Saturday, December 31, 2016


{STEP 7} 

"I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the 
infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise
distribution. "ANDREW CARNEGIE 

IF THERE IS ONE CONCEPT that I must get 
across to you it is that we are not alone. I don't 
mean that little green men will land in your back-
yard, but that we as humans are connected to one 
another - and what we do, think and feel affects 
others. The seventh and final step to attracting
money is caring for your community and the 
world as a whole. 

I recently saw a show on the History Channel 
that taught the history of the prison system. In the
late 1800s several large prisons were built in the
United States. The idea behind these prisons 
wasn't reform; it was punishment. The prisoners
were kept in absolute solitude for years on end. 
This drove legions of prisoners insane and lead to
solitary confinement being regarded as the 
highest level of punishment. 

Humans are social creatures and we can't exist 
without contact with others. We are formed of the
same substance and we connect with one another
constantly. This affords us special opportunities. 
As we learn and experience personal growth and
success, we can't help having an impact on every-
one around us. As one person is raised up, it 
naturally lifts those around them, while providing
inspiration and hope. 

When you view everyone as interconnected, 
you'll realize that as you attract more money into
your life, you have the opportunity to effect 
change in others. This is the seventh and final
step to attracting money - caring for your 
community and the world. This works hand- 
in-hand with giving - but it's not just about 
money. It's about sharing your time, knowledge 
and the lessons you've learned. Your success is a 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 

great catalyst for doing good in the world. I'm 
constantly looking for ways to give back, as well 
as connect with others in meaningful ways. Due 
to the time I spent homeless, I find homelessness 
a crisis that's very close to my heart. I know it 
can happen to anyone because I experienced it 
firsthand. I wanted to do something to help. I 
didn't want to simply offer food or clothing. 
There are many charities that already meet those 
needs. What I wanted to do was something that 
could help people rescue themselves financially 
by teaching them the techniques and skills to be 
financially successful. It's called Operation YES
YES stands for Your Economic Salvation and is 
a project that I'm working on with several 
partners. Our mission is to end homelessness 
and stop foreclosures. 

The spark for Operation YES arrived like every 
other inspiration I've had. Here's the story. I 
heard about the economic stimulus package that 
was offered several years ago. The government 
decided to give out checks for $300 or $600 to 
everyone. I heard this and thought, "That's a nice 
thought but it's not going to make a real 
difference." I figured that most people would buy
clothes, pay a bill or even pay down some debt. 
But it wasn't going to change their lives or help 
them become financially sound. As I was sitting 
there, I thought, "You know, someone should do
something that really makes a difference." And 
that's when it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Why 
not me? I'm someone. I know enough about how
hard it is to start your life over from nothing. 
Why couldn't I do something? So I did. 

I figured that if I can teach people to raise their 
self-esteem, then they'd have a real chance to 
improve their life. Self-esteem is important when
you're on the bottom rung of life. You feel like a
failure. You feel like the lowest most insignificant 
person alive. But you're not! It's just your 
perception and mindset of the moment.Those who
are both broke and homeless suffer from a double
whammy. Operation YES teaches people how to 
rebuild their self-esteem, so they have hope, can 
feel worthwhile and that they can accomplish 
positive things. 

Once the homeless have recovered their self-esteem, I teach them 
about the Law of Attraction and how they can attract anything they 
want, including money and opportunities. Operation YES shows people 
that this basic rule of psychology can change their lives permanently 
and they won't have to worry about ending up on the streets again. I 
tell them that what they focus on will increase or expand. This means 
if they focus on being homeless and broke, they will get more of that 


in their lives. Unfortunately most people who live on the street only 
focus on survival. 

In order to see the opportunity to improve their lives, they must 
think differently while focusing on a new and better life. They must 
use the Law of Attraction and see their end result not the reality of 
the moment. They have to stop and think about what they want. This 
seems obvious to you and me, but how often do average people with 
the house, dog, two cars and three kids stop to think about their lives? 
We are creatures of habit with comfort zones. And we stay in them, 
even if our comfort zones produce negative results. It can happen to 

The third level of Operation YES is to teach the homeless 
entrepreneurial skills, much like the ones I've described in this book. 
They can work for anyone from a bank president to a homeless person. 
I'm living proof that these skills work. The ones who really understand 
these principles, know they can generate income from pursuing things 
they love rather than trying to eke out a living flipping burgers or 
bagging groceries for someone else. They can create their own lives, 
their own incomes, and never be dependent on anyone else ever 

I choose to help the planet by helping those in severe need. 
You may choose a very different avenue but it's important that you 
participate in your community and your world because whatever you 
send out will come back to you. Emotions of goodwill and love for 
people you don't know, will create tremendous flow of those same 
emotions back to you. It's an awe-inspiring thing to see. 

