Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Flu Bomb Recipe Transcript

26. Flu Bomb 



Natural Remedies,















6. HONEY 🍯 



0:00 Now we're going to have a look at

0:03 garlic.

0:05 Garlic is a very potent

0:08 antibiotic.

0:09 In fact, the research is showing garlic is six

0:12 times more powerful than tetracycline.

0:14 And that's a

0:15 common antibiotic. To use it as an

0:18 antibiotic you would need probably about

0:20 three of those a day.

0:22 Now if someone says my gut couldn't

0:24 handle three of those a day, what you can 

0:26 do, is you can get a bowl of hot soup.

0:28 Grate it into the soup and that will

0:30 just take the edge off it.

0:33 If a person cannot handle it raw or

0:36 something delicious to put into your

0:38 baked potato is to grate this straight

0:40 into

0:41 say on this very fine on the fine grater

0:44 grate it straight into olive oil

0:47 and then spoon that mix into your baked

0:49 potato. Very very nice.

0:52 And some people choose to do the 

0:54 antibiotic sandwich, which is a slice of

0:56 sourdough spelt toast

0:59 olive oil on that and then grate this

1:02 whole clove of garlic under the slice

1:05 and then

1:07 avocado and tomato it is very delicious .

1:10 It's almost like a little mini pizza,

1:12 isn't it?

1:14 And what happens is the bread underneath

1:16 and the

1:17 olive oil

1:18 underneath and then on top you've got 

1:20 the avocado and tomato calms it down a

1:22 little bit.

1:25 But i'm going to give you the recipe for

1:26 the flu bomb

1:29 or you can take the flu bomb.

1:32 So the flu bomb can be used for 

1:36 bronchitis. It can be used for asthma. It

1:38 can be used for the flu. It can be used

1:40 for pleurisy. It can be used for

1:43 pneumonia. It can be used for

1:45 sinus or a head cold.

1:48 The first ingredient is garlic. And the

1:50 garlic is crushed.

1:53 I'm not putting an amount on there

1:55 because some people can handle

1:59 that much garlic. Some people can only

2:01 handle half that garlic. So it depends

2:04 what you can handle.

2:07 The next ingredient is ginger 🫚. 

2:10 And the ginger is usually well it can be

2:13 finely grated.

2:15 And usually the ginger is about a

2:17 quarter of a teaspoon.

2:21 The next ingredient is eucalyptus oil. If

2:24 you don't have eucalyptus oil, you can

2:26 use tea tree oil.

2:28 And it's one drop.

2:31 Next ingredient is cayenne pepper.

2:36 Now some people can handle half a

2:38 teaspoon. Some people can handle quarter 

2:40 of a teaspoon. Some people can only

2:42 handle a little shake. So, that's up to

2:44 you, too.

2:46 The next ingredient is

2:48 lemon.

2:50 If the lemons are on the tree, I say use 

2:52 the juice of a lemon. If they're a dollar

2:54 a lemon, maybe you use half a

2:57 half a lemon but basically lemon juice

2:59 you're using.

3:01 And

3:02 the last ingredient is honey and usually

3:04 it's approximately one teaspoon.

3:07 Even if you put in four teaspoons it

3:10 does not really

3:12 mask the other ingredients.

3:15 And then you mix that in about a third

3:17 of a cup of hot water.

3:23 Now if someone has a flu or a cold or a

3:25 sinus,

3:27 it's usually taking one of those three

3:29 times a day.

3:33 So, that's the flu bomb.

3:35 Usually by the third day, you don't need 

3:38 it anymore.

3:39 That's quick. Isn't it?

3:42 It's quite potent,

3:45 but it works.

3:48 What about a baby? You can't give that to

3:50 a baby .

3:52 And as you saw,

3:53 as you saw in my lecture uh

3:56 last night, you also can't give a baby,

4:01 food.

4:02 So what can you do? You can finely slice

4:05 garlic and you can wrap it on the bottom

4:07 of the baby's foot.

4:09 Now this is a very large piece of

4:12 garlic. So maybe with a piece of garlic

4:16 that big you only need one and what I

4:19 would do to my babies, I'd get a little

4:21 piece of cloth like this

4:23 and I would put the garlic on the cloth

4:26 and then wrap the cloth over it and then

4:30 bind that

4:31 to the bottom of their feet and then put

4:33 their little sock or little shoe or

4:35 booty on that.

4:37 If you put a layer of cloth between the

4:39 baby's skin and the garlic, it will not

4:42 blister.

4:43 But if you don't, you will form a big

4:45 blister on the bottom of the baby's foot.

4:48 And the problem then is you can't put 

4:50 any more garlic on

4:52 till the blister heals.

4:54 One lady heard about garlic on the

4:56 bottom of the foot and she grated it up,

4:59 put on the baby's foot. Oh she said "Yes, I

5:01 have a great big blister on the baby's 

5:03 foot now."

5:05 But if you slice it like that

5:08 little by little, the garlic eases in

5:11 through the pores on the bottom of the

5:13 feet and the garlic knows where to go.

5:15 It'll go to the chest or it`ll go to the 

5:18 to the the sinus areas and it can bring

5:20 relief. It can even help to break up

5:22 congestion in the chest.

5:25 So, my son James when he was a little boy,

5:27 he used to get a lot of chest colds ² and

5:29 I would put this on the bottom of his

5:31 feet. He's about two and three years old. 

5:34 And I'd put a sock on and I'd put shoes on for him.

5:37 And I'd send him off to play and every

5:39 step he's taking , what's happening?

5:42 The garlic's going into his body. You can

5:44 smell the garlic on their breath within

5:46 a few minutes.

5:48 At the end of the day when I take James

5:50 shoes and socks off

5:52 and

5:53 I'd undo the bandage, the garlic looked

5:56 like a bit of dried out piece of yellow

5:58 leather. No juice left. It's all

6:02 it's all gone into James.

6:05 Now at the same time one has to

6:07 investigate why is my child getting so

6:09 many chest colds.

6:11 Well, we backed onto a swamp

6:13 and when James was four, we moved to a

6:16 mountain top and James no more had chest

6:19 problems. 

6:21 So, if a child is getting recurrent chest

6:23 problems, you have to look and make sure

6:25 there's no mold in the house. You have to 

6:27 make sure that you're in a clean, dry

6:29 area but also check that often children

6:33 get chest colds and sinus and

6:38 tonsils and asthma because of dairy and

6:41 we looked at that last night, too.

Addendum ◇ Ensure the child drink enough water daily and not dehydrated. 

Note ² Most people know how to recognize symptoms of a common cold, which usually includes a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. A chest cold, also called acute bronchitis, is different.

A chest cold involves inflammation and irritation in the airways, so symptoms can be worse than a common cold. It affects the bronchial tubes of the lungs, and often develops as a secondary infection following a head cold.

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