Saturday, January 4, 2025


 Curcuma longa

Turmeric is a perennial herb with large, oblong leaves and are underground stem (rhizome) often used as a spice, The rhizor is bright orange-yellow and has a tough, knobbly exterior. It produces small, white, yellow, or pink-purple flowers.


Anti-inflammatory, Aids Digestive Health

Turmeric, a prized spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, addresses digestive problems, skin ailments, and  inflammation with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. The name "Turmeric' come  from 'terra merita,' Latin words for 'meritorious earth.' a tribute to its striking yellow pigment.


Turmerie is native to the tropical areas of South and Southeast Asia. It is now widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

Ancient Uses:

□ Ancient Indian texts have mentioned use of turmeric for wound healing. Archeological analysis of pots discovered near New Delhi, India showed evidence of turmeric, ginger and garlic residue dating back to 2500 BCE.

□ Around 5oo BCE, turmeric became vital in Ayurvedic medicine. It was used for various  purposes: fumes for congestion relief, juice for wound healing and paste for skin issues like chickenpox and smallpox.

□ Turmeric was used as a natural dye for skin and clothing, Due to its yellow-orange color, it is also known as "Indian saffron" and can be used as a substitute for saffron because it is cheaper and similar in color.

□ Turmeric was believed to prevent gas formation in the intestines.

Modern research:

□ Turmeric oil helps to improve health due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive* properties.(363) [*antinociceptive (adjective):That inhibits nociception, the sensation of pain. (As noun): Any substance that inhibits nociception.]

□ Turmeric or curcumin products,   whether applied topically or ingested, may have therapentic benefits for skin conditions such as acne, alopecia, atopic dermatitis, facial photoaging, oral lichen planus, pruritus, psoriasis, radiodermatitis, and vitiligo.(364)

□ A 2018 study indicates that turmeric extract may have  neuroprotective properties to promote better brain health, potentially mediated through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.(365)

Side Effects:

Turmeric is safe in normal food amounts but can trigger allergies and interact with specific  medications, like blood thinners and diabetes drugs. Avoid large doses to prevent nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Parts used:


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Turmeric rhizome


Turmerie is commonly used fresh or dried in cooking. It ean also be taken as a supplement in capsule powder form.


Taking 500-2000 mg of turmeric daily may have positive effeets,  especially in extract form.


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Turmeric and Fennel

The combination of turmeric extract and fennel essential oil taken twice daily for two months improves the symptoms and quality of life of patients with inflammatory bowel disease by relieving various  symptoms such as bloating.(366)

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Turmeric and Black pepper

The combination of black pepper and turmeric may be an effective malaria treatment, Piperine from black pepper (Piper nigrum seeds) enhances the bioavailability of curcumin in turmeric by 2000 % in   humans thus allowing for greater  turmeric-based benefits.(367)

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Turmeric, Dandelion, Otive, and Nettle, and Milk thistle

Combining extracts from turmeric,   dandelion, olive leaf, and nettle leaf 🍃 with 2 milk thistle capsules half an hour before breakfast for 5 consecutive months has shown significant improvement in reducing psoriasis severity and  improving skin health.(368)

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Turmeric, Boswellia, and Licorice

The combination of turmeric with  boswellia and licorire is effective at  reducing symptoms of asthma.(369)

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