heartburn, hiatal hernia, colitis, ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, depression, gout---the list goes on and contains practically all the well-known and well-experienced villains of ill-health!

Amazon review

"Everyone should own a copy of this book!! (Or this DVD). If everyone drank the water they should, we wouldn't be feeding as much $$ to the pharmaceutical companies... water is free and our bodies need it for everything!! Very enlightening information..."

Another review

"He is arguing for a new scientific approach that turns clinical medicine on its head."

-The Daily Telegraph, London, UK

Wake up to reality now 


Food Choices DOCUMENTARY - The truth about Food, Diet and Wellness

Eating You Alive - Diet, Health and Wellness Documentary

Nearly 30.4 million people die each year from chronic diseases and $3.8 trillion is spent in healthcare costs in the U.S. alone for treating what the CDC defines as "among most common, costly and preventable of all health problems." Tackling one of the greatest health catastrophes of our time, this powerful film reveals how what we eat exacerbates illnesses and, more importantly, explains — in an accessible and engrossing manner — how we can prevent, arrest and even reverse chronic diseases through diet. Along with professional insights from several leading physicians and medical researchers, Eating You Alive features compelling endorsements from celebrities such as director James Cameron and actress Suzy Amis Cameron, actor Samuel L. Jackson and entertainer Penn Jillette, in addition to moving testimonies from everyday individuals who have healed themselves with whole foods. It's time for a revolution in healthcare and it starts with the next bite.

Directed by: Paul David Kennamer Jr.

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, James Cameron, Suzy Amis

(In Chinese): Water And Sodium Importance For Best Health


 因此,生命所需的第一重要元素是氧气。 这并不奇怪。 是吗? 生命所需的第二个最重要的元素是水。

 没有氧气你可以坚持三分钟。 你可以几个星期不喝水。

  我一直以为已经三天没有水了,直到我读了一本名为《漫长的步行》的书,书中讲述了一些逃离西伯利亚工作营的人,他们在沙漠中,他们已经近两周没有水了。 水是生命所需的第二重要元素。 事实上,在没有水的地方,人们通常无法生存。

 该视频讨论了使用食盐的危险以及使用凯尔特海盐® 的好处。 食盐很危险,因为它经过高度加工。 精制盐由两种刺激性矿物质组成,如果注入血液中可能有害。 另一方面,Celtic Sea Salt® 由手工采集的海水制成,含有 82 种矿物质的均衡混合物,其中包括镁,可以帮助水被细胞吸收。 文字记录还讨论了体内钠和钾水平不平衡如何导致高血压,并表明使用凯尔特盐有助于保持健康平衡并降低血压。








 ○ 生命所需的最重要元素:

 1. 氧气;


 3. 钠 ,

 4. 钾 ,













 Skrybot 生成的转录:

 ■ 水,生命所需的第二重要元素。 因此,生命所需的第一重要元素是氧气。 这并不奇怪,不是吗? 生命所需的第二个最重要的元素是水。 没有氧气你可以坚持三分钟。 你可以几个星期不喝水。 我一直以为已经三天没有水了,直到我读了一本名为《漫长的步行》的书,书中讲述了一些逃离西伯利亚工作营的人,他们在沙漠中,他们几乎两周没有水了。 水是生命所需的第二重要元素。

事实上,在没有水的地方,人们通常无法生存,不是吗? 我总是对人们说,你喝了多少水? 这些是一些答案。 我不喜欢水。 我一喝水脚就会肿。 如果我喝水,我就会整天去洗手间。 最后两个答案告诉我水没有进入细胞内部。 那么我们如何获取细胞内的水呢? 我们必须找到生命所需的第三种最重要的元素,那就是钠。 生命所需的第四种最重要的元素是钾。 那么让我们回到钠。

在自然界中,我们发现海水中的钠含量最高,海水中含有 92 种矿物质。 在这 92 种矿物质中,大约 30% 是钠,而在这 92 种矿物质中,大约 50% 是氯化物。 现在,由于氯化钠的含量最多,因此它们是水蒸发时形成的第一个晶体。 所以人类所做的就是舀起最初形成的晶体,将它们漂白成白色,然后放入铝,使其自由流动,这就是食盐。 食盐是一种危险的盐,因为我们现在有两种非常刺激的矿物质,如果你将这两种矿物质注射到血液中,你就会死亡。