When you start to think bigger than yourself and what you want, 
you release the limitations from your life that were blocking more 
money from coming your way. You may be wondering why this has 
any effect on money. Money is only one resource, as is love, caring 
and abundance. It is our own human beliefs that separate the ideas of 
human kindness and charity from money. Some think that money and 
pure altruism cannot exist together. Not only do they exist together - 
they're intertwined. The resource of money is not separate. 

If you don't care about the people around you or treat them as if 
they don't matter, you'll stop the flow of possibilities. This includes 
your financial prosperity. Creating a vehicle for good that you feel 
passionate about is the final step toward true prosperity. 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 


I enjoyed a moderate amount of success before I completely 
understood these principles. In fact, what really started my journey 
of intense personal growth, and what motivates me to continue, is 
my intrigue with how some people overcome negative and hopeless 
situations to succeed and others don't. I've come all the way from the 
streets to a really nice life, yet I couldn't really verbalize or explain 
how it happened. This concerned me. I was afraid if I didn't know 
what caused my success, I might lose it. 

Of course I now know that the reason I succeeded without really 
understanding the power of the Law of Attraction was that I figured 
it out intuitively and used it unconsciously. I was determined to 
try anything, and through trial and error, some things worked, so I 
continued to do them. It wasn't until later I understood about asking, 
or giving or any of the concepts that are an integral part of true and 
lasting success. 

I realized that when I focused on what I really want, I would 
attract it. When I was stressed and worried about my situation, things 
got worse. I'm not a fan of pain and suffering, so I went with what 
worked. It wasn't until later that I realized the awesome power our 
minds possess. It's a little scary that I just wielded that power willy- 
nilly at one time. Now I'm aware and it's this awareness that allows 
a higher form of knowledge to flow through me, allowing me to 
accomplish things that I never could've on my own. 

If we believe something to exist, so it is. Now those words really 
underscore the power you have within you. You shape the world you 
live in and have the power to reshape it. Yet so many people waste 
this power on habitual thoughts and old beliefs that originated with 
others. Changing your thoughts alone will not produce your desired 
results. You must also take inspired action. The awareness that you are 
connected to a tremendous source of power will guide your actions. 
There is a great exercise that really illustrates the power of your mind 
and how a new mindset can be the catalyst for tremendous change. 

Imagine that you're in a dark room where every comfort has been 
provided to you. The room is completely dark preventing you from 
reaching out for those things you desire. You were told that the room 
has lights, so you instinctively grope along the wall, where you're 
accustomed to finding a switch. 

For many hours you pass your hands up and down the walls 
as far as you can reach until your arms ache. About the time you're 


ready to give up the search, you keep going, determined to locate the 
switch. You're determined to enjoy the good things awaiting you, so 
you sustain your search, knowing that you'll ultimately find a way to 
turn on the light. 

After more searching, you pause to rest. You wonder where 
that switch could possibly be. "It must be here, and I will find it," 
you say to yourself, and again you pass your hands over the walls, 
although you feel certain that you've already gone over every inch 
of wall within your reach. This time your thoughts and movements 
are not quite so tense, although equally determined. As your hands 
move slowly up and down, your mind sparks the idea that the switch 
might not be on the wall at all. You pause for a moment. Next, you 
think that the switch might be on the floor. But reason steps in and 
argues, "Impossible. Who ever heard of a light switch being placed on 
the floor!" 

"But," the suggestion persists, "why not try? You've gone over 
everywhere you thought it would be. What the heck, try the floor." 

Then you reach out across the floor with your foot hoping to find 
something feeling like a light switch. Instantly your toes brush against 
an unfamiliar object. You put your hand on what seems to be a push 
button, but no light appears. Nevertheless, you now feel quite sure 
that you've located the switch. 

Pause, and ask yourself, "How does this thing work? It won't 
push and it won't pull." Back comes the answer within yourself, like 
a spoken word. "Sideways." You move it sideways, and the room is 
flooded with light. Your joy at finding a responsive intelligence within 
yourself cannot be expressed in words. It is a rapture of the heart that 
many others have felt at various times. 

This story is a mirror of how holding onto the correct mindset 
helps you meet your goals. At first you reach out for what you know, 
and the answer is not there. It's at that point you begin to search and 
open yourself to other ideas. Even when you encounter obstacles and 
become frustrated, you still search for answers. The answer comes to 
you from what seems like thin air, but it's the universal intelligence 
helping you reach your goals and giving you the answers. This is 
because you stayed focused on your goal. 

Now imagine yourself in the same room under the same 
conditions. After several attempts at feeling around in the dark, you 
feel tired, more or less discouraged, and you reason with yourself, 
"Oh, what is the use? There may be a light switch in this room, and 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 

the room may contain everything I require and again it may not." But 
something indefinable within yourself convinces you that not only 
is the light there, but so are the things you enjoy and desire. You say 
"Well, if everything I enjoy is here, what a pity that I cannot find the 
switch! I wonder why the light was not already turned on for me." 

