Thursday, December 27, 2012

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

'Proof of Heaven'

(NaturalNews) There's a secret that's much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged -- even condemned -- by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything.

That secret is simply this: We all survive the physical death of our bodies. Our consciousness lives on, and upon our death in this Earthly dream, our consciousness transcends this physical reality and experiences an existence so amazing and powerful that the human language cannot even begin to describe it.

This is the message from Dr. Eben Alexander, author of the newly-published book, "Proof of Heaven." I recently read the book and found it both fascinating and also confirming of several important theories I've been developing about the nature of life and the Creator. (See below.)

A lifelong science skeptic who never believed in God, Heaven or consciousness

Long before this book was ever written, Dr. Alexander was a practicing neurosurgeon and a lifelong "science skeptic." He did not believe in consciousness, free will or the existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, Dr. Alexander believed that so-called "consciousness" was only an illusion created by the biochemical functioning of the brain.

This is a view held by virtually all of today's mainstream scientists, including physicists like Stephen Hawking who say that human beings are nothing more than "biological robots" with no consciousness and no free will.

Dr. Alexander would have held this view to his own death bed had it not been for his experiencing an event so bizarre and miraculous that it defies all conventional scientific explanation: Dr. Alexander "died" for seven days and experienced a vivid journey into the afterlife. He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the book "Proof of Heaven."

E.coli infection eats his brain

It all started when e.coli bacteria infected Dr. Alexander's spinal fluid and outer cerebrum. The e.coli began to literally eat his brain away, and he went into an extremely violent fit of seizures, verbal outbursts and muscular spasms before lapsing into a brain-dead coma.

In this coma, he showed zero higher brain activity and was only kept alive via a respirator and IV fluids. The attending physicians soon concluded that Dr. Alexander would die within a matter of days, and that even if he lived, he would be a non-functioning "vegetable" with limited brain function. Statistically, the death rate for patients with e.coli infections of the brain is 97%.

But here's the real shocker in all this: Rather than experiencing nothingness during these seven earth-days of unconsciousness, Dr. Alexander found himself "awakening" from the dream of his earthly life, suddenly experiencing an incomprehensibly vast expansion of his consciousness in the afterlife.

This experience is described in more detail in his book "Proof of Heaven," but here are the highlights:

• The experience of the afterlife was so "real" and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.

• There was no time dimension in the afterlife. Time did not "flow" as it does in our universe. An instant could seem like eternity, and consciousness could move through what we perceive to be time without effort. (This idea that all time exists simultaneously has enormous implications in understanding the nature of free will and the multiverse, along with the apparent flow of time experienced by our consciousness in this realm.)

• The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small.

• In the afterlife, all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you.

• The moment you asked a question in your mind, the answers were immediately apparent in breathtaking depth and detail. There was no "unknown" and the mere asking of a question was instantly accompanied by the appearance of its answers.

• There also exists a literal Hell, which was described by Dr. Alexander as a place buried underground, with gnarled tree roots and demonic faces and never-ending torment. Dr. Alexander was rescued from this place by angelic beings and transported to Heaven.

God acknowledges the existence of the multiverse

The passage of "Proof of Heaven" I found most interesting is found on page 48, where Dr. Alexander says:

Through the Orb, [God] told me that there is not one universe but many -- in fact, more than I could conceive -- but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth -- no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.

This passage struck an important cord with me, as I have long believed our universe was created by the Creator as just one of an infinite number of other universes, each with variations on life and the laws of physics. (Click here to read my writings on the Higgs Boson particle, consciousness and the multiverse.) What Dr. Alexander's quote confirms is that our life on planet Earth is a "test" of personal growth, and that the way to make progress in this test is to overcome evil while spreading love and compassion.

Even more, this passage also confirms the existence of free will and even helps answer the question I'm often asking myself: "Why are we placed here in a world of such evil and surrounded by ignorance, darkness and deception?" The answer appears to be that Earth is a testing ground for souls that have been selected by the Creator for the ultimate test of good versus evil.

Earth as a testing ground

Although "Proof of Heaven" doesn't go as far as I'm explaining here, my working theory is that our planet Earth is among the highest evil-infested realms in the grand multiverse. Only the most courageous souls agree to come to Earth by being born into human bodies and stripped of their memories.

From there, the challenge of life is multi-faceted:

1) Figure out WHO you are and WHY you are here.
2) Learn to recognize and overcome EVIL (tyranny, slavery, oppression, Big Government, etc.).
3) Learn to spread love, compassion, healing and knowledge.

Upon our death, we are judged by a higher power, and that judgment takes into account our performance in these areas. Did we achieve a measure of self-awareness? Did we work to overcome evil? Did we express love and compassion and help uplift others with knowledge and awareness?

As you've probably already figured out, the vast majority of humans fail these tests. They die as bitter, selfish, substance-addicted, greed-driven minions of evil who mistakenly thought they were winning the game of life while, in reality, they were losing the far more important test of the Creator.

The most important part about living a human life is not acquiring money, or fame, or power over others but rather achieving a high "score" in this simulation known as "life" by resisting evil, spreading love and expanding awareness of that which is true.

For those who respect life, who practice humility and self awareness, who seek to spread knowledge and wisdom while resisting tyranny, oppression, ignorance and evil, their souls will, I believe, be selected for special tasks in the greater multiverse. That's the "real" existence. This Earthly life is only a dream-like simulation where your soul interfaces with the crude biology of our planet for a very short time span that's actually the blink of an eye in the larger picture.

In reality, you are much more than your body. In fact, your soul is infinitely more aware, intelligent and creative than what can be experienced or expressed through the brain of a human. Trying to experience the full reality of what you are through the limited physical brain matter of a human being is a lot like trying to teach an insect to compose music like Mozart.

The multiverse is teeming with intelligent life, including multidimensional beings

Dr. Alexander's journey also confirms the existence of intelligent life far beyond Earth. As he explains in Proof of Heaven:

I saw the abundance of life throughout the countless universes, including some whose intelligence was advanced far beyond that of humanity. I saw that there are countless higher dimensions, but that the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly. They cannot be known, or understood, from lower dimensional space. From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world.

This not only confirms the existence of other intelligent civilizations throughout our known universe, but more importantly the existence of multidimensional beings who can come and go from our realm as they please.

Throughout the cultures of the world, there are countless accounts of advanced beings visiting Earth, transferring technology to ancient Earth civilizations, and possibly even interbreeding with early humans. Even the very basis of Christianity begins with the idea that an omnipresent multidimensional being (God) can intervene at will, and can therefore transcend time and space.

Alternative researchers like David Icke also talk about multidimensional beings visiting Earth and infecting the planet with great evil. According to Icke, the globalist controllers of our planet are literally reptilian shape-shifters who have invaded our world for the purpose of controlling and enslaving humanity. Although nothing like this is covered in Dr. Alexander's book, it is not inconsistent with what Dr. Alexander was told by God during his coma... Namely, that there are multidimensional realities, that certain high-vibration beings can traverse those realities at will, and that Earth is infested with a great evil with the specific purpose of testing our character.