这是两种粗糙的矿物质,它们需要所有其他 90 种矿物质来软化和平衡它们。 细胞内矿物质浓度最高的是钾。 细胞外浓度最高的是钠,在每个细胞周围的双层膜中都有钠钾泵,这些钠钾泵一直这样维持钾和钠之间的平衡。 但是,当某人没有吃足够的水果和蔬菜时,而这正是您获取大部分钾的地方,并且他们在所有食物中添加过多的食盐,那么现在会发生钠含量上升而钾含量下降。

细胞中有少量的钠,但是当这种情况发生时,当最高浓度合并到最低浓度时,您会看到渗透和扩散发生,因此现在细胞内的钠水平正在上升,这是不应该的,细胞会膨胀。 那叫什么? 高血压。 医生是对的。 食盐会导致高血压。 有一位法国医生,名叫勒朗格里博士,他写了一本关于盐的书。 他说,当人们来找我患有高血压时,我会给他们服用凯尔特盐。 他为什么把它们放在凯尔特盐上? 因为凯尔特盐含有82种矿物质。 这是手工采摘的海盐。

 因此,凯尔特盐中的矿物质以平衡的形式存在。 喜马拉雅盐怎么样? 在许多地方,喜马拉雅盐更容易获得。 大约有75种矿物质。 所以它非常好,但我更喜欢凯尔特盐,原因之一是凯尔特盐含有三种镁。 含有氯化镁、溴化镁和硫酸镁。 镁是一种缺水分子,这解释了为什么凯尔特盐是一种潮湿的盐,特别是当我们下了很多雨的时候,因为这三种镁会吸收水分。 因为镁是一种缺水分子,所以它可以用来帮助水进入细胞。

因此,当您将一块凯尔特盐晶体放在舌头上时,有人会说晶体有多大? 好吧,如果您患有高血压,请从芝麻大小的小剂量开始。 我没有高血压,所以可能会吃三遍左右,小芝麻。 将它放在舌头上,您的粘膜开始吸收矿物质,镁被带到细胞膜,然后您喝水,镁将水拉入细胞内。 这是为身体补充水分的最快方法。

 过量饮水唯一危险的情况是,如果人们一次喝太多水,他们就没有凯尔特盐中的矿物质来将水吸入细胞内。 有人向我抱怨,他们说我现在喝了更多的水,现在我整天都在上厕所。 所以我说,你有盐吗? 每一杯水之前都放一点水晶,理想情况下,我们每天应该喝大约八杯水。 然后我对他们说,不要一下子喝掉一整杯。 我想我之前提到过,我起床后就喝半杯。

我去洗手间,又喝了半杯,然后穿好衣服,又喝了半杯,但当我开始喝每一杯时,我都会喝一点点盐。 所以你把水洒了一整天,很多人都对我说非常感谢你,这带来了很大的改变。 看到巨大的水进去,没多久,巨大的水就要出来了。 这就像给植物浇水,看看上帝如何一点一点地降下雨水,当龙卷风来临时,倾盆大雨发生时,土壤就会被冲走,洪水就会发生。

 所以请记住,用你的身体一点一点地接受它,这是最好的接受方式。 衬在我们胃肠道的绒毛上。 绒毛上有一个受体位点,该受体位点将葡萄糖带入血液。 所以在这个绒毛上我们有一条贯穿始终的毛细血管。 现在,在该受体位点中有一个载体,该载体旨在将葡萄糖输送到血液中。 但载体不会接受葡萄糖,除非它带有钠分子。 我在我的解剖学和生理学书中读到过这一点。

 我把解剖生理学书里的这句话背下来了,这样我就可以从马口中告诉你了。 钠是葡萄糖穿过刷子、边界壁并进入血液的主要运输系统。 然而我们被告知了什么? 不要吃盐。 嗯,我同意食盐,因为它绝对会导致细胞内外矿物质的不平衡。 您知道氯化钠的强度如此之大,可以杀死味蕾吗? 你见过吃食盐的人吗? 他们把它放在所有东西上,甚至在品尝之前就把它放在上面? 难怪他们的味蕾正在死亡。

而凯尔特盐含有所有矿物质,可以增强食物的风味。 现在我们早上吃的红扁豆,有几个人说这里面有什么? 我什至在我家吃过早餐,人们说,这里面有鸡肉吗? 我知道他们为什么这么说,因为它太美味了。 嗯,它有一点橄榄油,一些香草,如果你能买到新鲜的或意大利的香草,还有一些凯尔特盐和一点姜黄,那就太好了。 我冲洗得很好。 必须先把它冲洗干净,我是在它完全煮熟之前冲洗的。 然而,正如你所看到的,它很美味。