This is a typical reaction for many people. They say, "It's not 
my fault, it's the crazy mixed-up world we live in! It's my family, my 
boss, the President and I can't help it." They blame everyone and 
everything when they have the ability to overcome the issue - but 
refuse to understand that they already possess that power. 

Once you recognize that there's a universal intelligence that can 
and will respond, you also understand your own responsibility to act 
on it. Just like being in the dark room, you had to act in order to find 
the answer. Even when you didn't have a clue why things weren't 
working or what might work. You must keep trying and wait for the 
spark of intuitive intelligence to appear. 


You must never quit. I encounter people everyday who seem to 
have QUIT tattooed on their foreheads. It's as if they have made up 
their minds way in advance that they will give a new idea X amount of 
effort and that's it. They may decide that rather than 100% effort they 
will give 95%, but usually it's more like 30% or 40%. They don't really 
want to commit, so when they fail, they have a ready-made excuse. 
They can distance themselves from becoming emotionally attached to 
the outcome. 

We all have our low points or our own personal 'crises of faith.' 
Persistence is the ability to maintain your action and outlook regardless 
of your feelings. You press on even when you feel like quitting. When 
you work toward any big goal, it's normal for your motivation to ebb 
and flow like waves hitting the beach. 

Sometimes you'll feel motivated; sometimes you won't. But it's 
your action that will produce results. Persistence allows you to keep 
taking inspired action, even when you don't feel motivated. Then 
you still produce results. Over time, persistence will enhance your 
motivation, as the quest becomes almost like a puzzle you must solve. 
It's just like trying to find the light switch. The persistence to keep 
looking and thinking of other possibilities will motivate you far beyond 
your limits. If you keep taking inspired action, you'll eventually get 
results. These results will continue to motivate you. For example, you 


may become much more excited about attracting money when you go 
to your mailbox and find a check you didn't expect. 

Persistence doesn't mean you blindly stumble forward no matter 
what. You must be willing to step back and evaluate your progress 
and stay on the path toward your goals. Persistence means you keep 
searching for answers and plugging away consistently at your dreams. 
Persistence is not stubbornness and this can be a difficult lesson to 
learn. Many people were raised to believe that once you set a goal 
you should stick with it and go down with the ship if necessary. This 
is why people stay in jobs they hate, live for years in a location they 
don't care for and spend their time with people they don't like. They 
are living in guilt - not persistence. 

As you grow, your dreams and desires will change. They will grow 
and morph into something way beyond what you can imagine. When 
I was studying at Kent State to become a journalist, I never imagined 
that several decades later I'd be speaking to more than 17,000 people 
in Lima, Peru or scale the heights of Machu Picchu - but I did. 

Speaking of Peru, I spoke there because of two young 
entrepreneurs named Raul and Hugo. These men live in a third- 
world country, yet they dream BIG. They wanted me to speak to their 
country. At first their goal was to have me speak to 35,000 people 
and meet the President of Peru. Sometimes, things change as you 
make progress to your dreams. Instead of speaking to 35,000 people, I 
spoke to 17,000. Instead of meeting the President of Peru, I met with 
television reporters that promoted me to the entire country. Raul and 
Hugo kept their vision while they took inspired action and adapted 
the event as new information became available. Meeting them was 
a thrill. And speaking to the crowd they gathered was one of the 
highlights of my life. I expect even bigger things to come. 

My dreams have grown and changed and so will yours. You can't 
guarantee that the goals you set today will still be the ones you want 
to achieve a year from now. In order to make room for new goals, we 
have to delete or finish old ones. Sometimes you'll get a spark that's 
so compelling and inspiring, that there's no way to go back and finish 
your old one. They may have to be abandoned half-finished. I've 
always found it uncomfortable to do this, but I know it's necessary to 
follow that intuitive spark. Let go of the idea that you must complete 
everything you start because sometimes what you learn partway 
through that one idea, leads to an even better one. Follow the lead of 
intuition and it will show you how to discern the true path. 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 

Mark was a closet writer when I met him. He worked in a local 
accounting firm and had dreams of publishing a book to help college 
kids learn basic financial principles. He worked on it on and off 
for years and everyone in his life knew he'd been working on this 
book forever and doubted that it would ever be finished. Finally a 
college administrator walked into his office. After talking a bit, the 
conversation turned to how much of a need there is to teach young 
people how to handle money. Mark told the administrator that he 
was working on a book about it. The administrator asked if he'd be 
interested in teaming up and co-authoring the book. 

Mark had a decision to make. Did he set aside his dream, or did 
he seize this opportunity? After some thinking about it, Mark decided 
that taking the co-authoring opportunity was the right decision. 
The book was published a year later and met with success due to the 
backing of Mark's coauthor and the university he worked for. Mark 
was soon out lecturing and teaching his passion to young people, an 
opportunity that might have languished and disappeared if he hadn't 
been willing to alter his dream. 