If all this sounds a little too spooky for you, consider the words of the Bible itself: An upright talking reptilian snake spoke in audible words to Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, did it not?

The science skeptics are wrong (again)

Regardless of what you might think about multidimensional beings, intelligent life beyond Earth, and the existence of great evil on our planet, there's one aspect of all this that's crystal clear: The science skeptics are dead wrong.

Science "skeptics" are actually misnamed. They aren't skeptical at all. They simply follow their own religion with its own sacred beliefs that cannot be questioned... ever! Those beliefs include the utter worship of the materialistic view of the universe. Simultaneously, so-called "skeptics" do not believe they are conscious beings themselves because they believe consciousness is merely an "artifact" of biochemical brain function.

There is no afterlife, they insist. There is no mind-body medicine, the placebo effect is useless, and there's no such thing as premonition, remote viewing or psychic phenomena. Oh yes, and they also insist that injecting yourself with mercury, MSG and formaldehyde via vaccines is actually good for you, that fluoride chemicals are good for the public health and that we should all eat more GMOs, pesticides and synthetic chemicals.

It's no surprise these religious cult members of the "scientism" cult don't believe in an afterlife. That's what allows them to commit genocidal crimes against the human race today via GMOs, experimental medicine, toxic vaccines and other deadly pursuits. In their view, humans have no souls so killing them is of no consequence.

As Dr. Alexander says,

Certain members of the scientific community, who are pledged to the materialistic worldview, have insisted again and again that science and spirituality cannot coexist. They are mistaken.

Well of course they are. The "science skeptics" are dead wrong about almost everything they claim to advocate. But their biggest mistake of all is in denying the existence of their own souls. Needless to say, they are all going to fail the human experience simulation once they pass on and face judgment. My, what a surprise that will be for those sad souls when they day arrives...

I would hate to face God one day after having lived a life of a science skeptic, and then have God ask the question: "You doubted ME?" How could anyone take a look at the world around them and not see the signs of an intelligent Creator? Even the very laws of physics have been tweaked and fine-tuned in precisely the right balance so that our universe itself can support the formation of stars, and planets, and carbon-based life forms. This is called the "Goldilocks Enigma," and there's a wonderful book by that same name written by Paul Davies.

No biochemical explanation for Dr. Alexander's experience

For those skeptics who may be reading this, Dr. Alexander goes through nine possible biochemical hypotheses for his experiences and then meticulously and scientifically dismisses them all one by one. The result? His experience was REAL. In fact, it was "more real" than life as a human being.

Remember, Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon. This guy knows the physical brain like no one else. The nine medical explanations he considers and dismisses as possible causes for his experience are:

1) Primitive brainstem program.
2) Distorted recall of memories from the limbic system.
3) Endogenous glutamate blockade with excitotoxicity.
4) DMT dump.
5) Isolated preservation of cortical regions of the brain.
6) Loss of inhibitory neurons leading to highly levels of activity among excitatory neuronal networks to generate an apparent "ultra-reality."
7) Activation of thalamus, basal ganglia and brainstorm to create a hyper-reality experience.
8) Reboot phenomenon.
9) Unusual memory generation through archaic visual pathways.

Dr. Alexander may be the most credible afterlife witness in the history of humanity

Dr. Alexander's experience (and subsequent book) is arguably the best-documented case of the afterlife that exists in western science today. The fact that a vivid, hyper-real afterlife was experienced by a science skeptic materialistic brain surgeon who didn't believe in the afterlife -- and who subsequently found the courage to document his experiences and publish them in a book -- adds irrefutable credibility to the experience.

This was not some kook seeking fame on a TV show. In fact, his writing this book earned him endless ridicule from his former "scientific" colleagues. There was every reason to NOT write this book. Only by the grace of God was Dr. Alexander healed of his e.coli infection, restored to normal brain function, and granted the VISION of the afterlife so that he could return to this realm and attempt to put it into words.

Personally, I believe Dr. Alexander, and his experience mirrors that of countless others, across every culture, who have reported similar NDEs (Near Death Experiences). There is life after life, and the shift in consciousness of Earthlings that is required to take our species to a higher level of understanding begins, I believe, with embracing the truth of the immortality of our own souls (and the existence of a grand Creator).

What does it all mean?

Dr. Alexander's spiritual journey gives us a wealth of information that can help provide meaning and purpose in our daily lives.

For starters, it means that all our actions are recorded in the cosmos and that there are no secrets in the larger scope of things. You cannot secretly screw somebody over here on Earth and think it won't be recorded on your soul forever. It also means that all our actions will be accounted for in the afterlife. If this message sounds familiar, that's because an identical idea is the pillar of every major world religion, including Christianity.

It also means there are people living today on this planet whose souls will literally burn in eternal Hell. There are others whose souls, like Dr. Alexander, will be lifted into Heaven and shown a greater reality. What we choose to do with our lives each and every day determines which path our souls will take after the passing of our physical bodies.

What matters, then, is not whether you actually succeed in defeating evil here on Earth, but rather the nature of your character that emerges from all the challenges and tribulations you face. This is all a test, get it? That's why life seems to suck sometimes. It's not a panacea; it's a testing ground for the most courageous souls of all -- those who wish to enter the realm of great evil and hope they can rise above it before the end of their human lifespan.

Read more of my writings on such topics at

And check out more from Dr. Alexander at

Empowering Our Mind: Singapore Wakeup Message 2012

He who thus dominates over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body,
no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in
your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you.

Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves?
How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you?
The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own?
How does he have any power over you except through you?

How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you? What could he do to you if
you yourselves did not connive with the thief you plunders you, if you were not the accomplices
of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves?

You yield your bodies unto hard labour in order that he may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weak yourself in order to make him stronger and the mightier to hold you in check. From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free.

Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed....A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when having a choice between being vassals and being free men,it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery,or, rather, apparently welcomes it." --- Ettiene de La Boetie, 1552, French philosopher.

As you countdown to the end of another year, reflect again. It is a tragic quirk of human nature that allow billions all over the world to repeatedly and consistently subject themselves to brutish domination by the tyrannical few. The answer is partly due to violent coercion. But, if individuals with empowered mind and empowered networks refused to cooperate and allow themselves to be abused or used as instruments of state terror, tyrants would fall, immediatelly. A TYRant is just an 'ant' at its end.
 In 1552, French philosopher Etienne de la Boetie wrote:

He who dominates over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least…among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power you confer on him to destroy you. How has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you, except through you? What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you? If you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you? If you were not traitors to yourselves?