 看,我对烹饪洋葱和大蒜不感兴趣,尽管我很喜欢在扁豆中烹饪,但我会在午餐时间这样做,但早上我要上山下山,要跳入小溪。我” 我不想在厨房呆太久,而且这道菜做起来很快。 因此,钠不仅是让葡萄糖进入血液所必需的,也是让水进入细胞所必需的。 所以它是钠。 它是生命所需的第三种最重要的元素,你可以在任何解剖学和生理学书籍、化学书籍、生物学书籍中获得有关四种生命元素的信息,我只是在这里向你提供事实。

正如您所看到的,水非常重要,但盐也很重要,所有新鲜水果和蔬菜中都含有钾。 钙本身不能进入细胞,它需要维生素 D。当维生素 D 存在时,钙就会被拉入细胞内,记得我前几天向您展示过,钙被称为“钙之王”,因为当它进入细胞时,其他所有物质都会被吸收。 矿物质搭载在钙的背面。 还有其他事情发生。 我想暂时回到这个话题。

 当镁放在舌头上时,你喝了一杯水或半杯水,稍后再喝另一半杯水,镁将水拉入细胞内,并且在每个细胞周围的胆膜中都有一个小马达, 当水通过膜进入细胞时,它会导致那个小马达开始旋转,而该马达的旋转给我们提供了一个单位的能量。 因此,当您在上午感觉有点累或有点饿时,吃点盐和水,您就会获得一点“恢复”能量。

因此,当每个人出去抽烟或喝咖啡时,您都会有水晶盐和一杯水。 当然,如果您在办公室工作,请到外面找一棵树。 记住树木释放出什么来提供氧气。 从腹部肌肉进行深呼吸,那股氧气会记住氧气在细胞水平上的作用。 氧气将为您提供 18 倍的能量。 我们已经多次研究了细胞内部的工作原理,按照我的解释,看起来每个细胞都有一个能量循环,但事实并非如此。

 所以我在这里为你画的是一大堆小能量循环。 事实上,在肌肉细胞中,一个肌肉细胞可以有一百个能量循环。 我很难理解这一点,这就是为什么有人说你会在早晨散步时获得比消耗的更多的能量,因为如果有足够的氧气进入你的身体,每一个小能量循环都会提供 18 倍的能量。 葡萄糖本身不能进入细胞,必须有胰岛素。 因此,细胞打开了开门的钥匙,让葡萄糖进入细胞。

许多人在糖尿病出现胰岛素抵抗之前会发生什么。 您听说过胰岛素抵抗,当胰岛素抵抗出现时,细胞会抵抗胰岛素,因此葡萄糖无法进入细胞,因此葡萄糖会留在血液中,大脑会向胰腺发出更多的胰岛素,更多的胰岛素,但问题不在于更多 胰岛素 问题在于细胞水平上存在胰岛素抵抗。 那么,造成胰岛素抵抗的原因就是高碳水化合物、高糖饮食。 这只是为了让细胞达到它说我们已经足够的程度。 看看你的身边。

 因此,如何从胰岛素抵抗中恢复过来就是将葡萄糖、碳水化合物、纤维、优质蛋白质和健康脂肪摄入其中,这是从胰岛素抵抗中恢复的最佳方法。 但你想象一下,这种情况在美国经常发生,人们没有喝足够的水,他们没有摄入全部的盐,而且他们绝对没有吃太多的绿色蔬菜,而这正是你的镁所在的地方,所以一点点 他们所拥有的水没有进入细胞内部。 他们不敢出去晒太阳,因为害怕得皮肤癌。

所以他们没有获得维生素 D,所以钙无法进入,矿物质也无法进入,他们正在努力减肥,所以他们听了很多媒体的炒作 阻止脂肪,因为脂肪会让你发胖。 所以他们采用高碳水化合物饮食。 记住脂肪的作用,它会给你带来满足感、满足感、饱足感。 但是,如果您没有任何脂肪,那么您只会吃,吃,吃,吃和吃整个饼干,整个薯条都会走到几乎没有迹象的迹象。