These days I set very big goals. I want to receive all there is out 
there. Does this mean that I set out on a path only to hop on another 
one when an opportunity presents itself? Yes! I have lots of different 
ideas and opportunities that come my way. In the early years I had a 
hard time deciding which ones I was supposed to take. I'd get these 
'gut' feelings like most people do, then I would try and "logic" my way 
through it. Needless to say I spent a lot of time on things that were a 
waste of time. I learned the hard way. 

These days I've learned to trust my intuition. Sometimes it's 
an emotional connection to the idea or maybe just a feeling about 
a person's potential. I talk to other personal development leaders 
everyday. There are a few that I will work with someday. I just know 
it intuitively. Over time you'll also develop this ability to know which 
opportunities to choose and which to turn down. 


I read about inspiring people all the time. I like being inspired 
and I want to be an inspiration to others. This is one of the leading 
ways to help improve the lives of people you don't know. We all have 
people who inspire us. But how do you inspire others? I think the first 
way is to be a good role model. People will watch what you do more 
than listen to what you say you're going to do. So in order to inspire 


people, you must do what you say you're going to do. It's sad but 
sometimes true that the more successful you become, the more people 
will come out of nowhere to tear you down. You can't be distracted by 
this noise. As long as you hold true to your principles, you will prove 
them wrong every time. And as you move forward, more supportive 
people will be attracted to you and your success. 

I've heard it said (heck I've even said it!) that people don't care 
what you know until they know how much you care. You can't swoop 
in and tell people what they have to do, how to do it, and expect 
them to listen. You can see this in today's high school classrooms. 
Kids aren't impressed by credentials or awards. They want to know if 
you care about them. Until you show that you care, they won't listen 
to a word you say. Adults are the same way. Take the time to make 
a personal connection with people before you offer any advice. Ask 
questions and take a genuine interest. 

Everyone goes through tough times. You've probably seen people 
that refuse to acknowledge that they've ever had a bad day. Don't be 
one of them. Encourage those who need a kind word, no matter how 
difficult their situation may be. Don't be afraid to share your tough 
memories and experiences. Those who are struggling often feel alone. 
They feel like nobody else has ever had it so bad. Let them know they 
aren't alone. 

Writers often talk about 'filling the well.' This is a reference to the 
fact that you can't be inspiring to others unless you get inspired yourself. 
I read many inspiring stories, blogs and watch inspiring programs and 
films to get and stay inspired. Look for people, ideas, environments 
and knowledge that you find inspiring and motivating. 

It's very important for you to become a great communicator, so 
you can get your message across to others. Listen to how you speak, 
as well as analyze the things you say to people. I've invested plenty of 
time and money to improve my communication skills. 

Always increase your knowledge. Nobody knows everything about 
anything. Learning and growing is an important part of becoming the 
type of person you want to evolve into. Learning from others is key, 
so listen to audio seminars or attend live events. Get books and read 
them. Don't just stick them in the 'to be read' pile (I know that trick!). 
Actually read, understand and act on them. 

I like to challenge people. It's an obligation I take very seriously. 
This doesn't mean I'm confrontational. I simply challenge people to 
get to the next level. This is where I got the nickname "Mr. Fire!" A 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 

friend said I was always setting "a fire" under people to get them to 
follow their dreams. Well, I'm here to fire you up now. 

I like to ask people hard questions regarding what they're doing 
to make their dreams come true. I also want to know why they're doing 
it. I do this in every book or program that I produce. On occasion, 
when I'm tired or really drained, I may sit next to a person on a plane 
and never say a word. It will usually cross my mind that I may have 
been put in that seat because the person next to me needed me to ask 
about their life and challenge them to expand their thinking. When 
that thought occurs, I speak. 

Remember, the seventh and final step to attracting 
money is caring for your community and the world as a 
whole. I always want to be the person who inspires others, who cares 
and who makes a difference. You can do the same. 

Now let's put all seven steps together so you can begin to attract 
money now. 



• The seventh and final step to attracting money is caring for your 
community and the world as a whole. 

• Emotions of goodwill and love for people you don't even know, 
creates tremendous flow of those same emotions back to you. 

• You shape the world you live in and have the power to 
reshape it. 

• In order to get what you want in life, you must resolve to never 

• It's not your motivation that will produce results — it's your 
inspired action. 

• As you grow, your dreams and desires will change - don't be afraid 
to jump on new opportunities that inspire you. 

• In order to inspire others, you must allow yourself to be inspired. 

Step 7: Help Your Community and Your World 


• Write down causes or movements you care about. 

• Find a way to help one of those causes or movements. 

• Write down a person you know of who needs help. 

• Find a way to help that person. 

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