It is indeed a tragic quirk of human nature that allows millions all over the world to repeatedly and consistently subject themselves to brutish domination by the tyrannical few. The answer is partly due to violent coercion. But as de la Boetie expounded, if individuals refused to cooperate and allow themselves to be used as instruments of state terror, tyrants would fall. 
Another reason why masses often become putty in the hands of dictators is the use and misuse of information to shape public opinion. The use of the mass media to constantly exalt the rulers (statesmen-like photographs are strategically placed here, effusive write-ups prominently published there) and to create larger-than-life images of the leaders is a tried and tested means of mind-control. The constant droning of the official line and the downplaying, or complete censorship, of dissenting views for years upon years all contribute to shaping the thought processes of the people. 
The resultant effect is so pervasive and deep-seated that even the victims are led to believe that it is their inability and deficiency that has placed them in the situation they find themselves. In other words, they buy into the delusion that being in a state of subjugation is the natural order of things and, worse, that they are powerless to change the ruler-ruled relationship. This is exactly the problem that besets us in Singapore. 

The biggest struggle is not against the PAP; it is against what the PAP has done to our minds.

Unlearning learned helplessness
Yet propaganda, too, has its weaknesses. The erstwhile Soviet Union, mighty as it once was, could only keep the truth out and its people in for less than 75 years. Autocrats are acutely aware of how precarious the use of state violence and propaganda can be; hence the need to eradicate sources that provide dissenting information. This is where we need to start: To recondition the Singaporean mind into realising that no one is ever completely powerless. The ability to break the chains in our minds that lock us into thinking we are helpless is itself a power that each of us wields. We must not allow ourselves to believe that PAP domination is irrevocable and that events determined by the ruling few are inevitable and unalterable. I mentioned earlier that learned helplessness is an induced state of mind, and because it is an induced state of mind, it can also be unlearned
I am not saying that structures are not in place to prevent us from actively seeking change; I recognise this in earlier paragraphs. What I am saying is that the first step to liberating ourselves from PAP oppression is to recognise that we are not powerless. It is important to acknowledge our mental captivity and recognise we are not imprisoned for our thoughts as much as we are imprisoned by them. This first step to overcoming the state of learned helplessness so crippling to our efforts to achieve democracy in Singapore is crucial. 
One way to do this is to understand where power comes from and how it can be used. The most common perception of power is that wielded by the state, that is, the use of force by a government through the police and the military. But there are other sources of power that do not belong to the government, that is, power that can be exercised by citizens. 
How Singaporeans employ such power and what initiatives we take to free ourselves is a matter which I will take up in subsequent chapters. For now, it is important to remember that as long as we remain captive to our delusions, we will continue to be the eyes and hands that support the system that de la Boetie so eloquently described. Political factors change and so must our mindsets. The confluence of circumstances and how we respond to them can make all the difference. History is strewn with cases where the masses overcome dictatorial regimes by refusing to go along with the wishes of the rulers. When this happens in Singapore, the delusion that the PAP has so skillfully created will disappear like mist in the midday sun. 

THE USE OF KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. When power becomes gracious and descends into the visible .... the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers ... and in countless books); and many, many other resources often cited. .... It is a cartel operating against the public interest. 


You take the white pill and the story ends.
You believe whatever you want to believe.  
You take the red pill and you'll experience
how deep the conversation goes.


When power becomes gracious and descends into the visible — such descent I call beauty. And there is nobody from whom I want beauty as much as from you who are powerful: let your kindness be your final self-conquest.

What you are matters infinitely

What the individual is, the society is. What you are matters infinitely.
That is not a mere slogan but, if you go into it really deeply, you will discover how significant your actions are, how what you are affects the world in which you live, which is the world of your relationships, however small, however limited.
And, if we can fundamentally alter, bring about a radical revolution in ourselves, inwardly, then there is a possibility of creating a different world, a different set of values.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Ways to Make Money Online Without Being Scammed…

It’s estimated that for every one legitimate online opportunity there are roughly sixty scams. The reason is that quite a few people seem to believe that there’s a magic package out there which allows one to make a lot of money on the internet with very little effort, and there’s always a less than reputable website willing to sell it to them.

To be perfectly honest there are many different ways to make money online, and working from home can be extremely rewarding. But there’s a big difference between a legitimate online job or opportunity and the unsolicited offers that often find their way into your inbox.
This is why we’ve put together a list of real ways to make money from home. These are all legitimate companies and methods which allow you to start getting paid for a wide range of activities with little or no investment on your part.

Feel free to explore the ideas on this post.

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#1 Get an Online Job…
If you want to earn income at home then you may think the most obvious solution is to get a work-at-home job. Well you’re right! Unfortunately many internet scams specifically target people searching to work at home. To avoid falling for any kind of schemes the best thing you can do is go directly to the source. Find forums or job boards that focus on the kind of work you want to do. For instance there are many legit jobs in the customer service industry.

You can get a job as a customer service representative and earn money by fielding customer’s questions and providing them with support. This type of work will require some brief training and the ability to pass a background check.

If you’re the creative type, you can find work at home opportunities in almost any industry. If you have technical skills such as programming or graphic design, then the door is really wide open. In addition to full time work at home jobs there are a plethora of freelance jobs.

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#2 Make Money Taking Surveys…

Surveys often get a bad reputation online because many people are confusing legitimate survey companies with other fraudulent online offers. The most important thing you need to look for in an online survey site is that it’s associated with a real market-research company.

There are many false “survey” websites out there that attempt to charge money for survey opportunities, but participation in real market research should always cost you nothing.

In addition, many fraudulent websites claim extraordinary earnings from taking surveys, which is not how real survey companies operate. You should have reasonable expectations and understand that you’re not going to make a full-time income taking surveys.

Big-name brands pay research companies to get their members to take various surveys. Often times they’re looking for very specific demographics which means you may not qualify. The best way around this is to be honest in your profile and sign up with several websites to increase your chances of qualifying.

#3 Get Paid to Browse the Net…
With more and more retail and advertising dollars being spent online studying people’s browsing habits has become huge business. Insights into online behavior are worth thousands, if not millions, of dollars to large companies who do business online.

This is why there’s been a significant rise in research firms that study how and why people do certain things online. In order to get this data they’ve developed websites that reward people with gifts and prizes for contributing to their statistics.

They’ll pay you for doing things online such as browsing, shopping, or even playing games. Any info they collect is anonymous and unidentifiable so your privacy is protected.

Working with Swagbucks will certainly not replace your day job, but why not get a little something extra for doing many of the things that you’re already doing anyways?

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#4 Make Money With Your Own Website…

If you’re looking to work hard, be your own boss, and create a full-time income for yourself then making money with your own website is the route you’re looking to take. With a website you open yourself up to a variety of income sources, primarily making money through advertising networks such as AdSense or affiliate marketing.

You no longer need to be a computer or programming expert to make money with a website. Services such as blogger and wordpress allow you to quickly create your own website and even host it for free. Keep in mind that you will not make money on your first day, or likely your first month.