 纤维、蛋白质和有益脂肪会给你带来这种迹象。 所以他们采用高碳水化合物饮食,认为如果他们不含脂肪,他们就会减肥,你能看到发生了什么吗? 水无法进入,矿物质无法进入,葡萄糖无法进入,身体会告诉我们要做什么,因为记住这是人体的 CBD ( Central Business District, 中央商务区 ) 。 我们会做什么? 身体说我们还有最后一件事。 我们只需将其强行注入高血压细胞即可。

 因此,高血压可能是脱水的结果,可能是矿物质缺乏、镁缺乏的结果,可能是维生素 D 缺乏的结果,可能是高碳水化合物高糖饮食的结果,也可能是 不活动的结果。 因此,有很多因素共同导致高血压。 这就是为什么必须戴上侦探帽子来找出这些事情的原因。 在某些情况下,它会是这个的一点,在某些情况下,那个的一点,在某些情况下是其他的东西。

你从第一堂课中看到,似乎是很久以前的事了,不是吗?回到周一,我们研究了基因如何影响口香糖,但触发因素是生活方式。 因此,细胞和理解细胞的运作对于理解这些东西如何影响身体至关重要。 我们的图书馆里有一本书,我知道我们这里的图书馆里也有这本书,是一位名叫 Batmanghelidj 博士的伊朗医生写的,我想这就是你的发音。 它被称为身体对水的许多呼喊之一。 他的书的第二个标题是“他没病,他渴了”。 他的书的第三个标题是“不要用药物治疗口渴”。[有关这位医生的更多详细信息,请点击这里]

 他的故事很有趣,我想那是在70年代或80年代。 他是一名政治犯。 因为他是一名医生,每个人有问题都来找他,而他只有水。 所以不管有什么问题,他都会让他们喝一杯水。 他会来看他们 15 分钟。 他会再给他们一杯水。 所以通常在半小时内他们会喝三杯水,他只是惊讶地发现头痛消失了,偏头痛减轻了,胃溃疡疼痛减轻了,哮喘发作也减轻了。 他只给他们水,因为他没有别的东西。

 我想,他只是想表明他正在做某事,因为他是一名医生,所以他们只是喝水。 所以他开始记录他的发现,因为这让他感到惊讶。 他没有意识到,他没想到水会有这么大的效果。 我不记得那段时间了,但最终,政府发生了变化,他被释放了,他说:“你看,你介意我多呆一会儿吗?” 我正在进行这项有趣的研究。 他在医学会议上展示了他的发现,也在医学期刊上展示了他的发现,但这并不是一个很受欢迎的主题,因为你不能靠水赚很多钱。

现在您就会明白为什么他的书的第二个标题是“您没有生病,您口渴了,并且不要用药物治疗口渴”。 这对我来说是一本引人入胜的书,我想带您进去看看一些身体功能以及它们如何受到脱水的影响。 那么,让我们从嘴开始吧。 您是否知道,在慢性脱水状态下,会产生过多的唾液? 有些人认为口干是脱水的迹象。 确实如此,唾液过多可能是脱水的迹象。 你看,当没有足够的水进入身体时,应该进入多少水,让我们对此进行评估。

所以我们的肾脏,要知道应该输入多少水,我们需要看看有多少水流出。 因此,在我们的肾脏中,我们会损失 1. 5 升的尿液。 现在一升与一夸脱相同,所以我可能是最好的,因为我正在对美国观众说夸脱损失,1. 5 夸脱损失。 在皮肤外,可能会损失 0. 5 夸脱。 从结肠中损失 0. 3 夸脱,从肺中损失约 0. 2 夸脱。 这相当于每天损失 2. 5 夸脱。

 所以 2 夸脱就是 8 杯,也就是说每天有 10 杯、8 盎司的水从体内流失。 而且我们后面没有储备罐,是吗? 唯一进入的水是我们摄入的水。所以我们每天应该至少喝 2 夸脱,如果可能的话至少更多。 现在,因为您每天都在蒸桑拿,所以如果您因大量出汗而从皮肤中流失 0. 8 夸脱,我不会感到惊讶。 另一半可以来自你的水果和蔬菜,也许你的花草茶、蔬菜汁。 这就是我们需要多少水。