Making money with a website is a lot like starting your own business. It can be a lot of work and you often don’t reap the benefits till much later down the line. However, if you’re willing to work hard, have an idea or vision, and have a passion for self-employment then there’s nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Many people get intimidated just by the thought of creating their own website, which is why we put together a step-by-step, easy to follow guide that’ll show you how to do everything from creating your site to earning your first dollar online.

Here is our continued list of make money online opportunities…

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#5 Get Paid to Write…

Writing is one of the easiest ways to make money online; with the massive growth of the internet there’s never been more demand on the internet for writers. Websites are always in need of new content and they’re happy to pay for it. The best way to find at-home writing work is to become a member at some of the many freelance websites and forums specializing in this type of work.

Not only can you find short term work, but if you do well and impress your employer a small gig can often turn into long term or even permanent employment.

Another option is to submit your content to websites that offer revenue-sharing opportunities. They will provide you with the platform to host your writing on, and in return for your work, they’ll split any ad revenue that your articles generate.

With the revenue sharing option you get more leeway in the kind of content you can write and will earn a percentage (approx. 40-50%) of the ad revenue that your articles generate.

As a traditional freelance writer, you’ll bid on jobs and get paid a predetermined amount for a specific amount of work.

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#6 Micro Jobs…

Many companies are outsourcing simple tasks that, for one reason or another, can’t be done by a computer. These “micro jobs” can range from specialized tasks to basic actions that a computer simply can’t handle, such as appropriately labeling photographs for example.

There are many routes that you can take with this type of work. If you have a skill set for specific tasks such as web-design then you don’t have to focus on just the basic jobs. There have been many huge design projects that have been done through the use of the micro job model.

Due to their success, there are quite a few websites that offer this type of work. Everything from answering a question to submitting a design, or to helping name a new product or website.

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#7 Get Paid to Take Stock Photos…

You can make money selling simple everyday photos. You don’t have to be an artist or an expert photographer to make this work. People need stock photos for their blogs, websites, presentations, and much more. Often times it’s the most basic things that they’re looking for. When someone purchases your photo you get paid a commission, it’s as simple as that.

Here’s a list of sites where you can get started:, ShutterStock, and iStockphoto.

We hope that you’ve found this list of make money online ideas helpful.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

About The Riches of His Goodness

Receiving The Riches of His Goodness


The riches of His goodness - Romans 2 : 4

MOST people reckon their riches in terms of the American DOLLAR or some other national monetary unit ; and in most countries there have been three metals of coinage - copper, silver, gold. We scarcely ever see gold coinage in circulation today, but the older among us can remember when it was common currency. There is an interesting parallel between those coinage-metals, copper, silver, gold, and the "riches" of God towards mankind, as revealed in Holy Bible.

First , we read about the " riches of His goodness". Romans 2 : 4 , asks, " Despisest thou the riches of His goodness . . . ? These "riches of His goodness " are, so to speak, the copper coinage of the divine treasury. The goodness of God is no new idea. It is as old as the rainbow and the seasons of the year. When the Anglo-Saxon ancestors of the English-speaking peoples wanted a name for the Supreme Being, they called Him " God" . their word for good.

The " riches " of His goodness " all of us enjoy. God is good to all His creatures without partiality or favouritism. He is no of persons, except that He respects us all alike. "He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." The psalmist had every reason to exclaim, " Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness."  And all of us , if we have seeing eyes, can say, " Goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. "

There is no meagreness in God's goodness.
Romans 2 : 4 calls it " The riches of His goodness " .
1 Timothy 6 : 17 says, " The living God giveth us richly all things to enjoy. "
And James 1 :5 echoes , " God giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not ."
The vast majority of us have good reason to be thanking God all the time for food and clothing, friends and loved ones, home and shelter, sunshine and rain, singing birds and lovely flowers, sympathetic trees and restful green countryside ; health of mind and body, use of limb and muscle, eyesight and hearing, individual liberty and many social comforts, like Facebook, twitter, blogsites , etcs.

But " The riches of His  goodness " are most meaningful  of all in their spiritual  intention. Read Romans 2:4 in full verse : " Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering ; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? ". What influence is so likely to make us repent of wrong which we have done to some person, than that person's heart-melting retaliation of kindness in return?
Even so, the munificent, undeserved, continuous goodness of God is meant to beget within us a turning away from evil , to uprightness and godliness. " He hath not dealt with us after our sins ; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities " - Psalm 103 : 10.
Oh, to repent at His goodness, rather than at last tremble before His righteous wrath !

How oft have my footsteps
To ruin drawn near,
In quicksands deceiving
By precipice sheer !
Yet there, in the shadows,
My Watcher has cared ;
My poor soul has been rescued,
My life has been spared.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Purpose of Internet Education 2013

Making money on the internet isn’t difficult I you know of the best ways to make money.  If you had asked me whether or not it was hard 4 years ago, I would have said, “Yeah”, but I was just getting started. The information for me was initially overwhelming; however I finally figured it out. It took some time for it all to become clear, but I had tons of evidence that other people were doing it-EVERYDAY. With that being said, I can dispel the myth that it’s difficult, takes too much time, and that it’s hard to comprehend the basic principles.

If you believe that making money on the internet is hard, you are about to find out otherwise! What if I told you that I knew that there was a method so simple for making money online that even a 12 year old could do it? What if I told you that it is one of the easiest home based jobs around? How about the individual that is now 60 years old and has never used a computer? Yes, any one of these individuals can make money online, and I am going to share with you how to do this.

(Click)One Simple Key to Making Money on the Internet

There are a few things that you should know regarding making money on the internet:
  • It’s easy
  • You just need a computer/ laptop/smartphone
  • You just need to know how to check email
  • Anyone can learn how to do this
Yep, it’s that simple. You can learn how to make extra money using your desktop PC or your laptop, and it makes no difference what your background is, where you are from, or what you went to school for. You don’t even need a degree. So, what is that one simple key? You just DECIDE that you can do this and then you become teachable with new money making ideas.

I have found that when people are teachable, they can easily learn new ways to make extra money. Don’t allow others to tell you that you can’t do this, or it’s too risky. Chances are, your family has tried to talk you out of it, and they are telling you to run quickly! This is only because they love you and they don’t understand money making ideas 2013. Once you make the decision, remain committed to it, and you will make money.

Making Money on the Internet is Easy with One Simple Tool

Did you know that making money on the internet is easy when you blog? Even if you don’t know what a blog is right now, it makes no difference. The truth is, a blog is just another form of social media, really. It helps you to connect with others because you can share your knowledge, and you can share information about products and services and help you earn money. Most of all, once you blog it’s there forever! Now can you see why it’s so valuable to learn more about making money online?

I know where you are, and I remember researching ways to make money 2013 other than being an engineer, because simply put I was never home, and I wanted to make enough to stay home and spend time with my wife and kids. If you are asking how can I earn money, then CLICK HERE now to learn more about making money on the internet!

Click Here ,You Might Also Like

Monday, December 17, 2012

Making MONEY Everyday : Be EMPOWERED

Do This 3 Things And Make Money Everyday

Hope you have fun as well!

Do This 3 Things And Make Money Everyday

When I first saw this, I didn't really believe it.

Click Here To Discover For Yourself

I mean… How can you guarantee that people
will make money when they do this 3 simple things…

But the results prove other wise.

- A high school drop out made $182,392 in 90 days

- Jeff made $41,317 in 3 months

- A fork-life warehouse driver got fired from his job and 
he go on to make $25,729

- A bankrupt couple pocket over $57,4425 in 90 days

Don't miss out on this.

Here's how you can make money everyday by
following this 3 simple way.

Click Here Now And Do It Yourself


Obesity, Cancer, Depression : DNA DAMAGE

  To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

It has become an established trend to silence the pains of the body (your body) with some sort of chemical without knowing the wider physiological implications of the pain mechanism and its significant association with the level of acidity in the body. Pain means that an area is acidic. This can cause severe damage to the DNA structure of the cells within area.

Medical specialists limit their responsibility to one aspect or another of the body's mechanical parts, and do not simultaneously deal with different diseases. They have mostly forgotten their knowledge of physiological and have acquired the skills of producing temporary relief by the use of chemical products. However, when pain medications are used, the cause of pain is not taken away; the acidic state of the body continues to cause other symptoms and damage that may be outside a specialist's field of interest. Thus patients go from one specialist to another and end up using several different chemicals-drugs with their body's increasing variety of cries for water. Cancer formation is one such cry for water. It is the survival strategy installed in the primitive form of single-cell life in a chemically hostile environment.

It's true that many people develop cancer without having had pain. How can this be?   To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here)

Pain is one of the many indicators of dehydration in the human body. Not all parts of the body that become dehydrated possess pain-sensing nerves - think of the breast, the pancreas, the prostate gland, the lungs - hence their silent cancers. Water distribution is  a highly sophisticated process operated on the basis of a very strict rationing program. The level of dehydration might be subclinical -- without symptoms -- but sufficiently present over a period of many years to cause damage to the DNA repair system, decrease the rate of receptor production on the cell membranes, and eventually negatively affect the immune system's efficiency of functions.

The onset of dehydration might well be established with the first prescription of diuretics to lower the blood pressure, without the doctor realizing that hypertension itself is one of the indicators of dehydration - one of the body's drought-management programs.

Water has to be forced into vital cells against the osmotic draw of blood pulling water out of them; extra pressure is needed to inject some water through "water-specific holes" in the membranes of these vital but dehydrated cells.

In short, the rise in injection pressure of the emergency water distribution system in a dehydrated body is labeled hypertension. It is treated with chemicals that further dehydrate -- diuretics -- when water itself is the best natural diuretic there is. Can you imagine that? Yes! In this most advance country in the world today, more than 60 million dehydrated people have been labeled as hypertensives and receive this kind of treatment every day. No wonder heart disease and cancer are the number 1 and 2 killers -- over 700,000 thousand die of heart disease and more than 500,000 die of cancer each year. Not surprisingly, over 250,000 die of prescription medications. Save your body today, drink the amount of water regularly, follow a time table to get the habit until the body do not sent pain signal anymore to your conscious mind. 

 To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Obesity-Cancer-Depression . As Far As I understand ...

 To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here)

As far as I understand, during the immediately pre-diabetic phase of function, or its post-diabetic phase of insulin shutdown, pancreatic cancers are also associated with DEHYDRATION.

I am of the opinion that type I diabetes - the kind you must inject insulin to control, even though it is classified as an autoimmune disease -- is another of the many complications of dehydration. Autoimmune diseases are also dehydration produced. It seems dehydration-produced cancers are more frequent in tissues that have secretory functions, like the intestinal tract, the breast, or the pancreas. 

Other pains are also related to DEHYDRATION :

@ Arthritis pain of the hand, arm, and leg joints.

@ Back and neck pain.

@Migraine headaches. these should be taken as a serious indicator of " brain thirst " that herald eventual disruption of brain function, including brain tumors or degenerative diseases such as MS (Multi-Scelerosis) , Parkison's disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.


@Fibromyalgia, denoting acid buildup in the muscle and the connective tissue - the locomotive faculties of the body.

@ And more.

Adequate rehydration , i.e: systematic regulated water drinking in relative amount to one's personal body weight, on daily basis,  should be the first step toward pain relief.  

To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

Hydration is a godsend solution for these body pains. Take it from me and test water as a natural holistic painkiller. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

raising money for charity. - Financial consultant Sean Ong

 To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. 

His Christmas wish: 1,000km in 100 days for chronically-ill children

Financial consultant dons running shoes to help chronically ill children Causes Week features stories about charities and causes, as well as people and organisations raising funds for them.

 12.12.12. Day87. It is DONE. 1000km completed. After days n nights of lonely runs, painful knees, ankles n toes, many forgone business meetings n disrupted family events, moments of mind vs body as I dragged an unwilling body along a seemin
gly never-ending road, it's finally DONE! And nothing sweeter than having my wife n baby girl surprising me at the finishing point, showing their support for Run4theirlivesSingapore. We are fortunate to be who, what and where we are today. Let's help the less fortunate ones. Thank u on behalf of the kids at Club Rainbow :)- Sean Ong

Published on Dec 10, 2012


FINANCIAL consultant Sean Ong used to spend the Christmas season lounging on the couch, watching re-runs of festive movies on TV.

But this Christmas Eve will be different for the 34-year-old.
He will be running from his flat in Ang Mo Kio all the way to Club Rainbow's office in Upper Cross Street to extend his festive wishes to children suffering from chronic and life-threatening illnesses. 

{2012 Charity Game Plan: My name is Sean Ong or 王明全, 34 years of age this year. I shall attempt to personally run 1,000km in 100days leading to Xmas 2012. The aim of the Run is to raise funds for charity, in this case Club Rainbow Singapore ( - Sean Ong}

This last run is a fitting closure for an endeavour to which he is faithfully committed - running 1,000km in 100 days in a task culminating on Christmas Eve.

For going the distance, he hopes to raise funds for children from Club Rainbow, a charity that supports chronically ill children.

Since Sept 17, he has been running some 10km every morning largely in his Ang Mo Kio neighbourhood before heading to work. His smartphone tracks the distance he has covered and he uploads the information daily onto a Facebook page, so that donors are kept up to date on his progress.

One might assume that Mr Ong is a born runner, but pounding the pavement does not come naturally to him.

Childhood asthma limited his ability to play sports and he took up activities such as playing the harmonica in school instead.

Before embarking on this project, called "Run 4 Their Lives Singapore", he did leisure runs of not more than 3km, once a month.

"I am not athletic and I hate running. But it has to cost me some effort to get people to sit up, take notice and donate," said Mr Ong, who admitted that it has been a lonely run most of the time.