Batmanghelidj 博士表示,我们首先感觉到水分流失,如果我们不补充水分,身体就会进入一种干旱管理模式,它会释放一种激素来管理这种干旱管理,它被称为组胺。 如果有人对某种东西产生过敏反应,他们会服用什么药物? 抗组胺。 您知道最好的抗组胺剂就是水。 因此,为了维持静脉和动脉的充分血量,第一个获取水的地方是胃内壁。 我们的胃内有一层厚厚的粘膜壁,所以现在我们的粘膜壁非常薄。

 现在,在粘膜壁中,有碳酸氢钠,碳酸氢钠在粘膜壁中可以中和任何可能试图通过的胃酸,并基本上防止胃溃疡。 那么,什么是胃溃疡呢? 这基本上是组织的破坏。 现在,让我给你一个场景。 那大概是20年前的事了。 西澳大利亚州的几位澳大利亚医生发现幽门螺杆菌会导致胃溃疡。 你听说过这个理论。 他们甚至将幽门螺杆菌放入一些人的胃中,导致胃溃疡。 所以我们请了一个来自南非的人来做我们的项目,他和他的妻子来了。

他对参加我们的静修不感兴趣,但他的妻子已经付了全额费用,所以他不情愿地来了。 当我和他谈话时,他大约 57 岁,他不想回答我的问题。 他回答得突然而简短。 他没有生我的气。 我知道他对他的妻子很生气,因为他还在场。 我问他:“你喝水吗?” 是的,每天两升。 所以我就继续前进。 我没有再问任何问题。 我说:“你要吃药吗?” 他说是的,我每个月都会服用不同的抗生素来杀死胃里的幽门螺杆菌,因为我有胃病25年了。

 我已经走遍了世界各地。 所以他最近尝试的就是抗生素,因为他们发现他的胃里有螺杆菌。 我说:“哦,你参加这个项目多久了?” 他说四个月。 那么他已经注射了四剂幽门螺杆菌,你猜怎么着? 它仍然在那里,而且他仍然感到胃痛。 我说:“你有兴趣尝试药物的替代品吗?” 他说,‘不,我对我的药物治疗感到非常满意。非常感谢。而且我总是尊重每个人。我尊重每个人的选择。这不是上帝赋予我们的权利吗?当然。我只是说,“ 哦,我把它留在那里了。”

 现在,在第一堂课之后,我谈到了身体自我治愈的能力,因此我们遇到了问题,我们应该看看身体如何治愈并与之合作。 他和他的妻子,以及她也在服药。 他们径直向我走来。 他说:“这比我听过的任何事情都更有意义。” 我愿意按照你的建议去做。 我对他说:“我对你的药物没有权力。” 但我说:“如果是我,我会停止它,因为到目前为止还没有效果,我会尝试我建议的草药。” 他说:‘我愿意。’

所以我给了他一种叫做slipriol的草药,它可以覆盖并舒缓肠道内壁。 他完成了我们的基本计划,两天喝果汁。 当然,我们鼓励人们在每次喝果汁之间喝水。 周末的时候,我面前有一个非常快乐的男人。 他急于告诉我一些事情。 我说是。 他说:“我已经两天没有胃了,这是25年来的第一次。” 我说:“这是个好消息。” 他说,我已经解决了这个问题。 对我来说,这是更好的消息。 因为医生是谁? 我们是。 我们是。

 我说:“出了什么问题?” 他说我在两餐之间没有喝任何东西,而且每顿饭我都喝了几乎一整升的水。 所以我想向你展示他内心发生的事情。 所以他的肠道内发生的情况是,他在两餐之间没有喝任何东西,这意味着他的肠道内壁非常薄,这意味着盐酸正在分解组织。 请记住,细菌是一种机会主义有机体。 所以发生的事情是身体开始,它自己的微生物改变了角色,来到了清理小组,记住垃圾收集者,他们开始清理死亡组织,他们的名字叫幽门螺杆菌。

 明白为什么你必须问他们为什么在那里吗? 难怪他们在每一个胃溃疡病例中都发现了幽门螺杆菌。 他们是来收拾残局的。 现在,正如上帝所希望的那样,当我们闻到食物的味道并开始咀嚼食物时,就会产生盐酸,这是盐酸,盐酸被释放出来,盐酸与胃蛋白酶原结合,释放出胃蛋白酶,胃蛋白酶会分解蛋白质,但盐酸还有其他作用 。 它具有抗真菌、抗菌作用。 所以,它有能力消灭这些家伙。 就在液压酸考虑下去消灭这些家伙的时候,他已经喝了一大杯水。 水对盐酸有什么作用? 它只是稀释它。