"Day after day when I run, sometimes in the rain, I wonder if anybody knows, if anybody cares and whether the donations are coming in," he said.

Mr Gregory Vijayendran, 44, president of Club Rainbow (Singapore), said Mr Ong's run was symbolic of the journey chronically ill children undertake.

"The children run not a short sprint but a life marathon filled with setbacks and struggles. The run is powerfully symbolic of that life marathon where the children demonstrate inner resilience and courage time and again," said Mr Vijayendran.

It was also the inner strength epitomised by the late Canadian Terry Fox, who inspired the run. Mr Fox committed himself to running across Canada despite having lost a leg to bone cancer, to raise money for cancer research.

Four years ago, Mr Ong found himself staring in silent admiration at a 3m bronze statue of Mr Fox overlooking Lake Superior in Ontario. The site was where the Canadian was forced to give up his run after succumbing to a final onslaught of cancer.

Mr Ong knew then that he wanted to commit to a cause larger than himself.

However, it was only when his baby girl was born last year that he decided to do something for charity. He was grateful that his daughter was given a clean bill of health and wanted to help other children who were not so fortunate.

"Call it a mid-life crisis of sorts, I was sick of talking about money with my friends, about stocks, property and cars," said Mr Ong, who has worked in the financial sector for the last 10 years. He is now a partner at IPP Financial Advisers.

"If it's going to be about money, this time it will be raising money for charity."

To date, he has raised more than $4,000 and hopes to reach a target of $10,000.

Ms Jo Tang, 34, donated $100 to the cause, although she does not know Mr Ong personally.

The teacher said: "I heard about the run from my friend and donated as I could identify with why he was running. I have two young girls and am constantly thankful that they are healthy."

To donate, go to

Background story

Causes Week features stories about charities and causes, as well as people and organisations raising funds for them

To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. 

Call it a mid-life crisis of sorts, I was sick of talking about money with my friends, about stocks, property and cars... If it's going to be about money, this time it will be raising money for charity.
- Financial consultant Sean Ong

Donations till date (10/12/2012) stands near $5,000. You can donate to Club Rainbow via Just message me your name via FB privately so that your donation can be recorded under the Run4theirlivesSingapore project. You can also mail a
cheque (payable to “Club Rainbow Singapore”) to Club Rainbow office at 538 Upp Cross St #05-263 Spore 050538. Do write your name, IC no, mailing address, and the project name Run4theirlivesSingapore be
hind your cheque. All donations are tax-deductible. Any amount donated are appreciated! Thank you for your generosity!  

Day86. 987.49km done. 13km to go. Tomorrow's (12/12/12) the BIG day to cross 1000km! Shall do it in the morning with a scenic Marina Barrage-MBFC-Flyer run 

 To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success.

 Pls keep the donations coming! Hope to at least cross $10K for the kids. To see the detailed route of my final run, you can goto See you guys along the way if you happen to be there! :)

Friday, December 7, 2012


What would you do with $100 million?

Knowing what you would do if you had a hundred million bucks will reveal your true self and what you value most, says HealthStats International CEO Ting Choon Meng,

 who has some 80 patents to his name and another new invention to tackle the scourge of diabetes. The iconoclast tells Susan Long how he's given it all away to improve the intellectual property landscape here.

Dr Ting on...
The one thing he wants to impart
I want to teach Singaporeans to mine their oilfields - which are not in the ground but in their brains - to create intellectual property. I've an idea for an Idea Bank, where anyone can deposit ideas. They get paid for it if it gets picked up. A team of technologists can take the idea, build on it and make a product out of it. The world is our licensee and we don't need a huge manufacturing base; we just need to be able to mine ideas, refine it and sell it.(<< Click Here) This is how we create a buzz of innovation so we don't have to go and build another casino.

What ails IP (intellectual property) here
In research institutes, the KPI (key performance indicator) tends to be filing patents. To them, IP equals patents and patents equals IP. This could not be further from the truth. Look at Coca-Cola. Its recipe, a trade secret, is kept inside the safe. Imagine if it filed a patent, the whole world would know what Coca-Cola is made of. You need an IP strategy, which means thinking of the business model, then working backwards to decide what to do - to file, not file, keep secret, brand, whatever.

The second thing about IP is that everybody thinks we file a patent, have a product we can sell, then protect it, enforce it and sue infringers. But that is a very low form of IP. The highest form is in the licensing of IP. That means I don't even need to make products; the IP is a product.

Only a GP Dr Ting HAS always defied convention, refusing to colour inside the lines. 

Patients with orthopaedic and cardiovascular problems waiting to see general practitioner Ting Choon Meng @ T&T Family Health Clinic in Kitchener Road, Singapore. They come from as far as Indonesia and Taiwan, based on word of mouth, to see the doctor known for his "engineering approach to clinical problems" and pioneering joint injection techniques. 

He is 53-year-old serial inventor who spends half his day seeing patients and the other half @ Health-Stats International @ New Industrial Road, which he co-founded in year 2000.

That’s HOPE.

Setting an intention – creating a strategy – keeping it simple – and taking LOT’S of action.

Curse of Riches .

SO HOW does it feel to be on the cusp of great riches?

" To me, it's a curse . You don't want to be bogged down every day thinking : 'What's happening to the financial market?' I have friends worth hundreds of millions who are unhappy and lonely and spend all day trying to manage their portfolios. Money is good servant BUT a bad master." - Dr Ting Choon Meng. 

To pre-empt the problems untold wealth will bring, Dr Ting has given it away before he has it.

2008, Dr Ting C M set up a trust company Jian li (meaning "to build and benefit") to do good works and assigned all his shares to it. In the event HealthStats is sold, all the money goes to the trust, which will only pay him "a minimum sustenance income". He says he did this so he will not be "clouded by personal gain" or distracted from trying to take his technology worldwide in negotiating the sale. 

Dr Ting, a Buddhist, who believes in the adage ' love people, use money",  admits he is not impervious to nice things. he is a watch collector and a single malt whiskey aficionaldo who makes a signature sugar cane-smoked chicken dish and talks constantly of setting up a chef's table restaurant. Recently divorced witha daughter in medical school, he lives in a detached house in the north of Singapore with his parents and two siblings and drives a BMW 740 and aToyota Alphard.

But Dr Ting CM thinks everyone should plan - just as an academic exercise - what they would do if they had $100 million because it shows their "real raw self ".

"After giving yourself three months to buy, taste, drive whatever you want, at the end of it, what do you really want to do ?  Continue to live a life of debauchery ? or do you want to invest it and leave it for somebody else to spend it when you go (die) ?" 

What would you do with $100 million?

What would you do with $100 million?

MOST days, as early as 5.30am, a line snakes outside T&T Family Health Clinic in Kitchener Road. By 9am, there are about 30 patients with orthopaedic and cardiovascular problems waiting to see general practitioner Ting Choon Meng.

MOST days, as early as 5.30am, a line snakes outside T&T Family Health Clinic in Kitchener Road. By 9am, there are about 30 patients with orthopaedic and cardiovascular problems waiting to see general practitioner Ting Choon Meng.

They come from as far as Indonesia and Taiwan, based on word of mouth, to see the doc known for his "engineering approach to clinical problems" and pioneering joint injection techniques.

The 53-year-old serial inventor spends half his day seeing patients and the other half at HealthStats International at New Industrial Road, which he co-founded 12 years ago.

With more than 80 patents to his name, he is the creator of the BPro, a wristwatch that monitors a person's blood pressure throughout the day. In 2007, the device won a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer award, which counts Google and PayPal among previous winners.

That year, he was offered US$300 million for HealthStats, but turned it down, to the chagrin of shareholders. There have since been other offers to the tune of US$800 million (S$982 million), but he is holding out for a partner with global reach to take his devices to the masses. Failing which, he is preparing for a listing in early 2014.

HealthStats, which has 50 staff and offices in Suzhou, Shanghai, London and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is about to unveil its next game changer - a non-invasive blood sugar monitoring device to tackle the looming scourge of diabetes. It is now undergoing trials to secure regulatory approvals.

His other claim to fame is suing the Ministry of Defence for knowingly infringing intellectual property (IP) by producing a mobile casualty station similar to his 2003 invention, The Swift, which can unfurl, Transformer-like, within minutes into an emergency room to treat up to 240 patients.

He has sold 10 of such patented stations to the Singapore Civil Defence Force and is in talks to license it to China, Brunei, Jordan and Taiwan. He will not say more beyond, "I'm a son of Singapore, making a stand that IP needs to be respected".

Only a GP

HE HAS always defied convention, refusing to colour inside the lines.

From young, he stood in for his seaman father, who was seldom home, while his seamstress mother toiled. By age 11, he was cooking, ironing and tutoring his four younger siblings. The Pearl's Hill Primary, Gan Eng Seng Secondary and National Junior College student was the only one in his family to qualify for the University of Singapore medical school.

But during his Officer Cadet School training, his right index finger got sliced off during bayonet sparring. While he healed, he was held back a year and became an NS drug aftercare officer, keeping track of 40 drug addicts, who taught him all about life at 19.

As a medical officer, he opted to go to Woodbridge Hospital and learnt clinical hypnosis, which he later used to repair tendons and set fractures in emergency surgeries. He had a natural affinity for the "mechanical aspects" of orthopaedics but stopped short at specialisation, opting for the "quiet life" of a GP.

In 1999, troubled by seeing patients who would shortly after die of a stroke or heart attack and feeling that "the disease was always one step ahead and I was behind", he started researching and tinkering after hours.

Together with co-founder and software engineer Chua Ngak Hwee, 51, he came up with a novel way of measuring central aortic pressure (the blood pressure near the heart) over 24 hours and a non-invasive technique of recording waveforms from the arteries via a wrist sensor.

It rocked the boat. But private investors, the medical fraternity and government officials alike snubbed him. When Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) hit, he sold off his retirement nest egg of 10 condominiums in Malaysia and three of the four clinics in the private practice he had built up here to keep HealthStats afloat.

Cardiologists here boycotted his talks. "I've been told countless times I'm only a GP... Re-learning is uncomfortable," he concedes.
Economic Development Board officers asked him where he took the technology from, implying he copied it, and remarked: "You mean a Singaporean can do this?" Others took issue that he had no PhD, only a medical degree. And that his was a "local company, single product, with no track record".

"But you got to start somewhere, isn't it?" he fumes at the memory. "It's called colonisation of the mind." He lambasts the prevalent IBM mentality here, which denies home-grown technologies a chance.

"At the top, there's political will to revolutionise Singapore to become IP-based. At the bottom, people are hungry to tap the resources. But the centre rung is not incentivised to take risks. When buying a computer, they have to present to the board why they want to buy this brand, so they buy an IBM. If anything goes wrong, nothing to do with them; the IBM computer failed."

Singapore needs to bet on itself more. "All things being equal, we should get local brands. The Government should be the first and main customer of local enterprises, as in Japan and Germany," he advocates.

Today, he sits on many boards and committees within the National Research Foundation and Spring Singapore to help mine for the next big idea in life sciences and biotechnology to fund.

As someone who has done it himself, he sees his role as helping to pick up "raw diamonds that don't come shiny but can be honed". He looks past bumbling presentations and those who "don't say what you like to hear" to the possibilities beyond.

He wants to be the somebody he always wished would fight for him back then.

His best vindication today is when his detractors end up wearing his devices and ask for his help to interpret the results.

Today, all the hospitals here, including some clinics, widely use his wireless monitoring devices. Interest picked up after a 2011 study in the Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology concluded that his technology for calculating a person's central aortic pressure was a more accurate predictor of stroke and heart disease compared to the more invasive technique of inserting a tube directly into the aorta.

Recently, Britain signed up 10,000 patients for his wireless monitoring on a year-long pilot study, which will be followed by 100,000 over the next two years and three million patients in 2016.

In Chengdu, he has helped to design and build 30 screening booths to measure blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the villages. These are operated by a nurse and connected via Internet to the hospitals, which are deluged by outpatients with chronic illness.
The General Hospital of the Airforce of the People's Liberation Army in Beijing and its 300-over subsidiaries across China have also adopted his devices and the central pressure as the gold standard to screen, select and treat pilots.

Curse of riches

SO HOW does it feel to be on the cusp of great riches?

He says frankly: "To me, it's a curse. You don't want to be bogged down every day thinking: 'What's happening to the financial market?' I have friends worth hundreds of millions who are unhappy and lonely and spend all day trying to manage their portfolios. Money is a good servant but a bad master."

To pre-empt the problems untold wealth will bring, he has given it away before he has it.

Four years ago, he set up a trust company Jian Li (meaning "to build and benefit") to do good works and assigned all his shares to it. In the event HealthStats is sold, all the money goes to the trust, which will only pay him "a minimum sustenance income". He says he did this so he will not be "clouded by personal gain" or distracted from trying to take his technology worldwide in negotiating the sale.

The Buddhist, who believes in the adage "love people, use money", admits he is not impervious to nice things. He is a watch collector and a single malt whiskey aficionado who makes a signature sugar cane-smoked chicken dish and talks constantly of setting up a chef's table restaurant. Recently divorced with a daughter in medical school, he lives in a detached house in the north of Singapore with his parents and two siblings and drives a BMW 740 and a Toyota Alphard.
But he thinks everyone should plan - just as an academic exercise - what they would do if they had $100 million because it shows their "real raw self".

"After giving yourself three months to buy, taste, drive whatever you want, at the end of it, what do you really want to do? Continue to live a life of debauchery? Or do you want to invest it and leave it for somebody else to spend it when you go?"

As for him, he's decided to use his stash to improve the IP landscape in Singapore and fund scholarships.

For starters, Jian Li will help pay for Singapore Management University's new Singapore Patent Law school. For the past two years, he has committed $350,000 to sponsor 10 SMU and 20 Pioneer Junior College students from mostly poor families who show vast improvement in their grades and have a sense of social responsibility.

There is no scholarship bond but he makes them sign an undertaking to "pay it forward" when they reach 30 or are financially able to help other needy students. He is also looking into starting a social enterprise, possibly in regional eco-tourism.

The iconoclast hopes that how he's chosen to spend down his wealth will spur others to think harder about the real utility of money. Come what may, he intends to continue on with his GP practice.

It gives him the "mandate" to speak in front of other doctors, and his patients, in turn, give him fresh daily "inspiration" for new inventions.
Susan Long

Doctors claim Mindef infringed 'mobile clinic' patent

 Feb 08, 2012 .Two doctors are suing the PAP Government after alleging that the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) knowingly infringed their intellectual property by coming up with a mobile casualty station which they claim to have designed and patented. Dr Mak Koon Hou, a 50-year-old cardiologist, and Dr Ting Choon Meng, a 52-year-old general practitioner who is chairman and chief executive of medical devices company HealthStats International, claim that Mindef's mobile clinic infringes on their patent of a "mobile first aid post" in idea and design specifications.

Mindef has denied the allegations and is claiming that the doctors' patent is not valid as the mobile clinic is not new, involved "no inventive step" and was "not capable of industrial application".

The Straits Times reported that the doctors started work on the "Station With Immediate First-Aid Treatment", or Swift, medical station after the Sept 11, 2011 terrorists attacks in the United States.

They obtained local and international patents in 2005.

The 10-tonne truck opens up to become a resuscitation area equipped with surgical devices and lights, a suction system for removing blood, fluids and debris, and emergency life-saving devices.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force started using the vehicles in 2004 as it wanted a movable facility to stabilise casualties, prioritise treatment for victims and send them to the right place for treatment.

The doctors said SCDF paid them royalties for using their invention, which they say won praises from the United States Army and Singapore Technologies Kinetics.

Later, they formed MobileStats Technologies to market their mobile medical station.

MobileStats Technologies has issued a writ of summons against Mindef for infringing its Singapore patent. They are seeking damages and costs among other things.

Dr Ting told a local news source that they felt suing was the only way and that respect for intellectual property is very important.

The doctors also claim that they discussed the mobile station with officials over several meetings after Mindef approached them some years ago. However, nothing came out of it.

They told the Straits Times that they knew of Mindef's mobile casualty station after Mindef highlighted it in the run-up to National Day Parade in 2011 to improve its emergency response capabilities.

According to the English daily, Mindef's version has a ventilator, improved medical dressings to stop bleeding and an on-board water tank to wash wounds.

It can be sent to any emergency spot and be transformed into a medical clinic within 15 minutes. It can also treat up to 200 people for a variety of injuries.

When contacted, Mindef told The Straits Times that it is inappropriate for the ministry to make any statement as the court case is ongoing.

Click here to view photo

Doctors claim Mindef copied their ‘clinic on wheels’

Source: The Straits Times 7 February 2012
TWO doctors are suing the Government over a mobile emergency medical station they claim they designed and patented.
They say the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) knowingly infringed their intellectual property by producing a mobile casualty station similar to theirs.
They found out about this last year, after Mindef unveiled the mobile clinics it planned to use at the National Day Parade.
Mindef is contesting the case, and a hearing is scheduled before the High Court next week to determine whether the ministry can file a counterclaim.
Dr Mak Koon Hou, 50, a cardiologist in private practice, and Dr Ting Choon Meng, 52, a general practitioner who is chairman and chief executive officer of HealthStats International, a medical devices company, are represented by the legal firm Bih Li & Lee.
Their company, MobileStats Technologies, which markets their mobile medical station, has issued a writ of summons against Mindef for infringing its Singapore patent. Among other things, they are seeking damages and costs.
Mindef, represented by the law firm Wong & Leow LLC, is denying the allegations and claims in its defence that the doctors’ patent is not valid.
Its position is that the doctors’ so-called invention was not patentable because it was not new, involved ‘no inventive step’ and was ‘not capable of industrial application’.
Dr Ting and Dr Mak were national service medical platoon and deputy battalion commander respectively with the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and started work on their mobile medical station after the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.
Their ‘Station With Immediate First-Aid Treatment’ – Swift – is essentially a 10-tonne truck that opens up to become a resuscitation area equipped with surgical devices and lights, a built-in suction system for removing blood, fluids and debris, and emergency life-saving devices.
The SCDF, which wanted a movable facility to immediately stabilise severe casualties, prioritise treatment for victims and send them to the right place for treatment, began using the vehicles in 2004.
The doctors say SCDF paid them royalties for using their invention, which they had designed from scratch.
They obtained local and international patents in 2005, and drew praise from the likes of the United States Army and Singapore Technologies Kinetics. Eight years ago, they formed MobileStats to market their mobile medical station.
They say that Mindef approached them some years ago and, over several meetings, they discussed their mobile station with officials and gave suggestions on how to improve it for use by the army. They then heard nothing more.
But in July last year, they read media reports that Mindef had a ‘mobile battalion casualty station’ that it was planning to use at the National Day Parade.
Mindef’s mobile clinic, mounted on a five-tonne truck, was among innovations highlighted by the ministry in the run-up to the parade to improve its response to emergencies.
There were to be three such stations on standby at the parade, ready to be sent to any emergency spot and transformed into a medical clinic within 15 minutes.
Each station, armed with a ventilator, improved medical dressings to stanch bleeding and an on-board water tank to wash wounds, could treat up to 200 people for a variety of injuries.
The doctors say this vehicle infringed their patent of a ‘mobile first aid post’, in idea and design specifications.
When contacted, Mindef’s director of public affairs, Colonel Desmond Tan, said: ‘As there is an ongoing court case on this matter, it is inappropriate for Mindef to make any statement at this juncture.’

Below is a public statement published in the ST Forum page on 13 Feb 2012:

It’s the vendor, not Mindef, who’s defending docs’ patent suit

WE REFER to last Tuesday’s report (‘Doctors claim Mindef copied their ‘clinic on wheels”).

The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) would like to clarify that the conduct of the defence of the suit by MobileStats Technologies against the Government is by Syntech Engineers (‘the vendor’), which supplied the mobile battalion casualty station (BCS) to Mindef.

Wong & Leow LLC, which is reported in the various media as representing Mindef, is appointed by the vendor.

The vendor was awarded a contract through an open tender to supply Mindef with a mobile BCS in June 2009.

The contract between the Government and the vendor provides, among other things, that the vendor shall indemnify the Government against any claim for actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual property right arising from the use or possession of the mobile BCS, including the conduct of litigation against any suit arising from such claims.

Colonel Desmond Tan
Director, Public Affairs